HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/10/1980 MINUTES June 10, 1980 meeting of South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDIIDRIUM, 840 West Orange Avenue, SSF MEMBERS PHESENT: Chairman Mantegani, Vice Chairman Grimes, CoITmissioners Bertucelli Campredon, Getz, Hoyer, and Martin Also Present: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel Christians Hark Wheeler Drctr/Public Services/City Rngineer Robert Yee Police Services Officer Sergeant D. Sullivan 7:00 Design Review Board public interviews - appointment of Mr. Gehrke and Mr. Sinclair confirmed by unanimous consensus of the Planning Corrrnission. Planning Commission meeting Roll Call - 8:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance cmD AND WELFARE: Corrmissioners expressed concern about new building on South Spruce - whether pro- gressing under proper Use Permit authority. The Staff responded that it was and that the Condition of Approval on the street im- provements would be monitored. Landscaping at Parking Company of America in deplorable condition. Has been addressed many times in the past. Management will be made aware again. Willow Gardens easement area - serious trash littering problEm. Difficult to enforce - partial City easement iITvolved - constant littering by tenant youth. Staff noted that it was aware of problem but that there were problems due to absentee owners and lack of a homeowner's association to maintain the project. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PARKING PLACE COM\U:SSION WALNUT AVENUE PARKING Im' Proposed on-street parking reconfiguratton on Walnut Avenue between Grand Avenue and Miller Avenue in the C-2, Urban Core, Zone :District. June 10 Staff Report presented. Attention was called to a revised plan submitted June 10, 1980 which would expand the roadway to 20 feet - 7 feet more than the original. The widening would be on the library side and would require removal of mature trees. June 10, 1980 Representative - John Penna for Parking Place Commission Father Durkin, All Souls, and Masonic Temple representatives have been contacted. Expressed concern about the radius and the effeet it would have on funeral proces- sions. Commission explored concern over possible loss of trees as indicated in the revised plan. Staff indicated its concern about circulation and steepness of lower roadway. Question about individuals to be accommodated by increased parking - where are they parking now, and why such a change for a relatively few business firms. Possibility of increased parking time on Grand Avenue questioned. Mr. Penna stated that this cannot be changed in one block area only - would have to apply to other blocks. Parking in rear of establishments involved now being fully used. City Engineer noted that the Grand Avenue revitalization is due for completion in October. Walnut Avenue question should be decided as soon as possible to coincide with Downtovm Revitalization. Commission questioned whether possibility of mal~ing Walnut Avenue one way to accom- modate parking would set a precedent. The Planning Commission suggested reviewing the Master Plan rather than such piece- meal plans and to clarify further their concerns \vi th the Parking' Place Commission. Motion-Getz/Second-Martin; To continue Walnut Avenue parking discussion to June 24, 1980. Unanimously approved. Staff noted that there will be an attempt to meet with the Parking Place Cornmission in study session during the interim. SUBDIVISION AND PARCEL MAPS : ROBERTA AND RONALD SCIANDRI/PM-78-l69/CATEOORICAL EXEHPTION CffiNT. FROM 5/13/80) Application for Final Parcel Map to create 3 pm~cels from ?, existing on property located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Hillside Boulevard and North Spruce Avenue in the C-2 Heavy Commercial and RPD-6 Residential Planned Development Zone District. June 10 Staff Report presented. Applicant present. Motion-Grimes/Second-Bertucelli; To approve Final Parcel Map P~1-78-l69 based on findings and subject to Conditions contained in Staff Report. Unanimously approved June 10, 1980 BROADMCOR HOl\1ES/SA-79-62/CERTIFIED NEGATIVE DECUBATION NO. 237 Application for Final Subdivision Map to construct a 156 unit Residential Planned Development Condominium project for individual ownership on vacant property located west of Interstate Highway 280 and east of Gellert Boulevard along the east and west side of Appian Way in the R-3 Multi-family Zone District. June 10 Staff Report presented. Applicant present. Motion-Getz/Second-Martin; To approve Final Subdivision Map for Appian Village No. 1 of SA-79-62 based on findings and subject to Cond=Ltions contained in Staff Report. Unanimously approved. ClEMm, INC. /PM-80-l83/CATEGORICAL EXEI\tlPTION Application for Final Parcel Map to create 2 parcels from one existing on vacant prop- erty located on the east side of South Maple Avenue in the M-l-H zone District. June 10 Staff Report presented. Motion-Campredon/Second-Grimes; To approve Final Parcel ~~ap PM-80-l83 based on findings and subject to Conditions contained in Staff Report. Unanimously approved. J. QUETNICK AND AIBERT SHANSKY /SA-80-67 j:NEGATlVE DECLARATION NO. 256 Application for Tentative Subdivision Map to construct, for the purpose of subdividing into individual property ownership, an office/warehouse project on vacant property located on South Maple Avenue between South Canal Avenue and Victory Avenue in the M-l Zone District. SOUill MAPLE BUSINESS ASSOCIATES/UP-80-543/NEGATlVE DECLARATION NO. 256 Application for Use Permit to construct, for the I)urpose of subdividing into individ- ual property ownership, an office/warehouse project on vacant property located on South Maple Avenue between South Canal Avenue and Victory Avenue in the 1\1-1 Zone District. June 10 Staff Report presented. Both projects presented together since one is depend- ent on the other. Applicant present. Motion-Martin/Second-Getz; To approve UP-80-543, SA-80-65, and Negative Declaration No. 256 based on findings and subject to Conditions contained in Staff Report. Unanimously approved. June 10, 1980 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: C. C. CELESTREjUP-80-550jNEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 264 Application for Use Permit to construct a.4 story corrmercial office structure on developed property located at the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Spruce Avenue in the C-2 Zone District. June 10 Staff Report presented. Representative for Applicant: A. Seyranian, Architect. Corrmission and Staff's main concern was about the traffic movement on Spruce. The Staff also indicated the previous requirement for parking for the clinic across the street. Commissioner Getz requested the previous Staff Report on hearing for earlier clinic use be available for review. Comnission feels strongly about committal for parking for the adjacent clinic. Com- mission also feels building shoJ,lld be a mixed use - residential, office, and corrmer- cial. Motion-MartinjSecond-Bertucelli; To continue the Public Hearing for UP-80-550 and Negative Declaration No. 264 to the Planning CorrnrLssion meeting of July 8, 1980. ROBERT SIMMSjTRUX, INCjUP-80-545 EIR REQUIRED Application for Use Permit and environmental detaITnination of same to construct two officejwarehouse structures on Vacant property located on the east side of South Airport Boulevard at the southern most City l~it line in the M-2 Zone District. Recomnended by Staff to continue case off calendar. Mot ion-CampI' edon j Second-Grimes ; To continue UP-80.-545 off calendar. Unanimously approved. JA~UELINE ANDERSONjROBERT FABRISjFPD-80-l8jNEGATlVE DECLARATION NO. 268 Application to construct second single family structure and related parking on developed property located at 832 Maple Avenue in the R-2 Zone District. June 10 Staff Report presented. Applicant present. Letter read into record from property owner at 842 Maple regarding amount of cars on street from 832 Maple. The Comnission requested two Special Conditions be added to the application. 1. Existing auto parts to be removed prior to construction and not to be replaced. 2. Of the four parking spaces, two are to be for the front property and two for the back property. June 10, 1980 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: (cont.) JACQUELINE ANDERSON/ROBERT FABRIS/RPD-80-l8/NEGATlVE DECLARATION NO. 269 (cont.) The Applicant was asked if he was agreeable to all the Special Conditions, to which he~replied in the affirmative. Motion-Getz/Second-Bertucelli; To approve RPD-80-l8and Negative Declaration No. 269 based orffihclings and subject to Conditions contained in Staff Report. Unanimously approved. DAVID JOHN RIVERA/RZ-80-62/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 269 Application in the form of a petition to rezone vacant property located on Airport Boulevard (parcels 23, 24, 26, and 27, Block B, Subdivision No.1) between Butler Road and Randolph Avenue from C-2 Central Commercial to C-3 Heavy Corrmercial Zone District. DAVID JOHN RIVERA/V-80-226/NFJJATIVE DECLARATION NO. 270 Application for Variance from the minimum required off-street parking and on-site landscaping requirEments on vacant property located on Airport Boulevard (parcels 23, 24, 26, and 27, Block B, Peck's Subdivision No.1) between Butler Road and Randolph Avenue in the C-2 Zone District. Since the Variance is contingent upon the rezoning (which has not yet been advertised), the Staff recommended that these items be continued to July 8, 1980 to allow for said advertising. Motion-Bertucelli/Second-Martin; To continue the Public Hearing on RZ-80-62, Negative Declaration No. 269, V-80-226, and Negative Declaration No. 270 to the meeting of July 8, 1980. Unanimously approved. MR. R. MENNUCUCCI (HABITAT GROTJP, INC. )/RPD-79-l3/SA-79-63/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 245 (certified by City Council 5/21/80) Application to construct a 36 condominilrn building on vacant property located on the west side of Blondin Way in the R-3 Zone District. June 10 Staff Report presented. Applicant representative David Van Atta, Attorney at Law, states Applicant satisfied with Staff Report, including Conditions. Opponent - R. Brown, 217 Country Club Drive, South San Francisco. Requests right to review plans for barrier to be erected where his property adjoins Applicant's property. Comnissioner Getz requested a letter from the City Attorney on the 39 unit condominium vs the 36 unit apartment building to verify that the proper time frames for the build- ing of the 36 unit apartment building were met. <-Tune 10, 1980 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: ( cont . ) MR. R. MENNUCUCCI (HABITAT GROUP, INC.) ( cont. ) Commissioner Getz stated that the condominium project was being proposed for the wrong area. He was concerned about the high density next to low density occupancy; about sewer capacity; about the trend and precedent for establishing this kind of use within Country Club area. Commissioner Grimes expressed his continued conceln regarding sewer capacity in spite of the mitigation plan offered. Commissioner Martin stated that all findings have been met and that Commission should make a decision. Motion-BertucellijSecond-Campredon; To approve the revised RPD-79-l3 and Tentative SA-79-63 based on findings and subject to Conditi()ns contained in Staff Reports. Ayes: Bertucelli, Campredon, Martin, Mantegani Noes: Getz, Hoyer Abstain: Grimes REPORTS: NORTHWEST EQUITYjPM-77-l5l Request of Northwest Equity to delete Special Condition No. 7 of PM-77-l5l which re- quired the Applicant to record a deed restriction on the sale of Parcel E on subject map. June 10 Staff Report presented. Applicant representative Bud Mason present. Motion-GetzjSecond-Grimes; Material with reference to PM-77-l5l to be forwarded to City Attorney for study and proper way to resolve the deed restriction and the parcel switch. Unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned to a Study Session to be held June 24, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. ADJOURNJ\1ENT (TF#469) 11: 45 p.m. Louis Dell'Angela Secretary to the Planning Corrmission, City of South San Francisco PDbert Mantegani Chairman to the Planning Commission, City of South San Francisco