HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 55-1912"'~+~' An prdtn~ce defining the boundaries of Baden Avenue and establishing official elevations on Baden ~venue between the west line of Spruce Avenue and the east li~e of Chestnut Avenue. The Boar~ of Trustees of the. City of So~th San Francisco do ord~in as follows: Section 1. ~e bounda~ lines of Baden Avenue shall be the boundary lines for the said street or avenue designated a~d de- lineated on the ~ap of South San Francisco Plat No.1, filed in the office of the Co~:~nty ~co~der of San ~ateo County in Redwood City, California, and ~ecorded ~arch l, ~892, in ~'~ap Book No.2, page 52 of the records of said county. Section 2. The north curb li~e of,Bad, eh Avenue shall be a line.parallel ~o the no~th bo,~nd~ry line of Batten Avenue e~t a di~s~nce of ~welve (12) feet theNef~o~; the sou;th curb li~e of Baden Avenue shall be a line p~r~llel to the south boundary 'line of Baden Avenue at a.distance of ~welve (12) feet therefrom. Section ~5. All the official eievations herein mentioned are t~ken with reference to the City Base ~n~t a~e ~bove the said City Base. Section 4. The official elevations of the intersec~ion of the east line of Chestnut Avenue with ~den Avenue are here- by fixed as follows: At a point formed by the intersection of the east 'li~e of Chestnut Avenue wit}~ ~;}~e no~'t?~ c~.)~?} line of Baden Avenue fifty-four (54) feet ; at a point foxed by the intersection of %he east line of Chestnut Avenue with the south curb line of Da~en Avenue fifty-three and two tenths (~:~.2) feet. ~;ection S. The official elevations of the intersection of Euc~12~i])tL~ Ave~u~ [~3~ ~t~]er~ Aver~ue ~re he~eby fixed as follows: At a poin~t foraged by the iur~ersection of the we~t line of Muca- ~lyptus Avenue with the north curb line of Baden Avenue fifty-five · ~ (~) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the west line of Eucalyptus Avenue with the south curb line of Baden Avenue fifty-four and two tenths (5~%.~) fe~t; at a point formed by. the inter~ection of the east line of Eucalyptus Avenue with the north curb lime of Baden Avenue fifty'-five (55) feet; [At a point formed by the intersection of the east line of ~ucal3qotus Avenue with the south curb line of Baden Avenue fifty-four and two tenths (54.2) feet. The official elevation of a point in the north curb line of Baden Avenue se~en hundred (?00) feet east of the east lime of F~ucal~rptus Avenue is fiftythree and six tenths (55.6) feet.The offocial elevation of a point in the south curb line of Batten Avenue seven hundre,~ (700) feet east of the east line of Eucal)~ptu~ Avenue is fift;~-three and six tenths (55.6) feet. Section 6. The official elevations of the intersection of Orange Avenue and Baden Avenue are hereby fixed as follows: At a point formed by the intersection of ~he east line of Orange Avenue with the north curb line of Ba.~en Avenue forty-eight and seven tenths (48.7) feet; at a poir,,t forme¢t by the irite~section of 'th~ east line of Ora%n~e Ave~]ue with t?~e sou'th curb lire of ]$a,'en Avenue'fort),-seven and. nine tenths (47.9) feet; at a point formed b,y the intersection of the west line o? Orange Avenue wit?: the north curb line oi~ Baden Avenue fort?-nine and one tenth (47~.1) feet; at :~ point 'formed OS, the intersection of the west line of Or~in[~e Aw~nue ~¢ith the south cu~"b ii~e of Y~aden Avenue fort~ ei~ht and three te~'ths (~8 5) fent ~ ~e of Cicial elevation of a point in the north curl line of Baden Avenue tv~o hundred (200) feet east of t?e east line of Orans~e Avenue is sixty-two and five tenths (62.5) feet . TbS official elevation of a point in the south curb line of Baden .Avenue t~o h~ndred (200) feet east o~ t he east line of Orange Avenue is sixt.¥-t~,o and five tenths (62.g~) feet. The offici~l elevation of a point in the north curb lire of Baden Avenue seven, hundred and fift~? (750) feet e~%st of the east line of Or~nge Avenue is sixt3"-three and sevent?'-five hundred_tbs (6[~.75) feet. ']'he ~fficial elev~tion of ~ point in the south curb line of Daden Avenue seven hundred and fift~- (7~0) feet east of the east line of Orange Ave~ue is sixtj,-three and sevent~,~-five hundredths (63.75) feet. Section 7. The official elevations of the intersection of Magnolia Avenue and Baden Avenue are hereby fixed as follows: At a point formed by the intersection of the west line of ~ag- nolia Avenue with the north curb line of Bade,n Avenue fifty-two and five tenths (52.5) feet; at a point formed by the intersec- tion of the west line of ~'~agnolia Avenue with the south curb line of Baden Avenue fifty-one and seven tenths (51.?)' feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east line of ~agnolia Avenue with the north curb lioe of Baden Average fifty-two and five tenths (52.5) feet; at a point formed by the intersection of the east line of Magnolia Avenue with the south curb line of Baden Avenue fifty-one and seven tenths (51.7) feet. The official elevatiofl of a point in the north curb li~e of Ba~en Avenue three hundred (300) feet east of the east line of ~agnolia Ave- nue is sixty-two and five tenths '(52.5) feet. The official ele- vation of a point in the south c~rb tir, e of Baden Avenue three h~ndred (300) feet east of the east line of r~,agnolia Avenue is sixty-two and five tenths (62.5) feet. Section 8. The official elevations of the intersection of the west line of Spruce Avenue and Baden Avenue are he~-eby fixed as follows: At a' point 'forme~ by the intersection of the west line of Spruce Avenue with the north curb line of Baden Avenue sixty-five and two tenths (65.2) feet; at a point fomed by the intersection of the west line of Spruce Avenue with the so~th curb line of Baden Avenue sixty-four and two tenths (64.2) feet. Section 9. The shape of the cross section and the elevations thereof shall be fixed at the time when the street is improved, depending upon the material used for paving. Section 10. The longitudinal slope or grade of the Avenue shall be on straight lines connecting the poir~ts where the ele- vations are fixed as provided by this ordinance. Section 11. The grades of the gutters shall be so fixed that the extreme height between the tops of the curbs and the bottoms of the gutters will not exceed one (1) foot. ~ection 15. This ordinance shall be published once in "The Enterprisel' a weekly newspaper:printed, published and circulated in,the City of South San 'Francisco and shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of its passage. Introduce~ this third day of ,Tune, 1912. passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San ~rancisco at a regular meeting of the Board o~ Trw~tees of Absent, Trustees ~W Approved: ~'~ident of-'~'~,~ Trustees of the City of South San Francisco. Attest: