HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/12/1980 HINUTES of the regular meetinv of the ~outh 8an Francisco Planning rorrmission rrpm : 7: 30 p.m. DATE: February 12, 1980 PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIRRARY ALJDITIJRITJH, 840 West Orange Avenue, SfW MEl'ffiEHS PRESENT: Vice Chairman GrilTIes, COIT111issioners Rertucelli, Getz, Hoyer, ~fartin, Campredon, and Chairman Mantegani AI J<sn PRESEf\lT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel Christians 1\~ark 'Wheeler Police Services Officer Sgt. nennis Sullivan 1\~Il\:nJTES: Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting for ..January 14, 1980 approved as presented. (1vfotion-Grimes; 8econd.-Bertucelli) ~..1inutes of the Planning COITmission 1\1eeting for January 22, 1080 apnroved with corrections. (Hotion-r,.etz/Anprove as corrected; 8econd- Martin) CDN'ITNUED PlffiLIC HEARING lTE1'1S: SOI1Tf.lLAI\lJ) OORPORATIOJ\T (7-ll)/lJP-79-529/1\lFGATlVE DECLARATION #251 (Cont. from 1/14/80) Use Permit application to construct 7-11 store on property located at southeast corner of Mission Road and Holly Avenue/C-l Zone District. Item continued to 1\~arch 11, 1980 at reauest of ApDlicant. SOUTH rI'TY FORD/UP-79-53l/NErTATIVE DECLAllA'TI0N' #253 (1Ji'#022) (cont. from 1/14/80) Use Permit application to establish used car facility on vacant property located at northwest corner of 1\1iller Avenue and Cynress Avenue/C-2 Zone District. Anplicant present: Dave Gonzalez, Pico ~^Tay, Pacifica Rtaff Report presented. Applicant objected to width of side~~lk reauired 'by City in addition to required landscaping. Opponent: Edward Ferreira, 300 Al ta Vista., South San Francisco -- eXDressed interest as historic site. Commission concerns: Lot being used for parking - City Ordinance prohibits (Gr~es). Applicant stated he will remove cars. February 12, 1980 Why Applicant would not work with Staff as requested to resolve problems (Getz, Hoyer and Martin). HOVl many cars redesign, with proper landscaping, will accommodate (Mantegani). 26 cars was response fran Planner Wheeler. ~~o would care for developing on ~ity property if encroachment allowed (Getz). Applicant stated he would be responsible. Motion-Hartin/Recarmend denial of UP-79-53l; Second-Getz; AYES: Vice ~hairman Grilles, Commissioners Getz and ~iTartin, Chairman Hantegani; NOR8: Corrmis- sioners Bertucelli, Hoyer and Campredon. (J)]\lTIN1JFD RTJBDIVISION & PARCEI.J HAP8 TOM CALLAN/P~1-79-l82/(~KTIFIED EIR (cont. from 12/11/79 and 1/14/80) (TF#165) Tentative Parcel Map application to create 4: parcels on approximately 16.2 acres located on westerly side of Gellert Boulevard extension/C-l Neighborhood Commercial 7;one District. Applicant present: Tan Callan, .Jr., 2790 .Juninero Serra Boulevard, Daly City Applicant c'+aimed that he requested of Staff on 1/28/80 that hearinv. be continued. The Chainmn asked for clarification as to where this hearing stands. The Dlrector Elxolained that Staff had been vvai ting a letter from Mr. rallan waiving the t~e element and requesting a continuance on this hearing until ~~arch 11, 1980. This date was selected because it was after the (buncil appeal hearing on the Pse Permit apnlication regarding ~1cDonald's on Gellert Boulevard. Staff noted its concerns regarding the configuration of the lot and the continuing problem of piec8mealing development in the Westborough area. Th.tr. Callan presented Staff ,vith a letter requesting continuance of this hearing to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting after February 20, 1980 and waiving ~is time element rights. Staff and the Commission agreed that the hearing be continued to l'~arch 11, 1980. RODNRY CATALAl'TO /SA-78-49 /NFrTATIVE DECLARt\Tln:N #180 (cont. from 1/14/80) (TF#199) Request for Final Subdivision Hap to create 5 parcels from one existing on partially developed property located at 276 Country Club nrive/R~l 70ne District. Chairman 1\1antegani stepped down and released the Chair to Vice r;hairrnan Grimes in order to avoid allegations of conflict of interest. He also noted that he did not have any financial interest in this property. For Applicant: Richard Stoppoloni, 3611 Sneath Lane, San Bruno 94066 ~iTr. Stoppolini stated he agrees to all conditions set forth hy Staff. It was clari- fied that the Applicant would cOP.1plete the cul-de--sac as requested by Staff. February 12, 1980 The Director noted that this was important regardless of the plans for the adjacent property; that this ~~s to be an off-site improv8nent. Staff questioned as to ovvnershin of adjacent property (Getz); problEm of ,iurisdiction in County area (Grimes/Hoyer); possibility of need for subdivision to change configura- tion (Getz). The Director replied that the developers have an option on the property and that he believed the canpletion of the cul-de-.sac could be accOPlplished through the coopera- tion of the church which o\vns the property; that he did not see a jurisdictional problem due to expected annexation; that, after discussion "'lith the City Attorney, the Director had the opinion that a revised ffilbdrvision map would riot be required- since the area in question would be usedIora public street. Opponent: Ronald Brovm, 217 Country Club Drive, South San Francisco Mr. Brown presented a letter to the Carmission, for the file, which was the basis of his presentation for this evening. Opponent: Lillian 0' PDurke, 264 Cbuntry Club Drive, Routh ~an Francisco The Cmmissioners noted that they had received a eopy of a portion of the presentation which Mrs. O'Rourke made at the Public Hearing of ,January 22, 1980. Mrs. O'Rourke then noted that the tape of that eveninp.:- had omitted all of her presenta- tion. She requested that the presentation be redone and considered to be as of ,January 22. She "vas told that that would be impossible. COIYmissioner Getz informed Mrs. O'Rourke that the presentation could be incorDorated by reference ~~th the material she was presenting at this meeting. She was direeted to provide a copy of her complete presentation of 1/22/80 to the Director to become Exhibit A to this record. Mrs. O'Rourke contended that the residents of that area had not been properly notified of the annexation; that the project proposed was contrary to the C.C.8z; H. 's for the Country Club Estates area. Opponents: Harold Molumby, 311 Granada Drive, South San Francisco, reDresenting Avalon/Brent\~Dod Home Owners Association Harold Wessa, resident of the Country Club Dark area Adolph Corcini, 223 Country Club Drive, South San Francisco Edward Ferreira, 300 Alta Vista Drive, Routh Ran Francisco Expressed concern at loss of rural atmosphere; at piecemealing; at possibility of development of multiple units. The Acting Chairman made the audience aware of the Rubcomnittee on the annexation of C.Dlmtry Club Park and the fact that they were workinp: on the request for this a.rea to be Rural Estate Zoning. Opponent: Elaine Stevenson, 297 Alta Vista Drive, South San Francisco Questions the cutting up of land in this area into smaller lots than those now exist- ing. l\1s Stevenson stated that residents of the new S11all lots would he in constant disagreement with the residents vvho do keep animals and livestock. Commissioner Boyer noted the reference in the Staff Report to the l\{ap Act and ques- tioned whether all requirements had been met. It \vas his concern that the Tentative Map may not be legal. He requested more proof that the right thing \^,~S being done prior to aPDroving the Final }1an. ACJAt::: February 12, 1980 Corrmissioners Bertucelli and Hartin questi,oned Staff as to whether all legal steps had been followed on this project. The Director replied that, to the best of his Imowledge, all legal steps had been followed. He also noted that there is a legal question whether the C.C.& H. I S are still enforceable. The point was made that the existence of the C.C.8>; H. 's should be noted on the Tenta- tive Man. Commissioner Getz made the point that, if the Tentative l\1an does not have such notation, a note can be made on the Final Map. He also noted that it is not required to hold a Dublic hearing on a Tentative Hap. The public was again made aware that the COITmission has little or no discretion but to approve a Final Map if it is in conformance with the approved Tentative Hap and State and local subdivision laws. Motion-Bertucelli/To approve Final Hap SA-78-49; Seconc1-Getz; AYFR: Acting Chairman Grimes, Ccmnissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Campredon, and Martin, NOES: Commis- sioner Hoyer. Chairman Hantegani was reseated. PUBLIC EIF-ARING lTEl'1S (TF#432) BIUJY J. DROSKY/UP-79-532/CATFr:DRICAL EXEMPTION Proposed room addition to existin? non-conforming mvelling located at 719 Circle Court. Staff Report Dresented. Applicant was present to answer questions. None asked. Motion-Campredon/To approve UP-'79-532; Second-GrimeS; Unanimous approval of Commission. >I""" ~""" .<r p.~. ""( 'iVElJ)3 F A,qr,o BANK/l1P-80-~~€)2 / CA'TEnORI CAL EYElVwrION (TF# 460) Proposed business offices and vehicle storage in existing building at 175 Sylvester Road. Staff Report presented. For Applicant: Marty 'Wilson, 235 '^7est l\1acArthur, Suite 669, Oakland The Commission expressed concern that the vehicle storage could 'hecome a problem to the surrounding occupancies. It was noted that the use, if approved, should be sub- ject to continuing review of the Planning CDmmission. Hr. Wilson spoke to a concern of the Police Department regarding the security system. He noted that the system in use was cannon throughout their comparable facilities and that it had proven adequate; that an alarm, as recommended by the Police T!epartment, would not add to the efficiency of the system. Commissioner Campredon questioned the ten parking spaces - whether these were on the property and whether this \vas adequate for the type of ooeration. _ 4,)4~ _ February 12, 1980 Mr. Wilson answered that the ten parking spaces were on the property 'and not on- street; that the max~~m1 traffic was 15 cars per day; that the facility was open fron 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ~Qth the customers caning and going during those hours of operation; that the facility is not open on Saturday and Runday. Motion-Getz/To approve lJP-80-533 subj ect to Findings and Conditions stated in Staff Report; Second-Campredon Discussion: 1\'lr. Wilson noted theIWnk' s willinvness to waive any 8.rea of respon- sibility of Police Department if their request for an alarm system was not made a condition; that, in addition to their security system, two security guards 'would be Employed to patrol the nremises. Sergeant Sullivan noted that this was a recommenda- tion from their Department. It was agreed that no alaml system would be installed. Sergeant Sullivan noted that, if the security guards made regular checks, that 'would be satisfactory; however, that did not answer to the vulnerability of the ceiling vents. ~1r. Wilson replied that, since they were self-insured, they were \villing to accept this responsibility. The motion was then modified to indicate that the memorandum fran the Police Depart- ment be part of the requirements of the Permit 'with the exception of Section C-l which would be a recommend~tion only. The Hotion was then unanimously approved by the Ccumission. REPORTS VACATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE FASEfI'lENT: ('TF#509) Proposed vacation of 10 foot Public Utilities EaSEment located on lDt 5, Block 33, Westborough Unit No. 4A (Broadmoor Homes). Resolution presented. ~,10tion-Mantegani /Resolution No. 2267 be approved; Second-Grimes; Unanimously approved by Canmission. ml\TIU~INIUM CDJ\TVERSION ORDINANCE: Status report Requested by Director to put over to another meeting due to the fact that County material \vhich he wanted to present to the CDmmission had not been received. mMl\iJIJf'.TI CAT I ONS A discussion continued between the Commission and members of Country rlub Park re- garding the proposed Rural Estates pre-zoning Ordinance to be considered on Febru- ary 26 hearinf1". The residents felt that they needed more time to review the R~ITal Fstates zoning; tb~t there were areas to be discussed concerning li~htin~, sewers, sidev~lks, and roadways; that only one s11bcommittee meeting had "been held some timE hefore and that many issues had arisen in the last several months which should be addressed. AC""'I A 1"7 February 12, 1980 The Director responded that the hearing v.TOuld allow for changes and discussion; that he preferred no further delay; that the only ne~,1ir provisions Vlere those dealinv with animal peImi ts and inspection; that he say!'! no basis for the hearinv postponement. Camlissioner Getz suggested that the subccmnittee have a chance to meet and that the hearing be delayed to a meeting in l\,larch. The Director cautioned tl1..at the J11embers must understand that answers to street im- provements and sewers may not be available at that time. Corrmissioner Martin requested some time line on the rezoning. The Director replied that tbere was no deadline on the zoning-; that it VIas requested by LAFCn; that, before any decisions could he made, we would need to be guided by a Council policy on improvements. Chairman Mantegani suvgested that a subcorrrnittee l1leetinv be held; that a tentative hearing meeting change be considered to the second meeting in March. STOJ\1FflATE : Staff made the Crnmission aware tl1..at a petition had been received requestinp.' down- zoning of cOITmercial property northerly from Stonegate Hidge I, the area at the entrance to Stonegate Ridve I at Hillside. DESIGN REVIEW BOAPJ): Staff made the Commission aware that members were needed for the Design Review Board. The Commission agreed that a notice be published in the local nsvspaners. ('roD A~ID WELFARE (TF#890) It was noted that the Use Permit for the dental office buildin? on Hission Hoad for the parkinv lot pavement had rlID out; that the Corporation should be put on notice. Commissioner Grimes requested an update of the Planning Canmission, Design Peview Board and City Council list. Commissioner Getz afain reouested the r~od and'~elfare section be the first item of business on the avenda. The Commission agreed that this would be tried. There being nothing further to consider under Good and Welfare, Chairman ~~antegani. announced that the meeting was adj ourned. ADJOTJR~11'lJE)\lT (TF#927) 10: 35 p.m. Secretary to the Planning COll1Ylission, City of Routh San Francisco Robert Mantegani Chairman to the Planning Commission, City of Routh San Francisco