HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 71-1913 ORDINANCE NO./; _ A~ O~I.N~N~. ESTABLISHING SANITARY. RE~GULATIONS IN THE CITY 01~ SOUTH SAN I~RANCISCO IN ALL PLACES WHEHE HUN%AN ~OOD IS NANU- I~ACTURF~, PRODUCED, EI~T~AND SOLD, AND IN HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, BOAI{DING HOUSES, ICE CRR~A~ PARLORS, SODA FOUNTAINS, SALOONS, BARS, CIGAR STANDS AND BARBER SHPOS, AND PROVIDING I~ENALTI~-S FOR VIOLATION. ----- The Board of Trustees of the City of South San ' ~ranc is co do ordain as follows: Section 1. ~,very person, firm or corporation keeping main:~ain- lng or being in charge of.any factory, public or private market, store, shop, stall, storehouse, warehouse, cold storage plant, cart, wagon or other vehicle, in or from which any meat, fish, oysters, birds, folws, vegetables, fruit, milk or other provi- sions are manufactured, held, kept, stored or offered for sale, or other disposition as human food, in the City of South San !~rancisco shall keep the same in a clean, sanitary, pure and wholesome condition; and all persons employed in or about such '"'~laces shall keep themselves and their clothing in a clean, sani- tary and healthful comdition. All trays, cans, jars and other receptacles, all racks, tables,counters, shelves, knives, saws, cleavers and other tools, and all untensils and machinery used in handling, cutting, chopping, mixing, canning, or other pro- cesses shall be kept in a thoroughly clean and sanitary condi- tion. Section 2. No meats, fish, oysters,fowls, fruits, except those fruits which are skinned before use, prepared food stuffs, confectionery dried fruits, pickled products, fruit products, meat products, or other foods prepared for eating shall be dis- played for sale unless so protected as to exclude flies and dust · therefrom. Section 3. Fruits, vegetables and other food products shall not be displayed or stored on the sidewalk or outside the place of business of the vendor of the same. Section 4. No person, firm or corporation maintaining or in charge of any restaurant, hotel or boarding house or other place where food is served or sold, either in a cooked condition or otherwise, shall serve or sell, or cause to be served or sold , any tainted or diseased meat, fish, oysters, fowls or any de- cayed or partially decayed or unwholsome fruit or vegetables,or any unwholsome food whatever. No decayed matter of any kind shall be allowed to remain in any receptacle wherein are kept any meats, fruits or vegetables or other food for sale. Section 5. No meats, fish, game, vegetables or other food stuffs, prepared or unprepared, shall be kept for sale in any roSn~'$n ~hich a toilet is located, or in any room opening direct- ly into a toilet room, unless there is sufficient outside venti- lation to such room and unless such toilet room is provided with an automatically closing door. No baking of bread,cakes or pies or 'manufacture of candies or cooking of food for sale shall be done in any cellar, basement or other room, u'nless there is suf- ficient ventilation for the same. In every place where meats, fish, vegetables, fowls, fruits, groceries, or other human food shall be kept for sale there shall be at least one running water faucet with lavatory convenience for the use of employees. Section 6. No sawdust shal) be used on the floors of any part of a meat market open to the public. The screen doors of all shops, stores and other places where human food is offered for sale shall open outwards and shall close automatically. Section 7. ]~lour, meal and other cereal products shall be kept in a dry, airy r'oom or rooms so arranged that the floors/ shelves and other facilities for storing the same may be easily cle~ed ~nd kept cle~n. Section 8. Where persons employed in any market, store, shop, stall, storehouse or warehouse in or from which any mea~, vegetables, fruit, milk or other provisions are held, kept, stored or offered for sale, or in any bakery, sleep on the pre- mise;~, 'their ~i~eptng quarters shall be separate from all rooms where any of such foods or provisions or where flour,~eal or manufactured goods are kept or stored or displayed for sale. Section 9. All flesh of ~y cattle, sheep, calves, l~mbs, swine or goats, or any meat products brought i~to the City of South san Wrancisco, or sold or delivered within said city s~ll i)e ~ubject to i~ection bi~ the Health Officer or his deputy. All flesh of the aforesaid animals and all meat products slaugh- tered and prepared for human consumptiom in accordance with ~g- ulations whose standard is equivalent to that of the United S't~;e~ Del~tr';~,]ent of Agriculture, or of the Bbard of Health of the Cit~~' and Count2/ of S~n ~rancisco, or of the Bc~%r'd of Health of the Citj~ of Os%klz~md, Californ~_~, shall be de~:med acceptable. Section 10. No meats, fish, oysters, birds, fowls, fruits, vegetables, milk or food of any kind not beimg in ~{ healthy, sound and ~,vholesome condition, and no part of any animal or fish that dies by accident or from disease shall be brought imto the City of South San Frstncisco for the purpose of sale or gift as human food out of ~ny cold storage or other place of business. No veal under ~hree weeks of age shall be offered for sale or gift or used in the ~ eparation of any food products.The Health Officer of the City of South San mrancisco, his deputy or assis- tant, shall condemn and destroy, or cause to be destroyed, ~y such food found on the premises or in any shop, store or market by thoroughly slashing the same and pouring kerosene the~on. Section 11. Ever~ person owning or mana~ir~g or in ct~rge of any premises where any meat, fish, oysters, fowls, fruits, or vegetables~ are canned, cured or preserved for human food shall conduct the same in a neat, clean and sanitary manner, anco such person shall can, cure or otherwise preserve any meat, fish, oysters, fowls, fruits, or vegetables for human food which shall have become diseased or unwholesome, nor shall any such person can, cure, pr preserve fruits taken from filthy boxes, baskets or other containers, or use any chemicals deleterious to health in the process of canning. Only such preservatives as the fed- eral law allows shall be used in the curing, preserving or handling of foods. Section 12, Ail meats transported to or in ~he City of South San ~rancisco for sale shall be protected from dust and flies by clean canvas~ wra.ppings or coverings. Section 15. No person maintaining or in charge of any res- taurant, hotel or boarding house, or other place where food is ~sold or served either in a cooked or raw state shall keep such place in a filthy or unsanitary condition, and all persons em- pioyed in or abou~ such places shall keep themselves and their clothing in a clean, sanitary and healthful condition, l~lies and other insects mus~ be excluded from the kitchens and dining rooms of a~l such hotels, restaurants and boarding houses. Section iA. No person suffering from tuberculosis, or other communicable disease shall be employed in or about any bakery, public or private market, store, shop or stall, ware- house or cold storage plant, car~, wagon, or other vehicle in or from which any bread, meat, fish, oysters, birds, fowls, vege- tables, fruit, milk or other provisions are manufactured, held, kept, stored or offered for sale or other disposition as human food. in such a way t~t he or she will come in contact with such food; nor shall any person be employed in or about any hotel, rest'aurant, or boarding house, or other place whe~'e food is sold --4'- or served in such a manr,~er that he or she will come in contact with such food or with any dishes or other utensils used in the preparation and serving of such food. Section 15. In al3 hotels, restaurants, and boarding houses where towels are furnished for the use ~.~f guests or ~atrons,in- dividual towels only shall be ~o furnished.No table napkin or tow- el shall be permitted to be used by more than one person before it has been thoroughly washed. Section 16. In all hotels or lodging houses where there has been a change of the occupant or occupants of any bed, the sheets and pillow cases must be changed before such bed 're, ay be again used. Such sheets and pillow cases must be thoroughly washed before they may be used .for other occupants. ' Section 17. No person shall keep live chickens, ducks, turkeys, or other fowls in any cellar or basement underneath any grocery' store, mar~.~et or place where u~can~ed food stuffs are kept, or in any rooms where such focd stuffs are kept,prepared or offered, fo)' sale, o.r sold Section 18. In the deiSvery cf bread within the City of South San Francisco,where such delivery is no% ~de directly to some perscn, it shall be securely wrapped in p~per so as to exclude flies and dust therefrom. Section 19. In soft drink parlors, soda fountains, ice cream parlors and all places where soft drinks and ices are sol~ and in all bars, saloons and other places where intoxicating li- quor ~s sold, all glasses, spoons and other utensils used for serving such articles shall be Washed in running water or steri- lized after using., unless in place of such glasses, spoons,etc. are used articles made of papier mache: and all such. papier mache articles shall be ~stroyed after using. Section 20. No to,.~el which has been used oH any patron of any barber shop within the City of South San ~r~ncisco shall be used again on any other patron until it has been thoroughly washed. At the close of each day's business in all barber shops every shaving mug and every shaving brush,excepting such as are kept and used exclusively for individual patrons,shall be dis- infected with a solution of ten (10) drops of lysol to one pint of boiling water, or with some other substance with fully equivalent effect. No finger bowls shall be used in barber shops. Secti:n 21. Nc vegetables in any ~:~rden within the City of 2outh San Wrancisco s~y%ll be fertilized or irrigate.~ with pollu- ted water. Section 22. All water closets, lavatories or toilet rooms used in conr~ection with any hotel, saloon, or Festaurant or in any other place open to public use shall be su~*iciently lighte.~ and ventilated and kept in a sanitary conditic.n. Section 23. ~o dogs shall be allowed in any place where meats, groceries, fruits, or bakery products are kept, sold. or handled, or in any hotel.or restaurant, nor be brought therein by any' cust.o~,eF or guest thereof. Section 24. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer or his deputy or assistant to visit and inspect at frequent inter- vals every public or private market, stall, shop, stoa'e, or ware- house, bakery, hotel, restaurant or boarding house and all carts, wagons or other vehicles of vendcrs or street hawkers in the City of ~outh San Wrancisco in and from which any articles of human food are kept, held, prepared or offered for sale. In or- der to enable said Health 0?ficer, his deputy or assistant, to make the inspection he~ein provided for, he shall have access at all hours to all parts of any building where business of the kind contempl~ted in this ordinance is carried on. Said Health Officer, his deputy or assistant, shall be ~ermitted to take samples of any meat, fish, oysters, fruit, bread, or of any other foo~. mentioned in this ordinance, upon paying the market price therefor. Section 25. ~rhenever the l~ealth Officer, his deputy or assistant, shall find in or about any of the places or vehicles mentioned in Section 25 of this ordinance, any unhealthy, dis- eased, unwholesome or deleterious food stuffs of the kind men- tioned in this ordinance, he may give notice to the owner or manager of such place at once to remove said fo~d. stuffs to such place as he may' designate, and there destroy the same; and such owner or mana~er shaii at once remove the said food stuffs to the place designate.~ and destroy the same, as provided in this ordinance, or the Health Officer, his deputy or assistant, may seize such fosd and destroy' the same as hereinbefore provided. Section 26. Fvery person, firm or corporation viol'ating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and u~oon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty (20) dollars and not more than one hundre'~ (100) dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than one month, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 27. This ordinance shall be published once in "~'he Enterprisel' a weekly newspaper ~rinted, pubiisbed and circulated in .the City of South San ~rancisco and s .al [ ta,ca e eot and be in force from and after thirty days from the date of its passage.. Introduced this 21st day of /uly, 191:~. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the- City of 2outh San Wrancisco at a r'egular meeting of the Board of Trustees of of South San Wrancisco this 2nd day of September, 1915, the City by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees Noes, Trust Apcroved: o~ the City of ~c~th S~n ~r~nci~co