HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/25/1977 M I NUT E S the regular meeting of South San Francisco Pl ng Commission TIME: 7:30 P.M. DATE: OCTOBER 25, 1977 PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissi Mathewson, Mullin, S~ade and Chai Bertucelli, Teglia MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Campredon ALSO PRESENT: City Planner City Manager Director of Public Services Will Costanzo C. Birkelo Frank ego Fred 1 i r1a r k er Dan; Christians Rosa Community Relations Officer Assistant Planner Senior Planner Planning Division Secretary MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes the Planning Commission meeting of 11, 1977. Secretary Costanzo noted that on page 3856 section ( to the north shall..." should read, "..facing Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of October 11 motion was seconded by Commissioner Mullin and was call vote: ar meeting of the , be approved. The by the following roll AYES: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Mullin Slade and Chairman Teglia. 1i, Mathewson, NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner ABSTAINED: None ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING MEETING Chairman ia announced s meeting of the Commission would be recorded on tape, but that Commission to be heard, but who objected to in s manner, could Chairman lIoff" for duration that or she - 3858 - October 25, 1977 Secretary Costanzo advised the Planning Commission that City Council has requested that the announcement concerning the tape recording of meetings be deleted from the minutes of every meeting. Recording of the meetings is required. Chairman Teglia advised that Commissioner Campredon had called her to advise that he would not be attending the meeting. UP-77-413 (side 2 #100) A Negative Declaration and Use Permit application for expansion of an existing distribution center on property located at 1556 El Camino Real in the "U" Un- classified Zone District. Senior Planner Dan Christians presented the staff report. Proponent: Peter Bolles, Architect 14 Gold Street San Francisco Richard Pullen, Architect 14 Gold Street San Franci.sco Opponent: None Peter Bolles advised that he could answer any questions regarding the intended use of the facility. The Commission and Staff discussed the use of the warehouse and finally decided that because of the lack of a representative of Macy's California, this matter would have to be continued. Commissioner Bertucelli moved that UP-77-413 be continued to the meeting of November 8, 1977. Commissioner Mullin seconded the motion and it was approved to be continued on said date. Secretary Costanzo advised that this would be the first item on the agenda for November 8th meeting. H.C.D.A. (side 2 #186) A status report on the City's Federally Funded Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. The Commission and Staff commented on Peck's Lot the proposed playlot. regarding the funding for - 3859 - H.C.D.A. cont'd: Qctober 25, 1977 . Commissioner Slade asked why South San Francisco did not have a Grant Program where direct grants are made for improvements. Secretary Costanzo advised that the reason the City uses H.C.D.A. is because they want the money re-cir- culated to be used at a later date. Secretary Costanzo advised that the County has discouraged us from using the Direct Grant Program. Commissioner Mathewson wondered where the target area was located. Secretary Costanzo advised that boundaries are Airport Boulevard, Railroad, Magnolia, Miller, Maple and Randolph Avenues. Commissioner Mathewson asked how close is the City to the approximate budget. Secretary Costanzo advised that the City had stayed within the budget but that the program was not working out as planned. Commissioner Mullin objected to the wording of Page 2, approximate budget #1: the phrase "andjor" should be changed. Staff agreed to reword it and eliminate the word "or." Chairman Teglia advised she had talked with Ms. Mollie Moore Sullivan of San Mateo County Housing and Community Development. Their conversation was mostly on the Neighborhood Services Center and problems related to their function. Secretary Costanzo stated that there was an attempt to get the "Citizens Com- mittee" started but had difficulty in obtaining members on the Advisory Commit- tee that lived in the area and were not applying for a loan. Commissioner Mullin advised contacting Pat Cannon and Bob Parr, they would be able to provide names for this committee. The Commission and Staff discussed the pros and cons of loan and grant programs. Vice-Chairman Goldberg had questions on the proposed capital improvements and park improvements under this program. GENERAL PLAN (side 2 #453) Commission's annual review of the General Plan and the future work program to up-date the General Plan. Senior Planner Dan Christians presented the staff report. Commissioner Mathewson and Staff discussed briefly the noise of S.S.T. and how this effects the City of South San Francisco. Commissioner Mathewson moved that Staff be authorized to file an Annual Report on the General Plan with the State Office of Planning and Research. Commissioner Bertucelli se~onded the motion and was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. ZA-77-7 (side 2 #539) Setting a Public Hearing date to consider a reV1Slon of the proposed Parking Ordinance Amendment to require additional parking provisions to Ordinance 353, as amended. - 3860 - ZA-77-7 cont1d: October 25, 1977 Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. Secretary Costanzo recommended that the Planning Commission set the date for a Public Hearing on this matter for the second meeting in November. Chairman Teglia ordered that the date be set for November 22, 1977. SKYLINE TERRACE (side 2 #563) Commissioner Mathewson suggested that this be heard before "Communications" since the applicant was waiting. All approved. Final Subdivision MapjSA-77-38jFrumenti Development Company. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. The Commission and Staff discussed the Final Subdivision Map briefly and Commissioner Mullin made the motion that SA-77-38 be approved. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the motion and it was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. COMMUNICATIONS (side 2 #590) Temporary interim appointments to the Architectural Committee. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. The Commission and Staff discussed various projects that these two volunteers had done before. Secretary Costanzo suggested that they alternate for each meeting. Commissioner Mullin suggested that both, Neal Vannucci and Albert Seyranian, be appointed to the Architectural Committee. Commissioner Mullin made the motion to appoint both volunteers. Commissioner Slade seconded the motion and was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. Downtown ~~orki ng Advi sory Commi ttee.. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. (side 2 #626) Secretary Costanzo recommended that the Chairman volunteer for this committee or if not the Chairman then any of the other Commissioners. He also advised that there are a variety of property owners and merchants on the committee and all seemed to have positive comments on this matter. Commissioner Bertucelli suggested that Virginia Boston be contacted. The Planning Commission unanimously agreed to have Chairman Teglia as a member of the Downtown Working Advisory Committee. Public Hearing to consider Revisions to the Circulation Element. (side 2 #656) Secretary Costanzo recommended this matter be heard for December 13, 1977. Commissioner Mull in moved that this be heard for December 13, 1977. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the motion and was passed with a unanimous roll call vote. - ~Rhl - COMMUNICATIONS cont'd: October 25, 1977 Secretary Costanzo recommended that Planning Commission meeting 27, 1977, cance 11 for Chri s tmas recess. the Commission unanimously agreed@ GOOD & WELFARE (si 2 #673) , Chairman Teglia was concernedaooutithe Adult Book Store ancfwhaf ha.d been done about the sign? Secretary Cosstated/ that a letter had been sent to them advising that they needed a permit for their sign. There being notning further to consider, under Good and Welfare and no other communications or matters of interest for the Commissiion,l Chairman Teglia announced th'at the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission would be held on November 8, 1977, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the West Orange Library Auditorium. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Roberta Teglia, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco ,Se etary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action ken to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the Office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the Office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection. - 3862 -