HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/08/1971 M I N UT E S November 8, 1971 of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission. TIME: 8:00 P.M. DATE: November 8, 1971 PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall South San Francisco, California MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Lazzari, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Raffaelli and Commissioner Gardner ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretary to the South San Francisco Planning Commission, Daniel M. Pass Assistant Planner William A. Timmons Assistant City Engineer Raymond Maxwell Building Inspector Austin Lynch MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of October 26, 1971 Commissioner Lazzari moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of October 26, 1971 be approved; seconded by Commissioner Zlatunich; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Lazzari, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Vice Chairman Raffaelli and Commissioner Gardner ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Campredon announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission in order to be heard, but objected to having his voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he is speak- ing or is heard. - 3008 - UP-202 November 8, 1971 UP-202, use-permit request of Charlene Fozzard to continue the operation of a second-hand variety store (boutique) at No. 315 Linden Avenue, in the C-2 District. (Continued from the meeting of October 12, 1971) Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The PlanNing Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the "findings" and action embodied in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report." FINDINGS: "1. The establishment maintenance, operation or the use of the building or lands for which the permit is sought will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in the area of such proposed use, and will not be detrimental or injurious to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the city. 2. The approval of the requested use permit meets the require- ments of Section 6.23 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. There is no substantial evidence that the continued operation of the proposed use would be materially detrimental to the sound- ness or revitalization of the urban core." CONDITIONS: "1. Used clothing or apparel shall not be sold on the sub j ect premises. 2. The applicant shall meet the submitted requirements of the City's department heads. 3. The use permit is granted for a period of three years, in order to perpetuate the Planning Commission's direct control over the land use in question." Report, dated September 24, 1971, of G. Castro, Inspector, Bureau of Fire Prevention and Fire Chief John A. Marchi "This department has inspected the subj ect premises and has found certain uncorrected fire safety deficiencies in connection with the physical condition and operation thereof. TIlis department recommends that the following deficiencllies be corrected within two (2) weeks of any granting of UP-202. The deficiencies are as follows: -3009- UP-202 November 8, 1971 1. Extinguishers need service. 2. Silk parachute hanging from ceiling shall be removed. 3. Material (cloth) stapled to rear wall shall be removed. 4. Electric extension cord to coffee pot too long, shall be removed. 5. Rear exit shall remain unlocked during working hours. 6. Rear store shall be cleared of all debris (papers, cardboard boxes and old clothing). 7. Basement shall be cleared of all debris (old clothing, cardboard boxes and mattresses) . It is further recommended that the applicant, on or before the first of November of each year, shall submit to the City Planner a certificate from the Fire Department which indicates that the operation of the proposed use is consistent with the fire safety standards and practice of the City of South San Francisco. The applicant's failure to submit the required certificate shall render UP-202 null and void." "To: Planning Commission UP-202 From: Fire Chief I am attaching a report from my inspector Gil Castro, concerning the above subject and in lieu of the report, the conditions and recommendations submitted by Inspector Castro will have to be adhered to before any approval can be had from me." Report, dated September 24, 1971, of James Datzman, Lieutenant of Police, Commander, Investigation Division "In response to the Application for Use Permit #202 filed on September 23, 1971, an investigation regarding the use permit to conduct business at 315 Linden Avenue revealed no evidence of any violations to date. The Police Department has no reason to deny issuance of the permit at this time." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents Proponents: Charlene Fozzard, 901 Hillside Blvd., SSF, the Applicant Opponents: None Commissioner Lazzari moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions, as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve UP-202 upon the condition that the applicant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads; seconded by Commissioner Botieff; passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Lazzari, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon Noes: None Absent: Vice Chairman Raffaelli and Commissioner Gardner -3010- V-IJ1S November 8, 1971 V-lIS, variance request of Rudolph W. Finsterbusch to construct a detached garage, which fails to meet the bulk and setback require- ments of the Zoning Ordinance, at No. 672 Myrtle Avenue, in the R-l District. Secretary Pass read the following reports and letters into the record. Report & Recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The Planning Office respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the "findings" and action indicated in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report." FINDINGS: "1. There are no substantial exceptions or extraordinary circum- stances or conditions applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land or buildings in the same district. 2. The granting of the application is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the petitioner. 3. That the granting of the application will, under the circumstances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant, and will, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 4. The granting of the requested variance would not be in harmony with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The requested variance is not necessary to prevent practical difficulties, unnecessary hardships, and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. While the subject building site has a depth and square-footage which are 8% below standard, the applicant's petition embodies a request for a 60% variance in the maximum-rear-yard coverage per- mitted under the Zoning Ordinance. The granting of this variance, therefore, would not be substantially supported by the physical deficiencies in the subject building site, and would be tantamount to the granting of a special privilege." Letter, dated November 7, 1971, from Brigid Butler, 104 West Orange Ave. "I, Brigid Butler, am the neighbor and owner of the property on the north side of the Finsterbusch's and have no objection to them rebuilding the wall of their garage on the line it now stands." Letter, dated November 7, 1971, from Samiuela Katoa, 674 Myrtle Ave., SSF iiI, Samiuela Katoa, am the neighbor and owner of the property on the west side of the Finsterbusch's and have no objection to them re- building the wall of their garage on the line it now stands." - 3011 - V-lIS November 8, 1971 Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph W. Finsterbusch, 672 Myrtle Avenue, South San Francisco, Ca. Opponents: None Commissioner Botieff moved that the Planning Commission not adopt the findings as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve V-lIS upon the condition that the applicant reduce the width of his detached garage to a width of 21' and a depth of 24'; seconded by Commissioner Zlatunich; passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Botieff, Lazzari, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon Noes: Commissioner Boblitt Absent: Vice Chairman Raffaelli and Commissioner Gardner - 3012 - PM-87 November 8, 1971 PM-87, tentative Parcel Map of Reichhold Chemical Co., representing the subdivision of 5.281+ acres of land, located on the easterly side of South Maple Avenue, about 370' southerly of Victory Avenue, in the M-l-H District. Secretary Pass read the following report and letters into the Record. "The proposed subdivision meets the requirements of the State Sub- division Map Act, and the regulatory standards of the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. While the panhandle configuration of proposed Parcel "2" contravenes the guidelines of modern, residential platting, it cannot substantially support a denial of an industrial subdivision. The subject parcel's 100' frontage on South Maple Avenue tends to ameliorate its design problems. Proposed Parcels "1 II and "3" would be standard, small industrial lots, and could readily accommodate small industrial facilities and the amenities required by the Planning Commission. In light of the above factors, the Office of the City Planner respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission approve the instant tentative parcel map upon the condition that the subdivider comply with the submitted requirements of the City's Department Heads." Interoffice Memorandum, dated October 27, 1971 from Louis H. Goss, Director of Public Works "This office recommends approval of said Marcel map provided the Final Map complies with all applicable sections of Ordinance 603 and the Subdivision Map Act. A note shall be added to the map indicating that all new construction on the created lots shall have a finished floor elevation of not less than 13.8 feet when referred to the City of South San Francisco datum. This is the minimum floor elevation suggested by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to protect against property damage in the event of the occurrence of a 100-year flood." Interoffice Memorandum, dated October 29, 1971, from Leonard Pittz, Chief Building Inspector "I have examined the Tentative Parcel Map, PM-87 being a resubdivision of the Lands of Reichold Chemical Co., Inc. Parcel 19 of Assessor's Map of South San Francisco, No. 25 and recommend approval." Interoffice Memorandum, dated November I, 1971, from William A. Fox, Fire Marshal "It is required by this department that a sixteen (16) foot roadway be maintained between Parcell and the metal building on Parcel 2. Also that the fire main feeding the building on Parcel 2 must be relocated so that no part of the line encroaches upon Parcell." - 3013 - PM-8? November 8, 1971 Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. Louis A. Arata, C. E., 180 El Camino Real, Millbrae, Ca. Agent of the Subdivider Opponents: None Commissioner Lazzari moved, seconded by Commissioner Botieff, that the Planning Commission approve the instant tentative parcel map upon the condition that the subdivider comply with the requirements as set forth by the City's reporting department heads. The motion waspflssed by the following roll call vote. Ayes: Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Lazzari, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Vice Chairman Raffaelli and Commissioner Gardner - 3014 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT November 8, 1971 Proposed amendment to the Circulation Element and Plan Diagram of the General Plan: "The General Circulatory Plan of Point San Bruno & Envi rons . " Secretary Pass read the following report and letters into the record. Report of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The proposed amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan is designed to substantially finalize the projected street pattern in the Point San Bruno area of the Cabot-Utah Industrial Neighborhood, and to bring the Element into a state of consonancy with the approved plats of the Cabot, Cabot and Forbes Industrial Park and adjacent territories. The effectuation of the said pro- jected street pattern would provide South San Francisco's prime industrial complex, and its incipient Shoreline Regional Park with a high level of land service, and an excellent network of traffic service-oriented arteries and industrial collectors. The Planning Department therefore respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached, preliminary resolution, and thereby recommend that the City Council adopt the attached Exhibit A, entitled "The General Circulatory Plan of Point San Bruno & Environs" as an amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan, and the Plan Diagram thereof." Letter, dated October 19, 1971 from John Walker, City Planner of the City of Daly City "Thank you for referring the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan: the projected street pattern of Cabot-Utah Industrial Neighborhood. The office of the City Planner for the City of Daly City finds the proposed amendment to be in no way a development that would affect the City of Daly City, and therefore, makes no comment upon the validity of said proposed plan amendment. We wish the City of South San Francisco well in its development of the Cabot-Utah Industrial Neighborhood and we trust and hope that the "incipient Shoreline Regional Park" will not remain in that status for any prolonged length of time." Letter, dated October 27, 1971, from Thomas G. Bertken, Deputy Director of Airports "Thank you for your Urban Planning Analysis and Proposed Amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan dated October 18, 1971. We appreciate being apprised of chill1ges in the neighboring communities that may have some influence on the operations at the San Francisco International Airport. The proj ected street pattern of "Cabot-Utah" does not directly affect the Airport, but it will certainly contribute to easier access for your industrial area tenants for any business they have at the Airport, including our maj or cargo areas." - 3015 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT November 8, 1971 Letter, dated November 3, 1971, from Donald J. Bruzzone, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes California Properties, INc., 100 California St., SF "Cabot, Cabot & Forbes has reviewed and is in general agreement with your recent proposed resolution with attached Exhibit A, except for the following specific point: The extension of Forbes Boulevard to the south and east beyond its present intersection with Point San Bruno Boulevard should be deleted from the plan, inasmuch as it deviates from the tentative and final maps with which we initiated the subdivision. The proposed extension as shown on the resolution exhibit serves only the area immediately adjacent to the Forbes Boulevard/Point San Bruno Boulevard intersection, and is not through in nature. This area would better be served in our opinion by a street system emanating from specific site plans which would optimize land use in that area. The subject cul-de-sac was first shown on the tentative map dated December 1968, but only extended some 450 lineal feet beyond the subject intersection, and was illustrated by dashed lines only, to indicate a possible future street if ever desired. The final map for this subdivision tract did not show the cul-de-sac at all. Thank you for the opportunity of reviewing this resolution." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: None Opponents: Mr. Arthur Haskins, 2895 Summit Drive, Hillsborough, Ca. Mr. Donald J. Bruzzone, Cabot, Cabot and Forb es, 100 California St., SF Commissioner Boblitt moved that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2l19, and recommend to the City Council that the petitioned amendment be enacted into ordinance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Zlatunich. "RESOLUTION NO. @lJL9 "RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THEREOF THAT THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT AND PLAN DIAGRAM OF THE GENERAL PLAN BE AMENDED BY THE ADOPTION OF "THE GENERAL CIRCULATORY PLAN OF POINT SAN BRUNO & ENVIRONS." "WHEREAS, the South San Francisco Planning Commission, meeting in regular session on Monday, November 8, 1971, conducted a public hearing on the City Planner's proposal that the Circulation Element and Plan Diagram of the General Plan be amended by the adoption of "The General Circulatory Plan of Point San Bruno & Environs", a diagram submitted as "Exhibit A", and, - 3016 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT November 8, 1971 "WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at least 10 days prior to the sa.id hearing transmitted copies of the proposed amendment to the Town pf Colma, the Cities of Brisbane, Daly City, Pacifica, and San Bruno, the County of San Mateo, the State Planning Office, the County of Alameda, the State Council on Intergovernmental Relations, the State Department of Housing and Community Development, the State Division of Highways, the Association of Bay Area Governments, the Regional Planning Committee of the County of San Mateo, the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, the San Francisco International Airport, the City and County of San Francisco, and the California Public Utilities Commission; and "WHEREAS, notice of the said public hearing was also transmitted by certified U. S. Mail to Cabot, Cabot and Forbes Company-California, Utah Construction and Mining Company, the Fuller-O'Brien Corporation, Merck & Company, Associated Construction and Engineering Company, the California State Automobile Association, and Mr. Arthur Haskins at least ten days prior thereto; and, "WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted the following findings: 1. The property owners and developers in the Point San Bruno area and environs endorse the proposed amendment to the Circu- lation Element and Plan Diagram of the General Plan. 2. The City's department heads support the proposed general- p I an amendment. 3. The proposed amendment would substantially finalize the pro- jected street pattern of the Point San Bruno area of the Cabot- Utah Industrial Neighborhood, and would tend to bring the Circulation Element of the General Plan into a state of consonancy with the approved plats of the Cabot, Cabot and Forbes Industrial Park and adjacent territories. 4. The implementation of the said projected street pattern would provide the industrial and recreational land uses of the Cabot- Utah Industrial Neighborhood with a high level of traffic and land service. "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco recommend to the City Council thereof that the Circulation Element and Plan Diagram of the General Plan of 1969, entitled "Orderly Growth", be amended by the adoption of the "General Circulatory Plan of Point San Bruno & Environs", marked Exhibit "A". IINOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the City Planner be instructed to bring the text and map of the General PI an into congruity and corres- pondence with the substance of the instant amendment." The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Boblitt,Botieff,Lazzari,Zlatunich and Chairman Campredon Noes: None Absent: Vice Chairman Raffaelli and Commissioner Gardner - 3017 - STREET VACATION November 8, 1971 Civil Engineer Louis A. Arata's Request that a Certain 2900 square- feet of Chestnut Avenue right-of-way, located at the most easterly corner of Chestnut Avenue and Antoinette Lane in C-I District, be vacated by the City of South San Francisco. (Referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council) (Continued from the meeting of October 12, 1971) Secretary Pass read the following reports, letter and resolution into the record. Report and Recommendation of City Planner Pass "Since the subject right-of-way is not required for the accommodation of the widening of the Chestnut Avenue link of the Westborough Expressway, the Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the Honorable City Council approve the requested vacation upon the condition that the City reserve the sewer easement required by the City Engineer. The proposed vacation would improve the land-use potential of the commercially-zoned territory at the most easterly corner of Chestnut Avenue and Antoinette Lane." Letter, dated September 14, 1971, from Louis A. Arata to Mr. Gale Dreisbach, City Manager, City of South San Francisco. "Our Ref. No. l320-F - Request for abandonment of a portion of Chestnut Av~. At the Southeast corner of Chestnut Ave & Antoinette Lane, South San Francisco, California "Enclosed is a plat showing a portion of the existing right of way of Chestnut Avenue that is no longer used for street purposes, and a legal description of the same area. Sometime in the past it was decided that Chestnut Avenue had to be realigned in the area of concern because of its then existing poor intersection with Mission Road and El Camino Real. The realignment culminated with a Quit Claim by California Water Service Company to the City of South San Francisco (City Resolution No. 1431, adopted 4 April, 1949). At that time, the unused portion of the old right way was not abandoned. Subsequently, with the recent Westborough Boulevard Extension project, the County of San Mateo determined the extent of need and condemned a portion of the unused old right of way. This leaves a clearly unneeded remainder of the old right of way except for a sanitary sewer crossing the area and in use. The Crocker Citizens National Bank, fee title owners of the remaining old street right of way wish to remove this 'encumberance from their property, since it no longer serves a useful purpose as a road. (The old right of way came about through public use, not through any formal document.) I have discussed this matter with City Engineer Lou Goss, and he is in agreement that the parcel may be abandoned as long as a 10-foot wide easement is reserved for the benefit of the City for the sanitary sewer that crosses the parcel. On behalf of the owners, I respectfully request that the City abandon this old unused street right of way retaining the necessary sewer easement reserve as outlined above." - 3018 - STREET VACATION November 8, 1971 Letter, dated October 20, 1971, from Arthur A. Rodondi, City Clerk "Forwarded for your use and information is a copy of Resolution No. 5698 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT - PORTION OF CHESTNUT AVENUE (WITH RESERVATIONS)." "As referenced in Paragraph 7, Page 2, of the resolution, a report and recommendation of the Planning Commission is requested." "RESOLUTION NO. 5698 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO VACATE A PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT - PORTION OF CHESTNUT AVENUE (WITH RESERVATIONS) " BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco as follows: I. This Resolution of Intention is adopted pursuant to the Public Service Easement Vacation Law, Section 50430, of the Government Code. 2. The public interest and convenience require, and it is the intention of this Council, to vacate and abandon the public service easement described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and reserve the sanitary sewer easement therein described. 3. Reference is hereby made to the map entitled, "Portion of Chestnut Avenue To Be Abandoned, South San Francisco, San Mateo Co., California, Drawing No. A3-1320-F, dated September 8~ 1971, prepared by Louis Attilio Arata, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, on file in the office of the City Clerk for particulars as to said easement to be vacated. 4. Notice is hereby given that Monday, the 15th day of November, 1971, at 8 o'clock p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, South San Francisco, is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where all persons interested in, or having objections to, the proposed vacation of the public service easement as herein described may appear before said Council and be heard. 5. Notice of the vacation of said public service easement shall be posted conspicuously along the line of said easement or part thereof to be vacated at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for hearing, and said Notice shall he posted not more than 300 feet apart, and not less than three (3) of said Notices shall be posted. 6. Notice of the vacation of said public service easement shall be pUBlished in the Enterprise Journal~ a newspaper of general circulation, published in the City of South San Francisco, and said Notice shall be published at least two (2) successive weeks prior to the hearing. 7. A copy of this Resolution shall be submitted to the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco for its report and recommendation in accordance with Section 50435 of the Government Code." - 3019 - STREET VACATION Assistant City Engineer Raymond Maxwell, advised the Commission that Louis H. Goss, Director of Public Works, recommended approval of the instant matter at no cost to the developer. Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Louis A. Arata, C. E., 130 El Camino Real, Millbrae, Ca. Opponents: None Commissioner Zlatunich moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that Resolution No. 5698 be adopted; seconded by Commissioner Lazzari; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Lazzari, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon NOES: None ABSENT: Vice Chairman Raffaelli and Commissioner Gardner - 3020- RZ-22 November 8~ 1971 RZ-22, petition of Phyllis Feudale to rezone an 8410 sq. ft. lot, located at No. 520 Spruce Avenue, from "R-l", Single-family Residential District, to "R-2", Duplex Residential District. Secretary Pass read the following reports and letter into the record. Report and recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The Planning Department has perused the petitioned rezoning of Mrs. Phyllis Feudale, and has performed a city-planning survey of the subject lot and adj acent territories. The fo llowing analysis and recommendation are founded upon this perusal and survey. 1. The South San Francisco Planning Commission, on April 28, 1959, conditionally approved the resubdivision of the subject lot into two parcels of land. This resubdivision permits the applicant to construct a second single-family dwelling on her 8410 sq.-ft. of land. 2. All of the lots in adjacency to the subject lands are classified "R-l". Except for the Spruce School and two pre- bellum duplexes (or four single-family townhouses), each of the said lots is developed with a single-family dwelling. 3. Since the petitioned rezoning is not supported by the zonal or land use patterns of the Spruce-Park Way area, its enactment into ordinance would constitute a "spot zoning". RECOMMENDATION "The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning Commission recommend that the Honorable City Council deny the in- stant rezoning petition. *Notwithstanding this recommendation the Department recognizes that the Spruce Avenue-Park Way area might eventually be converted into a planned apartment-house district, in accordance with the long- range, comprehensive, and general plan of the City of South San Francisco. This conversion~ however, can not be orderly if it is brought to fruition on a premature, piecemeal, or mixed-use basis." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents Proponents: Mr. Victor Feudale, 565 Palm Avenue~ South San Francisco, husband of the Applicant Mr. Angelo Canziani, 516 Pine Terrace~ South San Francisco Mr. DeTomasi, 519 Pine Terrace, South San Francisco Opponents: Mrs. Louise Ramacciotti, 514 Spruce' Avenue, South San Francisco~ California Commissioner Boblitt moved that the Planning Commission deny the rezoning petition of Phyllis Feudale, RZ-22, and adopt the following resolution; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Botieff. - 3021 - RZ-22 November 8, 1971 "RESOLUTION NO. 2120 "RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO RECO~IENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THEREOF THAT RZ-22, PETITION OF PHYLLIS FEUDALE TO REZONE AN 8410 SQUARE-FOOT LOT, LOCATED AT NO. 520 SPRUCE AVENUE, FROM "R-l" TO "R-2", BE DENIED APPROVAL. "WHEREAS, the South San Francisco Planning Connnission, meeting in regular session on Monday, November 8, 1971, conducted a public hearing on RZ-22, petition of Phyllis Feudale to rezone a 8410 square-foot parcel of land, located at No. 520 Spruce Avenue, from fiR-I", Single-Family Residential District, to "R-2", Duplex Residential District; and, WHEREAS, notice of the said public hearing was published in the Enter- prise-Journal, and posted at three places on or near the subj ect real property, at least ten days prior thereto; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission studied the petitioned rezoning's con- stituent planning issues, and considered the advocacy of the petitioner, and the City Planner's Urban Planning Analysis, No. UPA-68; and, WHEREAS, the Commission, after the closure of the public hearing, made the following findings: 1. The Planning Commission, on April 28, 1959, conditionally approved the resubdivision of the subject lot into two parcels of land. 2. The above-mentioned resubdivision permits the applicant to construct two single-family dwellings on her 8410 square-feet of land. 3. All of the lots in adjacency to the subject lot are classified "R-l" under the specific zoning plan of the City of South San Francisco. 4. The dominant land use in the subject area is the single-family dwelling. 5. Since the petitioned rezoning is not supported by the zonal or land- use patterns of the Spruce Avenue-Park Way area, its enact~ent into ordinance would be tantamount to the establishment of a "spot zone". 6. Any conversion of the Spruce Avenue-Park Way area into a planned apartment~hotlse area, in accordance with the General Plan, must not be brought to fruition on a premature, piecemeal, mixed-use basis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED , that the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco recommend to the City Council thereof that RZ-22, rezoning petition of Phyllis Feudale, be denied approval." The motion was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Zlatunich, and Campredon NOES, " None ABSENT," Gardner and Raffaelli ABSTENTIONS, " Lazzari - 3022 - GOOD MID WELFARE, OTHER AND COMMUNICATIONS November 8, 1971 There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare, and there being no further communications or other matters of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Campredon announced that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be held on November 22, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, South San Francisco, California. The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 P M. Marcel Campredon, C"airman Planning Commission! City of South San Francisco , Planning Commission City of South San Francisco wat -, 3023 ,..,