HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 290-1949~ FRANCISCO FOR T~E FUEPOSE OF ~ITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF ~ID CI~ ~R. ~ ACQUISItIOn, CO~CTION ~ C~IO~ OF 8~; D~ING ~ ~T~~ COST OF ~T, ~ ~O~T OF ~ ~XM~ OF ~ID ~~ ~R, ~ ~ ~ ~ OF ~~3T TO ~ PAID ~ON; ~NG ~RO~SlON ~ ~ ~ F~G ~ ~ OF ~ ~TIO~, ~ TXO~ ~ ~O~T~G BO~ OF ~TION ~~~; ~ ~RO~D~G ~g~E~. the City Co. ell of the City of 3outh l~a~cisco. By resolution heretofore duly ~s~ed ~ adopted afflictive vote of ~o~e t~ ~vo-t~ds of all of its did dete~e t~.t the ~blic ~tereat ~d ne. ceaait2 de~ the acquisition, const~cti~ ~ co~letion of t~ ~icipal ~ve- ~eat he~e~after nentioned, ~ did ~rther dete~ne the c~at of said p~opoaed' ~ici~l ~veaent rill be too g~at to be ~ld out ef the o~ry ~1 ~cone ~ revenue of said ~icipality, v~ch ~esoluti~ ~s dul2 entered on ~e ~uteo of said ~et~ of laid ~Clty Oo~cil. ~d lo nov on file ~d of ~co~ Clerk's office of said City; now. ~e~efo~. cz x soo ~ 0~, am folle~e: S~otlon 1. That a special ~uniclpal bo~d election be a~d is hereby o~lered and ~11 be held ~ sa~d C~t~ off ~outh ~ ~c~sco on ~~Y, the ~6~ ~Y OF ~Y, 19~9, at which elect~on s~l be sub~tted to the qualified electo~ of sa~d Cit~ the question of ~cu~g a bonded ~ebte~ess of said City fop the object ~ pu~ose set fo~ ~ the follow~g measure, to wit: · EA~U~E 3UB~TTED TO VOTE OF T~E VOTER~ ~EA~U~E: S~ll the City of ~uth ~ ~cisco ~cu~ ~e~e~ a b~ded ~debte~es~ ~ the p~ci~ Dispos~ ~t ef $1,~7,000 fo~ the acquisition, S2ste~.~ c~at~etion ~d ce~letion of the follow~ ~iei~l ~ve~at. to wit: A Se~ge DiSposal ~yste~, ~clud~ ae~ge t~ea~t pl~t, digeste~, cla~ifie~s, g~lt c~e~B, slu~e ~d lift p~s. laboratory ~ office build~, tegethe~ ~th outfall. ~te~cept~' co~ect~g ~d late~l sewers.. pipes, p~g s~tlon. ~olea. l~da. eaaea~ta. ~ights-of-~y ~ ot~ weeks, p~pe~t2 o~ at~ct~es necesaa~2 o~ convealent fo~ a co.lets sewage dlspeaal systea of the City of ~uth ~ ~ciaco? The estimated cost of the ~mtuicipal i~ovelent as set forth:in said leasu~e is the sm of $1,~7,000 and the a~ount of the Ludebted- ness p~oposed to be incurred for said municipal i~p~ovement is the suaof $1,667,000. Section 2. The said City Council does hereby sub~it to the ~dalified electors of said City of South 3an l~A~cisco at said special ~unic~pal bond election the said ~easu~e set forth in section 1 of this ox~inance, and desi~ates ~ ~efe~s to said ~easu~e ~ the fo~ of ~llot he~e~fte~ p~escribed fo~ use at said election. (a) ~id special ~lcipal bond election s~ll be held ~d conducted, ~ the votes thereof c~vassed, ~d the reruns thereof ~e, ~d the ~esult thereof ascertained ~d dete~ed as he~e~ p~vided; ~d ~ all ~tlcula~s ~ot p~esc~ibed b2 2 this o~dlnance, said election shall be held as provided by law for the holding of ~r~icipal elections in said City. (b) Ail persons qualified to vote at lunicipal elections in said City of South San F~ancisco upon the date of the election herein p~ovided for shall be qualified to vote upon the ~easure sub]~itted at said special ~unicipal bond election. (c) The polls at the polling places hereinafter designated shall be opened at seven o'clock A.M. of said day of elect~on and shall be kept open continuously thereafter until. seven o'clock P. M. of said day of election, when the polls shall be closed (except as p~evided in Section 573~ of the Elections Code), and the election officers shall thereupon proceed to canvass the ballots cast thereat. (d) For the conduct of said' special mmicipal bond election the City of South San l~ancisco is hereby divided into eighteen (18) special election precincts, and the general state and county election precincts into which said City is divided for general state and county election purposes are hereby consolidated as hereinafter provided. The territory elbraced within each of said precincts, the polling places therein, mad the election officers appointed to conduct said election there- at &re as follows, to wit: That, for the purpose of said special election, said City of South San Francisco has been divided into eighteen (18) election precincts, to be known as Voting Precinct A, Voting Precinct B, Voting Precinct C, Voting Precinct D, Voting Pre- cinct E, Voting Precinct F, Voting Precinct G, Voting Precinct H, Voting Precinct I, Voting Prec~inct J, Voting Precinct E, Voting Precinct L, Voting Precin~.t M, Voting Precinct N, Voting Precinct O,~ Voting Precinct P, Voting Precinct Q, and Voting Precinct R, respectively. Voting Precinct A shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. i and South San Francisco Precinct No. 23, as established by that certain reso- lution numbered 3087 and entitled "Resolution and order dividing the County of San Mateo, California into election precincts and establishing the boundaries thereof" passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Mateo, California, December 2, 19~7, and the voting place for said Voting Precinct A shall be in ~nce~Zi~i'~ Garage at No. 816 Grand Avenue in said City of South San Francisco. Voting Precinct B shall include all the territory des~ cribed in South San Francisco No. 2 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 29, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct B shall be in Oliver's Garage at No. 700 Circle Court in said City. Voting Precinct C shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 3 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 5, as established by said resolution of the Board of SuPervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct C shall be in Laufer's Garage at No. lll Magnolia Avenue in said City. Voting Precinc~ D shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. ~ and South San Francisco Precinct No. 17, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct D shall be in Tognella's Garage at' 601 Miller Avenue in said City. Voting Precinct E shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 6 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 28, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct E shall be in Nryning'~s residence at No. 41~ Baden avenue in said City. Voting Precinct F shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 7 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 8, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct F shall be in Marinoff's garage at~o. 621 Maple avenue in said City. Voting Precinct G shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 9 and South San Fran- cisco Precinct No. ll, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct G shall be in Fischer's garage at No. 205 Pine Avenue in said City. Voting Precinct H shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. l0 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 16, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct H shall be in Zucco's Barber Shop at No. 218 Linden Avenue in said City. Voting Precinct I shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 12, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct I shall be in Hendel's garage at No.' 1011 Ba~/Shore Boulevard in said City. Voting Precinct J shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 13, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of san Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct J shall be in Cagnacci's garage at No. ll2 Maple avenue, in said City. Voting Precinct K shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 14 and South San Francisco No. 27, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said CoUnty of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct~hall be in Botbino's garage at No. 833 Linden Avenue in said City. Voting Precinct L shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 15, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct L shall be in McCandless's garage at No. 520 Hillside in said City. Voting Precinct M shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 18, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct M shall be in Petroni's garage at No. 407 West Orange Avenue in said City. Voting Precinct N shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 19 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 30, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct N shall be in Hernan!s garage at No. 12~ Knoll Circle in said City. Voting Precinct 0 shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 20 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 22, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct 0 shall be in Carl Ne.ill's garage at No. 648 May£air ~venue in said City. Voting Precinct P shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 21, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct P shall be in the Community Hall at No. 200 Victory Avenue in said City. Voting Precinct Q shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Precinct No. 24 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 25 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 26, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct Q shall be in ~n's garage at in said City. Voting Precinct R shall include all the territory des- cribed in ~outh San Fran¢isc~ Precinct No. 31 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 32, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of sa~td County of San ~at~o, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct R shall be in garage at No. ~9'~ D~P~so,~D~ in said City. At said special election, the polls sh~ll be open at seven {?} o'clock in the mo~ning o£ such ~lection and shall be kept open until seven {?} o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, ~hen the said polls shall be closed. In said South San Francisco municipal election precincts, the polls shall be held at the places and the election conducted as aforesaid by the inspectors, judges and clerks, respectively hereinafter named as follows, to-wit: The following named Persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct A: J' Sophie Dancak Inspector ~ Kate Maynard Judge Lucetta Hardy Clerk Maude A. Hunter Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct B: / Rl ~nche John~o~ Inspector / Sarah Henkel Judge / Elsie Dotson Clerk / Emma C. Robinson Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct C: / Mey Ferron Inspector / Henrietta RinKue Judge ~/ Marie Imprescia Clerk J~ Rena RinEue C1 erk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct D: / Clara Rowe Inspector Mattie L. WriEht Judge ~ Irene SiEnarowitz Clerk y Frances Rostoni Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct E: ~ no-orby V.r. ebhnrdt Inspector ~ ~e~tr~ ce Ra~m,,ssen Judge ~ Helen Aresta Clerk ~' Chandra Grout Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct F: ~ Antoinetta Ko zlowski Inspector ~, Anita Zucco Judge / Adelaide EisenberE Clerk ~ Freda Troy Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct G: ~ Louise Bertoldi Inspector /_ Marie Ginier Judge Ruby Rowe Clerk ~ Josephine Fracchia Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct H: ~ Claire Fischer Inspector ~ Rosella Tibbetts Judge / Josephine Scampini Clerk / Pearl Milne Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct I: Leona M. Casper Inspector ~ Hazel V. Arola Judge / Ruth OEburn Clerk ~' Jennie Shultz Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct J: ~ Josephine Rossetti Inspector Nick Giannecchini Judge y Harri.et H. Blank Clerk Mary Bollazzi Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct K: / Mary Lonati Inspector / Nora V. Sturm Judge Ceci 1 i a ~al di ni Clerk J1; l i e J- Ca~el 1 $ C1 erk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct L: ~ Vir~i ~ R. Ro~ Inspector / ann. M. Mendner Judge ~ Vrann,~ N. Ch~,rch Clerk ,' ~ry ~n~ro, Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct ~ ~ Norm~ C~$gl i el mett~ Inspector Y anl t~ p~r~ Judge (Precinct M cont'd.) ~ N~llie ~zresti Clerk '~ Levia Man~ini Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct N: Ethel Hernan Inspector Betty M. DolwiE Judge ,, Myrtle R. Wood Clerk y Elizabeth Carlyle Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct O: ,~ Iva E. Stanley Inspector ~ Fayetta A. Nordstrom Judge ~ Jeanette E. Curtis Clerk ~ Evelyn M. Larter Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for V~oting Precinct P: ~ Irene Petroff Inspector ,~ Margaret McClaskey Judge Ma ude Parker Clerk ~ Flo M Cale Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct Q: / Ruth C. Robinson Inspector j Belle Hillman Judge ~/' VirEinia T. Harris Clerk / Eva M. Howard Clerk The following named persons are hereby appointed as members of the election board for Voting Precinct R~ ~ VirKinia Kelley 'Inspector / Sylvia M. Sadler Judge ~ AKnes L. AnderSon Glerk ~ Patricia Royal Clerk (e) The ballots to be used at said special ~untcipal bond election shall be substantially in the following foxm, to wit: No. (This nmabe~ is to be .~R~ CROI~I5 (X) ON ~T : to~ off bY ~apect°~) .O~Y ~ ~BER ~T~, : : : : l~e,le~v~ top ~~ e~oaed) : ~ICIP~ ~OT : : [N$T~CT~ON$ ~ VOWS: To vote ~ ~y ~asu~e, ~ : a (X) the vot : : square afte~ the ~ ~ o~ : : affte~ the we~d 'NO." : : ~ ~ks except the c~ss (X) ~e forbid den. All : : dist~ish~ ~ks o~ e~su~em a~e ffo~bidden ~d ~ke : : the~ ~lot void. If you ~o~~, tea~ o~ defmce : : this Ballot, ~etu~ It to the ~specto~ off ~ectl~ ~ : ~ : obta~ ~othe~.- ~ absent voter's ~llots ~k a c~ss : : (~) with pen o~ pencil. : : ~~ ~T~ TO VO~ OF ~ VO~S : : ~~: ~1 the Clt~ of ~uth ~ : : : ~ : ~e~ge ~clsco ~cu~ a bo~ed ~ebt- : : : ~ : Disposal e~eme ~ the p~cl~ ~t : : : : ~ystem. off $~,~,000 ~o~ the acquisition, : ~$ : : : const~ction ~ c~letion of the : : : : follow~ ~lcl~ ~vement, to wit: : : : : A Se~e Dispo~ 3~atem, ~cl~ sewage : : : : e~be~s, slu~e ~d lift p~a, la~to~y : : : : ~ office 'bulld~, toEethe~ with outffall, : : : : pipes, p~~ s~tion, ~olea, l~ds, : NO : : : emaements, ~lghts-off-~y ~d othe~ works, : : : : p~pe~ty o~ st~ctu~es necese~ o~ c~ven- : : : : off the City off ~uth ~ ~cimce? : : : : : ~ : 5 (f) Each voter to vote for said ~eaau~e hereby submitted and for incurring said bonded indebtedness set forth in said ~easure Shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the wo~d 'YE~" on the ballot to the right of said measure, and to vote against said measure and &Ka~nst incurring said indebtedness shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the vol~l #][0' on the ballot to the right of said ~easu~e. On absent voter's ballots ~he cross (X) My be ~arked with pen or pencil. (g) The returns of said election shall be ~de out and signed by the election officer8 and shall be by them deposited with the City Clerk, together ~ith the ballots cast at said election; and this City Council shall ~eet &t its usual ~eetlng place and canvass said returns on Tuesday, the 2nd day of August, 19~9 (Being the first Tuesday after said election) &t the hour of eight (8) o'clock P.M., and declare the ~esult of said election. Section 3. S~ld City Council p~oposes to issue and sell bonds of Said City of ~outh ~an Fx~nclsco in ~e ~t ~ fo~ the object ~ pu~ose specified ~ Bald measu~ if tvs-thirds of the q~lified electors vot~ on such me&ou~ &t said 8peci~ ~lcl~l bo~ election 8~1 vote ~ favo~ of Bald ~&s,~e. ~ld Bonds 8~11 Be negotiable ~ fo~ ~ of the c~cte~ ~o~ as ae~ial, ~ s~ll bea~ ~-te~eat at a ~ate not exceed~ five (~) pe~ cent. pe~ ~, ~2able a~-~ll2; p~ovided t~t said bonds ~2 be issued ~d sold ab the City Co~cil ~2 dete~e, ~d eithe~ at a p~e~ o~ sa the ~8ia of t~ lowest net ~te~st cost to said City, But ~ no event for X4sa t~ t~ ~ value ~d &ceded ~te~est to ~te of delivery. P~ovislon is hereby ~e fo~ the ~ent of the p~clpal of ~d ~te~est on said bonds as fellers, to wit: ~e City Co~cil of ~e City of ~uth ~ ~cisco s~ll, at the t~e of fix~ the gene~ tax lew ~ ~ the Banner for such general tax lev2 provided, levy and collect annually each year until said bonds are paid, or until there shall be a sum in the treasury of said'City set apart for that pu~ome to meet all sums coming due for principal and interest on such bonds, a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on such bonds a8 the sm becomes due, &nd also ouch part of the principal thereof as shall become due before the proceeds of a tax levied at the time for m~king the next general tax levy can be ~ade available for the payment of such principal; provided, however, that if the ~atu~ity of the indebtedness created by the issue of bonds be ~ade to begin ~ore thaa one year after the date of issuance of such bonds (if, as provided by law, the time of payment of .such bonds ~ay be legally postponed), such tax shall be levied and collected at the time and in the -anner aforesaid annually each year sufficient to pay the interest on such indebted- ness as it falls due, and also to constitute a st,~tug fund for the palment of the principal thereof on or before ~atu~ity. ~aid tax shall be in addition to all other taxes levied for ~mniclpal pux~poses, and shall be collected at the sa~e time and t, the sa~e ~anner as other ~uniclpal taxes are. collected, and be used for no other purpose than the pa~ent of said bonds and accx, aing interest. Section ~. The City Clerk of the City of 3outh ~ F~ncisco is hereby directed, upon the passage and adoption of this ox~linance, to p~blish the same once a week for tvs (2) weeks in The South San Francisco Journal , which is a newspaper of general circulation published less than six (6) days a week im said City of ~outh S&u l~ancloco, and such publication shall constitute notice of amid election. other notice of the election hereby called need be given. 7 Section ~. This ordLu~nce sh~l be forthwith e=te~ed upon the ~tnutes of this City Council ~ ~ the O~~ce ~ok of sa~d C~t~. ~s o~~ce, be~ ~ o~~ce the follov~ vote: A~.~ C~c~llen Victor Bo[do, Chas. E. ~er, Leo Ferko, 3~, ~lio ~taTO~ 0 the Ctty of ~outh ~n F~ncisco, C&llfor~i&. Attest: The forego~n~ o~dZuance is presented to me for and is hereby approved this ~ day of June, ~yor of the City of ~out~ ~n F~ncisco, Califomla. CLEI~' ~ CII~TIlrICATE I, Dani el J. ~tvl~nd , City Clerk of the CITY OF ~0UT~ SAN FRANCISCO, Califormia, do hereby certify that the foregoing o~dinance is a full, t~ue and co~rect copy of an ordinance introduced and read at an adjourned ~egular meeting of the City Council of said City duly and ~egularly held on the 2~d day of ~ay, 19~9, and said ordinance was thereafter duly passed and adopted by vote of at least two-thirds of all of the members of said City Council, at a regular meeting of said City Council duly and regularly held at the regular meeting place thereof on the 6th day of June, 19~9, of which meeting all of the members of said City Council had due notice, as follows: A~EB: Co,Aucilmen Victor Boido, ~.~h~.~eF~i~$ ~$.r~, Adolph 3~, ~lio Cortesi. NOE8: C~c ll~ None ~~ ~ Co~oll~ None That I have carefully co~pared the sa~e with the o~iglnal ~lnutes of said meeting on file and of record in my office and that said ordinance is duly entered of record in Book of ~inutes of said City Council, ad~, ~_. ~. , '- A, ..... e, and in Ordinance Book No. ~ of said Cl~y, That said ordinance has not been a~ended, ~odifled or rescinded since the date of its passage and the sa~e is now in full force and effect "' ¥IT~E$$ my haud~ the seal of the City of South . ' day of J,,ne · San l~mciseo this , 19#9 cl Fr~,uclsco, C~lfo~.