HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 97-1917 SOUTH SAN FR~CISC0 PROVID~G FOR A HOUSE ~~ ~G SYST~. ~e Board of ~tees of the City of Sou~ San ~cisoo do ordain as follows: ' Section 1. ~ery house fronting upon any public street or'highly in the City of South San Francisco s~ll bear a n~ber in accordance with .the house n~bering system provided by this ordin~ce. Section Z. 0n all streets entering Division Street, except t~t portion of L~ Avenue, west of ~Ple Awenue, n~bers shall oo~ence with ~ity at the first lot or portion of a lot ~vi~ a f~ontage of Twenty-five (ES) feet on the southerly side of each of such streets and s~ll increase ~ a westerly d~eotion to the end of the first block, houses on the s~therly side of such streets receiving consecutive odd n~bers and houses on the n~therly side thereof receiving c~secutive even n~bers. Section S. 0n all streets enteri~ ~l~oad Kven~, except that portion of Sp~ce Avenue north of ~ller Avenue ~d t~ the portion of the westerly side of 5~ple Avenue north of ~lller Ave~e, n~bers s~ll co,enos ~th ~ity at the f~st lot or Do,ion of a lot ~vlng a frontage of ~ty-five (ES) feet~ on the westerly side of such streets and shall increase in a no~her- ly direction to the end of the T.irst block, houses on the wester- ly side of such streets receiving oonseeutlve odd n~bers and houses on the easterly side thereof r~ceiving consecutive even n~b ers. Section &. In each ~cceedi~ block of the streets co~re- hended in Sections ~ and ~ hereof houses s~ll receive n~bers ~ the ~ner provided in Section, S and 5, except that, in each succeed- lng block the series of numbers shall be higher by one h~ndred than in the preceding block. Section §. In all streets comprehended in Sections 2 and ~ of this ordinance numbers shall be so distributed that each lot or portion of a lot having a frontage of TwentY-five (ES) feet may receive a separate number. Section 6. The method of house numbering in th±m ordinance provided for streets comprehended in Sections E and ~ shall govern t~he numbering of houses on Division Street, San Bruno Road, Cypress Avenue, Olive Avenue, Eucalyptus Avenue, Laurel Avenue, Chestnut Avenue, tine Avenue, Aspen Avenue, Juniper Avenue and Armour ~V ~nu~ e Section ?. On Division Street, San Bruno Road, C~ress Avenue, Olive Avenue, Eucalyptus Avenue, Laurel Avenue and Chestnut Avenue, the first series of numbers shall commence with unity at the southerly end of each thereof ~ith the first lot or portion of lot having a frontage of twenty-five (£§) feet on the westerly side of each thereof. Section 8. On Pine Avenue, Aspen Avenue, Juniper Avenue and A~mour Avenue, the first series of numbers shall commence with unity at the easterly end of each thereof with the first lot or portion of lot having a frontage of twenty-five (£5) fee~ on the southerly side of each thereof. Section 9. In all cases numbers shall be of wood, metal or enameled metal and shall not be less than three IZ) inches in height. All n~mbers shall be placed on houses in such a manner that such numbers can be easily read from the street. Numbers shall not be made with paint, ink or crayon. Section 10~, It shall be unlawful for the ~of any house facing upon any of the portions of the streets hereinbefore designated to fail or neglect to number such house in the manner hereinbefore provided. Section ll. Every person, firm or corporation who or which shall violate any of the prOvisions of ~h~s ordinance shall be deemed guilty .of a mi and upon conviction thereof shall ~ "~/f In ~/~ Dollars be punished by a /~ ~ . ~e ), or by i~riso~ent for ~,~_ ~~~ ~ or byboth s~ch fine and lmprlso~ent. Section 12. ~is ordt~nce shall be published once in "The ~te~rise", a weekly new~aper published and circ~ated in the City of South ~ ~ancisco, and s~ll ~ke effect and be in force from and after ~e e~iration of th~ty days from the date of its pas~ge. ~dUCed this /~day of ~tober, 1917. ~ssed ~d adopted as an ordi~e of the City of South ~n ~ancisco at a re~ meeting of the B~rd of ~tees of the 191~, by the followtn~e: _~ ~~~- Approved: Attest: