HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/13/1978 M I NUT E S of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 7:30 p.m. DATE: June 13, 1978 PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Campredon, Vice-Chairman Mullin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Mathewson, and Slade. MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Ci ty Pl anner William Costanzo Assistant Planner Mark A. Wheeler Senior Planner Daniel B. Christians Chief Building Inspector Roy R. Ghilardi Ci ty Engi neer Robert Yee MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 23, 1978 Commissioner Bertucelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of May 23, 1978, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson, and was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Campredon, Vice-Chairman Mullin, Commissioners Bertucelli, Mathewson and Slade. NO ES : None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Campredon announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, and that anyone who wished to come before the Commission to be heard is requested to come to the front microphone so that his or her comments become part of the official record. - 3955 - June 13, 1978 SUBDIVISION AND PARCEL MAPS PM-78-163 and Negative Declaration N08 166 An application by California Water Service for a Tentative Parcel Map to re- subdivide one parcel into four parcels on property located north of Mission Road between Chestnut Avenue and Oak Avenue in the C;...O Zone District. Commissioner Slade requested this item be tabled until the regular Planning Commission Meeting of July 11, 1978. The Commission concurred and the appli- cant was so notified. PM-78-165 and SA-78-46 (On-going Project) An application by Intercoast Investment/Stonegate Ridge No.8 for final maps as indicated to convert 52 units to air space condominiums at Stonegate Ridge Unit No. 8 in the P-C Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the Staff Report. PN-78-164 and SA-78-45 (On-going Project) An application by Eureka Financial Corporation/Stonegate Ridge No.3 for final maps as indicated to convert 47 units to air space condominiums at Stonegate Ridge Unit No.3 in the P-C Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the Staff Report. Vice-Chairman Mullin moved that PM-78-165 and SA-78-46 be approved. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion; and Commissioner Slade moved that PM-78-164 and SA-78-45 be approved. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion. The two motions were passed by a unanimous roll call vote. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS UP-78-437 and Categorical Exemption An application by Oyster Point Association to permit signs in excess of 100 square feet on property located at #1 Oyster Point Boulevard in the M-2 Zone District. - 3956 - June 13, 1978 The Staff Report was presented. Commissioner Mathewson questioned the recent approval of the final stage, Vice-Chairman Mullin expressed concern regarding the visability factor if the sign were located as proposed. Staff indicated that the sign would be behind the public right-of-way to pro- vide sufficient safe visi1bility for motorists. Commissioner Mathewson suggested placing a time limit on the proposed sign. Staff indicated that the total signing is not excessive, however Staff would agree to a reasonable time limit. The Commission concurred to place a time limit of approximately 2 years for a review. Bob Smith, the applicant, explained the difficulty currently being experienced in locating his entrance. Secretary Costanzo read into the record the wording for an additional Special Condition No.5. Special Condition No.5 reads as follows: This Use Permit shall expire June 13, 1980, unless the Planning Commission determines that continuance of this sign is necessary and will not be deleterious to'the surrounding land uses at that time. Request for any continuance shall be made 30 days prior to this expiration date by the applicant through the standard Use Permit procedure. Commissioner Mathewson moved thatUP-78-437 and Categorical Exemption be approved with all Special and Standard Conditions. Vice-Chairman Mullin seconded the motion. The motion was passed by a unanimous rollcall vote. UP-78-438 and Categorical Exemption An application by Purisima G. Salazar to establish a rest home at 209 California Avenue in the R-3 Zone District. Staff presented the Staff Report and explained the additional information pre- sented to Staff by the applicant prior to the meeting. Secretary Costanzo read into the record a petition signed by residents indica- ting a request to deny the application based on the lack of parking already in the area. Vice-Chairman Mullin requested clarification regarding the letter from Mrs. Salazar stating her intention to provide a home for 6 or less occupants. Secretary Costanzo indicated that if this were the case, then the Use Permit is not necessary. He further stated that this notification had just been received tnninht_ _ ~Q~7 _ June 13, 1978 Upon request from Commissioner Mathewson, Secretary Costanzo read into the record the 11 violations currently existing at 209 California Avenue in- cluded as part of this request from the Building Division. Commissioner Mathewson asked for further clarification of the State require- ments versus the local requirements. Secretary Costanzo indicated the State requirements would take precedence; the Ci ty cannot .overrul e. ", The Commission concurred that the violations are of concern and requested a method by which control over these violations could be corrected for the safety of all concerned. Commissioner Bertucelli questioned further the imposition of the correction of all existing violations. Secretary Costanzo indicated that all improvements to the interior of the structure would require all violations to be corrected. Chief Building Inspector, Roy Ghilardi , stated that any occupancy would re- quire the correction of any/all building code violations. Mrs. Salazar 3961 Kent Way South San Francisco, CA Mrs. Salazar indicated agreement with all City building, fire, health and sanitation requirements subject to yearly review. Commissioner Mathewson clarified that the reduction from an 8 bed to 6 bed facility constitutes a withdrawal of this Use Permit. Staff concurred and further indicated that all violations of the building code would be required to be corrected in any case. Mrs. Nodaros 221 California Avenue South San Francisco, CA Mrs. Nodaros questioned the State requirements. Secretary Costanzo re-explained State Law requirements. Mrs. Nodaros presented the Commission with a petition of approximately 99% of the local residents who opposed this project. She fur- ther indicated that the parking would be effected. Mrs. A. Bertucelli 835 Banbury Lane ~1illbrae, CA Mrs. Bertucelli questioned where the visitors would park. - 3958 - June 13, 1978 Secretary Costanzo further indicated that the City has no control over issue- ing this permit~ He stated that the City would file a protest with the State Agency~ The Commission concurred to tE,ble item No~ 5 - Use Permit 78-438~ UP-78-439 and Categorical Exemption An application by Mitchell anq Martha Bouyer to permit the expansion of an ex- isting non-conforming structure located at 234 Aspen Avenue in the R-3 Zone District~ Staff presented the Staff Repcrt. Proponent: Mr. Mitchell Bouyer 234 Aspen Avenue South San Francisoo, CA Mr. Bouyer stated that his garage was in fact 181 clear. He further indicated that it was his desire to build the new addition the same distance from toe property line as the existing structure. He also added that the aesthetic as well a~ structural problems he would face by constructing the addition as re- quired by the building code arid zoning ordinance would create difficulties. SecretiJ.ryCostanzo indicated that the Commission could grant this Use Permit as reques ted based on facts! '_pi'else,nted and the speci fi c fi ndi ngs of thi s case ~ Chief Building Inspector Ghilardi indicated the requirements of the building code would have to be met even though the zoning requirements are somewhat different~ Commissioner ~1athewson requested the applicant provide three off-street parking spaces on the site. The applicant agreed. Vice-Chairman Mullin requested some guarantee that the new addition would not deviate from the plan as presented. Commissioner Mathewson deleted the original Special Condition No.1 and deleted the word IIRevised" from Special Condition No.3 (now Special Condition No.2). Commissioner Mathewson moved that UP-78-439 and Categorical Exemption be approved with all Special and Standard Conditions. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion~ The motion was passed by a unanimous roll call vote~ - 3959 ... June 13, 1978 UP-78-440 and SGR-MOD-4 (On-going Project) An application of Bayland Development Corporation to construct 224 air space condominium units (Unit Nos. 4, 5 and 6) on property at the terminus of Stone- gate Drive and Ridgeview Court in the Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Zone District and consent to modify the Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Zone Dis- trict. Secretary Costanzo presented the Staff Report. The secretary indicated the omission of the subdivision map from the agenda tonight. He further indicated the title report was not attached as stated in the Staff Report. Mr. Neal Martin 840 Berkeley Avenue Menlo Park, CA Mr. Martin concurred with the Staff Report with the exception of some of the Special Conditions. Mr. Martin indicated objection to Special Condition No.3 with respect to the requirement for spanish tile roof material. J1e further stated that the Archi- tectural Committee has approved the composition shingle as has the Homeowner's Association at Stonegate Ridge. Mr. Martin requested a grading easement to prevent the possibility of needing a retaining wall to construct the single family units. Mr. John Klepac 867 Ridge Court South San Francisco, CA Mr. Klepac questioned the purpose of the emergency road and the narrowness of the proposed access road. Mr. Martin indicated that a through road was determined to be undesirable. He further stated that a IIturf-block" access roadway would be provided however for fire access. The roadway was designed as a narrow road to complement the natural slopes as well as save as many of the mature trees as possible. Mr. Martin noted for the record that the plan proposed 44 buildings and not 43 as indicated in the Staff Report. Questions from Commissioner Mathewson were responded to by Secretary Costanzo in regard to changes from the previously approved projects. Secretary Costanzo noted that the plans as submitted are lower in density, produce better site lay- outs, and are superior in overall product to the rental type high density apart- ments approved in 1966. - 3960 - June 13,1978 Mr~ C. N. Chow indicated that the selling price currently would be +70-80 thousand dollars for two bedroom units and 80-90 thousand dollars for the three bedroom units. Mr. Martin confirmed the fact that the apratment would be approximately 15' below the ridge line. Vice-Chairman Mullin indicated his desire to see the large apartments in a different location out of the line of the ridge line as viewed from below. A representative of Al Seyranian, Architect, stated that the spanish tile roof would necessitate a steeper pitched roof that would block certain views. Commissioner Slade questioned the trash area problems. Secretary Costanzo responded by stating these problems do not exist in this project. Commissioner r~athewson questioned the need for additional rental units versus condominiums as proposed. Mr. Martin stated that the large structures contained single ownership apart- ment-style condominiums that will be affordable to younger couples as well as provide investor/rental units as originally envisioned through the general plan. Special Condition No.3 of UP-78-440 was deleted. In lieu of Special Condition No.3, Special Condition No. 8 was added to read as follows: Roof material to be designer composition shingle or equal subject to Architectural Committee approval. Vice~Chairman Mullin moved that UP-78-440, SGR-MOD-4, and SA-78-47 be approved with all Special and Standard Conditions. Commissioner Slade seconded the motion and it was passed by a unanimous roll call vote. UP-78-441 and Categorical Exemption An application of Ross Mawracaj to establish an auto repair facility at an ex- isting gasoline service station located at 45 Chestnut Avenue in the IIUII Un- classified Zone District. Staff presented the Staff Report. Proponent: Mr. Ross Mawracaj 41 Chestnut Avenue #5 South San Francisco, CA Mr. Mawracaj indicated his desire to have a freestanding sign as previously re- quested. - 3961 - dune 13,1978 Secretary Costanzo indicated landscaping was not required because of the lack of support from Lyon Oil Co. in the past in similar type situations. He went on to say that the Architectural Committee recommendation should not be eliminated. Commissioner Mathewson moved that UP-78-441 and Categorical Exemption with all Standard and Special Conditions and Architectural Committee recommendations be approved ~ Commiss i oner Bertuce 11 i seconded the moti on and it was passed by a unanimous roll call vote~ VP-78-442 and Categorical Exemption An application by Michael John Rocco to establish a storage yard for "abandonedll vehicles on property located at 129 South Linden Avenue in the M-l Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the Staff Report. Proponent: Mr. Michael John Rocco 129 South Linden Avenue South San Francisco, CA Mr. Rocco indicated his objections to a masonry fence 8' high as well as to the installation of landscaping. He added further that parking in front of the building is badly needed due to the existing conditions. Mr. Paul Ziemer, Police Department, spoke for the applicant stating that the service provided by the applicant is badly needed. Tom Graff (Employee in the area) 125 South Linden Avenue South San Francisco, CA Mr. Graff indicated parking in the front is badly needed for the surrounding businesses. He also expressed his desire to keep all abandoned vehicles off the public street. Vice-Chairman Mullin concurred that landscaping versus what currently exists in front of the building now is a necessity. Commissioner Slade expressed concern regarding the possibility of dismantlement of vehicles for the purpose of selling and/or storing parts. Commissioner Slade requested Staff to develop appropriate conditions to this effect. Commissioner Bertuce'li questioned the use of the building and the business licenses required. Mr. Rocco responded that all licenses would be secured. Secretary Costanzo indicated the dismantler~s license is a protection device for curbing stolen vehicles. Commissioner Mathewson questioned Staff's position regarding permission of this use so close to the Urban Core. -3962- June 13, 1978 S,ecretary Costanzo disagreed and further indicated that the problem could be solved herein tonight through cooperation of the applicant and corrplete compli- ance with all special conditions, Deleted from Special Condition No.3 was H... 10% of the total propertyll; this was changed to read II... a portion of the front area". Special Condition No.5 was revised as follows: II slumpstone or wooden wallll. Special Conditions No. 17 and 18 were added and read as follows: 17. That dismantling or removal of parts from any vehicle sh:lll be conducted entirely within the building area and shall be prohibited from the open storage area. 18. Only the tires and gas t~nk may be removed from the vehi<::les and that the remainder of the vehicle shall be removed b) a scrap metal reclamation center. The tires and gas tank ~hall be taken to an approved dump site and not stored on this pro- perty. Commissioner Bertucelli moved that UP~78-442 and Categorical Exemption be approved with all Standard and amended Special Conditions. Commissioner Slade seconded the motion and it was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Chairman Campredon, Vice-Chairman Mullin, Commissioners Bertucelli and Slade NOES: Commissioner Mathewson ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None UP-78-443 and Categorical Exemption An application by Gerard Erecting and Welding Co. to establish an open storage yard on property located at 545 Airport Boulevard in the C~3 Zone District. Vice-Chairman Mullin objected hearing the last item because of the policy ruling not to commence the hearing of any items after 11 :00 p.m. The time was 11 :40 p.m.; this objection was so noted, however the majority of the Commissioners agreed to the presentation of UP-78-443at this time. Secretary Costanzo presented the Staff Report. -3963- June 13, 1978 Mr. Arthur Gerald Holvic requested that additional clarification is necessary on some conditions. Mr. Holvic indicated the location of this project would offer a retail location contrary to the original intention stated. Mr. Holvic's main concern was in regard to the solid masonry wall requirement. Mr. Louis Poletti 333 El Camino Real South San Francisco, CA Mr. Poletti spoke against the application because of the reverse in the trend of new development along Airport Boulevard. He further commented that parking is a problem and presented pictures and a letter to prove his points. The manager of the adjacent apartments indicated the owner's desire to fence in the property. He continued by stati-ng the tenant's desire to see this company move into this vacant area. Discussion followed regarding the completeness of the application as well as the appropriateness of the land use. The Commission agreed to table this matter until the regular Planning Commission Meeting of July 11,1978, and directed the applicant to work with Staff to come up with a complete application prior to further processing. COMMUNICATIONS It was announced that the Planning Commission Meeting of June 27, 1978, was can- celed because of Secretary Costanzo's vacation. Secretary Costanzo presented the Resolution of the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission - Commendation to Roberta Teglia - Resolution No. 2234. It was moved to adopt Resolution No. 2234 and the motion was passed by a unani- mous roll call vote. The Commissioner reviewed items includ~d with their p~ck~ts. Vice-Chairman Mullin requested future clarification on the proposed 11 :00 p.m. time limit previously set on future Planning Commission Meetings. GOOD AND WELFARE There being nothing to consider under Good and Welfare and no further communications or matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Campredon announced that the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission would be held on July 11, 1978, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the West Orange Avenue Library Auditorium. - 3964 - June 13, 1978 Wi 1 Planning Commission Ci ty of South djourned at 11:45 p.m. Marcel Campredon, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the Office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the Office of the City Planner, and are available for public discussion. - 3965 -