HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 90-1916- ...... ~ ORDINANCE I~OSING LICENSE TAXES UDOI~ IDt~.ER~ .~ND GOLICITORS FOR~ ~ T~ P~POSE 0F REGI~ATION ~;D RE~I~ ~D PIXIN~ T~ RATES T~REOF ~ RETEALINq ORDIN~CE NO. 38 0P THE CI~ OF SOUTH S~; PR~CIsOO ENTITLED: ~ES ~ON ?EDLERS ~ ~OI~I~TORS FOR "~N ORDIN~'~CE I~,~0SIN~ ~ICENSE ~ P~O~E OM ~ ~ ~ AND ADO?TED S~TE~ER 19, 1910. ~ The Board of Trustees of the CitY~0'fSoath S -~~Oo do o~ain Seullon 1. Every person, firm or corporation who or which conducts the business of peddling, or who from place to place offers to or does sell, barter or e~h~ge ~hing then in his~ or its possession in said City of South E~ FranciSco, excepting newspapers, periodicals and. public- atlons, ~d excepting t~se who sell only to merchants ~d traders for re- sale, shall pay a license tax of T~vo H~dred ~ Fifty Dollars ~$2B0.00) per a~um, payable Guarterly in ~dvance on the first day of July, October, January and ANril. Every person who,not having within said City ~d fixed place of business, regularly kept open, with some one in charge there- of, for the tr~saction of the particu, lar business engaged in during~ the hours customary,for the transaction of such business, travels from place to place, and offers to ~d does sell, barter' or exchan~ ~ything then in his possession, in said 0ity of ~outh ~ Fr~cisco, excepting the persons and articles in this section excepted, shall l~e deemed a pedler w~thin the meaz~ing ~f~ this ordin~noe. ~But this section shall not to i~ersons offering foF sale, fr~it, vegetables or bther produce raised by themselves. Section 2. Every solicitor or.order agent who shall solicit or orders for the sale, exchange, delivery or bmrler of any goods, wa~es or merchandise, not then in his actual,possession as a pedler, excep~ newspapers, periodicals ~nd publications, shall ray a license tax of Two H~dred ~d Fifty Dollars ~$2B0.00) per ~n~.~ p~yable quarterly in advance on the first day of .~ly, October, January and April; pro- vided, however, that this section shaJ. 1 not apply to wholesale agents who solicit orders from, and ~ell f_o.~~ ~:~.~.~ to retail dealers only~ Every person who, not having within said City a ft~d Place of business regularly kept open with some one in charge thereof, for the transaction of the particnlar b~siness eng~ged in d~rfng the hours ~ato~ry flor the tra~saction .9f s~ch..b~slne_ss, travels from place to place and takes or requests orders for the fut~re delivery of goods, wares and merchandise riel then in his actual possess~on as a pedler, -excepting ne~spaper$,periodicgls and p~blications, shall be deemed a solicitor ~vithin the meanin~ of this ordinance. It is hereby provided hov~ever, that this section dens_tect apply to. persons who solicit orders for *~..~e future delivery of fruit, vegetable~ or other p~oSuce rafsed by themselves. Section Z. Every person, firm or corporation who or ?~hich shall commence, engage in or carry on the business of ped~ling or soliciting, whether ~s principal, ~gent, ~lerk, solicitor or otherwise, .,~or the transaction or carrying on of which a license is above required, ~ithout first having taken out 'and proctored s~ch license, Shall be deeued g~ilty of a misdeme~nor and ~pon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding Three ~nndred Dollars (~300.00), or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three CZ) months, or by both s~ch fine and im- prisonment. Section 4o Ordinance No. 38 of the City of ~outh San ~rancisco entitled: "An ordinance imposing license taxes upon pedlers and solicito~ for the purpose of regulation and reven,~e and fixing the rates thereof," passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of South Ban ?rancisco the 19th day of September, 1910, is hereby repealed, Section 5. This ordinance shall be published once in "The Enterpris, 2 a weekly newspaper printed, p~lblished and circtllated in the Oi~Y of Gouth San Frane, isco, and shall t~ke effect ~ud be in force from and after the e~iration of thirty (J0)~ys~after the date of its passage. Introduced thts~day of~~''- . 1916. Passed and adopted as ~ or~', nane~of the City of Eoath ~ ~rancJsc~ ~ranciSoo this/~~~~k'~:' '~'"" , 1916, ~ the ~l~n~ vo~:' Absent, TrUstees ~ Approved: 'Fresident of the 'Board of Trustee of the city of ~outh San Franc!sc