HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/13/1971 MINUTES September 13, 1971 of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning COnmllssion TIME: 8:00 p.m. DATE: September 13, 1971 PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall South San Francisco, California MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, an.d Chairman Campredon MEMBERS ABSENT: Commi'ssioner Lazzari ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretazy to the South San Francisco Planning COnmllssion, Daniel M. Pass Assis tant Planner William A. Timmons Assistant City Engineer Raymond Maxwell MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Conmdssion meeting of August 23, 1971 Commissioner Zlatunich moved that the minutes of the regular IlEeting of the South San Francisco Planmng Commission of August 23, 1971 be approved; seconded by Vice Chairman Raffaelli; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bob1i tt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Campredon announced,that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission in order to be heard, but objected to having his voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he is speak- ing or is heard. - 2968 - UP-196 September 13, 1971 UP-l96, use~ermit request of John O'Donnell, to construct six townhouses at the most southerly corner of Serra Drive and San Felipe A venue, in the C-1 Di.strict. Secretary Pass read the following reports and letters into the record.. Report and recommendation of City Planner DanielM. Pass "It is respectfully recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the fi,ndings embodied in the attached, p.reliminary Official Action Report, and grant the instant use permit request upon the condition that the applicant comply with the attached requirements of the Ci ty , s department heads, and the subsequent requirements of the Planni,ng Commission's Archi,tectura1 Committee." FINDINGS: "1. The establishment, maintenance, operation or the use of the building or lands for which the permit is sought will not, under the circums tances of the parti cu1ar case" be detrimental to the heal th, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the area of such proposed use" and will not be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the city.. 2. The approval of the requested use permit meets the require- ments of Section 6.23 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The st1bject lands which formerly accommodated a service station, are situated in a C-1 District ViThich is dominated by l2 apartment houses. 4.. The said st1bject lands adjoin, and are adjacent to commercial land uses. 5. The proposed 'dwel1ing-uni t yi el d would be approximately 60% of the yield permitted in the City's R-3 Districts. 6. The proposed townhouses would be well-sited on the subject irregularly-shaped parcel of land, and would be served by ample landscaping, and sufficient, covered off-street parking. 7.. The elevation of the said townhouses would be harmonious with the aesthetic and height standards of Serra Highlands." CONDITIONS: "1. The applicant shall comply with the attached requirements of the Ci ty , s Department Heads, and the s t1bsequent requi rements of the Planning Commission's Architectural Committee. 2. The applicant shall provi de two, addi ti ona1 parking spaces to the front of the proposed townhouses." - 2969 - UP-196 September 13, 1971 Report, dated August 31, 1971, of Chief of Police Salvatore Rosano "Reference noted subject, this Department has reviewed the st1bmi tted plans and concurs in the findings of the Planning Department. Addi tiona11y, it is recommended the app1i cant be directed to establish a minimum of 4 _inch illuminated numerical apartment indicators so that pt1b1ic safety equipment responding will have no difficulty in locating the specific apartment from which the complaint or emergency came." Report, dated September 2, 1971, of Director of Pt1blic Works Goss "It is recommended that approval of this permit be subject to the review and approval by this office of the complete improvement plans. Said plans should contain, but not be 1imi ted to, plot and grade plans showing drainage, sanitary sewers, and all other necessary utili ty connections." Letter, dated September 8, 1971, from Mr,. & Mrs. D. Benvenuti, 366 Catherine Drive, South San Francisco" Ca. "We are wri ting in regard to the construction of six townhouses to be built at the most southerly corner of Serra Drive and San Felipe Ave. in the C-1 District. The residents of Serra High- lands are very much against the building of any kind of town- houses or apartment buildings in this area. Two years ago a plan to construct an eight unit apartment building on this same lot was with,drawn, after much opposition from all our area property owners. The residents of our area bought there homes as single family dwellings, and not to be among hi gh structure apartment buildings or townhouses. Mr. Pass, our ranch style home is located at 366 Catherine Dri ve. The proposet!l six townhouses would be located directly in the back of our home. If these townhouses are bui1 t, first, all of our pri vacy would be gone. We would not have any pri vacy in the back of our house. According to the p1ans.r all six townhouses face directly in our back yard. Every time we'd go in our back yard or patio we would have people looking down at us from the 2nd level of the townhouses. Second, all of our view would be obstructed. The building of a high structure on this lot does not fi t in next to ranch style homes" Al.1 the homes in this immediate area are low level ranch style homes. However, there are some apartments located in our tract; but these are built next to the sp1i t level homes. The hei ghtof me apartment blends with the height of the split level home on both sides. Another reason is the environment in our area would change. We are all single family dwellings and wi th the rental of si x, 2 bedroom townhouses. there will be a vaziety of people li ving there. Please take our letter in consideration. Thank you. Isl Mr" & Mrs" D. Benvenuti, 366 Catherine Drive, South San Francisco, Ca." - 2970- UP~196 September 13, 1971 Letter, dated September 8, 1971, from Mr. & Mr. J. O'Donnell, 363 Catherine Drive, South San Francisco, Ca. "As original homeowners in Serra Highlands we are bitterly against Dr. O'Donnell's application to build six townhouses on the corner of Serra and San Felipe. These townhouse will not blend in wi th other homes in this area, all other homes are ranch style. When we bought our home in this area we were assured it was to be strictly all homes that would blend in with the original." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. Paul Mark1ing, Archi tect and Agent of the App1i cant 132 Brentwood Dri ve, South San Francisco I' Ca. Opponents: Mr. Dante Benvenuti, 366 Catherine Dri ve, South. San Francisco, Ca. Mr. Angelo Ba1docchi, 379 Catherine Dri ve, South San Francisco, Ca. Mr. Mario Patane, 351 Serra Drive, South San Francisco, Ca. Mr. Andres Vellis, 359 Serra Dri ve, South San Francisco, Ca. Commissioner Bob1i tt moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve UP-196 upon the condi tion that the applicant comply wi th the submi tted requirements of the City's re- porting department heads; seconded by Vice Chairman Raffaelli; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bob1i tt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari This action rescinded a prior action which failed to carry. UP -197 UP-197, use-permit request of Grand of California, to establish a retail store-automotive service center in an existing building at No. 1103 E1 Camino Real, in the C-1 District. Secretary Pass read the following letter into the record. Letter, dated Septemb~r 7, 1971, f+om Mr. D. S.Rombough, Property Manager, Grand of California, 700 Independent Road, Oakland, Californi a "Grand Auto, Inc. requests that Use Pewini t UP-l97 be wi thdrawn at this time and a new request will be filed on the same site at a later date. Thank yo u . " with the concurrence of the Con1mission, Chairman Campredon ordered UP-197 to stand wi thdrawn . -2971- UP-198 September 13, 1971 UP-198, use-permit request of Goldrich, Kest & Associates to amend Planned unit "B", located at the soumeaster1y corner of Callan Boulevard and King Drive, in the Planned Commercial District of the Westborough-West Park No.3 Planned Community District, and to resu1tantly establish a 104-unit dwelling group therein. Secretary Pass read the following letters and "Joint Staff Report" in to the record. "Development Schedule for 104 uni ts to be bui1 t at the southeast corner of Callan Boulevard and King Dri ve. It is our intent to start construction by December 1, 1971 and complete construction by June l, 1972. We are enclosing a resume on our company to give you an idea of our background. If you require any additional information, please do not hesi- tate to contact me. Is/ Robert Hirsch, Skyline view Gardens" "HirschlStern - 816 Union Bank, Plaza, 15233 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, Ca. 91403 We are herewi th indicating our willingness to annex st1bject land to the West Park Park and Parkways Maintenance District even though we intend to maintain same, and agree that we or our assigns will maintain the open spaces in perpetui ty. The land- scaping for our development will be installed by a landscape contractor and maintained by a landscape company under private contract to us. Skyline View Gardens by Robert Hirsch, partner" "JOINT STAFF REPORT" dated September 2, 1971 "The undersigned department heads have individually and jointly studied the subject request to amend Planned Uni.t Development "B", and recommend that the Commission accept the following findings and order the instant use permit to stand approved upon the applicant's compliance with the following requirements. FINDINGS: 1. The establishment, maintenance, operation or the use of the buildings and lands for which the use permit is sought will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, and will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood, or to the general welfare of the ci ty . 2. The applicant has filed the verified petition, plot plans, floor plans, building elevation plans, and common green plans re- quired by Section 5.71 Ca) of the Zoning Ordi,nance. - 2972 - - UP-198 - September 13, 1971 "3. The proposed plans conform to the provisions of Secti.ons 5.72 and 5.73 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The proposed planned-unit development is designed to produce an orderly, stable and desirable environment. 5. The planned uni t development would comply wi th the terms of Ordinance 490 and 575, as amended, under which the Westborough- West Park No.3 Planned Community was established and to the amended general development plan of -the Westbor'Ough-West Park No. 3 Planned Community, where the latter is not in conflict with the former.. 6. The planned unit development contains a reasonable and prac- ti cable development schedule. 7 . The approval of the planned uni t development would tend to effectuate the City's adopted General Plan. 8. The proposed dwelling-group complex would harrronious1y blend with the existing townhouses in Westibbrough-West Park Uni ts No.1, No.2, and No.3. 9. That the proposed development includes provision for recreation areas to meet the anticipated needs of the population or such areas as may be specified in the Master Plan or in the approved General Development Plan and Schedule for the P-C District in question. 10. Tha t an enforceable adequate method and program for cons truc- tion, installation and maintenance of landscaped open areas has been developed and presented. 1l. The applicant's st1bmitted plans and building elevations indicate that the proposed dwelling group would not adversely affect the nature, character, and design of Westborough-West Park No.3, or its consti tuent or neighboring areas. REQUIREMENTS: 1. The applicant shall st1bmit amended plans, specifications, and drawings which reflect the applicant's compliance wi th the require- ments of the Planning Commission. 2. Hydrants, water mains, and fire alarms shall comply, wi th respect to size, type, and location, to the requirements of the Fire Chief. 3. Street lights shall meet the design and location requirements of the Director of Pt1b1ic Works and the Chi,ef of Police. 4. The applicant shall locate minimum 4"....h1.gh illuminated house numbers on buildings in the proposed dwelling group. These num- bers shall have a minimum ground clearance of 7'. House-number directories, designed to provide rapid identification, shall be located throughout the project, as required by the Fixe Chief and the Chief of Police. -2973- UP-198 September 13, 1971 "5. The applicant shall provide one street tree per 25' of the subject building site's street abutment. The applicant's street-tree selection and planting program shall comply with the standards and specifications of the Recreation and Parks Superintendent. 6. No apartment unit, in Planned Unit Development "B" shall be occupied prior to the Landscape Specialist's issuance of a certificate which indicates that the proposed landscaped areas have been planted to the Ci ty , s standards. 7. All fences, partitions, and walls shall conform to the standards and specifications of the City of South San Francisco. 8. The applicant shall comply with the subsequent requirements of the Planning Commission's Arc~itectura1 Comrrrrttee. 9. All surface-mounted transformers and other pt1b1ic-uti1i ty structures shall be screen-planted to the requirements of the Landscape Specialist. 10. The building site of the proposed dwelling-group complex is enti t1ed "Phase 2" under City Council Resolution No. 4935. The "Landscaped Open Areas" of said complex shall be governed by Ci ty Council Order No. 2.D. (1) of the Resolution. 11. The applicant shall install a 15 '-wide emergency lane between the most easterly corner of the parking enclave on Callan Boulevard and the patio area of the proposed project's recreation center. This lane shall be aesthetically consonant wi th adjacent landscaping and shall meet the requirements of. the Ci ty' s reporting department heads . 12. The northerly terminus of the carport: access lane on the subject premises shall be barricaded and shall not intersect wi th King Dri ve. The required barricade shall be of aesthetic design, and shall preclude the flow of traffic from Callan Boulevard to King Dri ve. Notwi thstand- ing this requirement, the required barricade shall not prevent the entry of the Fire Department's vehicles from King Dri ve . 13. The property aontiguous to the common green, Lot 69, Block 9 I' West- borough-West Park No. 3B, shall be fenced by the applicant. The lEe- quJred fence shall be harmonious wi th the fences in the common greens of Westborough-West Park No.3, and shall be located entirely upon the applicant's property, Parcel B" and wi thin 6 inches or less of the property line thereof. 14. The landscaping of the subject lands shall equal or exceed the quality of the landscaping of th,e Common greens in West Park, and shall be harmonious therewith. Final landscaping plans shall meet the requirements of the Recreation and Parks Department. 15. The subject land shall be annexed to the West Park Maintenance District, in accordance with Mr.. Robert Hirsch's letter of August 27, 1971. - 2974 - UP ~19 8 September 13, 1971 "16. The applicant shall furni.sh a geological report which indicates that the proposed dwelling group can be safe1:y established, from a seismic standpoint, on the proposed site. l7. The applicant shall submit detailed site and drainage plans, and other plans which show the proposed fi:mprovements wi thin and along the right-of-way of Callan Boulevard for review and approval of the Depart- ment of Publi c Works. The approval of these plans shall be prerequisi te to the 'City Planner's issuance of the requested use permit. Isl Raymond Maxwell for Louis H. Goss, Director of Public Works Isl Salvatore Rosano, Chief of Police Isl Leonard J" Pi ttZI' Chief Building Inspector Isl A. Brauns, Asst. Chief, for John Marchi, Fire Chief Isl John Hoffman, Landscape Specialist Isl Daniel M. Pass, City Planner!! Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents :Mr. Robert Hirsch, Partner, Goldrich, Kest & Associates Suite 300, 425 S. Fairfax Av., Los Angeles, Ca. Opponents: None vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the P 1anningCommission adopt the findings and conditions as set forth in the "Joint Staff Report" of the Ci ty' s department heads, and approve UP-l98 upon the condition that the applicant comply with the submitted requirements of the Ci ty , s reporting department heads; seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bob1i tt, Botieff, Gardner, zlatuni.ch and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari -2975... V-1l0 September 13, 1971 V-l10, variance request of Thomas R. Sutter to construct an addition to an existing one-story, single-family dwelling in the required rear yard of No. 32 Elkwood Driile, in th.e R-1 District. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the "findings" listed in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report, and grant the requested variance." FINDINGS: "1. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditi,ons applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which ~iE~~mstances or conditions do not apply generally to land or buildings in the same distri ct. 2. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the petitioner. 3. That the granting of the application TI11il1 not, under the circum- stances of'the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant, and wi1.1 not, under the circum- stances of the particular case J' be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood.. 4. The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical difficul- ties, unnecessary hardships, and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The requested bulk variance is supported by the substandard square- footage and depth of the subject building site. 7. Simi.1ar variances have been granted by the Planning Commission.. References: V-690, Joseph A.. Grantham,Jr.. I' 36 Duval Drive V-7 82, Ralph Thompson I' 41 Arlington Dri ve . " Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents Proponents: Thomas R. Sutter, 32 ED~wood Drive, South San Francisco Opponents: None Commi.ssioner Gardner moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findi.ngs and conditi,ons as set forth i.n the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve V-l10 upon the condition that the applicant comply with the submitted requi.rements of the Ci.ty's reporting department heads; seconded by Commissioner Zlatunich; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt;, Botieff, Gardner I' Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari -2976- V-11l Septezriber l3, 1971 V-1ll, variance request of Herman H. Gouveia to construct a 6'- high, open-mesh fence in the exterior-side yard of a corner lot located at No. 515 Keoncrest Drive, in theR-1 District. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the "findings" and action indicated in the attached, preliminary Offi cia1 Action Report." FINDINGS: "1. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or condi tions applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land or buildings in the same district. 2. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the peti tioner. 3. That the granting of the application will not, under the circum- stances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of tiLe property of the applicant, and will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 4. The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony wi th the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical diffi- culties" unnecessary hardships, and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Since the proposed fence would be of open-mesh construction, and would be situated an appreciable distance fI:'om the corner of San Felipe Avenue and Keoncrest DTive, it would not substantially inter- fere with the 1ine-of-sight of motorists entering or leaving the st1bject "T" intersection. 7. The proposed fence would be partially obscured by a row of coniferous trees. II CONDITIONS: "The trees along the proposed fence line shall not be removed." -2977- V-lll September 13, 1971 Report, dated August 31, 1971, of Chief of Police Salvatore Rosano "Reference noted subject)' this Department finds no apparent traffic hazard in the proposed variance and concurs wi th the recommendation of me Ci ty Planner 0 " Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. Herman H. Gouveia, 515 Keoncrest Drive, South San Francisco, Ca., the Applicant OPPONENTS: None Commissioner Gardner moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions, as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve V-11l upon the condition that the applicant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads; seconded by Vice Chairman Raffaelli; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli J' Commissioners Bob1i tt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich,and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari - 2978- SA-21 September 13, 1971 SA-21, final map of the Bennett & Kahnwei1er Industrial Sub- division, representing the subdivis.ion of 16 acres"!:... of land, located on the northerly and southerly sides of East Grand Avenue, and on the easterly side of Kimball Way, in the M-2-H District. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The final map of the Bennett & Kahnwei1er Industrial Subdi vision sub- stantially conforms to the approved tentative st1bdivision map thereof, and substantially complies with the condition imposed thereon by the Planning Commission. The Planning Department therefore respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the Honorable Ci ty Council that the instant final map be approved upon the condi tion that the st1bdi vi der comply with the submitted requirements of the Ci ty' s department heads." Report, dated September 2, 1971, of Director of Pt1b1ic Works "It is recommended that approval of this fi.nal map be subject to the review and approval by this offi ce of the complete improvement plans'. Said plans should contain; but not be limited to, plot and grade plans showing drainage, sanitary sewers, and all other necessary utility connections. An agreement should be made between Cabot, Cabot and Forbes and developers of the Bennett and Kahnwei1er subdi vision to insure drainage improvements are constructed to San Francisco Bay. Said agreement should also define responsibility for construction where the st1bdivisions abut each other." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents Proponents: Mr. Hans Mu1berg, 948 Dolores Avenue, Los Altos, Ca. Opponents: None vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the Planning Comnrrssion order SA-2l to stand approved upon the subdivider's compliance with the st1bmitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads; seconded by Commissioner Botieff; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari -2979- GOOD AND WELFARE September 13, 1971 Secretary Pass advised the Commission that the Ci ty of South San Francisco, under the E.E.A. Program, will be adding a new manto the Planning Department's staff. Due to the lack of space in the Planning Department Office, the Secretary advised the Commission it would become necessary to hold the Study Sessions of the Commission in the Conference Room, Ci ty Hall, South San Francisco, California. With the concurrence of the Commission, Chairman Campredon so ordered the change in location of the Planning Commission Study Sessions.. There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare, and there being no further communications or other matters of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Campredon announced that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be held on September 27, 1971 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, South San Francisco, California. The meeting was adjourned at lO:40 p.m. Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Daniel M. Pass, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco wat -2980-