HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/10/1971 MINUTES May 10, 1971 of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8:00 P.M. DATE: May 10, 1971 PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall South San Francisco, California MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Raffaelli and Chairman Lazzari MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Zlatunich ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretary to the South San Francisco Planning Commission, Daniel M. Pass Assistant Planner William A. Timmons Assistant City Engineer Raymond Maxwell MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of April 26, 1971 Comnrrssioner Raffaelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of April 26, 1971 be approved; seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Raffaelli, Zlatunich, and Chairman Lazzari NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Zlatunich ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Lazzari announced that this meeting of the South San Fran- cisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission in order to be heard, but objected to having his voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he is speaking or is heard. - 2374 - v - 9 8 May 10, 1971 V-98, variance request of Barry D. Simpson to construct an addition to a single-family dwelling in the required rear yard of No. 137 Romney Avenue, and to cover 42.3% of the building site thereof, in the R-l District. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report and Recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "It is re~pectfully recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the "findings" listed in the attached, preliminary Official Action Report, and conditionally grant the requested variances. This recommendation is founded upon the pattern of granted variances in Serra Highlands, and not upon the strict application of the principles of zoning practi ce 0 " FINDINGS: "1. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which circJlJ.mstances or condi tions do not apply generally to land or buildings in the same district. 2. The granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial, property rights of the petitioner. 3. That the granting of the application will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant, and will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 4. The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 50 The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical difficul ties, unnecessary hardships, and resul ts inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The requested variances are supported by the substandard depth, width, and square-footage of the subject, corner build- ing site. 7. The requested variances are supported by the extra width of the applicant's exterior side yard, and the similar variances granted by the Planning Commission. REFERENCES: UP-1945,Eugene Field; UP-1760,V.Cardarelli; V-80,Byron A. Larson(3/23/70)" - 2375 - v - 9 8 CONDITIONS: " 1. The applicant shall provide a direct-access dri veway to the proposed garage, and shall remove the existing driveway and drive approach within 30 days after the completion of the construction of the propos.ed addition. 2. The applicant shall landscape the area occupied by the existing dri veway within 30 days after the completion of the construction of the proposed addi tion . " Report, dated May 4, 1971, of Director of Public Works Louis Goss "Accoi}ding to the sketch attached to the subject variance application, the edge of the new construction coincides with the northerly line of the existing five foot public utili ties easement within which there are power poles located. Si.nce the utilization of a public utility easement is not restricted to power poles only, we recommend that in granting this variance the new construction be required to either locate several feet away from the edge of the public utility easement so as to avoid possible future 1i ti gation for building damage as a resu1 t of making full use of the easement, or provision be made so as not to hold the City liable for said damage." Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents: Proponents: Mr. Barry D. Simpson, 137 Romney Ave., South San Francisco, the Applicant Messrs. Peter S. Cinquini and Mosley Johnson, nei ghbors of the applicant, spoke in support of the granting of the requested variances. Opponents: None Commissioner Gardner moved' th.at the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report, and approve V-98 upon the condition that the applicant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting department heads; seconded by Vice Chairman Campredon; passed by the following roll call vote. AYES: Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Bob1i tt, Botieff, Gardner, Raffaelli, and Chairman Lazzari NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Zlatunich - 2376 - May 10, 1971 - V - 99 - V-99, variance request of Steve Hess to construct a covered, open patio as an addition to a single-family dwelling in the required level rear yard of No. 2271 Kenry Lane, in the R-1 District. Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record. Report and Recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "It is respectfully recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the "findings" listed in the attached, preliminary Offi ci al Action Report, and grant the requested variance." FINDINGS: "1. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or condi tions applying to the land or building referred to in the application, which circumstances or conditions do not apply generally to land or buildings in the same district. 2. The granting of the applicati on is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the petitioner. 3. That the granting of the application will not, under the circum- stances of the particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant, and will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 4. The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony wi th the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical diffi- culties, unnecessary hardships, and results inconsistent with the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The applicant's compliance with the level-rear-yard requirements of Section 3.l6(c) would serve no useful purpose. The Planning Commission, under its proposed Comprehensive Revampment to the Zoning Ordinance, recommended that the level-rear-yard requirements in the R-l District regulations be deleted therefrom. 7. Similar variances have been granted to property owners in Westborough. REFERENCES: V-20, Stephen Soong (2-13-1968); V-66, Nemo Elzarian (4-14-1969); V-68, Thomas Fee (4-28-69); V-89, Howard Stegman (ll-9-l970).rr Names and Addresses of Proponets and Opponents: Proponent: Verne E. Norquist (Aluma Shade Awning Corp. 1701 Industrial Road, San Carlos, Agent of the Applicant Opponents: None Commissioner Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission adopt the findings and conditions as set forth in the preliminary Official Action Report and approve V-99 upon the condition that the applicant comply with the requirements of the City's department heads; seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Raffaelli, and Chairman Lazzari NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Zlatunich - 2377 - May 10, 1971 THE MATTER OF THE ANNEXATION OF COUNTRY CLUB PARK Secretary Pass read the following letter and reports into the record. Letter, dated April 19, 1971, of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The City of South San Francisco recognizes its ultimate responsibility to provide municipal services to the entire South San Francisco area, and to promote the orderly growth thereof. This responsibility extends to the Unincorporated Territories which adjoin the City. In response to this charge, the Ci ty Council has ins tructed the Planning Department to request your consideration of annexing your lands in Country Cl ub Park to the Ci ty of South San Francisco. Annexation to this municipality would enable the property owners of Country Club Park to obtain a high level of public services at a low cost, and would enable the residents of this area to directly participate in the governmental and planning activities of the City of South San Francisco. The South San Francisco Planning Commission, in order to dis- cuss the long-range planning, zoning, development, and annexa- tion of your real property, has placed "The Matter of the Annexation of Country Club Park" on the agenda of its regular meeting of Monday, May 10, 1971. This meeting will convene at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City Hall of the City of South San Francisco. Please accept this letter as a special invitation to attend the aforementioned meeting." Fact Sheet of City Planner Daniel M. Pass "The Matter of the Annexation of Country Club Park" "The Advantages of Annexing your Property to the Ci ty of South San Francisco':' 1. Additional Services Fire, Police, Building Safety, Street Maintenance, Library, Sewers, Recreation and Parks, City Planning, etc. 2. Low Fire Insurance Rates Your Current Fire Insurance Rating: 10 (Highest rates) Your Fire Insurance Rating After Annexation and Improvement to City Standards: 3A (Low, low rates) 3. Broad Tax Base/Low Taxes Municipal Tax Rate: $0.91/$100.00 of Assessed Valuation Sewer Charge: $20.00/Dwelling Unit 4. Full Involvement in Your Local Government Annexation gives you a vote, and thereby enables you to elect your municipal officials, and to participate in the government of your community. - 2378 - THE MATTER OF THE ANNEXATION OF COUNTRY CLUB PARK May 10, 1971 "Special Notes Property Taxes Your Current Tax Rate: $8.7430/$100.00 of Assessed Valuation Your Tax Rate After Annexation: $9,4420/$100.00 of Assessed Val uation . Annual Net Cost of South San Francisco's ;$erviees: $0.70/$100.99 of Assessed Valuation, or $52.00 if your property has a market value of $30,000 Urban & Rural Planning The City-planning program of South San Francisco is oriented towards the promotion of the orderly growth of Country Club Park, and not the premature urbanization thereof~ Your annexation to the City would not immediately place your rural environment into material jeopardy, and would not cause the removal of your domestic animals from your premises. Capacity Interest Charge: About $2500 per net "cityrr acre This charge, which must be paid prior to annexation, would cover the cost of off-site storm and sanitary sewers which will serve the involved area. Attached are preliminary estimates of cost for improvements to Unincorporated Country Club Park area. In summary the costs per 140' x 280' lot are: Sanitary sewers Improve existing streets Storm drainage Fire protection facilities $2,420.00 5,200.00 1,100.00 500.00 TOTAL $9,220.00 If it is determined that a.mew street parallel to Al ta vis ta Drive and Country Club Dri ve from Alida Way to Dorado Way is needed, $10,100.00 per lot should be added to the above estimatel. No rights of way have been included in theseestimtulzes." Considerable discussion ensued amongst the public,in the filled Council Chambers, the Planning Commission, and Secretary Pass. A poll of the residents of Country Club Park on the matter of the annexation produced the following results: For Annexation: 8 Against Annexation: 41 Undeci ded : 7 At the close of the discussion and poll taking; Chairman Lazzari appointed Commissioners John Gardner, Raffaelli and himself as a report writing committee. The Committee instructed the Secretary to submit the following report: - 2379 - THE MATTER OF THE ANNEXATION OF COUNTRY CLUB PARK May lO, 1971 "The South San Francisco Planning Commission, meeting in regular session on Monday, May lO, 1971, conducted a public hearing on "The Matter of the Annexation of Country Club Park." At the conclusion of the said public hearing, the Planning Commis$ion adopted the following findings, and instructed the Secretary to transmit the following recommendations to the Honorable Mayor and City Council. FINDINGS: 1 . The preponderance of the property owners of the Unincorporated Territory of Country Club Pard do not favor the annexation of their real property to the City of South San Francisco at this time. 2. The preponderance of the property owners of the Unincorporated Territory of Country Club Park do not advocate the urbanization of their subneighborhood in the near futre. 3.. The preponderance of the property owners of the UnincorporCJ.ted Territory of Country Club Park favor the eventual annexation of their subneighborhood in its entirety, and are of the opinion that the piecemeal annexation thereof would contravene the best interests of Country Club Park, and the City of South San Francisco-at-large. 4. The preponderance of the property owners of the Unincorporated Territory of Country Club Park are of the opinion that the rural land-use pattern of the subject area does not require the develop- ment of expensive urban facilities therein at the present time. RECOMMENDATIONS: 10 The Unincorporated Territory of Country Club Park should not be annexed to the City of South San Francisco at this time" 2. The City of South San Francisco should recognize the ecological desirability of protecting the rural and semi-rural characteristics of Country Club Park. 3.. The Ci ty of South San Francisco's long-range plans for the development of Country Club Park should be guided by the tenets and precepts of sound urban and regional planning, and not by fluctuating financial, economic, or personal considerations. 4. The City of South San Francisco should reaffirm its policy against the piecemeal annexation of that part of the Unincorporated Territory of Country Club Park which lies westerly of Alida Way. The orderly urbanization of Country Club Park is dependent upon this subneighbor- hood's ultimate annexation in its entirety. - 2380 - GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS May 10, 1971 Chairman Lazzari called the general meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission to order and asked the Commissioners for nomina- tions for the office of Chairman. Commissioner: Gardner nominated Vice Chairman Campredon for "Chairmanrr. This nomination was seconded by Commissioner Boti/eEf. vi ce Chairman Campredon was then elected "Chairman" by the following roll-call vote: Ayes: Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Botieff, Gardner, Raffaelli, and Chairman Lazzari Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Zlatuni ch Chairman Lazzari then asked the Commissioners for nominations for the office of "vice Chairman". Vice Chairman Campredon nominated Commis- sioner Raffaelli for the office of"Vice Chairman". The nomination was seconded by Chairman Lazzari. Commissioner Raffaelli was elected "Vice Chairman" by the following roll-call vote: Ayes: Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Bobli tt, Botieff, Gardner, and Chairman Lazzari Noes: None Absent: Commissioner Zlatunich Abstention: Commissioner Raffaelli GOOD AND WELFARE, OTHER AND COMMUNICATIONS. vice Chairman Campredon welcomed Commissioner Botieff to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Raffaelli commended Chairman Lazzari on his tenure in office during the past year. There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare, and there being no further communications or other matters of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Lazzari announced that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be held on May 24, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, South San Francisco, California. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Daniel M. Pass, Secretary Planning Commdssion City of South San Francisco WAT - 2381 -