HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 60-1912 CENTRAL RECORDS An ordinance imposing a license upon any show, exhibition or performance given under a canvas8 or cloth covering, or in any inclosure without a covering, and upon chutes, toboggan slides, museums, panorama and cY¢lorama, shooting galleries, knife racks, doll racks and upon all devices operated for the p~rpose!f' Of testing human skill or strength· ' The Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~r~ncisco do ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation maintaining or conducting any show, exhibition or T.',erformance given under a canvass or cloth covering, or in any inclosure without a cover- lng, for which an admission fee is charged, shall pay a license tax of five (5) dollars D.mr day. Section 2 Every person, firm or corporation maintaining or conducting any shooting gallery or range, doll rack, knife rack, or any d~vice operated for the pur~:ose of testing human skill or strength, for the use of which a fee br sum: ~.~f:~money is charged, shall pay a license tax of one (1) dollar per~'day. Section ~. Every ~:.erscn, firm or corporation maint~Ining or condUcting any revolving wheel, chute, toboggan slide, merry- go-round or swing or other mechanical contrivances ~here a fee ~ or sum of money is charged to carry persons thereon shall pay a license tax of five (5) 'dollars for the first day of the con- · tinuance of the license issued hereunder and two and one-half (2 1/2) dOl~ars per day fer each day thereafter. Section 4.Every person, firm or corporation maintaining or conducting any museum, panorama, or Cyclorama where an ~d- mission fee is charged, shall p.ay a license tax of two(2) dol- lars per day. Section 5. Every astrologer, fortune-teller, medium or clairvoyant 8hall pay a license tax of twenty'five (25) dollars · ~er. month. Section 6. All license tax imposed under this ordinance shall be payable in advance to the ,,arshal of the City of South San ~rancisco. Each license provided for in this ordinance shall be designat~ed "Amusement License' and shall be issued by the City Clerk upton t~.~e pa~vment of the license tax. All such licenses shall be issued, accepted and held subject to the ~.leasure of the Board of Trustees of the City of South San ~rancisco, and ma~ be revoked by said Board of Trustees, or by a maJorLty of said Board, at any time, for such cause as to said Board, or a majority thereof, shall upon investigation seem sufficient. Every license shall contain as a part thereof the following stip- ulation,to-~vit:"This license is hereby received and accepted subject to ~il t~'~e t,-~'~s ~u~i con~itions of Ordinance No. ~_gg_~ of the City of South San Francisco, under which it is issued." Said stipulation must be signed by the person, firm or corpora- tion named in such license before any business is authorized to be done mnder said license. Section 7. Every pel~son who shall commence or engage in any business, whether as principal, agent, clerk, solicitor or other'*ise, ~or the maintaining or conducting of which a license is required under any of the provisions of this ordinance with- o~.tt first obtaining such license,or who shall otherwise violate any provision of this ordinance, sh~l be deemed gmil~ty~ of ~t misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty (§0) dollars and not exceeding three hundred (300) dollars, or by imprisonment for a period not ex- ceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 8. The Marshal and Clerk of the City of South San Francisco shall each receive for his respective services in Jesu- Lng licenses and collecting the license tax herein provided for the sum of fifty (50) cents for each license issued, ~hic?~! ~mo,~lnts shall be paid by the person, firm or corporation named in such license. 2. Section 9. This ordinance shall be published once in "The ]~nterprise~ a weekly newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of South San ~rancisco, and shall take elf,,ct and be in force from and after the date of its passage. Introduced this ~~., day of November, 1912. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San ~r~ncisco at a regular meeting of.~,~the Board~/~ ~-~L~stee~f/ the City of mouth San ~rancisco this 1912, by the foll~in~ yote; Absent, Trustees Approved: President of t f Trusgee~ of the City of South San ~-r~ncisco. Attest: ' hrk.