HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/26/1971 MINUTES July 26, 1971 of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8:00 p.m. DATE: July 26, 1971 PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall South San Francisco, California MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, and Chairman Campredon ~ffiMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Lazzari and Zlatunich ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretary to the South San Francisco Planning Commission, Daniel M. Pass Assistant Planner William A. Timmons Assistant City Engineer Raymond Maxwell Chief Building Inspector Leonard J. Pittz MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of July 12, 1971 Vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of July 12, 1971 be approved; seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botief, Gardner, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lazzari and Zlatunich ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Campredon announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission in order to be heard, but objected to having his voice recorded in this manner, could. request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he is speaking or is heard. - 2932 - UP-125 July 26, 1971 UP-125, use-permit request of Standard Oil Company of California to redevelop a service station, and to locate a 150 square-foot, freestanding, illuminated sign appurtenant thereto at No. 300 South Airport Boulevard, in the M-2-H District. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "It is respectfully recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions embodied in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report, and thereby conditionally grant the requested use permit." "FINDINGS: 1. The establishment, maintenance, operation or the use of the build- ing or lands for which the permit is sought will not, under the cir- cumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the area of such proposed use, and will not be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the city. 2. The approval of the requested use permit meets the requirements of Section 6.23 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The redeveloped service station would be characterized by sound site planning, and a strong emphasis upon aesthetic design. 4. The proposed signs would comply with the Planning Commission's "Statements of Sign Policy," adopted on February 8, 1971. The pro- posed sign area would be substantially less than the applicant's existing sign area." "CONDITIONS!: 1. The applicant shall comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads, and the subsequent requirements of the Planning Commission's Architectural Committee. 2. Signs, other than those indicated on the submitted plot plan, shall not be located on the subject premises." REPORT, dated July 13, 1971, of Director of Public Works Louis H. Goss "It is recommended that approval of this Use Permit be subj ect to the following conditions: 1. All construction and landscaping shall be coordinated with the current South Airport Boulevard Widening Project. 2 Any change orders on said widening proj ect which increase the City's coat as a result of this redevelopment shall be reimbursed to City by the applicant." -2933- UP..,125 July 26, 1971 Report, dated July 19, 1971, of City ATtorney John Noonan "Reference: IOM dated 7/13/71 to Planning Commission from Director of Public Works, same subject. The Director of Public Wrorks, in Section 2 of referenced memorandum, states that "any change orders on said widening proj ect which in- crease the City's cost as a result of this redevelopment shall be reimbursed to City by the applicant." Suggest that as a condition for the use permit Planning Commission require the deposit of an agreement and bond assuring payment of said cost." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Oral presentation by Mr. R. H. Rieber, Property Representative of Standard Oil Company of California, 114 Sansome St ..' SF, Ca. Letter, dated July 26, 1971, from Mr. J. W. Home, Engineer, Standard Oil Company of California "Attention: Mr. Goss In reference to your widening of South Airport Boulevard, please be advised that Standard Oil Company has requested certain approach configuration changes at 300 South Airport Boulevard. Kirker, Chapman & Associates has a drawing that illustrates our needs and was signed by myself on July 21, 1971. It is our understanding that some work has already been completed on the original approach configuration~, and that there will be extra cost involved in conforming to the new approaches. Standard Oil Company will assume a fair and reasonable cost for all extra work not including the cost to construct the original curb and gutter design. Very truly yours, K. C. Cole, by J. W. Home, Engineer" Opponents: None Commissioner Gardner moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve UP-125 upon the condition that the appli- cant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads; seconded by Commissioner Botieff; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lazzari and Zlatunich - 2934 - PM-81 July 26, 1971 PM-81, tentative parcel map of Michael C. Callan, representing the subdivision of approximately 3.605 acres of land, located at the southwesterly corner of Callan Boulevard and King Drive, in the Westborough-West Park No.2 Planned Community District, into 4 lots. (continued from meeting of July 12,1971) Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record Report of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The proposed subdivision meets the requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act, and the regulatory standards of the Sub- division Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. Said subdivision would substantially conform to the land division indicated on the recently-revised Site Plan of the Westborough- West Park No.1 and No.2 Planned Community District.* The Planning Department therefore respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission approve the instant tentative parcel map upon the condition that the subdivider comply with the sub- mitted requirements of the City's department heads. *RZ-18" Report dated July 1, 1971, of Louis Goss, Director of Public Works "This office recommends approval of said tentative parcel map. All construction on the created lots should have the approval of the Westborough County Water District. Their sewer facili- ties lie transverse to Lots C and D." Report,dated July 1, 1971, of Leonard Pittz, Chief Bldg. Inspector "I have examined the Tentative Parcel Map, PM- 81, being a resubdivision of Lots 47, 49 and portions of Lots 44, 45, 46 and 48, Block 2, Westborough-West Park No. 2 and recommend its approval with the following corrections to be made on the Final Map: 1. Lots identified as A, B, C and D should be numbered 50, 51, 52 and 53." Names and Addresses of Proponents & Opponents Proponents: Mr. Ichiro Sasaki, AlA, 2790 Junipero Serra Blvd., Daly City, Agent of the Applicant Opponents: None Vice Chairman Raffaelli moved, seconded by Commissioner Gardner that the Planning Commission approve the instant tentative parcel map upon the condition that the subdivider comply with the requirements as set forth by the City's reporting department heads. The motion was passed by the following roll call vote. AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lazzari and Zlatunich - 2935 - SA-20 July 26, 1971 SA-20, final map of Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3E, representing the subdivision of 14.33+ acres of land, located at the south- westerly corner of the projections of King Drive and Gellert Boule- vard, in the PC-SF and PC-DF zones of the Westborough-West Park No.3 Planned Community District, into 149 lots. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The final map of Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3E substantially conforms to the approved tentative map thereof, and manifests material compliance with the conditions the Planning Commission imposed thereon. The Planning Department therefore respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council order the instant final subdivision map to stand approved upon the subdivider's compliance with the submitted requirements of the City's department heads." Report, dated July 16, 1971, of Director of Public WIDrks Louis Goss "Please be advised that this office does not recommend approval of said Final Map at this time. Complete improvement plans have not been submitted to and reviewed by our staff. It is also our opinion that approval of this map would be pre- mature without the completion of the steps necessary to insure the entire improvement of Gellert Boulevard from King Drive to Westborough Boulevard." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. Henry L. Richman, Vice President, J. H. Snyder Company, 3655 Georgetown Court, South San Francisco who spoke at length regarding his inability to improve Gellert Boulevard where it was not located on his property. Opponents: None Assistant City Engineer Ray Maxwell stated that the Engineering Department is currently studying the corrected improvement plans of the Final Map and would make further recommendations when they had completed their study. He further noted that the Engineering Department would like a policy statement from the Planning Commis- sion regarding the completion of Gellert Boulevard through the Callan property. Considerable discussion ensued amongst the Commissioners, after which Chairman Campredon asked the Commission for a motion. Vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission order SA-20 to be continued to the Planning Commission's regular meeting of August 9: SeyCQnded .by Commissiouex:.I:;ardnerC. passed bi: the. f'QI10wiugtroL1 calld .::vote: A bb: Vlce-Chalrman RaTraelIl, amID1SS10ners tiODllLt, tin leff, Gar ner, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lazzari and Zlatunich - 2936 - ARCHITECTURAL CO~~ITTEE July 26, 1971 Appointment of Committeem~~ Secretary Pass advised the Commission that only four applications had been received to date. With the concurrence of the Commission, Chairman Campredon ordered the Appointment of Committeemen to the Architectural Committee held over to the Commission's regular meeting of August 23, 1971. SPECIAL PLANS The Matter of the Investment of the Planning Commission with Urban Design Jurisdiction Secretary Pass read the following Inter-Office Memorandum, dated July 13, 1971, and npre1iminary" Resolution, into the record. "The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached, preliminary resolution, and thereby recommend that the City Council invest the Commis- sion with urban design and aesthetic jurisdiction over plans for major public and private projects within the City of South San Francisco. Without the aforementioned jurisdiction, the Planning Commission would be substantially hampered in its continuing effort to pro- mote the orderly growth and developmental stability of this municipality and its sphere of influence. Orderly growth and aesthetic progress are inseparable components of urban planning." "PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION NO. " RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL THEREOF DESIGNATE THE PLANNING COM- MISSION AS THE OFFICIAL URBAN DESIGN AGENCY OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AREA, AND GHARGE IT WITH THE PROMOTION OF THE AESTHETIC PROGRESS THEREOF, ET CETERA. WHEREAS, the South San Fra~cisco Planning Commission, meeting in regular session on Monday, July 26, 1971, considered the role of the Commission in the comprehensive planning of the City of South San Francisco and environs; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission expressed concern over the aesthetic development of this municipality, and the need for the Planning Commission to accept the mantle of leadership of South San Francisco's urban-design counterattack; and, WHEREAS, the Commission adopted the following findings: 1. The Planning Commission is the official planning agency of the City of South San Francisco, and is charged by the State Planning and Zoning Law and the City Council with the preparation and effectua- tion of plans for the orderly physical growth of the South San Francisco area, and the long-range developmental suability thereof. - 2937 - SPECIAL PLANS July 26, 1971 2. The Planning Commission, in its capacity as the board of zoning and subdivision adjustment, is the quasi-judicial body of all of South San Francisco's precise and specifi c planning projects and programs.. 3. The Planning Commission can no longer promote the long-range, com- prehensi ve, and general growth of this murrL cipali ty and its sphere of influence in the absence of its procurement of urban-design jurisdiction from the City Council. 4. Modern American Planning was spawned by the City Beautiful Program, and is theoretically inexorably coalesced therewi th. Daniel Burnham, progenitor of the City Beautiful Program, and preparator of the first, modern general plan heralded this essentia.I coalescence in his famous exhortation: "net your watchword be order and your beacon beauty." 5. The incipient ecological revolution includes a concerted effort to obliterate that visual blight which has too-long characterized the American urbanity. Planners Arthur B. GaLlion and Simon Eisner, in their definitive text, The Urban Pattern, City Planning and Design, aptly commented on this blight, to wit: "The drab, uninspired appearance of our ci ties approaches offensive ugliness. The lack of a long tradition of the arts in society has dulled our response to the visual plunder in our surroundings. The grace and charm of a European village, a New England town, the delight of Paris, venice and Vienna, came by way of the manners and morals of the time quite as much as by craftsmanship. Our values have undoubtedly been by materialism and the sheer preoccupation with the practical chores of everyday urban housekeeping." 6. The promotion of the aesthetic quality of South San Francisco and environs, and the protection of the amenities of the several communities and neighborhoods constituent thereto require the extension of the Com- mission's urban-design jurisdiction to proposed public projects, as well as private developments.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco respectfully recommend that the Honorable City Council adopt the following recommendations. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. The Planning commission should function as the official urban- design agency of the City of South San Francisco, and should be expressly charged with the promotion of the aesthetic progress of the territorial limits and sphere of influence thereof. 2. The Planning Commission should be expressly charged with the pro- tection of the amenities of the City of South San Francisco and its several communi ties and nei ghborhoods . 3.. The Planning Commission,as the official urban-design agency, should be expressly charged wi th the review of proposed, major pub1i c and private developmental projects, and the submi tta1 of "urban design" impact reports thereon to the City Council. - 2938 - SPECIAL PLANS July 26, 1971 "4. the Planning Commission and the City Planner should be expressly charged with the establishment and maintenance of a continuing educa- tional program in urban design in order to encourage the general public to effectively participate in the planning of their city. 5. The Planning Commission should be charged with the preparation of general, specific, and precise urban-design plans for the betteIDment of the local and regional environment. Names and Address of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: None Opponents: Mr. Henry L. Richman, Vice President, J. H. Snyder Co., 3655 Georgetown Court, South San Francisco, stated that a developer would not come into the city of South San Francisco with these addi- tional restrictions placed upon him. Mr. Arthur "Buz.z.1I Haskins, 114 South Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, said that he felt that the resolution would be a blank check to the Planning Commission, and further, that Mr. Dan Pass should not design our city. Mr. August C. Chevalier, 2600 Leix Way, South San Francisco, stated that the Commission already had this jurisdiction and that the resolu- tion was unnecessary. City Planner Pass advised the Commission that the Planning Department does indeed belong in the design category. AnPfurther that the Depart- ment is charged with advising the Commission on individual projects that come before it. Mr. Pass also noted that the Commission has no control over major public and private growth. For example, the City has no standards or control over schools, State and Federal Development within its corporate limits. The City Planner advised the Commission that by adopting the resolution, the Commission would be able to set guidelines and policies for all facets of city design; such as variety in street design, the location of "vest-pocket" parks, kiosks, fountains, street furniture and recreational facilities. In sum total, Mr. Pass stated the City would be able, through the Planning Commission, to utilize'three dimensional planning; the arrangement of buildings and open space, not piece-meal planning and individual design. The City would then be able to furnish its standards to the developer. The Commission discussed the issue at length, after which Chairman Campredon asked the Commission for a motion. Vice Chairman Raffaelli moved, seconded by Commissioner Botieff, that the Planning Commission continue the hearing on the Urban Design Jurisdiction to the Commission's regular meeting of September 27, 1971, and passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Lazzari and Zlatunich - 2939 - GOOD AND WELFARE, OTHER AND COMMUNICATIONS July 26, 1971 There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare, and there being no further communications or other matters of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Campredon announced that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be held on August 9, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, South San Francisco, California. TI1e meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. , Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Daniel M.Pass, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco wat - 2940 -