HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 92-1917 ORDINANCE NO. SSUT~ SAN i~ANCIgCO IMPOSING l l~ OR CORPORATIONg PURCWa,~ING, GATHER- COI~.EC~ING P~.GS, OLD "IRON, BRA3$, COP]~E~, ZINC, I~ AND METALS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. THE BOARD OF TEUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DO AS FOI~W~: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation who or which conduct8 the business of ~u~ehasing, gathering or collecting o1~ iron, brass, copper, f zino, lea~. and any and'Ill other metals within the City of South Sam Franoigoo shall pay a lioenae tax of Fi~y Dollars ($$0.00) ~er annum ~ayable quarterly in advaneo on the ..first days of JulY, October, Jarmary and A~ril. Section 8. Every pergon, firm or oor~er~tlon who ~ which shall commence, engage in or carry on the business of purchasing,' gathering or collecting rag~, old iron, brass, oo~er, zinc, lea& a~ any and all other metals ~l. thin the City of South Sa~ whether as principal or agent, without having first prooure~ the license herein provided for and hereby re~ir~l., shall b~ deeme~l. guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be p~.m. ished by a fine not exoee~i~ ~'enty Doll~.rs {$gO.O0}, or by imprl~omaent for a period not exceeding One [1.} I~t~,,,or by both. such fine and imprisonment. Each Amy,, continuance of such busi- ness shall be deemed a separate offense and shall be ~uniahable as ~moh u.nder the te~a~ of this o~l. inance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be ~ublished.~e~ in 'The l~ate:r~rise", a weekly newspaper, print~l., publishe~ and in the City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force from and after the exl~iratlon of th.~ty {gO} d~.ys ~ ",'"'.' ":". . .'' · ' ' ." "~i,,"..,:'-~'~' .". .'" .. . .,. , ".~'...:.,, .. ,'~-'' , '.- .:"~ ~~ ~ a~te~ as ~~noe of the C~ty of S~ ~ ~ne~$~o at a re~ ~et~ of the B~ of ~stee8 ~ the ~rov~: