HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 95-1917 0RD INANCE N0. AN 0PJ)INANCE'"AL~NDING SECTION 19 OF 01XDINANCE NO. 12 OF THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ENTITLED "AN 0RDIN'ANCE PRO- HIBITING THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF AN]~IALS W~iTHIN 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, AND PROVIDING FQR THE I~'~0UNDING AND . SSLE OF ANImaLS, FOUIfD RUNi~ING AT TJARGE IN SAID CITY~~' P~SSED Ah~D ADOPTED BY THE B0~'LqD OF TRUSTEES OF Tt~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ON TliE 4th day OF JANUARY, 1909. The Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as~ follows: Section 1. Section 19 of Ordinance No. 12 of the City ef South San Francisco entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITIN~ THE RUNNING AT 'LARGE OF ANTM~I,S WITHIN THE L~ITS OF SOUTH SAN FR~E,iCISC0, AND PROVIDIN,$ FOR T}-iE I~,~0L~DING A~ SALE OF ANIMALS, FOUND R%rNNINC~ AT LARGE IN SAID CITY," PASSED A~ID ADOPTED BY T~ BOARD OF TRUSTEES 07 THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FiIANCISC0 0N THE 4th DAY OF J.'~UJ~Ai. qY, 1909, is hereby-amended to read as follows: Section 19. The Poundmaster shall be entitled to charge and receive fees and compensation f'or his services in impounding animals, the following rates: For each and every horse, mare, mule, Jack, Jennet, hog, pig, bull, cow, ox, steer, or heifer, or ass, received or taken into the pound, Three (3) Dollars each and One Dollar and =zfty Cents ($1.50) each per day for keeping, watering and feeding the same, and ~%¥o Dollars each additional if advertised, and if sold twenty, per cent commission on the amount remaining after expenses and charges are paid. For each and every sheep, goat or lamb taken or received into the pound One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) each, and for keeping, water- ing and feeding same Seventy-five (75) cents per day and One Dollar and Fifty Cents (~1.50) each additional if advertised, and if sold the same commission as is allowed for horses and other such animals as above provided. For impoundin~ any dog, the ~m of Two-Dollars ($2.00~. ~or feedin~ dogs at the rate of Fifteen {1§) Cents per day each, to be paid by ~he owner. For i~o~ding and ~lling dogs as herein provided, ~e Dollar ($1.00~ each. For removing from the public streets any dead horse or other draft ani~l, or any dead cow, b~l, ox, heifer or cal~, the s~ of T~ee Dollars ($~.00), to be paid by o~er of ~he ani~l. For removing from the public streets any dead dog, eat, go~t or sheep Fifty (~0) cents e~ch to be paid by e~er. Section ~. ~is ordi~nee sh~ll be published once in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper, printed, published and circ~ated in the City of South San ~ancisco, and s~ll take effect ~nd be in force from and after the e~iration of ~ty {30 ) days after the date of its pas~ge. ~trodUced this day of 191~. Passed and adopted as an ordinance ~e City of South S~n Francisco, at a re,ar meeting of the B~rd of Trustees of the City of South S~n ~ancisco this ~~ay of ~.~~ , 191~, by the~following vote: ~ ~~~ustees ~~~~ - ~ ~ Absent, Trustees Approved: ~. '&TU~tees ~ ~the City of South ~n ~ancisco. ..... · .... -' ..,.~, ~." "' ~.~ ...... ~-.. ,,