HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/23/1971 August 23, 1971 MINUTES of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8 :00 p.m. DATE: August 23, 1971 PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall South San Francisco, California MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Raffaelli j' Commissioners Bobli tt, Borieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretary to the South San Francisco Planning Commission, Daniel M. Pass Assistant Planner William A. Timmons Assistant City Engineer Raymond Maxwell Building Inspector Rex Greene MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of August 9, 1971 vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of August 9, 1971 be approved; seconded by Commi.ssioner GardneT; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bob1i tt, Boti eff, Gardner, Zlarunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Campredon announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be Tecordedon tape, but th.at anyone who wished to come before the Commission in order to be heard, but objected to having his voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the durarion of the time that he is speaking or is heard. -2954- V-73 August 23, 1971 V- 73, vari ance reques t of L. Dani el Won to construct an addi ti on to an existing single-family dwelling in the required westerly side yard of No. 159 Escanyo Drive, in the R-1 District. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "It is respectfully recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the findings embodied in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report, and approve the requested side-yard variance." FINDINGS: 1 . There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or condi tions applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not ~pply generally to land or buildings in the same di.strict. 2. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment ~$ substantial property rights of the petitioner. 3. That the granting of the application will not, under the circum- stances of the particular case,' materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant, and will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said. neighborhood. 4. Th.e granting of the requested variance will be in harmony wi th the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical diffi- culties, unnecessary hardships, and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The requested variance is supported by the irregular shape of the subject building site. 7. The granting of the instant request would not create a new building line, but would merely permit the extension of an existing one." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. L. Daniel Won, 159 Escanyo Dri ve, South San Francisco, th.e appli can t . Opponents: None Commissioner Zlatunich moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions, as set forth in the preliminary Offi cia1 Action Report, and approve V-73 upon the condition th.atthe applicant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads; seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari - 2955- V.....106 Au gus -t 23, 1971 V-l06, variance request of Hugh E. Robertson to construct a two-story, six-unit apartment house in the required front and rear yards of the building site located on the southerly side of Lewis Avenue, opposi te Madrone A venue, in th.e R-] Dis trict. Secretary Pass read -the following reports and letters into the record. Report, and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adop-t the "findings" and ac-tion indica- ted in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report.." FINDINGS: "There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land or buildings in the same district. 2. The granting of the application is necessary for the preserva- tion and enjoyment of subs-tan-tial property rights of the petitioner. 3. Tha-t -the granting of the application will not, under the cir- cumstances of the particular case, ma-teria11y affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighbor- hood of the property of the applicant, and will not, under the circumstances of -the particular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 4. The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical diffi.cul ties, unnecessary hardships, and resu1-ts inconsis tent wi th the genra1 purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The requested bulk variances are supported by the nonrectangu1ar shape of the subject building site, and the resultant difficulty in maintaini.ng the required rectangular yards -thereon." CONDITIONS: "The applicant shall comply with the stzbsequent requirements of the Planning Commission's Architectural Committee." Letter, dated August 13, 1971, from Mr. Hugh Rober-tson, the Applicant. "In accordance with the requirements of the South San Francisco Fire Department, I hereby agree to provide a minimum of twenty feet (20') between buildings along the existing driveway located on Lot 21,B1k U, Pecks Sub No 1.,S.S.F. -2956- V-106 August 23, 1971 Letter,dated August 14, 1971, from Paul Kilmartin, 7 Kipling Ave. Ben Lomond "In regard to your notice about variances requested by Hugh Robertson on Lots 21, 22, and 23, Pecks Sub. No.1, I wish to indicate my approval. I own property directly across the street at 24 Lewis Avenue, S.S.F." Letter, dated August 15, 1971, from Tony Ake1is "I am in favor of the Variances requested by Mr. Hugh Robertson on Lots 21-22-23, B1k U, Pecks Sub. No. 1 and Lot 10, Blk 1, Crestview Terrace, S.S.F. I own property across the street at 46 Lewis Avenue. Mr. Robertson's buildings and his interest in his other improvements such as the paving of Lewis Ave . have changed the entire area for the better. I am sure that the proposed buildings will also improve Lewis Ave. Thank you for your time in this matter." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. Hugh E. Robertson, 35 Lookout Road, Hi1lsborough,Ca., the Appli cant. Opponents: None Vice-Chairman Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and condi tions, as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve V-106 upon the condi tion that the appli- cant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads; seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bob1i tt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Ci3l.mpredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari -2957- V-108 August 23, 1971 V-108, variance request of Hugh Robertson to construct a two-story, eight-unit apartment house in the required side & rear yards of No. 21 Lewis Avenue (Lot 10, Block 1, Crestview Terrace), in the R-3 District. Secretary Pass read the following report and letters into the record. Report and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the Hfindings" embodied in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report, and con- di tiona11y grant the requested variances." FINDINGS: "1 . There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land or buildings in the same district. 2 e The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the petitioner. 3 Q That the granting of the application will not, under the cir- cumstances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant, and will not, under the circumstances of the particm1ar case, be materially detri- mental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in $;lid neighborhood. 4. The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony wi th the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships, and resuLts inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The requested variances are supported by the irregular, hexagonal shape of the subject building site. 7. The future residents of the proposed apartment house would be served by ample on-site open space." CONDITIONS: "The applicant shall comply wi th the submi tted requirements of the City's department heads, and the subsequent requirements of the Planning Commission's Archi tectura1 Commi ttee . " Letter, dated August 11, 1971, from Mr. David L. Dong, l30 Pecks Lane, South San Francisco, California "I have no objection to the plans for a two story Apte Building to be constructed within the side and rear yards of Lot lO, B1k. .l, Cres tvi ew Terrace, S.S.F" - 2958- V8l08 August 23, 1971 Letter, dated August 11, 1971, from Mr. David L. Dong, 130 Pecks Lane South San Francisco, Ca. (continued) "I feel that the proposed building since it only comes close to our property on the one corner actually gives more light, air, and total area then would a regular building which would stretch across the entire 80' foot rear yard all within 10' of the fence. We actually would welcome a building on this location as we feel it would help clean up the area. The proposed play area should be relocated to the front of the proposed building to keep the noise level down in this area. Thank you, David L. Dong" Letter, dated August 13, 1971, from Hugh Robertson, the Applicant "In accordance wi th the requirements of the South San Francisco Fire Department, I hereby agree to provide a minimum of twenty feet (20') between buildings along the existing driveway located on Lot 21, Blk U, Pecks Sub No 1., S.S.F." Letter, dated August 15, 1971, from Mr. Tony Akelis "I am in favor of the Variances requested by Mr. Hugh Robertson on Lots 2l-2~-23, Blk U, Pecks Sub. No 1 and Lot 10, Blk l, Crestview Terrace, S.S.F. I own property across the street at 46 Lewis Avenue. Mr. Robertson' build- ings and his interest in other improvements such as the paving of Lewis Ave have change the entire area for the better. I am sure that the proposed buildings will also improve Le.wis Ave. Thank you for your time in this matter." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Hugh Robertson, 35 Lookout Road, Hi1lsborough, California, the Applicant Opponents: None commissioner Gardner moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions, as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve V-108 upon the condition that the appli- cant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads, and that the disposal area not be located in the front yard; seconded by Commissioner Botieff; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari - 2959- V-109 August 23, 1971 V-109, variance request of the Diesel Supply Company to construct an industrial building in the required rear yard of No. 122 Starlite Street, in the M-1-H District. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the "findings" and action indi cated in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report." FINDINGS: "1 . There are excep ti ons or extraordinary ci rcums tances or condi- tions applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land or buildings in the same district. 2. The granting of the application is necessary for the preserva- tion and enjoyment of substantial property ghts of the peti tioner. 3. That the granting of the application will not, under the cir- cumstances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant, and will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhoodl 4. The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony wi th the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships, and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The rear-yard requirements of the M-1-HDistrict are designed to promote the establishment of alleys, where such establishment would be desirable and practicable. In the instant case, the establishment of an alley would be neither desirable nor practicable. 7. Many similar variances have been granted." CONDITIONS: "The applicant shall comply wi th the attached require- ments of the reporting department heads, and the subsequent requirements of the Architectural Committee." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. R.L. Hennessy,122 Starlite St.,SSF, the Applicant Opponents: None Commissioner Zlatunich moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report and approve V-109 upon the condition that the applicant comply with the submitted requirements of the City 's reporting depart- ment heads: seconded by V. Chrmn Raffaelli; passed by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, commissioners Boblitt, Botieff,Gardner NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari - 2960 - SA-8 August 23, 1971 Request of Theodore V. Tronoff for the Extension of Time for Recordation of Final Maps of Westborough No. 4 Secretary Pass read the following letter and reports into the record. Letter, dated August 4, 1971, from Tronoff Engineers and Surveyors, 345 Park Plaza Drive, Daly City, California "A1though grading work is being prosecuted vigorously on the lands of GMT Investors, known as Westborough Unit 4, we do not expect to be able to record the Final Map, or Maps, on the site prior to the September 28, 1971, eead1ine on the approved Tentati ve Map of Westborough Uni t 4. Approximately two-thirds of the site has been graded in accordance with the approved grading plans, based on the approved Tentati ve Map and major storm drainage facilities, conforming to the requirements of your Department of Ptzblic Works ,have also beren iBsta1led on a significant portion of the si te. Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions for time extension in your Subdi vision Ordinance and the Stzbdi vision Map Act of the State of California, we hereby respectfully request, on behalf of GMT Investors, a time extension of one year to September 28, 1972, on the Tentative Map of Westborough unit 4. Our clients have advised us that every effort will be made to record a Final Map, or Maps, on the area.prior to September 28, 1972. Thank you for your assistance and co- operation in this matter. Isl Frank W. Aitken Jr. Senior Engineer" Interoffice Memorandum, dated August 5, 1971 J' of City Planner Pass "1. The South San Francisco Planning Commission, on March 10, 1969, conditionally approved SA-8, tentative map of Westborough No.4, representing the stzbdivision of an approximatelylOO-acre parcel of land, located at the southeasterly corner of Westborough and Gellert Boulevards, in the R-3 District. The City Council ratified the Commission's action on March 18, 1969. 2. On July 13, 1970, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council conditionally approve the final map of Westborough No. 4-A, which occupies about 30% of the parent parcel of Westborough No.4. The subject final map was approved by the City Council on July 20, 1970, under Resolution 535y, but was not recorded. 3. According to Section lO.03 of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Ci ty of South San Francisco, "Any failure to record a final map wi thin eighteen months from the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map, or any extension thereof granted by the City Council, shall termina te all proceedings. Before a final map may thereafter be recorded, a new tentati ve map shall be submi tted. If 4. Section 10.02 of Ordinance No. 603 reads: "Upon application of the stzbdivider an extension of not exceeding two additional years may be granted by the Ci ty Council, after review and recommendation of the Planning Commission." - 2961 - SA-B ,August 23, 1971 Request for Extension of Time for Recordation of Final Maps of Westborough No. 4 "5. In its letter of August 31, 1970, Theodore V.. Tronoff Engineers, civil engineer and agent of the st1bdivider, requested that the City Council extend the time 1imi t for recording the final maps of West- borough No.4 and its three units to September 18, .1971. 6. The South San Francisco Planning Commission, meeting in regular session on Monday, September 28, 1970, respectfully recommended that the Honorable City Council grant the requested time extension. The City Council accepted the Commission's recommendation, and extended the deadline for the filing of the final maps of the invol ved subdi vision to the date requested by the st1bdivider's agent. 7. The attached letter embodies the subdivider's request for a second time extension. Since the requested extension would .extend the time limit for the recordation of the final maps of SA-8 to September 18, 1972, it would constitute the last permissible extension, according to the provisions of the State St1bdi vision Map Act, and the Subdi vision Ordinance of the Ci ty of South San Francisco. 8. The Planning Department is of the opinion that. the requested time extension is supported by the large size of Westborough No.4, and the complex problems involved in the establishment of a high-density residential project therein. Since the st1bdi vi der and developer of Wes tborough No. 4 wi 11 develop a nei ghborhood whi ch wi II ul timate1y equal the population of Sausa1ito, the requested time extension is reasonable. The fact that about t:.fMQ-thirds of Westborough No. 4 has been graded in accordance wi th the tentati ve map of Wes tborough No. 4 tends to increase the tenability of the extension in question. RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the Planning Commission recommend to the Ci ty Council that the requested time extension of time be granted." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Theodore V. Tronoff, C.E., &45 Park Plaza Drive, Daly City Opponents: None vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the Ci ty Council tha t the time limi t for the recordation of the final maps of Wes tborough No. 4 be extended to September .18, 1972; seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: vi ce Chairman Raffaelli, .commissioners Bob1i tt, Boti eff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari Special instructions to the Secretary - 29 6 2- SA-18 (Revised) August 23, 1971 SA-18 (Revised), final map of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Uni t No.3, representing the subdi vision of approximately 85 acres of land, located at the easterly end of Cabot: Court, and on "Radio Hill" in the Point San Bruno area, in the M-2-H District, into 13 lots and one sculpture common. Secretary Pass read the following reports and letter into the record. Report of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The final map of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Uni t No. 3 substantially conforms to the approved tentative stzbdivision map thereof, and substantially complies with the Planning Commission's conditions imposed thereon. The Planning Department therefore respectfully recommends that the Planning Commi ssion recommend to the Honorable City Council that the instant final map be approved upon the condi tion that the sub- divider comply with the stzbmitted requirements of the City's depart- ment heads." Letter, dated August 6, 1971, from Richard C. Smith, C.E., Wilsey & Ham, 1035 East Hil1sdale Blvd., San Mateo, Ca. "In accordance with the Subdivision Map Act as amended and the Sub- division Ordinance, City of South San Francisco, dated May 1968, we hereby stzbmi t for your consideration the Final Map, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park uni t No.. 3. As requested in Paragraph 10. Ok m of the Subdi vision Ordinance, I am enclosing copies of letters to the public utility companies involved. Also enclosed is a copy of Caobt, Cabot & Forbes' covenants and restrictions for this unit. Thank you very much for your consideration." Letter, dated August 6, 1971, from Richard C.. Smi th, C.E., Wilsey & Ham, 1035 East Hi11sda1e Blvd., San Mateo, Ca., to Pacific Gas & Electric Co. "I am enclosing two copies of the Final Map for Unit No.3, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, South San Francisco, Cali forni a. As you have requested in our meetings and in the letter from Pacific Gas & Electric Company dated July 22, 1971, I have indicated on this map the various easements you will require to serve this uni t. will you please review this map for completeness and accuracy of these easements.. Thank you very much for your cooperation. IF Letter, dated August 6, 1971, from Richard C. Smith, C.E., Wilsey & Ham, 1035 E. Hi11sdale B1 vd., San Mateo,Ca.;' to Pacific. Telephone Company "I am encdJosing two copies of the Final Map for Uni t No.. 3, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, South San Francisco, California. As you have requested in our meetings and in the letter from Pacifi c Gas & Electric Company dated July 22, 1971, I have indicated on this map the various easements you will require to serve this uni t.. will you please review this map for completeness and accuracy of these ease- ments. Thank you very much for your cooperation." -2963- SA-18 (Revised) Aug:est 23, 1971 Letter, dated August 6, 1971, from Richard C. Smith, C.E., Wilsey & Ham 1035 E. Hi1lsda1e B1vd.,San Mateo,Ca., from California Water Service Co. "I am enclosing two copies of the Final Map for Uni t No.3, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, South San Francisco, California. In our meeting of July 13, 1971, with your staff, we agreed upon the easement requirements necessary to serve this unit. I have indicated these easements on the map. will you please review this map for com- pleteness and accuracy of the easements. Thank you very much for your cooperation." Report, dated August 13, 1971, of Assistant City Engineer Maxwell "This office recommends approval of said map sUbject to our technical review." Report, dated Aug. 16, 1971, of Director of Public Works Louis Goss "This memorandum is intended to supplement the memorandum of August 13, 1971 from Raymond A. Maxwell, Assistant City Engineer, same subject, in which approval was recommended subject to reechnica1 review. Certain off-si te improvements will be required to handle the increased sewage flow introduced by the addition of this unit. Alterations and additions to Pump Station #4 on Harbor Way and Pump Station #7 on Littlefield Avenue will be needed. In addi tion, funds in the form of Sewer Revenue Bonds should be established for future needed improvements such as an additional sewer line in East Grand Avenue. Approval is recommended subject to the above-mentioned needs being fulfilled in addition to our technical map review." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. Richard C. Smith, C.E., Wilsey & Ham, East Hi1lsda1e Blvd., San Mateo, Ca., Agent of the Applicant. Opponents: Mr. Donald J. Bruzzone, C.E., Cabot, Cabot and Forbes, 100 California Street, San F~ancisco,Ca. None commissioner Botieff moved that the Planning Commission order SA-18 (Revised) to stand approved upon the subdi vider' s compliance wi th the stzbmitted requirements of the City's reportin.g department head$, seconded by Commissioner Zlatunich; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bob2i tt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari -2964- SA-19 August 23, 1971 SA-19, final map of Westborough-West Park Uni t No. 3D, representing the st1bdivision of 10.737:... acres of land, located on the southerly side of King Drive, about 820' easterly of Callan Boulevard, in the PC-SF and PC-P zones of the Westborough-West Park No.3 Planned Community District, into 112 lots. Secretary Pass read the following reports,:~I:i1Iit&c~tJfJ.e:J:'!l!ecord. Report, dated AugUst 6, 1971, of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The final map of Westborough-West Park Uni t No .3D st1bstantial1y conforms to the approved tentative map thereof, and manifests material compliance with the conditions the Planning Commission imposed thereon. The Planning Department therefore respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council order the instant final subdivision map to stand approved upon the subdivider's compliance with the submitted requirements of the Ci ty , s department heads." Report, dated August 9, 1971, of Assistant Fire Chief Alwin R. Brauns "Before approval can be granted on the above subject, the sub- division will have to conform to the utili ty Plan, Westborough- West Park unit 3, drawing #WWP3-U-T, revision 5, dated 7/16/68." Report, dated August 13, of Assistant City Engineer Raymond A. Maxwell "This office recommends approval of said map subject to our technical review." ~ames and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Theodore lIi'. Tronoff, C.E., 345 Park Plaza Dri ve, Daly Ci ty Opponents: None vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the Planning Comrndssion order SA-19 to stand approved upon the st1bdivider's comp_Iiance with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads; seconded by Commissioner Zlatunich; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bobli tt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari -2965- A ugus t 23, 1971 ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE Appointment of Committeemen (Continued from meeting of July 26, 1971) Secretary Pass read the names and addresses of the following persons who had expressed an interest to serve on the Architectural Committee of the City of South San Francisco. 1. Jay Jacobs, Ritchie & Ritchie, 120 Bush Street, San Francisco 2. Mr. George Nakada, Certified Ornamental Horticu1tura1ist , 122 Fir Ave. 3. Mr. Charles E. Lewis, Graduate Engineer, 237 Manor Drive, SSF 4. Russell R. Brabec, 461 Dellbrook Avenue, SSF 5. Mr. George C. Avanessian, AIA, 914 Linden Avenue, SSF Considerable discussion ensued amongst the Commission regarding the Val!l.':1.(j)QS1S applicants and of the advisability of appointing John Hoffman, Landscape Specialist of the City of South San Francisco, to the Architectural Committee, as a voting member. Commissioner Botieff moved; seconded by Commissioner Gardner that the follow- ing persons be appointed to the Architectural Committee of the City of South San Francisco: Mr. George C. Avanessian, AIA, 914 Linden Avenue, SSF Mr. John Hoffman, Landscape Specialist, City of South San Francisco Mr. Charles E. Lewis, Gradua te Engineer, 237 Manor Dri ve, SSF Mr. George Nakada, Certified Ornamental Horticultura1ist, 122 Fir Ave.,SSF The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari Special instructions to the Secretary. - 2966 - August 23, 1971 GOOD AND WELFARE, OTHER AND COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Doug Wigton, Manager, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, 234 Miller Avenue, South San Francisco, spoke at length regarding his concern over the Planning Commission's discussion of P.G.&E. rights-of-way and easements at their regular meeting of August 9, 1971. Mr. Wigton advised the Commission that he was available at all times to work wi th the Ci ty on the problem of keeping these parti cu1ar areas in a clean and well kept condi tion. He further advised the Commission that .he had been working with'Mr. Robert Maxey, Recreation and Parks Superintendent to explore ways and means to utilize ,the areas for recreation use and open space. Mr. Wigton noted, that in many areas, the rights-of-ways were strewn wi th garbage and debris by adjoining property owners. He also stated that he would like to be notified of unsightly areas so that he could have them cleaned up. Chairman Campredon invited Mr. Wigton to the Planning CommissiDn's study session on September 7, 1971, to further discuss the problem when Mr. Robert Maxey, who has jurisdiction over the aforementioned areas, would be in attendance. Mr. Wigton cordially accepted the invi tation . There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare, and there being no further communications or other matters of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Campredon announced that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be held on September 13, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall I' South San Francisco, California. The meeting was adjourned 9:40 p.m. Marcel Campredon, Planning Commission City of South San ~ed~. ~~ Daniel M. Pass, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco wat -2967-