HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/23/1975 September 23, 1975 M I NUT E S of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8:00 P.M. DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 1975 PlliACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Slade, Commissioners Bertucelli, Mathewson, Mullin, Teglia and Chairman Hale MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: City Planner David C. Hale Assistant Planner Mark L. Duino Director of Public Services Frank J. Addiego Zoning Administrator William Costanzo MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Mi nutes of the Pl anni ng Commi ss ion meeti ngsc()fiS.~f.ftember 9 and September 15, 1975 Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes of the meetings of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of September 9 and September 15, 1975, be approved and that the minutes of August 26 be amended to reflect the adjournment of that meeting to 7:30 p.m., September 15, 1975, in City Hall, for consideration of and action on the Noise, Seismic and Safety Elements of the General Plan. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mullin and was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bertucelli, Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman Hale NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner(j'Teglia and ~ice-Chairman Slade (arrived late) ABSTAINED: None ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Hale announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard. _ <Ll.!:;Q _ September 23, 1975 SUTTER HILL, LTD. Secretary Hale read a letter from Michael D. Couch of Sutter Hill, requesting that the following agenda items which were continued from the JCNy 8, 1975, meeting be tabled. Mr. Couch requested the tabling until such time that further studies could be completed on the issues which arose at the July 8, 1975, hearing. Mr. Couch stated that he would request at that time that the matter be brought back to the Commission. a. Environmental Impact Report b. General Plan Amendment c. Rezon i ng (RZ- 29) d . Use Perm i t (U P - 7 5- 31 5 ) The Commission agreed and these matters were tabled by a unanimous vote. UP-75-317 UP-75-317, a request of Sonia Williams to establish a palmistry studio to be located at 417 Grand Avenue (upstairs), C-2 Central Commercial District. Secretary Hale presented the staff report. The Commission requegted to know from the Police Deiartment if the hours of operation of the palmistry studio would be restricted. Officer Paul Ziemer responded that they would not be restricted but that they would be required to be reasonable which meant approximately 9:00 to 5:00. A member of the audience requested to know who the owner is of the building where the palmistry studio is to be located. Secretary Hale said that the owner is Mario Baldasseroni. Commissioner Teglia requested to know why the Police Department had ~~t~so many conditions on this application. Officer Ziemer responded that because there was no ordinance covering this use, it was the only means of control. Mrs. Price, a member of the audience and a property owner in South San Fran- cisco, requested to know why the tenants in the 300 block of Grand Avenue had not been notified. Secretary Hale stated that it was only a requirement of the City to notify property owners within 300 feet of the proposed use. He added that it had been advertised in the paper 10 days prior to the meeting and that it had also been posted on site. Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-75-317 be approved subject to all of the conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bertucelli, Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman Hale - 3460 - September 23, 1975 UP-75-317, contld NOES: Commissioner Teglia ABSTAINED: None ABSENT: Commissioner Slade REPORTS MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Secretary Hale proposed upfJrading the standards of the multiple-family resi- denti.Cll~()nE:~.~otnecessarily in terms of density, but in terms of design. The preSient~.~~anO.aY'ds wou 1 d a 11 ow much of the lot to be covered, all owi ng little design flexibility and few amenities on the lot. Staff is considering requirements for private usable open space for each unit, adjacent to that unit, i.e. balconies. This could be done on a sliding scale. For instance, for a studio or one be~room unit, 100 square feet of open space with a minimum dimension of 10 feet on the same level as that unit would be required. For a two bedroom unit or larger, the open space would be increased to 150 square feet with a minimum dimension of 10 feet. The Commission requested to know what would happen to the front and rear yard setbacks required in the Zoning Ordinance. Secretary Hale responded that the new standards would eliminate the present 75 percent lot coverage, but would add five percent to the present 10 percent requirement for land- scaping. He suggested that the front y~~d) have a minimum landscaping require- ment of five percent of the lot area. He also noted to the Commission that, based on studies done by staff, these standards would not reduce the number of units allowable on the lots, but might require a different design. The Commission requested to know what the developer would have to give up in order to meet the requirements for this zone district. Secretary Hale noted that they would only be giving up worn out designs and in some cases might be required to go three stories. The Commission requested staff to prepare a set of design policies for their approval and guidelines for the Architectural Committee. The Commission expressed concerns with these types of developments driving the costs of housing up, whereby people would not be able to afford to live in them. Secretary Hale felt that this would not be a significant problem and that these well designed buildings would upgrade neighborhoods. Hale indicated that he believed there is a desire and a need for better quality apartment development in this City. The Commission requested staff to prepare drawings showing how these design standards would be utilized on various sized lots, as well as an estimate of increased costs which could put a burden on developers. Secretary Hale said that these details would be brought to the October 14, 1975, Planning Commission meeting. September 23, 1975 FEDERAL BLOCK GRANT: HOUSING STUDY The Commission requested from staff a breakdown of how the $169,000 federal grant was to be allocated. Secretary Hal e gave the breakdown asf6110.wst $40,000 - $40,000 - $19,000 - $45,000 - $25,000 - Staff for a study of housing and community development problems Information & Referral Center to do studies of social services to low-income and minority For II C" Street improvements whi ch woul d serveiipub 1 i c hous i ng proj ect For park improvements For study and design of a future Pecks Lot Park The $40,000 would be used to undertake housing and community development studies. This $40,000 would also 60ver the costs for computer service and the surveys. There was some discussion on the necessity of upgrading "C" Street. Sec- retary Hale noted that 40 new units will be built on the public housing site to replace the existing 40 units. In order to have adequate access to these 40 units, the City must upgrade "C" Street. The Commission requested to know who made the allocations. Secretary Hale stated that City staff, Information & Referral Center, and community meet- ings, one held at Mater Dolorosa School, made these allocations. The Commission requested to know if there was any correlation between Mr. Callegarils rezoning of Olive Avenue. Secretary Hale noted that Mr. Callegari had submitted a rezoning application but only forhis own property and that public notices would be advertised for hearing on Oc to b e r 14, 1 975 . COMMUNICATIONS Staff noted to the Commission that the South San Francisco Fire Prevention Committee's Annual luncheon would be held on October 8 at Brentwood Lodge and the State Fire Marshall would be the main speaker. Sandy Mathewson had extended an invitation to the Commission. Commissioner Mathewson commended Zoning Administrator Costanzo for a well written letter to Brugg & Ellis regarding the signs at Colina. GOOD AND WELFARE Staff informed the Commission that the mandatory elements of the General Plan had been adopted by the City Council on Monday, September 22, 1975. Also, the City Council asked that the hearing be held again for the rezoning from R-3 to R-l for the Callan 10.39 acre site at Oakmont Drive and West- borough Boulevard. Public notice will be given for an October 15 first reading. September 23, 1975 Good and Welfare, contld Mr. Fonecheri, 415 Fairway, a resident of South San Francisco, addressed the Commission requesting to know for how long could a matter be tabled by the applicant. Secretary Hale stated that there was no time limit. Then Mr. Fonecheri requested to know if a resident could have a matter pOstponed that was before the Commission. Secretary Hale said that that could not be done because the applicant had paid his fees and had filed the application, and onl~ the applicant could postpone the matter. Mrs. Price, owner ofpr.opertya.~4p9GrandAvc:nue "qsked the Commission why it had not considered her sta.tementthatteYlants along Grand Avenue had not been adequately notified. After considerable discussion, Com- missioner Mullin indicated that indeed he had considered, and others had considered, her point and her request to defer action until tenants along Grand Avenue could be informed. Commissioner Mullin stated that all the normal procedures of notification had been followed, and because of this assurance from staff he voted to approve the Use Permit. The Commission then notified Mrs. Price of her right to appeal the decision. There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare and no further communications or other matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Hale announced that the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission would be held on October 14, 1975, at 8:00 p.m. at West Orange Library Auditorium. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. ~c.~ Homer V. Hale, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco David C. Hale, Secretary Blanning Commission City of South San Francisco NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken by the Planning Commission to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments, and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the Office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the Office of the City Planner and are> available for public inspection. - 3463 -