HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 69-1913BO}IDE? IND~T~SS OF THE., CITY 0]~ SOL~:]i~SAN1 t~J{AI~C~.SCO-,A CIPAL COE~O~TIO}~:~ IN T~ COUN~ O~ S~I ~;~ATTO, STAT~ O~ C~I~OE- NIA, IN T'~ 2~ O~ SI~Y-~O THOUSA]~ DOLLA~ (~62,OOO.00) COIN O7 T~ UNIT~ STAT?S OF A~RICA, TO DAY T}~ COMT O~ CFRTAIN ~. UBLIC !~NICIDAL .%~RO~5~NTS IN A3~ WOR SAID CI~ ~[CIECO, AUTHORIZ?D AT T~ SoFCIA. L EtYCTION ~LD II~ SAID CI~ ON T~ 13TH DAY O~ ~'AY, 1913, AND PROVIDI~fG ~0R potation incorporateO un~er the laws of %he sta%e of californi~ and ~he le~isla%ive ~r~nch of said City of Eou~h San francisco is d~i~na~'ed as %he ~oard of Trus%ees of the Cit~ of south San ~rancisoo, 8,nd consis%s of five (5) ~e'm~ers, and %he ~resi- den% of said ~oard of ~ ~ ,fas%ecs is the chief executive of said '~%.ereas, ~be legisla%ive bra~ch of sai~ Cit)~ of ~outh san ~r~c~sco~ ~ 'municipal corporation ~ithin the County of E~n ~-~%eo; ~%a.%e of California., to-wit, the ~oard of Tn~stees (5) memSers of the said le~sla%ive Lra~ch, determine i~ due ~ece~it7 dem,;md ~he acqui~it, Jon, construction and .completion, by said Ci%~,- of South S~ Francisco, of certai~ 'munic~.~>;%] im- provements, to .... ,~it, a syste'~ of say;ers for said City of qcuth San francisco, including an out,fall sewer' and the acquisition of the necessary rights of way for said outfall sewer; and thai the cost of said municipal improvements would be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City of South San Francisco, smd would, in' ad~.~.ition to the other expenditures' of said City of South San Francisco exceed the in- come and revemue provided for i~ any one year; and, ~ereas, the executive, the President of the Board of T~stees of said City of South San Wrancisco, County of San ~d om the 2~th day of ~,~arch, 191[~, ~ateo, State of California, ..... duly s~rd regul~.tr!y ap~:rove ~ucn action of said legislative branc~ and, ~ereas, the cost of such public 'munici~al improvements ~ereas, t.,~e indebtedm, ess Zo be i~.curred to pay' the cost of s~id municipal improvemem'ts wiil be too gres~t to be paid o~t of the ordin~ry an~t~l i~come an8 rever~ue of s~id City of So~th Sa~ ]~rancisco, and ~iil i~ adSition to the other exoenditures of said Cit':. of Sout)~ San Fra~r:cisco, exce~'d t:'~e i~co~e a~d reve- nue provide5 ~erea. s, tbs total a~;esse5 value of ~l] the resell ~d per- son~l property ~?ithi~ said City of South 8an mra~cisco is the sum of ~,,~1,394,253.~)~, ~'Uo~ereas, ss~id City of South San mrarcisco has inc~rred no ~ereas, the i~debtedues'.~: hereir~ pro]:.osed to be i~curred for s~.id munici~.:.a] ~prove'~.e:~ts shall ~ot i~ tbs aggreg~tte ex- ceed fifteen, pe~' ceot of the a~seszed valt~e of ail the real a~d .personal property in ~aid City of South o~. Francisco, a~d ;'~.ere~s, ~.,~ the. 21st d.o.y cf April, ~913, the s:'~id legisla- W ' ' did. d~ ly and tive branch of said City of South San ..ranc~s¢o, regularly pass and adopt by a vote of more than two-thirds of all the members thereof, to-wit, four of the merabers of s~id legislztive bra~ch, ~n ordinance numbered Mo.67 c~lling a spe- cial election i~ said City of South San Wrancisco for the pu~ose of submitting and su~bmitting to the qualified voters of the City of South 8~n Wra~cisco, ~ mu~ci~l co~or~tio~, the following propositi, on for incurring a bonded indebtedness by said City of South S~n Wr~ncisco, to-wit, The proposit~o~ to J. pcur a bonded indebtedness of Sixty- two Thousand Dollars ("~762,000.00) i~ Gold. Coi~ of the United S~ates of America, for the object and pu~o~ of acquiring, const~ctimg ~nd completing by the said City of South ~mn ~ran- cisco, a municipal co~oration, a system of s~ers, including an outf~ll =e~=~r a~d t..~e ~cquisitJ~on of the ~eces?ary r~o~hts way for said outfall sewer, as is more particularly set forth in the plams and s~ecif~cations adopted by the ~oard of T~stees of [.he CitL~ of South San ~rancisco by resolution duly passed and adopted on the 2~th d~y of '~-~arc~-~.,~ ] 191J, t.o which plans and spe- cifications r~ference is hereby made, and ~_ere, a?, said ordinance numbered ~,Ic. 6V was duly and regu~ larly introduced, at an adjourned regular meeting of said. Board of T~stees on the 14Zh day of April, 1913, and i:~ hereby ex- pressly referr~d t'o; and ~,~ereas, said ordinance nmnbered ~o.57 was thereafter, ~. at a re~ ..... ;meetin~ ".. to-wit, ~ the 21st day of April, 1913, of said. Board of Trustees, duly pa:~ed and adopted by an afeir- ma~tive vote of more t]::ar %wo-thir~ (2/3) of all the mem]~ers thereof, to-wit, four of the members of said Board of of said City of South San Francisco; and ~ereas, said ordinance ~:~bered No.67 was thereafter on said / ::21st day of April, 1913, signed and approved by the executive ~-o'f said City of SQ~th San FranciscQ, to-wit, the President of said Board of Trusl~ees of said City of South San Wrancisco, a~ ~said ordinance was, thereafter duly published i~ all respects as ~quired by law and by the te'~s of Said ordinance; and, ~ereas, on Tuesday the 13th d~ of ~'~ay, 1913, said special election ~s ca~led and specified i~ said ordinance n~bered 67 was duly and regularly held and conducted in all respects as required by law aud by said ordinance; and ~,ereas, at said election, the said proposition for incur- ring a bonded in,.~ebtedne~ and the is:~uing of bonds therefor for said proposition as specified by said, ordinance n~bered was duly and regularly submitted to the qualified voters of sai~. City of South San Wrancisco in all respects as required by law, and the provisions of said ordi~ar~ce cal]i~ said s~ecial elec- ~io~ ; and, ~ereas, at sai~ soecial~ election more than +~,~,,,~ thirds (2/3) of the qualifie~ voters of s~.~id ~,ity' of ~outh San Wran- cisco voting at said special election, vote~ in favor of said propositio~ submitted tc them, and accepted the same, a~d ~%uthorized ' e ~n., issue of bonds for such i~debte~nesa as provided by said ordi~aDc~ and by' law; and, ~quereas, ail the votes cast at said s~ecial electio~ duly a~d properly cast and counted, sm~ the re%urns thereof duly certified, ma.~e, ca~vaased a~d declared; and ~ereas, the whole number of votes cast a~d 'the ~.~hole n~- ~er of voters voting a% s&id special electioD %~,as ti-tree hundre~ and t:..ree 1 ~ ( ~ 0 ~~, , of ,.w]~ich number t~o huDdre.] aod fifty-five (~55) voters votin~ add t~r~o 'hundred and fifty-five (255) votes z'ere cast a~d given for and i~ fa.rot of said ?roposition and accepting; the same, s.~'~id proposition %')eirg to incur ~.% borded iM- ~ebtedness of Sixty-two Thousand Dollars (~62,000.00) in Gold Coin of the Unit~ed States of America, for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, a system of sewers, in- cluding an outfall sewer, and acquiring the necessar~y rights of way for said outfall sewer, and forty-ei~ht (48) voters voting and forty-ei_~fht (48) votes were cast and given a~ainst, said proposition and rejecting the s~'~; and ~ereas, said proposition having been duly accepted by the qualified voters of said City of South Sau ~ra~cisco, ~d said Cit~~ of South San Francisco has been, and is now, authorized and empowered to incur the aforesaid bonded indebted~oeas and the wh~le the~'e~f; and ~hereas, it i~ ~roz~ae~ i~ said. ordir, a~-'~ce ~u'r~bered J:~ 67, t>:~t~ Jf at s~:~id ~pecial electiom two-thirds (2/3) of all the voters voting at such ~pecial election voted ir fa. rot cf ircur- rin~ a bonded ind. ebtednes~s of ~i:<%[:~-tv?o ThouSamd ]>ollars([~62,000. 00) :~s in said ordirar~ce numbered )~0.67 provide~, bonds shall be authorized to Le issued to the amo]~rt of ~Jixty-tvfo Thousard I)o]lar~ (~;."f2, ~"'0.~'~n)~._. for t.}~e pur~ose aforasaid', ~f~ereas, it was ir ...... o~.-~.,..~ ordinance ru'mbered '~' .o 67 mrovided that said bonds shall be ne~otiablo in fo~ ~z~d shall be of character known as serials, and shall be t~aid as hereafter pro- vided, to-wit: -... The bonds aut~$ized to be issued pursuant to said election shall bear interea~t erom t)teir date until ~aid at the rate five (5) per ce~t per ant, urn, payable semi-am¥'ua!ly and the prin- cipal and interest of s~id bo~ds s~ll be payable in Gold Coin of the United States of At~erica, i~, the 'man,er following, that is to s,:tj, o~e thirty-first {1/51) p~rt of the ~hole amount - 5 - ~he pzincipal of said indebtedness, created under the provisions Of ~aid ordinance numbere~d 1~To.67, shall be paid_ each and every year at the City Treasury of said City of South San ~ranCisce, County of San '~ate~, State of California, on the day a~d date to be thereafter fixed by the ~egi~lative~bra~ch of said munic~- palitY~, zogether ~th the interest on all s~s unpaid at said date, provided that the interest on said bonds shall be paid se~oually so that the~'e shall be a oa~ent of interest on all suws then unpaid In each and every one-half year, one of such sem~nnual p~ments in each~ear~ to be o~ t~e~., day and date of the pa~ent of the an~ual insta.~lment of the principal of s~ch indebtedness as aforesaid; and ~ereas, it was fu~her provided in said ordinance n~bered No.67 that such interest shmll be evidenced by tSe proper cou- pons a~tached to said bo~ds, a separate coupon bein~ attached, to each bond for each semi-au~,ual oa~ent of the interast ~eco'me due cn such bored; an~ theft the total indebtedness authorized to 'be created at said election shall be reoreserte~ '~y bonds payable he manner aforesaid, and tB~t said. bonds shall be issued~n ~uch demominations as the legislative bra~ch of s~id City of South ~n '~ ca ranciseo may dete~ine, except that no bond shal_~ be of a less denomination th. an 0oe Hoodred Dollars(~;100.O~'~) nor ~f a greater denomination than One Thousand Dotlars(~lO00. 00) and t'hat said bonds shall be known as municipal improvement sewer bonds. t~,~.e of South Now therefore, the Board _~ru~ tees of City ~n ~r~tncisco, a municipal corporation i~ t]~.e County of San ~a- too, Stgtte of Califo~'oia, do ordain as follows: ~t in accordance with the will of the voters so e~ressed at said s~ecial election held on'the 13th day of ~.fay, 1915, and in accordance with said oKdin~rce numbered ?:[0.67, regularly passed an~do_pted~on the 21st day of April, 1913, by said Boafr~ of' Trustees of the City of South San Francisco, County of San ~ateo, St.~.te of California, as afore:said, and in cmpliance with the laws of the E~t~ of Califo~ia, bonds of said City of South San Fr'ancisco in the s~ of Sixty-two Thousand Dollars ($62,000.00) be issued in accordance with the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled. "An act authorizing the incurring of indebtedness by cities, towns and municipal corporations for municipal improvememts,and regu- lating the acquisition, construction, or completion thereof", which became a law February 25, 1901, and all acts ~endato~ the re of. Section 1. Said bonds shall be negotiable in fo~ and one hundred and sixty-four (164) in n~ber; they shall be n~bered consecutively from one (1) to one .h~r~dr'ed Cud sixty-four (154), both inclusive; those of said bonds n~bered from one (1) to one hundred (100), both inclusive., s-~i be of the denomim~- tion o~ One H~ndred Dollar~ (~100.00) · ~ .... e~tc..~, t~se of said bonds m~bered from one hundred and one (101) to one hundred and twen- ~y-,our lfi4)~ootb i~::cla~ive,,shat] be..6f the 'denomination..of Five H~ndred Pollars (~5Oa.m~) each; and the remaining forty (40) of said bonds shall be of tbs denomination of One ~ous~nd ~ol- tars (~1000.O)eac:~, and all ~aid bonds shall be payable in Gold Coin of the United States of ~erica, at t~e office of the City Treasury ~'f s~id Cit~,~ of 2outh Ran mr'st~cisco, County of 2an ~fateo, State of Calirornia, Maid bonds shall be dented as of the first day of Au~ust, 191~, and shall bear interest from their date until paid at the rate of five (5) per cent per ann~, payable semi-annually like Gold C.~in at ~ t~e office of the. City Treasury of the City of g~uth San ~'ra~cisco, County ~f San ~'~ateo, State of California~ One thi rty-~.~r~t (1/31) part of t]~e whole amount of the principal of said ~indeb~edness shall be paid each and every year <' at t~ office of the City Treasury of said City of South San ~rancisco, County of San. Mateo, Sta~,e of California, on ~he let day of August~ off.each year, ~gether with the ~interest on all s~s unpaid ~ such da~e, provided th~ the iuterest on said bonds shall be p~d semi-annually so t~at there shall be a pay~ ment of inte ~.~..:,~ on all .~nms then unpaid in each and eve~ erie- half (1/2) y~r[~ one of such s~-~n~ml pa~ents in each yemar being at the date of p~ment of the annual inet. aliment of the -principal of said indebtedness,as aforesaid, to-~vit; One om the let d~Q/ of Augus~ ~f e~ch year, and the other of such semi-anoual p~ents in each year being on the let day of ~ebruaNy, and pro- vided further that said interast shall be evide~nced by proper coupoqs attached ~o said bonds and separate coupons being ~ached to each boDd for each semirannual payment of the inter- ess ~o becomes ~ue on sucD bold;and said bonds shall mature and be due and payable, aB follows; Bonds Dumbered One (1), two (2), three (:f~), four (4), five (5), six (~)), seven (7),eig~.:t (2), ni~e (~), ten (10), eleven (ll), twelve (12), thirtee~ (iZ), fourtee~ (14), fifteen (15)~ sixte(~n (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nimeteen (19) and twenty (20) sh~ll mature a~d be due and pay~ble on the let day of August, 1914; Bonds numbered ~,ventj-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty- three (~3), t~;e~ty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27), twenty-eif~kt (28), twenty-nine (29), thirty (3.)), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), thirty-three (33), thir- t.f-four (::~4), th~rt~,-five (~5), t.a~rtj~-oix (36) th.~rty-'Seven (:$7), thirty-eight (38),tkirtj. rr~ine(39) ~d. forty(140) shall mature ~d ~a ~-~ ~-,:~ ?~y,~hle o~ t~-_e '~-.~'t d~y of Au?u~t 1915- ~onds numbered '~ *" -'- w.~- ~."rty-three · or~y-o.oe (41), fort~, t ~ (42), i~ (45), forty'-f~r (44), forty-five (45), forty-six (46), forty- seven (47), forty-eig~ht (48), forty-nine (49), fifty' (50), fif- ty-one (51), fifty-two (52), fifty-three (53), fifty-four (54), fifty-five (55), fifty-six (56), fifty-seven (57), fifty-eight- (58), fifty-nime (59), and sixty (60) shall mature and be Sue and payable on the 1st ,~ay of Au~'u~t, 1915; Bonds numbered sixty-on,.e (61), sixty-two (62), szxty-~aree ~ ~ sixty-five (C5) sixty-six (66), sixty- (03), sixt~-._~r (64), , seven (57), sixty-eight (58), sixty-nine (69), seventy (70), seventy-one (71), sevent..'-two (72), oeven~.-taree (7ZI, seventy- four (74), sever~t[/-five (75), seventy-six (76), seventy-se'yen (77), sevent~.-eight (78), severty-nine (79) and e~g,at,~., (80) shall matuF'e and be due and payable on the 1st day of August, 1917; Bonds numbered eighty-one (81), ei,~hty-~ (82), ei~b]ty- three (S[~), ei~'~.at~v-~our~'' (84), eicon~-,~',~ ~,-~ive (f-~5), eig~ty-~x (85), eighty-seven (57), eighZy--eight (88), eighty-nine (89), ni~ety (90), ninety-o~e (91), nine~y-~w.~ (9©)..~ , ninety-three. (95), ni~e- ty-f.~ur (94),~ni~ety--~ive. ._ (~5),. ninet,~-six,~ (96), ninet'..~-seve~'~~ . (i)7), ~-ii~ty-eight (98), ninety-ni~oe (99) ard one hurdred shall 'mature and be due and payable on the 1st day of August, 1918; ,Bonds numbered one nu__dred ard ome (101), one hu~dre~ and 0~ and one'bu~'~red and four two (102), one hundre.~ ~nd thre~:~ (t...~), ...... i the 1st day of (104) shall ma't~re and be due and pa~,,b e or August, 1919; Bonds numbered one hundred a~d five (105), o~e ,o.~ndred and six (10~.), ,~ne hundred and seven (107), and one hundred and eight (108) shall mat,~re and be due and payable o~ the 1st day of Au[just, i' °0; 3~,~nds nmmbez'ed ~e hundred and r~ine (i09), ore hundred and ten (110), one hundred and eleve~ (111), and one hundred and twelve (112) shall mature and be due and payable on the 1st day of August, 1921; Bonds numbered one hundred and thirteen (113), one hundred and fourteen (114), one hundred and fifteen (115), and one hun- dred and sixteen (110) shall mature and be due and payable on the 1st day' of August, 1922; Bonds numbered one hundred and seventeen (llT), one hundred and eighteen (llS), one hundred and oine~een (119), and one hundred and ~wen~y (120) shal~ mature and be due and payable on the 1st day of August, 192Z; Bonds numbered one hundred and twenty-one (1211, one hundred ~nd twenty-two (122), one hnndred and twenty-three (12~),and one h~ndred and twenty-four (124) shall mature and be due and payable on ~he 1st day of August, 1924; Bonds numbered one hundred, and twenty-five (125) and one hundred and twenty-six (126) shall mature and be due and pay- able on the 1st day of Au~;ust, Bonds ~mbered one nundre.~, a~d tweoty-seven (127) and one h~ndred and twenty-eight (128) shall mature and be due and pay- able on the 1st day of August, 1926; Bonds numbered one hundred and twenty-nine (129) and one hundred and thirty (lYO) shall mature and. be due and payable on the 1st day of August, 1927; Bonds numbered oo.e hundred and thirty-one (lYl) and one hundred aod thirty-two (1~,2) shall mature and be due and payable ~n the 1st day of August, 1928; Bonds numbered one hundred and thirty-three (1:'~5) and one hundred and thirteen-four (1[~4) shal.[ 'mature and be due and pay- able ~n the 1st day of Au~ust, 1929; Bonds numbered ooe hundred, and thirty-five (155) and one hundred and thirty-Six (136) shall m~tu~ and be due-and payable on' the let day 9f A.~Eust, 1930; BQnds numbered Qne hundred and %hirtky-seven (137) and one hundred and thirty.~eight (138) shall ~atd~e and be due and p~- able on the ls~ day of August, 1931; Bonds n~bered one hundred and thirty-nine (139) ~nd ~ne hundred and fc~y (l~) $~ll mature and be due and payable on the let day of AugusZ, 1932; Bonds numbered one hundred and forty-one (141) and one hun- dred and f~rty-two (142) shall mature' and be due and payable on the let day of August, 1933; Bonds numbered one hundred and forty-three (143) and one hundred and forty-four (144) sh~ll '~tur'e and be due and pay- able on the let day of August, 193~; Bonds numbered one h~ndred and forty-five (145) a~d one hundred and forty-six (145) shall 'mature ~%ud be due an5 payable on the l~t day of August, 1935; ~ Bonds numbered one hundred and forty-seven (147) and one hundred and :Sorry-eight (148) shall 'mature and be due a~d pay- able ~n the let day of August, 19~6; Bonds numbered one hundred and forty-nine (149) and one- hundred and fifty (i50) shall '~ture and ]~e due and payable on the let day of AuMust, 19~7; Bonds numbered one hundred and fifty-one (151) and one hun- dred and fifty-two (152) shall mat~re and be due and paya]?le on the let day of .August, 1938; Bonds n-~mbered one hundred and fifty-three (15:5)~and one hundred and fifty-four (154) shall 'mature and be due and'payable on O~e 1st day of August, 1939; Bonds numbered one hundred and fifty-five (155) and one hundred and fifty-six (156) shall matuFe and be due and payable on the 1st 'day of August, 1940; Bonds numbered one hundred and fifty-seven (157) an~ one hundred and fifty-eight (158) shall mature and be due and pay- able on the ls~ day of August, 1941; Bonds n~bered one hundred and fifty-nine (159) and one hundred and sixty (160) shall 'mature and be due and payable on Au~u~,; ]942; Bo~ds numbered one hundred and sixty-one (161) and one on the 1st day of August, 1945; Bonds numbered one 'h~nd~d!,~~ siXty-thee (I6~)~d ~ne hundred and sixty-fou, r (164) shall '~ture and be due and payable on the ls~ d~ of August, 1944. A~ac¥~ed te said bonds shall be interestcoupons, ~ to bhe n~nber of %~he bond to which they are attached, which cou- pons sh~ll e~cn repr,sent t~ ~hich it is ~t~,~ched ~nd the n~ber of coupons ~tt~ched to h~ to run bef,~e due. M~ch of said couscous sh~ll represent interest on said bond to which it is attached, for a period of six months immediately preceding the da'~e ~f m~turity of said coupon. T.~.e ~id interest coupons s~lt be payable at t~e ~f~ice of ~he City Treasury. of the Cit3r of ~oUth ~an ~raucfSco, ~n~ of San ~ateo, ~ate of California. Said bonds shall be signed b~ the President of *]~e P~oard of Trustess of s~id City of South S~n ~rancisco, who is t~a_, chief executive of said South San Prancisco, and s~ll also be cou~tersif'ned by the Clerk of said City of South San Wrancisco, and the bonds sh'all have af. ~xed tne~e~:c ~e corpora'to se~l of s~id corporation, wit: Said City of SoUth San Francisco. The interest coupons of said bonds shr~!l be nuf~bered consecutively and signed by the Treasurer of said City of South Sam Francisco. And said bonds of said Clt~, of South San ~ra~cisco shall be substantially in the following form and contain substantially ~the following recitals, to-wit: U.~,~ITE~ STATES OW A~-~RICA STATE OF CALIFO~'~IA, COU.?TY OF S~,~ ~0. , CITV~ O? SOUTH S~ ~.~CI~C~ Numb e r ~O'V AL~ ~,N P~Y T~t~ P~i',S~q~TS: That the City of Mouth S~ ~r'an- cisco, i~ the County of San ~.~at. eo, in the State of California, is indebted to a~d promises to pay to the bearer the s~u of in Gold Coin of the United State~ of ~erica of the present. standard weight and fineness, on the first day of August, 19 , with interest thereon ~t the rate of five (..5) per cent per annum, payable semi-an'~ually on the first d~y of February and on the *~ ~ i~ i~:al sum shall first day of August of each year, until ,aa ~r c . be paid~ upon the presentation and. surrender cf the coupons ,~ere- to annexed and sig~ed by t}~e Tre.asurer of said City of South San Francisco. Doth priD. cipal and interest of this bond are and shall be pay'able at the o'f'fice of the City Treasu~r of tlc City of South San Wrancisco, County' ~f M~n ~ateo, State of California, ~d all taxable real and personal property of said city is here- by irrevocably pledged for the prompt payment of this bond and the interest thereon as the same.matures. This bond is one of a series of bonds of like date, and effect (differing only in the amounts and dates of maturity thereof) issued by said City of South San Francisco, for the purpose of paying the costs and e~enses of acquiring certain public munici~:~l improvements i~ and for said City of South - 1 San ~'rancisco, by virtue of and in full co'mplia~ce with an act of the Legislature of the St~.tte of C~lifornia entitled "An Act auzhorizing the i~curri~j of indebtedness by cities, towns and municip~i corporations for municipal i'mprove~'~ents a~d regulating the acquisition, construction or c~pletion thereof", in effect Webruary 25 1901 and all acts amendatory thereof, and in stric'~ confo~ity' with the C~nstitution a~d La'~;s of the State of Cali- fornia. And it is hereby certified, asserted and declared that this b~nd i~ issued ', ..... ~., the authority of more than two-thirds (2/3) vote of all t]~e qualified voter-s ~f the City' of South S~n Fran- cisco, voting at a special election for that purpose, duly called. ~md held, And in p'~'suarme of ordina~mes of th&'~aid City' off South San Francisco duly p~t~sed, adopted and approved. And it is hereby certified, recited and declared t.hat pro- vision has been duly ,n~de, and ~;~ill hereafter be made in the man- ner provided by law, for the levy and collectioo of t~x~s annu- ally, sufficient to pay the interest upo~ this bond, and to dis- charge and redeem the principal thereof at maturity, and that all other acts, conditions and things necessa~~ to be done and to ex- ist precedent to t~e making of said improvements, and the levy- ing of said tax, and in the i~suance of this bored and o~.~'~ers of the same series have been properly done,hat~pened and performed, and do exist in regular and due form, time and manner, as requir- ed by the Constitution and La~,~s of the State ,~f California and the Ordinances of t_~e City of So~th San Wrancisco, and that the 'total amount of b~nd~ issued or other indebtedness incurred on account of said improvements does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitation. ...... "l"a~ said City ~f So~th San Francisco, in the C~u~'ty of San ?arco, State of California, has cause~ the corporate seal of said City of Su'ul.~ 2~tn ;~rancisco to be here- -14- unto affixed, and this bond to be s ig~ed by the executive of s~id municipality, to-',vit: The President of 'the P.o~r,~ ~ Trus- t. ecs of said City of ¢~outh San ~rancisco, and by the Treasurer thereof, and to be countersi,~ned by the Clerk thereof, and the coupons hereunto annexed to be sig~ed by the Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco, all as of the first d~y of August, 1913. Ores-i~Aent of the Board ,of mrustees~ of ~ Citj,~ of S:Juth San ~rancisco. (Seal of the City of South San Francisco) ~easurer of the C-it--~F-o-f South sa~ ~ranc isc o. Countersigned .%3Y ,Clerk ~f 'the City of ~oubk 8~n Pr~c isc o. ~e info, rest coupons attached to said bonds and evidencing the interest to accrue thereon, shall be in substantially the following f~rm a~d contain substa~tialty the ~llowing recitals, T~.~e City cf South San mrarmisco, in t,~e CouDty of San '~ateo, in the State of C~lie~roia, will pay to t?* '>e~rer at the office of the Treasury- of said City of South ~an ?rancisco, the sum of in Gold Coin of ~he United S~.es of America, being the se~i- ~15- annual in~erest' up,~n, its municipal improvement sewer bond dated August 1, 191:3 Treasurer of t,_e City of South ~an ~,~r~.~cisco. Aud. it is hereb.'? ordered ti%at T~'~e executive o~ sai~ Cit~:~ of Soush San ~rancisco, ~o-~it, the ?residen~ of the Board Trustees of said City of South San ~rancisco be,. and he is here- by authorized to sign each a~d every one of sa~.d s~i~ ~:~ Pre~ider5 of the ~o~r.~. of Trustees of said City of South San Francisco, and the Trea~surer ~f said City of South cisco be, and he is hereby authorized to sig~ each and every one of s .id bonds as the Treasurer of said City of South San ~rancisco, and ~ha~ the City Clerk of said Cit>- uf ~out.h S~n -.r~_.c~sco b,~., and he is hereby authorized to csunter-sign each a~d everj o~e ~'~ s~%~d bonds as Clerk oe sa~d City of South San ?rancisco, and to af'~'ix the corporate seal of said City of Sour~ Sar Wra~cisco '~o each and eve~ one of.sai~, bonds; and that sai~ signing and sealing shall constitute a~d be a sufficient and binding executien ~ each a~d.. every ore of said b~nds by said Cit~ of South SaM 7r'ancisco, a~d that. t~e said ~r~asurer of' the Ci'zy of S~<~th San Vrancisco be, and he is hereby authorized to sign each and every one of the respective c~upons attached to each resrective bond as the . reasure~ c~ said Ci~'~ of San Francisco, and that the said signing .~f said Tr.~.~.::ur~?' -:! ~.]]/co.]~[~.~ ~d be a sufficient and. bin~i~g execu, ~ion of each and every one of said coupons by s~id City of ,Mouth San ?rancisco. And it is hereby further ordered '~hat in case of any such o~icer'~, ~ho~e ~iy.~u~.~r.~ .~r' countersigoatur~s an~ear on. the bonds or coupons, shall cease t~ be s'~ch officer before ~he deliver'y ~:',_' suc}~ b~nds to the purchaser, suc~% signatur~ or c~untersignatures s%lalt, n. everthele~, ].e vali,i and sufficient for all pu~oses t~.e s~e as if r~hey had remaine~ i~ of~.ce until t%ie delivery of such bonds. Section 2. And it is further ord~%i~e,~ ~:~ or.~ere,~ '":;~.~%t" i;~-~ ~TAali be levied and collected e~.ch amd everj~ )/ear upon all pro,~ert' ?ub.~ect to taxation Ay said Citj~ of 2o~t.~ Sam cisco a t~:tx sufficient to p~y ali tb~ interest on said bonded [)aj~ one thirty-first (1/3i) pa,rt of the whole amount of s~id amourt of the prirci!~al and iritere~t of said inde~tedness on provision for %.he lev~:,im~ amd collectind of all sums that shall c~,~;.~i .:.~ .-~.:~%i~ bonded indebtedness as the s~me s~ll fall due, and hereby contracts a~d aff~Te~s, repre,,~ents and promises, that such. levy~sha]] be made, as aforesaid, in cas'e the said bonds shall be issued, as aforesaid, and so f~r a~ this Board of Trus- tees of the City of S~uth San Vrancisco, acting in and for the City. of South San T,~rancisco has power no,~ to ~ke 't]_~,',,~ sadist, l~..~,, do hereby make the same. And the said Board of Trustees do further ordain that there s~ll be, and it is hereby pruvided that a si~ki~g fund is to . be kept by the Treasurer of said City of South San ~ra~ci~co and to ce design~te~t ~ ~,a.,"Sinking Fund for the Pa~vnent of the ~unicipal Improvement Sewer Bonds"and that, the proceeds of the levy above mentioned shai~ be paid'into said sinking fund as so~n as the same shall be collected and shall remain in said sinking fund until required for the respective p~ments of prin- cipal and interest to be made' upon such bonds; and that when the -17- respective payments o? the principal ~.~ interest of said bonds shall fall due, the Treasurer of said City of South San ~ran- cisco be, and he is hereby authorized, directed and commanded to pay out of the moneysof said sinking fund the said. ire ~mo~.~nt.s t]-~er'e~f, when demand s}~.a]..[ be 'made therefor', as by. law required, and upon the surrender of the correspondiog bonds the ity of South and t~!e co~i}o_~ ~:.o t~e $;a'[,] C~.t,, T. reasurer' of ' C San ?rancisco, and it sh~ll be the duty of the Treasurer of sai~ City of ~ oouza San Wrancisco to cancel the same immediately after 'their payment; And it is' further ordained, represent~ed, promised ~..~. iJ~.~, '~.~:~-~ ~ ~,~u~ ,m,:~,,~.-~ ;:-~d into said sinking fund shall be usSd for an~ other' purpose .... ~-~n pi~'~..wter,, the orincipal of said indebtedness and the i.o'terest thereon until the who]a ao~ct~nt of said indebtedr, ess a~d the.intc~rest shall have been fully Paid; and that each and eve,F one of t~e conditions add provisions stated and provided.in relation to the said bonds na~ce calling said election and by the laws of the State of Cali- fornia, shall be complied Section 3. And it is hereby further ord~-~:~ed ~.~ cr~ared tYat the said bonds be printe~ or lithograp]~ed and the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby authorized ~.; directed t ~:~-~,~1 bo~ds properly printe~ or lithogr~phed and t~at when the same are properly prir~te~ or lithographed, sai,~, bonds shall then be duly signed bY the President of the Board. of Trustees of the City of South San Frarcisco, an~ signed by the Treasn.rer of the City of South San Fra~cisco, and also countersigned by the Clerk of the Cit? of South San Praocisco, as hereinbefore stated, aud that in lieu of actual signing of the c~..uFons by the T~easurer of the City- of So,th San Francisco,~.that the n~e of said Treasu- rer of the City' of South San Francisco be printed[ or litho~raphed -18- ~ ? upon said coupons to be attached to each of said bond~, and that said printing and lithographinci shall be taken to be the act and deed of the Treasurer of ti~e City of South S-~ Wr~.~nc~sco thereto. Sectic~ 4. This ordinance shall be published once a week for two (2) weeks in "The Ente~rise", a we~kly newspaper general circula%io~ printed, published and circulated one (1) day a week in the City of South San Francisco. Section 5. All ordin~ces and parts of ordirances i~ con- flict herewith are hereby- re-oeals~. Section 6. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force aod effect after thirty (30) days from and after its final pa~age, adoption and approw~,l. 9 Pa~sed a~ a,~opted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, C,ou~ty of San ~.~atet~ 2t:~,te o~ C',]ieoroia, at a regular ~eetin~g o~ t~e Boarc] o~ ~_r .... ~_.e , South 1/ Pr-e~i.dent of the ~:ard of of the Ci%y of S~?t? S~;n ~ra~ci~co. Fra~cisc~ I hereby ~uprove the f~reg~ing ordinance this the Cit~. cf 2ouZb. San Wrancisc~.