HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/24/1976 M I NUT E S of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8:00 P.M. DATE: AUGUST 24, 1976 PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Teg1ia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Hale, Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman S~.ade MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Goldberg ALSO PRESENT: Acting City Planner William Costanzo Acting Director of Public Services Robert Yee Planning Division Secretary Pamela J. Bayer MINUTES OF PREV~~US MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of August 10, 1976 Commissioner Bertucelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of August 10, 1976, be approved. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chairman Teglia and was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Hale, Mathewson, and Chairman Slade NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Goldberg ABSTAINED: Commissioner Mullin ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Slade announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned lIoffll for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard. - 3602 - August 24, 1976 UP-76-356 uP- 356, a request of Paul Hersch for a Use Permit to establish a retail store dealing in salvaged merchandise, close outs, and end-of- line merchandise in the C-2 Central Commercial Zone District at 390 Grand Avenue. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and read into the record the Special Conditions. Proponent: Elizabeth Carlson 865 Vista Grande Millbrae, CA 94030 Opponent: Fred Arndt 331 Grand Avenue South San Francisco, CA Mr. Arndt expressed his objections to this use permit, stating that there are enough such uses on Grand Avenue and he felt another similar use would not aid in upgrading the downtown area, but would be detrimental. Mrs. Carlson stated that they agreed to all of the conditions of the staff report. She did note, however, that they are not a secondhand store, but deal in salvaged merchandise, close outs, irregulars, and end-of-line merchandise. There was quite a bit of discussion on the Use Permit process. Commissioner Mathewson asked if the use at its present location could continue on indefinitely without obtaining another use permit. Secretary Costanzo noted that the applicant could actually operate two uses, one at the new location, if approved, and the other by continuing the present use. He noted that since their lease does not expire until December 31, another similar use could be established at that location without a use permit. He further stated that for a similar use in the existing location to be required to obtain a use permit, the present use must have been abandoned for a six month period of time. He did state that if the proposed location were approved, and the applicant wished to move back to the existing location at a later date, he would be required to obtain a use permit. Secretary Costanzo explained that the applicant has been at the present location for 11 years and that the property owner now wished to move his gun shop onto Grand Avenue. The owner, therefore, discontinued the lease agreement effective December 31,1976. After this discussion, Vice-Cha'nrman Tegl ia moved that UP-76-356 be approved subject to the conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Mullin seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. - 3603 - August 24, 1976 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT GELLERT BOULEVARD EXTENSION Review of the draft Environmental Impact Report for the Gellert Boulevard Extension Project Assessment District. Review for public comment. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, noting several corrections, additions, or deletions which needed to be made to the EIR. He read into the record the comments from San Mateo County, City of San Bruno, South San Francisco Fire Marshall, Parks and Recreation Department, and the Ci ty Attorney. Mr. Pete Lescure, a~thor of the EIR from URS Research Company, noted to the Commission that he felt he had covered some of the issues brought up in the comments from the various agencies, but that he certainly was willing to respond to their comments in further detail. There was quite a bit of discussion on the dust problem that would exist when construction for th~ r?aq~Clyb~gins i~... ~h~FClrea~ S~y~..ral C8rnm1~... si. on~ rs .no t~<i t~ cl~ .. thg.Qu?t .,i s s u eLshouJ<i,:t>.~J]12r'~,~.>full y .... dealt wi t h... ...i n ::t h ~ EIR,iJncl~ding. as..ri1ClnYimi>tjgationmeasu~e?.asi s:.poss i b 1 e to alleviate the potential dust problem and to protect the residences in the surrounding areas. Commissioner Teglia noted that bonding the developer could be effective in assuring an active part on his part in mitigating the dust problems. Several mitigation measures were suggested as follows: grading during the winter months so that natural rains will help alleviate dust; watering down of the graded areas; grading small areas at one time to keep a handle on the dust problem; using the dirt existing on the site for fill purposes in the large, 150 foot deep hole. Commissioner Teglia noted that there was no reference in the EIR to the Colma Creek Advisory Committee or the Colma Creek Flood Control Committee and that they should be reviewing this document and should have some input ijn it. The Commission felt that not enough attention was devoted to San Mateo County Transit District in that they might be planning to change the present bus system to incorporate that area into the schedule, which would have an impact on the amount of traffic in that area. They felt consideration would have to be given to the transit district when develop- mentoccurs on that site, i.e. where the bus stops would be locatedlland how traffic patterns would be affected. Commissioner Mathewson asked why this EIR was brought before the Commis- sion without being heard in conjunction with a use permit. Secretary Costanzo explained that this is the first step in the process. He noted that the EIR is necessary for the project to extend Gellert Boulevard and that, even though the development of surrounding lands is addressed in the EIR, they are not the major emphasis. He further noted that each development would be handled separately under the Use Permit process, but that because of possible minor adverse impacts, they needed to be addressed - 3604 - EIR, Gellert Boulevard, cont1d Augus t 245 1976 in the EIR, since the extension of Gellert Boulevard would allow such development to take place. He added that each department would submit their conditions with the filing of an application for a use permit. There was a brief discussion on seismic impacts for this area. Mr. Tronoff noted that a seismic study had been made several years ago, authorized by the City Council, which was completed at a cost of $10,000 and that there are comments in that document. Commissioner Teglia noted that this study would have to be included in the EIR rela- ting to structural safety, etcetera. Mr. Lescure noted that he would make some statements in the EIR regarding seismic safety, but that he felt this would be handled by the Building and Engineering Divisions upon submission of a Use Permit application. Commissioner Hale asked Mr. Tronoff about the time frame for construction. Mr. Tronoff responded that construction for the roadway would be during the course of a year and that one-third of the building structures would be constructed during that same time f~ame. He further noted that the remaining two-thirds of the building would be spread out over the remainder of the three to five year span of time. He noted that the first two phases of construction would be brought to the Commission within the next month or two. Commissioner Hale noted that he would like to see plans on all firm occupants of the area. Commissioner Mullin asked if there had been a traffic count at the left hand signal at Gellert and Westborough as this could require some change in the left turn lane because of a back-up in traffic, which would appear to be extremel. adverse to this development. Mr. Lescure noted that unless specifically requested to do so, field counts are not done. He did state that he made comments in the EIR that additional or more exten- sive traffic counts or studies should be made. Commissioner Mullin noted that he felt the EIR merely alluded to a problem which is not specifically spelled out and that he felt an EIR should provide to the community the potential problems and that the EIR did not do this. Chairman Slade asked Mr. Lescure if he was aware of the back-up of traffic at the present time during commuter hours. He said that he was and that he had observed it during P.M. peak hours. City Engineer Yee stated that there should be a more thorough traffic study before accepting that por- tion of the EIR. Mr. Lescure said there is some substantial traffic from Daly City and Callan and King Drive area going along Callan to Westborough to 1-280, but that much of that traffic would fi~9/!quicker access via Ge 11 ert, thereby potentia 11 y decreas i ng the amoul)),'t1tof tra ffi c on Wes tboroug h " There was some discussion on traffic patterns from Callan and King which would allegedly reduce traffic on Westborough. Commissioner Mullin made reference to the chart in the EIR which shows a reduction of traffic on Callan by 300 cars. Mr. Lescure noted that some of the traffic coming down Callan and King would be absorbed by the shopping center and fed back into the other direction, thereby never reaching the lower portion of Callan. Commissioner Teglia requested to know the progress of the annexation of county lands and asked if there would be an application. Secretary Costanzo noted that the EIR is the first step in that process and that an application would be forthcoming. - 3605 - EIR, Gellert Boulevard, cont'd Augus t 24, 1976 Commissioner Mathewson requested to know if the shopping center located at Westborough and Gellert was regional or neighborhood. Secretary Costanzo explained that the shopping center is neighborhood because it is in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District and was occupied by retail es in support of the local residential areas. Commi s s i oner Bertuce 11 i reques ted to know if the istewage pump had been installed at Westborough and Gellert which was approved to be installed in 1971. City Engineer Yee said that when the preject becomes a reality, the Westborough County Water District will install the new pump station, eliminating two other pump stations located on Westborough. Chairman Slade asked what LAFCO is recommending. City Engineer Yee said that LAFCO is recommending that the City should take over the Westborough County Water District sewer system. He explained that Westborough is within South San Francisco, that the residents pay taxes and that City should take care of the sewer system. He further noted that it would be simple to go downhill instead of pumping over to the North County Sanitation District in Daly City. Secretary Costanzo noted that this matter would come before the City Council on September 15. Commissioner Mathewson asked what impacts if would have if we rerouted sewage for the whole Westborough area. City Engineer Yee said that two years ago, there was an extensive study made on the trunk line along Westborough Boulevard and that a study was needed on a portion of the replacement along Colma Creek between Chestnut and San Mateo Avenue. Commissioner Mullin noted the potential difficulties with IIUII turns, etcetera at driveways at Gellert, and asked Mr. Lescure if it was his responsi- bility to offer mitigation measures in the EIR, such as realignments, etcetera. Mr. Lescure noted that he dealt with this problem on page 79 of the EIR and that he would be offering further comments in response to the County's comments relating to this problem. Commissioner Mullin requested to know why a report was not available on the assessment of total office space. Secretary Costanzo noted that financial reports would have to be asked for separately and that it is not a part of the EIR and should be considered separately. Commissioner Mathewson noted that in the EIR there is a statement that the portion of the project planned for Daly City is in conflict with uses described in the General Plan. He requested to know whols General Plan. Mr. Lescure said that Daly City1s Zoning Ordinance is inconsistent with their General Plan and that they will work it out. Commissioner Mathewson noted that safety factors should be considered and that use permits should be required. Secretary Costanzo said that there are measures that can be taken to assure safety by the power and authority of the Parcel Map or by P.U.D. and Use Permit. - 3606- EIR, Gellert Boulevard, cont1d Augus t 24, 1976 At the end of these discussions, the Commission agreed that staff should continue to receive comments up to September 28 when this matter should be brought back to the Commission for further review and comment. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Slade asked if the City had received any further information on escrow closing for the Colina project. Secretary Costanzo said they had heard nothing to date, but that Colina did get a building permit for the flags. GOOD AND WELFARE City Engineer Yee stated to the Commission that LAFCO report will go before the City Council on September 1st, not September 15 as originally stated. The Commission requested to know if we had received a response from the Alcoholic Beverage Control .on the application of Victor Brincat. Secretary Costanzo said that we had not as of yet. Commissioner Mathewson noted that the traffic flow westbound on Westborough Boulevard about 5:00 p.m. seems to be a good deal better since the City Engineer adjusted the signal. He suggested that a right turn lane be put in if there was sufficient room, and requested to know if the City could do anything at the time the development goes in. City Engineer Yee said there would have to be a more comprehensive traffic study done. He noted that the developer is creating this congestion and it should be his respon- sibility to give the Commission the traffic facts and solutions of problems. Secretary Costanzo noted that traffic and financial studies are not a part of the EIR process and reminded the Commission that in the case of Sutter Hill, they had to obtain these studies from their own consultant and paid for them separately from the EIR, which the City obtained, but for which Sutter Hill paid. There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare and no other communications or matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Slade announced that the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission ~~~)~o~~u~~ld on September 14, 1976, ~;t:OO pm ~~brarY Wesley Slade, Chairman it/J:~ co~anzo, secr~ Planning Commission Planning Commission Ci of South San Francisco Ci of South San Francisco The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. - 3607 - August 24, 1976 NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the office of the City Planner and are available for publiC inspection. - 3608 -