HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/13/1973 MINUTES November 13, 1973 of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8:03 p.m. DATE: November 13, 1973 PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall South San Francis co, California MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Mathewson, Commissioners Hale, Lazzari, Raffaelli, Slade and Chairman Mullin MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretary to the South San Francisco Planning Commission Neal J. Martin Assistant Planner Surendra N. Amin MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of October 23, 1973 Commissioner Lazzari moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of October 23, 1973 be approved. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Mathewson and was passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Mullin announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission in order to be heard, but obj ected to having his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard. - 3230 - RZ-26 November 13, 1973 RZ-26, proposed rezoning of 9.023 acres of land, located between the westerly side of So. Spruce Avenue and the R-l District of Mayfair Village from "R-3", Restricted Multiple-Family Residential District and "C-3", Heavy Commercial District, to PCM, Planned Commercial and Light Industrial District, in accordance with Section 6.61 of Ordinance No. 353, as amended. (Continued from the meeting of September II} 1973.) Secretary Martin read the following report into the record. REPORT "At its meeting of August 28,1973 the Planning Commission held its first public hearing on the proposal to rezone certain lands north of Spruce Avenue from R-3 to C-3 District. Questions were raised at that public hearing concerning the existence of a 50' buffer strip which was previously provided for under a rezoning application. The staff has researched this matter and found that in 1956 a rezoning was granted in this vicinity which required a 50' landscaped buffer strip adjacent to the Mayfair Village residences. Specifically, the property which was rezoned was the site of the Colonial Bakery, now Oroweat Bakeries. The land was zoned to PCM (Planned Commercial) District from R-l (Single Family Residential) District. Planning Commission Resolution No. 537, a copy of which is attached, specifies that"the applicant provide a 50' planting strip adjacent to the residential area". Such a 50' strip is only applicable to the area behind the Oroweat Bakeries and has not yet been made a requirement of the properties to the north. It is suggested that that 50' strip might be continued in the vicinity of the subject rezoning. Also, as mentioned at the last Planning Commission meeting, the Commission might wish to consider the merits of zoning the entire area, between So. Spruce and Mayfair Village to a P-C-M (Planned Commercial and Light Industrial) District. Such a district requires that all uses obtain a use permit prior to their construction. The uses which would be allowed in such an area are, retail stores, personal service establishments, offices, wholesale stores, manufacturing outlets, research laboratories and other similar uses. If such. a use permit were required, then the Planning Commission would have control over the possible obj ectionable characteristics of some commercial uses such as noise, dust, odor, and other environmentally degrading elements. The Commission might wish to explore the merits of such suggestions at the next hearing on this subject. Speakers: 1) James Taylor, 136 Fir Avenue, South San Francisco 2) Margaret Symonds, 129 Fir Avenue, South San Francisco 3) Percy Symonds, 129 Fir Avenue, South. San Francisco 4) Jack' Zancanell a, 135 Fir Avenue, South San Francis co 5) Irene Mann, 103 Fir Avenue, South San Francisco Opponents: None The residents of the neighborhood agreed to the recommendation in the Staff Report. After some discussion Commissioner Lazzari moved that the proposed RZ-26 be approved, with a 50' buffer strip, and recommended to the City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Mathewson and was passed unanimously. _ 7;')7;1 - RZ-26 November 13, 1973 During the discussion a resident suggested that a traffic light be installed at the intersection of Mayfair Avenue and South Spruce Avenue. Chairman Mullin suggested that the Planning Office refer this matter to the Police Department for the necessary further action on this matter. REPORTS (a) Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan Secretary Martin read the following report into the record. STAFF REPORT "At its meeting of March 27, 1973 the Planning Commission considered and recommended City Council approval of the Open Space and Conservation Element for South San Francisco1s General Plan. For a variety of reasons, the City Council has never adopted the Planning Commission's recommendation concerning the Open Space Element.. By January 1, 1974 State Law requires that a city adopt an Open Space and Conservation Element and also adopt an Open Space Zoning Ordinance which is consistent with that Open Space Element. Should such items not be added to the city's General Plan the law provides that a city may not issue any building permits, nor approve any subdivision. That limitation would exist until compliance with the State Law is achieved. In order to comply with this law it is suggested that the Planning Commis- sion again hold a public hearJing on this matter November 27, 1973 with the intention of recommeding an Open Space and Conservation Element and an Open Space Zoning Ordinance to the City Council. The staff is recom- mending the holding of an additional public hearing because it is felt that the Commission might wish to make certain modifications to their previous recommendation on the Elements to the City Council. Following the recommendations of the Planning Commission, the City Council might then be in a position to hold its required public hearing and adopt the Elements and the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Staff feels that the following should be modified on the presently proposed Open Space and Conservation Element. 1. SHORELINE REGIONAL PARK A large shoreline regional park is shown on the Plan Diagram for open space use. Although such a park has, for many years, been shown on South San Francisco's General Plan, the extent of the land encompassed by the proposed facility appears to be of considerable concern. The facility, as presently shown, extends easterly of the U.S. Steel facility, encompassing the Marina and southerly along the shoreline of Cabot, Cabot & Forhes. The park also includes Belle Air Is land and the nearby finger piers. A study is currently being conducted by the consulting firm of Williams and Kuebelbeck aimed at determing the feasibility of such a regional park and the uses that might be appropriately located - 3232 - REPORTS November 13, 1973 within and adjacent to the facility. Since that study will not be com- plete for some weeks, it is suggested that the plan identify the entire Shoreline Regional Park as a special study area with no designated uses, and that a paragraph be included within the plan which would state that the special study area classification would be removed on completion of the Williams and Kuebelbeck study and the designation by the City Council of appropriate uses within those boundaries. 2 . SAN B RUNO MOUNTAIN A recent Local Agency Formation Commission decision has removed the question of land uses on San Bruno Mountain from South San Francisco's jurisdiction. LAFCO has placed the entire mountain within a "special study sphere" with planning authority vested with the county. Because of this situation it would seem most appropriate for the Plan Diagram to be modified to eliminate the designation of uses in this area. The text might be changed so as to reflect South San Francisco's concern with planning on the south slope of the mountain, a spirit of coopera- tion in the planning with the county, and a desire to insure that a substantial portion of the mountain remain in open space. It is recommended that the Planning Commission set November 27, 1973 as a date for public hearing to consider the amendment of the General Plan by the addition of an amended proposed Conservation and Open Space Element." The Planning Commission unanimously agreed to set November 27, 1973 as a date for the proposed public hearing. (b) Open Space Zoning District, Adoption of Resolution of Intention initiating Open Space Zoning District. RESOLUTION NO. 2136 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING COMMISSION TO ESTABLISH A NEW DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS THE OS OR OPEN SPACE DISTRICT. Commissioner Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission adopt the above- captioned Resolution of Intention. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hale and passed unanimously. SIGN POLICY The Planning Commission's Statement of Policy on Freestanding Signs Within the City of South San Francisco. "While the South San Francisco Planning Commission recognizes the need for sign identification in this city, it is also concerned with the appurtenant sign clutter which is existing. SIGN POLICY November 13, 1973 n~he Ci,t{ .of S.outh San Francisc.o is becoming blighted by freestanding signs which are lncompatible with the '.orderly 'and aesthetic growth of South San Francisco. The freestanding signs would tend to refute South San Fran- cisco's beautification efforts. The Planning Commission, in order to improve the environmental character of this city, adopted the following statement of policy during its regular meeting of November 13, 1973." STATEMENT OF SIGN POLICY "All freestanding signs, which are not part of the building, single face or double face, illuminated or not, shall require approval from the Planning Commission through the Use Permi.t procedure. The above sign policy will not apply to signs defined in Section 15 titled "Exempted Signs" of Sign Ordinance No. 455." After some discussion Comfuission Slade moved that the Planning Commission adopt the above Statement of Sign Policy. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hale and passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Hale, Lazzari, Raffaelli, Slade and Chairman Mullin Noes: Vice-Chairman Mathewson Absent: None GOOD AND WELFARE Secretary Martin was requested by the Planning Commission to look into the matter of real estate signs for Daly City projects installed on Westborough Boulevard. Mr. Anthony Panelli, 794 Park Way discussed signs on public property. The Planning Commission suggested that he sh.ould contact City Attorney John Noonan for a legal opinion. The Planning Commission stated that the Goodrich Tire Co. should be contacted again to clean up the area, .otherwise the matter will be taken to the City Council for legal action. Commissioner Slade stated that he attended the League of California Cities Conference in San Francisco so he was unable to attend the Planning Commission meeting on October 23, 1973. There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare, and there being no further communications or other matters of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Mullin a-nnounced that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be held on November 27, 1973 at 8:00/p.m. in the/Council Chambers of City Hall, South San Francisco, California. The/meeting w,9;,s/adj ourned at 9: 26 p. m. Planning arguments and comments are recoIDded on tape. Office of the City Planner. Eugene PI NOTE: Oral presentations, The tape is on file in the sna - 3234 -