HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-1987 ElectionsFORM 470 1987 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -- SHORT FORM R E (Government Code Section 84206) For use by candidates and officeholders who do not have a cont'~711eo~ 28 P3:21 committee and who will not receive $500 or more in contributions and will A OFFICIAL USE ONLY not spend $500 or more during the entire calendar year. CIT ' CL i K Type or Print in Ink SO. SAN FRANCISCO Period Covered: Calendar Year 19 ~ r~ . NAME OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER: OFFICE SOUGHT OR HI~LD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPUCABLE): RESIDENT;AL ADDRESS: NO. AND STREET CITY STATE ZiP ~ODE BUSINESS ADDRESS: NO. AND~;TREET ~ CITY T~ ZIP CODE DATE OF ELECTION (MO., DAY, YR.) (IF APPLICABLE): AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER AREA CODE BUSIN~ESS PHONE N~R LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY BUT ARE NOT CONTROLLED BY YOU.* COMMITTEE NAME AND ID NUMBER COMMITTEE ADDRESS NAME OF TREASURER *A controlled committee is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by an officeholder, a candidate or a proponent of a state ballot measure or which acts jointly with an officeholder, a candidate, controlled committee or a proponent of a state ballot measure in connection with the making of expenditures. An officeholder, a candidate or proponent of a state ballot measure controls a committee 'if he or she, his or her agent, or any other committee he or she controls, has a significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, during the calendar year, less than $500 will be received and less than $500 will be expended by myself and that I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executedon 7- ~'- ~ ~ at (~ObrF~7~ 5/~AS~ /~,~]C-.4'~ GO ~ (DA~) (Cl~ AND STA~) ~ by ~ (SI~ATURE OF CANOIDATE OR ~ICEHOLDE~ For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information ~actices Act of 1977, see "Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act." FORM 430 1986 RECEIVED CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -- LONG FORM (Government Code Sections 84200-84217 Type M Pflnt in Ink Statement covers perior~ 7/1/86 through 12/31/86 CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOW1NG BOXES TO INDIC~TE THE TYPE OF STATEMENT BEING FILED. ~ 1ST SEMI-ANNUAL ~I'ATEMENT fi , s'r ~.EL~C~0N STATEMEm-". .... 2NO SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT 2NO PIlE-ELECTION ~TATEMENT $U~.EMENTAL. ~E.ELECl~ON STATEMIENr c~ttlgeta Form 4gE end ett~:h it to ttt~ ~latome~L) NAME OF CANOIOATE: Beverly Bonalanza Ford RE$1OENI'L&L AO~R~: NO. ANO STREET ~ 605 Parkway, South San Francisco, 8U$1NESS ADORESS: NO. ANO STREET CITY 825 Parkway, South San Francisco, 0AT~ OF ELECTION (MO.. 0AY. YR.) (IF APPUCASLE}: April 8, q986 A OFfiCIAL USE ONLY ~~ City Treasurer CA 9~80 (415) 588-5491 ~A~ ~COOE ~ C~E ~NE CA 9~ (415) 877-8788 TOTAL PAGES LIST ALL COMMITTEES WHICH YOU CONTROL OR OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY CONTROL.L~D COMMITTEE NAME AND I.D. NUMBER COMMII'I'EE ADDRESS TREASURER COMMFITEE?. * YES ~ND Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. *A controlled committee is one which is contro/led direcHy or indirectly by you or which acts jointly with you or one of your control/ed committees in connectton with the making of expenditures. You control a committee if you, your agent or any other committee you control has significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee. II ALLOCATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENDITURES MADE TO OR ON BEHALF OF OTHER CANDIDATES, OFFICEHOLDERS AND MEASURES (Allocate expenditures from Schedules E, EE & F made to or on behalf of another candidate, officeholder or measure. Amounts may be rounded off to whole dollars.) INO NAME OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER AND OFFICE CHECK ONE CUMULATIVE DATE EXP* OR MEASURE AND BALLOT NUMBER OR LETTER SUPPORT OPPOSE AMOUNT TO DATE Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. elf "INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE," CHECK BOX. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE.) C VERIFICATION D I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this Statement. I have reviewed the Statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. E I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 1/29/87 So. San Francisco, CA ~. For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 1977, see "lnformationiJVlanual on Campaign Oisclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act." ~ - 1 - ~ - ~ F ~.~:.~ ~-o~ c~o~o4~ o~ coMMrrr~,~: Committee CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE STATEMENT SUMMARY PAGE FORM 420, 430 OR 480 (Amounts MBy 13e Rounded To Whole Dollmrl) to Elect Beverly Bonalanza Ford STATEIdENT COVERS I.D. NUMaER ~ COMMr/TBEI 860407 :ONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED 1. Monetary COntributions ............ :... $ 2. Loans received ....................... 3. SUBTOTAL CASH RECEIPTS ............ $ 4. Non-monetary contributions ............ 6. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS ............... $ EXPENDITURES MADE 7. Payments ........................... $ 8. Loans made*'* ....................... 9. SUBTOTAL .......................... 10. Accrued expenses (unpaid bills) ......... 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES ................ $ COLUMN Cumulmlw UNtl I+ 2 IJNES 3 ', 4. S LINES $ + 10 *IF THIS IS THE FIRST REPORT FILED FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR, COLUMN A SHOULD BE BLANK EXCEPT FOR UNPAID LOANS RECEIVED, PLEDGES, OUTSTANDING LOANS MADE AND UNPAID BILLS (UNES 2. 5.8 ANO 101. **(IMPORTANT: SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE FOR PlqEPARING THE SUMMARY PAGE CONCERNING REPORTING LOANS MADE UNE 8. COLUMN A.) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL CONDITION Cash on hand at the beginning of this period. (Enter "Cash on Hand at Closing Date" from previous statement filed.) ...................... $ Cash receipts this period (Line 3, Column B above) .................. Miscellsneous adjustments to cash (Schedule G. Line 8) ............. Cash payments this period (Line 9, Column B above) ................ Cash on hand at closing date (Lines 12 + 13 + 14 - 15 above) ................................. $ Cash equivalents (other assets held including ou~anding loans made to others). Important: See instructions on reverse ................................................................ $ 18. Outstanding debts (Line 2 + Line 10 of Column C above) ..................................... $ -0- SUMMARY FOR CANDIDATES IN BOTH A JUNE AND NOVEMBER ELECTION/See/nstructions on Reverse) 1/1 thru 8/30 7/1 ~odite 19. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED: 20. EXPENDITURES MADE: --0- ENDING CASH ON HAND SHOULD NOT BE A NEGATIVE MOUNT -2- Form 470 1983 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84205) For use by candidates if less than S500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the candidate; and bv officeholders if less than $500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the officeholder during the calendar year. (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from 3anuary 1, Z984 through JunP 30, 19R4. John d. Bonalanza City Treasurer 605 Parkway South San Francisco CA 94080 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco C1 940R(1 DATE OF (zH~) 877-8558 LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES QN BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMMITTEE NAME ] COMMITTEE CONTROLLED COMMI ~--TEE '7 ANO 1.0, NUMBER ) ADDRESS TREASURER YES NO controlled commi~ee /$ one which i$ controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acrs lb/hOly with you or one of your cdr. trolled commi~ees in connection w/rh the malting of expenc/iture$. You control a committee /f you, your agent or any o~he, committee you control has significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee. VER I FICATION I declare under penalty of periury that to the best of my knowledge less than $500 has been received or expended or will be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any person or com- mittee of which I have knowledge. f~~ (/"~ cV ~/' at Executed on / (o~r~ by Snuth .San FranriKco. CA For information required te be provided to you pulluant to the Information PraGtic~ Act of 1977, see "Information Manual on C. ami]sign Disclosure Pr~vision: Form 470 1983 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FO~:- (Government Code Section 84205) For use by candidates if less than S500 has been raised or spent('eI-'~il bb .ra{Sed;or spent by or on behalf of the candidate; and by officehol(~O ifg~sdthar~:$50[0h~,~,h been rased or spent or will be raised or spent by or on beha f of the office[no c~er during the calendar year. (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from Julv 1, 1984 through DecPmhPr .tl, ~984 NAME OF CANOtOAT~ OR OFFICI~'HOI. DI~"R: dohn d. Bonalanza City Treasurer 605 Parkway South San Francisco CA 94080 (415) 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco CA 94080 (415) 588-5491 g77-g.~.q~ LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMMITTEE NAME I COMMITTEE AND I.D. NUMBER I ADORES$ CONTROLLED COMMITTEE TREASURER YES NO · A controlled commi~ee /$ one which is control/ed directly or indirectly by you or which acts/'omfly wi~h you or one of your cot, trolled committees in connection with the making of expenditures. You control a committee /f you, your agent or any orhe, committee you control has significant influence on the actions or decisions of rhe committee. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge less than $500 has been received or expended or will be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any person or com- mit"tee of which I have knowledge. South Executed on / ~, at by San 1Francisco, California ~ ....... (CITY AND STATE) For information requital to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practicts Act of 1977, see "Information Manual .o~g;Disclosure Provision: of the Political Reform Act," Pan X. C,L{ ' ' Form 470 1985 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84205) ~ '~ ~.-,_i: For use by candidates if less than $500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the candidate; and by officeholders if le'j!:t~hla~L$500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf 9~, the, officeholder A during the calendar year. :~],[!. ,5/~,~q , - "," (Type or Print in Ink) Statement coversperiodfrom danuary 1, 1985 throughdune 30~ 1985 OFFICIAL USE ONLY NAME OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER: John d. Bonalanza OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABI. E): City Treasurer RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: NO. AND STREET CITY STATE 605 Parkway South San CA 400 Grand Avenue South San CA DATE OF ELECTION (MO., DAY, YR.) (iF APPLICABLE)'. ~ I ZiP CODE AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER Francisco 94080 (415) 588-5491 ZIP CODE AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER Francisco 94080 (415) 877-8558 LIST ALL COMMITTEES WHICH YOU CONTROL OR OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY CONTROLLED COMMITTEE~? COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE TREA:;URER AND I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS YES NO A controlled committee is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acts jointly with you or one of your con- trolled committees in connection with the making of expenditures. You control a committee if you, your agent or any other committee you control has significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee. VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge less than $500 has been received or expended or will be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any person or com- mittee of which I have knowledge. Executed on at South San (DATE) by Francisco, California (¢,TY AND ST^TE) For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 1977. see "lnfol~'~l~n~c~!~iure Provisions of the Political Reform Act," Part X. ~'! LIE NO.: ..~.~,,....~,L~ Form 470 1983 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER R ~0 [:- ~ ¥ ~:~_~ CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM For use by candidates if less than S500 has been raised or spent or wi~ raided-or s~ent by or on behalf of the candidate; and by officeholders i~s ~5~-~{~ been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the officeholder during the calendar year. (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from January 1, 1983 through June 30, 1983 NAME OF CANIDIr~A?i[ OR OFFICI[HOL, D[R: dohn d, Bonalanza City Treasurer 605 Parkway South San Francisco CA 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco CA 94080 (415) 588-5491 94080 (415) 877-8558 LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH ARE PRIMARILY FORMED TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OR MAKE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMMITTEE NAME AND I.D. NUMBER COMMI~-TEE ADORE$S CONTROLLED COMMI~--~"~E*? TREASURER YES NO · A controlled commliTee is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acts/ointly with you or one of your cot, trolled commiiTees in connection with the making of exl~enditure$. You control a committee if you, your agent or any othe.. commi~ee you control has significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee. VER I FICATION I declare under penalty of perjury ~hat to the best of my knowledge less than $500 has been received or expended or will be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any person or com- mi~ee of which I have knowledge. Executed on June 24, 1983 at South San Francisco, CA (CITY AND STAT~:I (SIGNATURE OF CANDIOAT~: OR OFFIC~[HOI. DI[R) For information required to be provided to you pumu~nt to the Information Practic~ Act of 1977, see "Information Manual on Camlaai~n Disclosure Provision.. of the Political Reform Act," Pan X. Form 470 1982 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84205) For use by candidates if less than S500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the candidate; and by officeholders if less than S500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the officeholder during the calendar year. (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from July ], 1982 through December 31, 1982 NA,'AE OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER; dohn d, Bonalanza City Treasurer 605 Parkway South San Francisco CA 940g0 (415) 400 arand gvenue South San [ranc~sco Cg 94080 (415) I LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY 588-5491 877-8558 COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE AND I.D. NUMBER ADDRESS I CONTROLLED COMMITTEE TREASURER YES NO 'i ' A control/ed committee is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acts jointly w/th you or one of your con trolled committees in connect/on with the making of expenditures. You control a committee if you, your agent or any other committee you control has sign/f/cant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee. VERI FICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge less than $500 has been received or expended or will be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any person or com- mittee of which I have knowledge. Executed on January 3, 1983 at [DATEI South San Francisco, California ICITY ANO STATE) {SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER} For information requited to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 1977, see "Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act," Part X, Form 470 1982 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT- SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84205) For use by candidates if less than S500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the candidate; and by officeholders if less than S500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the officeholder during the calendar year. RE ;c S~ (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from January 1, 1982 through June 30, 1982 NAME OF CANDIDATE: OR OFFICEHOLDER: dohn d. Bonalanza City Treasurer 605 Parkway South San Francisco CA 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco CA 94080 (415) 588-5491 94080 (41 5) 877-8558 LIS'i' ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMMITTEE NAME AND I.D. NUMBER COMMITTEE CONTROLLED COMMITTEE '? ADDRESS TREASURER YES NO i A controlled committe is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acts jointly with you or one of your con. trolled committees in connection with the making of expenditures. You control a committee if you, your agent or any other committee you control has significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee. VERIFICATION I deciare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge less than $500 has been received or expended or will be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any person or com- mittee of which I have knowledge. Executed on July 28, 1982 at South {DATE! by San Francisco, California (CITY AND STATE) ,~'/"*' (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER) For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 1977, see "Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act," Par~ X. Form 470 1982 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84205) For use by candidates if less than S500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the candidate; and by officeholders if less than S500 has been raised or spent or will be raised or spent by or on behalf of the officeholder during the calendar year. (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from January 1, 1982 through June 30, 1982 John J. Bonalanza City Treasurer 605 Parkway South San Francisco CA 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco CA 94080 (41 5) 588-5491 94080 (415) 877-8558 LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAME KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMMll-i'E-= NAME COMMll-rEE [ CONTROLLED COMMITTEE AND (.D. NUMBER ADDRESS . TREASURER YES NO ' A controlled committ~ is one which is controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acts jointly w/th you or one of your con- trolled committee~ in connection with the making of expenditures. You control a committee if you, your agent or any comrni,.'tee you control has significant influence on the actions or decision~ of the committee. VERIFICATION I decia~e under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge less than S500 has been received or expended or ',vii: be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any person or com- rn, itt~e of which ! have knowledge. Executadon July 28, 1982 at 'South by San Francisco, California ~CITY ANO STATE] .... ' [51GNATUFtE OF CANE}II)ATE OR For information required 'co be provided to you pursuant to the Information practices Act of 1977, see "information Manual on Campaign Disclosure proviZ, ohs of tha Political Reform Act," Part X. Form 470 1981 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -SHORT FORI~I~ IGovernment Code Section 84205) ~ i~, Z For use by candidates and officeholders who raise or spend, or less ~han $500, or on whose behalf less than $500 has been r~s~ calendar year. OFFICIAL USE ONLY (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from NAME OF CANDIDATE: John d. Bonalanza RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: No. AND STREET 605 Parkway BUSINESS ADDRESS: NO. ANO STR~ET 400 Grand Avenue DATE Of ELECTION {MO., DAY, YR,): {if APPLiCAbLE) July 1, 1981 South San South San through December 31, 19~31 IOFFICEX-~V~ HELD (INCLUDE ~OCATiON AND bll:y I reasurer Francisco, CA 94080 (415) 588-5491 Francisco, CA 94080 (415) 877-8558 LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE AND I D NUMBER ADDRESS TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE YES NO ' (A control/ed committee is one which /~ controlled directly or indirectly by you or which acts/'oint/y w/th you or one of your con- trolled committees /~ connection with the making of expenditures. You control a comm,'rtee if you, your agent or any other committee you control has s/~Tnificant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee / VERIFICATION I declare under expended or wil mittee of which Executed on .... penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than S500 has been received or be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any corn- have knowledge. ~L-~.'~, /~.~--/.~'Z..~at SouthSan (DATE( Francisco, CA (CITY AND STATE( /,~ (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE Or OFFICEHOLDERI For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 1977, see "Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act," Part X, Form 470 1981 t;ANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84205) :JuN 2 For use by candidates and officeholders who raise or spend, or will raise or~p~ 0~' calendarleSs than year.S500' or on whose behalf less than $500 has been raised Orso.Spont~[~r~he~ SAN' FK~I~N'0~'"[I~I ic~6~K i IA- use ONLY (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from January 1, 1 981 Francisco Francisco John J. Bonalanza 605 Parkway South San 400 Grand Avenue South San DATE OF ELECTION (MO., DAY, YR.): {)~ A~LICA~LE) June 30, 1981 through OFFICE ~VoV~t~XOV~ H ELD CA 94080 (415) 588-5491 CA 94080 (415) 877-8558 LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY COMM)TTEE NAME AND I.D. NUMBER COMM{TFEE TREASURER ADDRESS CONTROLLEDCoMMITTEE*? YES NO ' (A con~ro/led commit~e~ is one which is control/ed directly or indirectly by you or which acts jointly with you or one of your con- trolled committees in connect/on with the making of expenditures. You control a committee if you, your agent or any other committee you control has significant influence on the actions or decisions of the committee.) VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $500 has been received or expended or will be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any corm- mittee of which I have knowledge. Executed on June 29, 1981 at South San Francisco, CA (DATE) {CITY AND STATE) (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER~ For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the information Practices Act of 1977, see '*Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act," Part X. Focm 470 1981 Statement covers period from January 1, NAME OF CANDIOAT~:r: John J. Bonalanza 605 Parkway . South San Francisco 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco ~,NDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84205) RE CElV r-u For use by candidates and officeholders who raise or spend, or will raise less than S500, or on whose behalf less than $500 has been raised ~&~irjY;~~ calendar year, G~,¥ CL~I~F~ - OFFICIAL SO. SAN FRANCI$~-' USE: ONLY |Type or Print in Ink) lg81 through June 30, lg81 IOFFICE ~MOM~c, YtrI~I'~OM, F~MELD Ii,~clIUOl CA 94080 (415) CA 94080 (415) LIST ALL COMMITTEES OF WHICH YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED CONTRIBUTIONS OR MADE EXPENDITURES ON BEHALF OF YOUR CANDIDACY 588-5491 877-8558 COMMITTEE NAME AND I.D. NUMBER COMMI'I-rE E CONTROLLED COMMITTEE '? ADDRESS TREASURER YES NO I ! · [A control/ed committee is one which is controlled directly or indirect/'/by you or which acrs/ointly w/th you or one of your con- trolled committees in connect/on with the making of expenditures. You control a committee if you, your agent or any other committee you control has significant influence on the actions or dec/siGns of the cornmirtee.) VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than S500 has been received or expended or will be received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any c6m- rnittee of which I have knowledge. Executed on June 29, 1981 at South San Francisco, CA IDATE) JCITY AND STATE) {S,JGNATURE OF CANDIDATE. OR OFFIC£HOLDERJ For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Practices Act of 1977, see "Information Manual on Campaign Disc)osure Provisions of the Political Reform Act," Part X. CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -- SHORT FOR~.C ~C.~) (Government Code Section 84200-84216) cj~ ~J[~f~ For u~ by ~ndidat~ and offi~holders who re~ive or s~nd no~ .~&0~ -~ $2~ or on ~o. ~half not more ~a. $2~ has ~n raised <~n~r;.O~ · e entire ~m~i~. $0. S~ OFFICIAg Ul~ ONLY (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from 7-1 -80 NAME OF CANDIDATE: dohn d. Bonalanza 605 Parkway South San Francisco 400 Grand Avenue sOuth TYI~E OF w'I.I[CTION (ClNCl. I ONe iF AI~P~.ICAIII.II: through 1 2-31-80 Clty Treasurer CA 94080 415 588-5491 San FrancE sco CA 94080 415 877-8558 o_.o.....,o., ........... VERIFICATION · I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on "~"2~,/ 6 --- /~c'[ at South San Francisco, CA 94080 (DATEI (CITY AND STATEI ('SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE OR OI~P'ICEHOI~DER) For information required to be provided to you pursuant to the Information Prectica~ Act of 1977, se~' "Information Manual o~ Campaign Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act," Section XI. Form 470 19'30 _ ,~NDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -- SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84200-84216) For use by candidates and officeholders who receive or spend not more th~F~C $200 or on whose behalf not more than $200 has been raised or spent f(~l~-['~ "~t ~.~ the entire campaign, sO. SAtq ¢~~ IType or Print in Ink) US11 ONI*Y Statemm~t covers period from 7-1-8rI NAMI OF CANDIDATE.' John J. Bonalanza 605 Parkway South San Francisco "mU.~iNm':i~l AOD~E~: m~. ~*ND S?NIK'r C~T~ 400 Grand Avenue south CA 94080 San Francisco CA CIRCLE IF APPLICABLE: through 1 2-31 -80 IOFFIC~"' SOUGHT OR HELD {[~ct,u~,l I. OCATIO. A.~. ""'"" ................. '"~i ty Treasurer 41 5 588-5491 94080 415 877-8558 VERi FICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which i have knowledge. Executed on / at / (DATEI Francisc. o, CA 94080 (CITY AND 5TATEI For inforrn~ion required to be pro~ided to you p~r~uant to the Information PracticN Act of 1977, see "lnform~ion Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provisions of the Political Rmeorrn Act," Section XI. CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84200-84216) For use by candidate~ and officeholders who receive or spend not more than $200 or on whose behalf not more than $200 has been raised or spent for the entire campeign. (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from 7--1--7 9 NAM[ OF CANDIDATS: John J. Bonalauza 605 Par~ay South San Fr~cisco 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco CA ..... ======================= .... I A OFFICIAl. USE ONlY through 12-31-79 I OFIrlCE SOUGHT ON HEI-D (I, NCt. UOI I. OCATION AND ........ 0~ty Treasurer CA 94080 415 588-5491 94080 415 877-8558 DATE OF [EECTION (MO.. DAY, VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executedon December 18,1979 at South San Francisco,Calif. 94080 (DATE) (CITY AND STATBi / (SIGNATURB OF CANDIDATB m~(~l~ OlrtlrlCEHOL-DEN! I CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM (Government Coda Section 84200-84216) For use by candidates and officeholdars who receive or spend not more than $200 or on whose behalf not more than $200 has been raised or spent for the entire campaign. A OFFICIAl. USE ONLy (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from ',z--]--7 a) NAME OF CANDIDATE= Joh~x J. Bo~lalanza NEIInENTIA&. AOONEIS; Ne. ANII IITIIIT CITY 605 2arkwa.v Jouth S,.~r~ ~_"~_ ........ :t.:,:~.~o,..,,.,' ..... through ]. 2--'~ ~ --7 q IOFFICE SOUGHT ON HEI-D (iNC~.UOC ~.OCATION AMD Ci+..v Tre::~s~u:,er 94080 415 ';~.~o- >4.91 94080 415 377-3558 DATE OF [~[CTION (M~.. U~Y. YN.): 4:)0 Grand &venue I I VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on :'ece~be(~AT=~ R, ] 979 at ~ou (CiTY?AND ST A'tI'E ) , (IIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE ON OFFICEHOLDER) Form 470 1979 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84200-84216) For use by candidates and officeholders who receive or spend not more then $200 or on who~e behalf not more than-$200 has been raised or spent for the entire campaign. EOEIVED OFFICE OF crrY SO~ 5~N FRANCISCO A FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (Type or Print in Ink) 1/1/79 Statement covers period from NAME OF CANDIDATE: John O. Bona.lanza RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: NO. AND ST;IEET CJT¥ 605 Parkway South San Francisco BUSINESS ADDRESS: NO. AND STREET CITY 400 Grand Avenue South San Francisco TYPE OF ELECTION (Circle one if applicable): Primary General Special Recall through 6/30/79 OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELl:) (Include Iogation al~l district number if applicable): City Treasurer STATE ZJ~a CODE AREA cODE PHONE NC. CA 94080 415 599-5491 STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE PMONE NO, CA 94080 415 877-8558 CIRCLE IF APPLICABLE: DATE OF ELECTION (MO. DAY YR.): Semi-annUal ) VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or exoended on behalf of or i support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executedon July 6,1979 at South San (DATE) Prancisco,Calif. 94080 (CITY AND STATE) ,-. (SIGNATURE OF CANOIOAT~ OR OI=FICEHOLDER) Form 470 1979 CAND!DA. T5 AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT -SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84200-84216) 0iT" CLF..RK For use by candidates and officeholders who receive or spend not mgr~ than $200 or on whose behalf not more than-$200 has been raised~oUr* SAt L USE ONLY spent for the entire campaign. (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from ]/]/79 NAME OF CANDIDATE: John J. Bona]anza RESIDENTIAL ADDRE~: NO. AND STREET · 605 Parkway South BUSINESS ADDRESS: NO. AND STREET 400 Grand Avenue South TYPE OF ELECTION (Circla one if applicable): Primary. General Special Recall CITY STATE San Francisco CA 94080 CITY STATE ZIP CODE San Francisco CA 94080 CIRCLE IF APPLICABLE: semi-annual campaign statement ) r through 6/30/79 IOFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (include location and distrmt I.umb.,, ...,i~.b,.h City Treasurer ZiP CODE AREA CODE[ PHONE NC. 415 599-5491 AREA CODE PHONE NO. 415 877-8558 DATE OF ELECTION (MO. DAY YR.): VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which i have knowledge. Executedon July 6,1979 at South San (DATE) Francisco,Calif. 94080 (CITY AND STATE) /' (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER) Fbr information required to be provided to you pur~sant m the Information Praeti~e~ Act of 1977, see"Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provisions the Political Refm'm Act," Section Xl. Form 470 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84200-84216) For use bv candidates and officeholders who receive or spend not more than $200 or on whose behalf not more than $200 has been raised or spent for the entire campaign. A (Tyl3e or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from 7-1-78 NAME OF CANDIDATE: Job~ ,T/t~nm ~ 1 RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: NO. AND STREET CiTY ~i~E~ ADDRE~ } NO. AND ~TR~ C3TY 0~ ~ ~ll,400 ~=:a ~en~e, ~PE OF ELECTION (Circle o~ if Pri~ O~ S~ R~i through 12-31-78 OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (Inciuele Ioca~ion ar~ distr,c~ number if a13131icable): ,~.. I U1 l;y STATE Z:P CODE AREA-CODE P~ON~ ~.1 i f. qAORO ~15 588-5~1 : eisco, 9408o 415 87 -8ooo CIRCLE IF A~LI~B~: ~ DATE OF ELECTION (MO. DAY YR.): t VERIFlCATION I declare under penalty of perjury thal: to the be~ of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on I~ehalf of or in supoort of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on January 2,1979 at South San (DATE} 2rancisco,Calif. 94080 (CITY AND STATE} (~IGNATURE OF CANDIDATI~[/:)R OF~'tCEHOLDER) For information required to be ~ro~ided to you pumuant to the Information Pra~icee Act of 197'7, see "Information Manual on Camlaeign Oi~cmmre Provisions the la~liticat Reform Act," Section Xl. CENTRAL R~CO.P,D$ Form 470 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT --SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84:200-8421 For use by candidates and officeholders who receive or spend not more than $200 or on whose behalf not more than S200 has been raised or spent for the entire campaign. A (T¥i~e or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from 7--1--78 NAME OF CANDIDATE: RESIDeNTIaL AOORE~: NO. ANO 5T~E~ CITY ~TATE ~I~E~ ADDRE~ J NO. ANO STRE~ CITY STATE ~PE OF ELECTION (Circle o~ if a~l~): ~ I ~hrou~h 12-31-78 IOFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD number if applicable}: ~. Z;~ CO0~ ZiP COOE AR~ COOE m~E ~O. S~ Fr~cisco., Calif. 94080 415 873-8CO0 C~CLE[ s~i~nnuallF A~tl~8~:k ~ DATE OF ELECTION ~. ~nY ~: VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury :ha: :o the bes~ of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or exoended an -~if cf ar in support of my candidacy, by mysetf or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on January 2,1979 at South San (OATE) Francisco,Calif. 94080 (CITY AND STATE) (~IGNATURE O~ CANDIDAT~ For irrform~tio, r~ui~d to be Orovid~t to you pum~ cENTRAL. Form 470 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84200-84216) For use bv candidates and officeholders who receive or spend not more than $200 or on whose behalf not more than $200 has been raised or spent for the entire campaign. RECEIVED FF~CE OF *' ~ CLERK g -~, .'N FRANCJ$Cn FOR OFFICIAL USE ON3.'I' (Type or Print in Ink) Sutement covers period from 1/1/78 NAME OF CANDIDATE: RESIDENTIAL ADDflE~: NO. AND STREET 605 P~rkwa~y, So~ S~ ~SINE~ AQDRE~: NO. AND STRE~ ~ Hail, 400 ~r~d Avenue. ELECTION (Circle one if a~l~bllh ~ I Prim~ G~ S~i~ R~tl through 6/~0/78 OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ilnctuele IDeation and dL~r,c~ ...m.,~f.~,~: City Treasurer Fr~cisco, Calif., 94080 415 588-5491 So~ ~ ~clsco, C~1i~., 94080 415 87~-8000 ~IRC~ Ir A~LI~Aa~: ] DATE OF ELECTION (MO. ~AY / semiannual I VERIFICATION I declare under 13enalty of perjury tha~ to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or exlIended on behalf of or in suPDort of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executedon July 3, 1978 at So~th Sa.u Francisco, Calif., 94080 CDATE; ~C,TY AND STATE~ /~J (SIGNATLJRE OF CANDIDATE OR OFFICEMOI-DER) For inform.tion rKluir.d tO bi ixmfidld to you pun. Itt to the Informi~ion Pr~lctice~ Act of 1977, see "Informltion Mlnual on Camlaaign Disctolure Provisions of the ~litieai Reform Act," Se~tien Xl. CENTRAL RECORD~ FILE NO.= ~'-. :' Form 470 CANDIDATE AND OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN STATEMENT - SHORT FORM (Government Code Section 84200-84216) For use by candidates and officeholders who receive or spend not more than $200 or on whose behalf not more than $200 has been raised or spent for the entire campaign. RECEIVED 9 .o OFFICE OF CiTY CLERK (Type or Print in Ink) Statement covers period from 7/1/77 NAME OF CANDIDATE: John Bonalanza RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: NO. AND STREET CITY STATE 605 Park Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080 BUSINESS ADDRESS: NO. ANC) STREET CITY STATE 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080 TYPE OF ELECTION (Circle one if al~plieable): C[RCI. E IF API~t. ICABLE: semi-annual Prim~'y General SOe~ial Recall - ( camOaign ~atemeflt 12/31/77 through OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (Inoluele lo.ion and number f al:~licablel: City Treasurer ZIP CODE AREA CODE ~t-~ONE 415 588-5491 ZiP CODE AREA CODE PHONE NO, 415 873-8000 DATE OF ELECTION (MO. DAY YR.): VERIFICATION I declare under i~enalty of perjury tha~ to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or exoended on behalf of or in su0oor~ of mV candidacy, by myself or by anv committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on January 4, 1978 at (DATE} South San Francisco, California (c~'r¥ AND s'rA'rZ) / {S~GNATURE OM CANOHDATE OR OI=t=ICEHOI-DER) Faf inform~ian r.uir~l to be ;rovid~l to y~u pur.uatt t~ the Iflform~ion I~.~-tic. Act of 197'7, ~ "Information Menuai off Cam~mgn Disclosure P~ovi~ion$ of the t~litmat Reform A~-t," S~'tion XI. Form 470 CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN STATEMENT SHORT FORM ¢ GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 842OO--84Z14) Period 1/7/77 through 6/30/77 RECE(VED JUL O,F'F ~C£ OF C~TY CLERK iY A B A candidate for whom not more than $200 has been received or spent on behalf of his candidacy may file this short form. NOTE: Once contributions or expenditures exceed $200 for the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN, the candidate must file Form 430. Name of candidate John J. Bonalanza Residential address 605 Park Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Phone (NO. AND STREET) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) (415) 588-5491 Business address 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080 _Phone (415) 873-8000 (NO. AND STREET) (CITY) (STATE) (ZiP CODE) (AREA CODE) Type of election (PRIMARY, GENERAL, SPECIAL) Office for which you are a candidate City Treasurer Date of election (MONTH, DAY. YEAR) Political party and district number (if applicable) VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on Julu 5, 1977 __ at ( DATE ) South San Francisco, California (CITY AND STATE) 40238-852 2-76 $0M (D o osP CENTRAL. RECORD~ ....... __ Form 470 CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN STATEMENT SHORT FORM (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 84200--84214) Period 1/1/77 through 6/3,0/77 REOEtVED 5 9 o? OFFICE CITY CLEEK A B A candidate for whom not more than $200 has been received or spent on behalf of his candidacy may file this short form. NOTE: Once contributions or expenditures exceed $200 for the ENTIRE CAMPAIGN, the candidate must file Form 430. Name of candidate John J. Bonalanza 605 Park Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Residential address Phone (NO. AND STREET) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080 _ Phone (415) 873-8000 lSusiness address (NO. AND STREET) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) (AREA CODE) (415) 588-5491 (AREA CODE) Type of election (PRIMARY, GENERAL, SPECIAL) Office for which you are a candidate city Treasurer Date of election (MONTH. DAY. YEAR) Political party and district number (if applicable) VERIFICATION I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge not more than $200 has been received or expended on behalf of or in support of my candidacy, by myself or by any committee of which I have knowledge. Executed on July 5, 1977 __ at_ ( DATE ) South San Francisco, California (CITY AND STATE) · (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE) 40238-862 2-76 10M ~ O OSP