HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/22/1977 7: P M I lar isco ing ssion , 1 WEST ORANGE LIBRARY PRESENT. Vi ;rman Goldberg, Commissi Mullin, Sl Chairman Tegl,iae MEMBERS ALSO 1 i , Commissioner Mathewson ty Planner ltJi 1 iam City Manager C. Bi 0 City Engineer Yee Community ons Officer Carelli Assistant Planner ~Ihee 1 er Senior Planner Dan Chris ans Planning Di sion MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING anning Commiss meeting of 8, 1977 e irman Teglia made some corrections Commission discussed 6 month revocable & Welfarell announcement read: liThe Commi Ceremony by the Oys Point Yacht Cl 4 nue, ively." On i nvi ted to Vice-Chairman Goldberg moved minutes Sou isco Pl ng Commission of November by Commissioner regular 1977 was Commissi rman lias 1 i , ssioner Ma November 22, 1977 ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Teglia announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, and that anyone who wished to come before the Commission to be heard is requested to come to the front microphone so that his or her comments become part of the official record. UP-75-325 (side 1 #056) A requested Planning Commission review of the progress to date of the proposed revocation of a Use Permit for property located at 230 South Spruce Avenue in the P-C-M Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. Proponent: None Opponent: None Since sufficient work had been done to date to correct many of the major problems on the site, it was recommended that the revocation be continued to the first meeting of February 1978 to allow sufficient time to complete the work now pending. Commissioner Bertucelli motioned that this be continued to February 14, 1978. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campredon and was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. RZ-77-43jGP-77-6 Negative Declaration #140 (side 1 #093) A Rezoning application to rezone the property at the terminus of "C" Street from (R-l) Single-Family Residential to (R-P-D-10) Multi-Family Residential and a General Plan Amendment to delete Single-Family Residential and add Multi-Family Residential designations on property located at the terminus of lie' Street. Also under consideration Negative Declaration #140 for both above items. Chairman Teglia noted that these items would be heard at the same time. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, and noted that on Exhibit "A" zone change was extended and corrected Exhibit "A" had been handed separately. Proponent: Mr. Mark Senaldi, Chairman of Housing Authority Commission 628 Rocca Avenue South San Francisco, CA Opponent: None Vice-Chairman Goldberg questioned if this property is adjacent to the project where 40 units were built. Secretary Costanzo advised that it was. -3871- RZ-77-43jGP-77-6 Negative Declaration #140 cont'd November 22, 1977 Commissioner Mullin asked if the development would be similar to the one already built there. Mr. Senaldi noted that it would be similar. Commissioner Mullin questioned why "A", "B", and "C" Streets were not a part of this zone change. Secretary Costanzo noted that these streets are already Medium to High Density. Secretary Costanzo read Negative Declaration #140 into the record. Commissioner Campredon motioned that the Resolution for RZ-77-43 and GP-77-6 be approved. Commissioner Slade seconded the motion and was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. Commissioner Bertucelli motioned that Negative Declaration #140 be approved. Vice- Chairman Goldberg seconded the motion and was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. ZA-77-7 (side 1 #336) Public hearing to consider a revision of the proposed Parking Ordinance Amendment to require additional parking provisions to Ordinance 353, as amended. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. He also advised that these items would need a recommendation to the City Council. Proponent: None Opponent: None Vice-Chairman Goldberg questioned the phrase "may be less but shall not exceed"., Secretary Costanzo explained that this is mainly for situations where parking problems exist setting minimum and maximum parking requirements. The Commission in general expressed their concerns over the parking problems. Secretary Costanzo reviewed the Resolution so that the Commission would have a better understanding of it. Vice-Chairman Goldberg recommended that ZA-77-7 be forwarded to the City Council. The Commission agreed with a unanimous roll call vote. Negative Declaration #139 Eastside Associates, Inc. (side 1 #547-743) (side 2 #000-093) An Environmental Determination based on an application of Eastside Associates, Inc. to deposit approximately 25,000 cubic yards of fill on an existing filled area on property located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Chestnut Avenue and Hillside Boulevard in the (R-l) Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. Proponent: Mr. "Buzz" Haskins 114 So. Maple Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080 Opponent: None Neg. Decl. #139 cont'd. November 22, 1977 Commissioner Mullin asked how long this project would take. Mr. Haskins advised this would be only 12 to 16 days, and would consist of 125 trips a day in carrying dirt. Commissioner Mullin then asked how late they would be working. Mr. Haskins said until 4:00 p.m. Chairman Teglia was concerned with the surrounding residents and asked what would be done about dust control. City Engineer Bob Yee advised that he was expecting a report from the Soils Engineer and this report would give several types of con- trol, one of which would be water. Mr. Haskins added that top soil would be put on last to cover the fill and should keep the dust down. Mr. Haskins assured the Commission that this would control the dust and protect the residents. Secretary Costanzo noted that Eastside Associates has a 30 day statute of limita- tions in accordance with State Law and that stock piling could take place in the meantime. Commis~ioner Campredon motioned that Negative Declaration #139 be approved as recommended by Staff. Commissioner Slade seconded the motion and was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. REPORTS UPDATING OF GENERAL PLAN (side 2 #094) Preliminary goals, objectives and data for updating the City of South San Francisco's General Plan. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, and requested that the Commission set a date to meet with the General Plan Committee. Chairman Teglia and Commissioner Mullin asked if this could possibly be before Christ- mas. Staff agreed to meet Tuesday, December 6, 1977, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall. The Commission and Staff had a brief discussion over High, Medium-High, and Medium Densities. Secretary Costanzo advised that it would probably take two study sessions to go over the goals and objectives, and assured the Commission that the information received tonight was very preliminary and only the beginning of the process of updating the General Plan. ZA-77-10 (side 2 #284) Public hearing date to consider the adoption of a new sign ordinance. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, and recommended that there be one meeting in March and one in April. After the study sessions, then Commission could set the date for the Public Hearing. Chairman Teglia noted that first meeting of March be 1978. ; this would be March 14th, -3873- ZA-77-11 November 22, 1977 (side 2 #340) Public Hearing date to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to delete the required 15 foot rear yard setback in the (M-l) and (M-2) Zone. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, and suggested that Zoning Ordinance amendment Public Hearing be set for January 10th, 1978. Commissioners Mullin and Slade discussed the reason why this had not been done previously. The concern was stated that the rear yard served as a buffer between uses, especially when industrial backed on to residential. COMMUNICATIONS (side 2 #372) Mr. Penna's request is for the purpose of clearing the records. Secretary Costanzo reported that Mr. John Penna had communicated to him that Mr. Darensbourg had been advised of the requirements he needed to meet before occupancy of 216 Cypress Avenue. Chairman Teglia asked if Mr. Darensbourg was still open for business~ Secretary Costanzo advised that he was and the Mr. Darensbourg had appeal- led the Planning Commission's decision denying to the City Council. Chairman Teglia asked Staff about Mr. Brincat's project. Secretary Costanzo advised that this was still tabled and would first have to be removed from the table. Commissioner Mullin motioned that UP-76-370 be untabled and set January 10th, 1978, for Public Hearing. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and was passed with the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon, Mullin and Chairman Teglia. NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Mathewson, Commissioner Slade (left a few minutes early) (side 2 #415) Secretary Costanzo read a memorandum from the City Clerk's Office regarding W.W. Dean. (side 2 #427) Secretary Costanzo read a memorandum from the City Clerk's Office regarding Mr. Firenze's sign. YEAR-END REVIEW Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. Chairman Teglia questioned some of the Use Permits and corrections were made regard- ing their status. It was noted that the Specific Plan No. 1 had been approved. - 3874 - s 1 ng nothing or of i regular meeting the hour 7:30 p.m. in under Good and Wel for Commission, rman anning Commission would West Orange Library Audi and no ia announced on December The meeting was ourned 9.30 p.m. Roberta Teglia, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NOTE: The dis on rel and are entries of this Planning Commission meeting indi each item. Oral presentations, arguments The tape~ are avail e in the Office to items discussed are on file in lable for public inspection. the on ken documents are City Planners ce of the