HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-4-14 ElectionTO SUBJECT: FROM: ,,.) .Fy ,~.F SO~.IiH SAN INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDII M April 21, 1964 Mayor Ahem Meeting - April 21, 1964 City AgTorney City Council Cicy Manager City Clerk 1. MAYOR DECLARES THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: The City Council meets tonight in compliance with the Elections Code o£ the State ~f Cal~lornia, £ec:tion 22932 and the Government Code of the State of California, Sectioa 36801. The fi~"st sectio~ requires that the Council meet the first Tuesday after the election to c:anvas£ the returns and to install the newly e].ected officers. Code sectiop requJ_r~.':s t~,at tL'...~ CL>uucil Acc!arc elected the persons Imving the highest number of votes given for each office. The Council will, thc. refor, consider ap, d pass a resolution reciting the facts of the election and the re- suits of the election. The second section requires that ~he Council at thJ. s meeting choose one of its number as Mayor and one of its number as Mayor Fro temFore which we refer to in South San Francisco as the Vice Yayor. 2. RESOLUTION: (a) City Clerk presents the Certification to the Council. (b) City Council passes the resolution. e CITY CLERK ENTERS STATEMENT OF ELECTION RESULTS IN THE MINUTES: In accordance with Section 22933 of the Elections Code after the results of the election are declared, the City Clerk enters a statement of the result. The statement shall show (a) the whole number of votes cast in the City the names of the persons voted for the measures voted upon for what office each person was voted for (e) the number of votes given at each precinct to each ~erson and for and agai~st each measure (f) the number of votes given in the City to each person and for and against each measure. NO FILE : .............. ~ ~FY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SUBI'ECT: FROM: INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM April 21, 1964 Mayor Ahem MeeUi~g - April 21, 1964 City Council City ~mnager City Clerk CITY CLERK ENTERS PROOF OF FILING OF CAMPAIGN STATEMENT: The City Clerk in accor~mce with Section 22934 of the Elections Code enters into the Minutes that the Campaign Statements as required by the Elections Code have bees filed. c..5. CITY CLERK DELIVERS A CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND ADMINISTERS THE OATH: In accordance with Section 22934 of the Elections Code, the City Clerk signs and delivers to each person elected a Certificate of Election and administers to each person elected the Oath of Office prescribed in State Constitution. MAYOR OPENS THE MEETING FOR NOMINATION OF MAYOR AND MAYOR PRO 'rEMPORE NICE MAYOR): Afte~ the new members of the Council are installed, the Mayor 'then declares ~he ameting open for nomination of Mayor. After the Mayor i%as been elected, the nominations are called for Mayor pro tempore. The meeting is then adjourned to the next regular meeting night date. mp John No0nan City Attorney Certificate of City Clerk on Election Returns for MUNICIPAL ELECTION held Tuesday, April 14, 1964 I, ~rthur A. Rodondi, City Clerk for the City of South San Francisco, hereby certify as follows: That the whole number of vot~.~s cast in said City of South San Francisco in the general municipal election held April 14, 1964 is 5,03~; That the record of the votes cast at said municipal election in favor of the candidates, as shown by the official count at each of the several precincts established 'throughout said City for said City Council for the purpose of conducting said election, is as shown on Exhibit ~'A~' attached hereto, the same being a tabulation of votes by ~recincts, and further tabulation of the absentee ballots as deter~nined by the official count and that said tabu- lations have been duly verified as required by law including the examination of the totals for each of the Council candidates on each of the Shoup voting machines used in said municipal election and it was determined by such examination that the totals sub- ~nit~ed by the respective inspectors and j~dges cf the precincts were exactly as shown on said machines. I further certify that immediately u~on the close of the ~olls all remaining ballots to be used by absentee voters were publicly destroyed -- being numbers 032 to 100, i~clusive -- and f.arther certify that a board comprised of the follo~i~g canvassed and declared the thirty (30) absentee ballots received: Dated: April 21, 196~ inspector Judge Judge Ju~-,e B. Delander Margaret J. Ehmke Gloria F. Taormina ARTHUR ~,. RODONDI, City Clerk CF~TIFICATE OF COUNTY CLE~J~ OF ~RD OF VOTES CAST AT pOT.T,T~G PLACES WITHIN CITY OF ~ SAN FRANCISCO AT In accordance with Resolution No. 3583 of the City Co~ucil of the City of South San Francisco, ad~pted on the 2nd da~ of March, 196~, I here~y certify that upon the closing of the polls at the general muni- cipal election held on Tmesday, the 14th ~ of April, 196~ within the City of South San Francisco for the ~se of electing 3 members of the City Council, City Clerk and City Treasurer of said City of South San Francisco, I took off and recorded fr~n the voting machi~ues used at said gmaeral manicipal election the records of votes cast at said polling places for the var!cms car~tdates for the office of member of the City Coun~ City Clerk and City Treasurer of said City, and I filed with the City Council of said City said record thereof prior to the time whe~ said City Council was required to canvass the re~urns of said general namicipal election. I further certify that said record of votes cast at said pollLug places for t~he various candidates for the office of member of the City Ccmn~ City Clerk and City Treasurer'of said City is set forth in ~ibit "A~ attaehed heret~ and ir~orporated h~rein by reference as though 1%,11y set forth at eagU Dated this 17th da~ of Apri~ 196~. J~N A. ~, COUNTf C~ CF THE CfNJNTT OF SAN MATEO FI LE NO: ...................... ~. Arthur A. Rodondi, City Clerk South San Franeiseo Pursuant to Sections 15144, 15146 and 15147 of the Election Code, we the undersigned do certify that the voting machines, machine numbers 76 77g -- have been in every way properly prepared for the General Municipal Election being held on April 14, 1964, and each machine has been locked against voting and sealed. We hereby deliver the keys for each voting machine. We certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Redwood City, California, this 7th day of April, 1964. (Testing of Machines) (gertitkate of 21ertion anil (Oath of (0 re STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } ? SS. County of ............ .S..~.....~....~e...o.. ..................................................... } I,. .............. Axg~ur...tk,..Ik~ndt. ..................................................................................... , ...... .9.-~.}7....-C.--1...?'-r..-k-- ......... of the .................................... ..~..~.y......~...f.......s...~...u..~..k....s...a...n....~m.n...e..~..s...e...~.. ................................................................. , S t at e o f C alii ornia, do hereby certify, that at a ........................... l~tn:l..¢.l~...1 ................................................................. election held in said ................. .e...i~.7. ..................................................... on the ............ ]&~.h.. ........... day of. ..................... .&U~:ll. ........................ 19..6k ...... , .................................................. ~.~h..u...r....b.,.....a....oa.. o....n...a...X.. .......................................................................................................................................... was elected to the ol~ce of ............... .C..~7....~.l_O.r...k... ................................................................................................................................. as appears by the oI~cial returns of said election,. ................................................................................................................ and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN I4/ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the ............... ~.~3.~......~...f......~..9...~.3..h......~...a...n....~..r...a...n..~....5..s....c...°. ....................................... this ........ 2!.s..~ .......... day o ......................... .g~..m.'....1.. .................................... 19......6...1,t ..... ........................... ....................... ~:ktT....~J.ark .................................................................. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. SS. County of .................. .S...~.........~...-~9..°.. ............................................... I,. ................... ~...~....h...u.r.....~.?....R.....~...°...n...d...~. .................................................................. , do solemnly swear (or alarm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without a~y mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. ,rind I do further swear (or aifirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Govern- merit of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or aj~rmation) I have not been a member of any party or'organization, political or otherwise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means except as follows: No Ex...cg. Dtions .......................................................... (If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions") and that during such time as I hold the olficc of ............. ~.~y....~.l...e.?...k... ........................................................................... (Name of Office) I will not advocate nor become a member of any party or organisation, political or otherwise, that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of Cali- fornia by force or violence or other unlawful m~..,~...~.,~ ~ ........................... .*o ......................................................................... S~and sworn t~aj3¢:[ore rr3~,thi~. ...... 2...1....s.3 ........ day o/ ......... ~p...~....1.. ........................ , lp....6..h... ...... .......................... Mayor Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE..(1964) PRINTED BY A. CARLISLE & CO.. S.F. 46-0231 Fil£ NO. ,5- ~ .5' 7~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } County of ............ .S..i.n.....g~..e...o.. ..................................................... ~ I,. ............. ...~....}.h.a...r.....i.......g..~.....o...n..O..i.. ...................................................................................... , ....C...i..$7....~.l,.~..r..k.. ............ of the ................................... ~c`..i..t~..L.~..?.....~.~ . u.~.h......~...a~.n.....~.~. . .~.n...e...i...s...e...~. . ................................................................... , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a .............. .~.u..n...i.e....i.p_.~.t... .............................................................................. election held in said ...................................... .C...t..}~. ................................. on the ......... 1...~.$.h.. ............... day of. ............... ..a.p...r..1.~.. ............................... l P.......~........, .................................................................................. .......................................................................................................... was elected to the office of ................. .c...t...~LC.l.e..rg ............................................................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said election,. ................................................................................................................. and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN 14ZlTNESS I47HEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal o/the ......... C...t..$L g..?.....S...o...u..~.h.....a..a...n....?..?..a. .n. e...i..s....e...o.. ............................................. this.....~..t..s_.$ ............. da_¥/oT~ ............ 3.~..r..~ ...... ,,~...~... ..... 19....02 .... ..................................... ..~la. 7.or .............................................................. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County of ............ .8..~.n.....g~..~.....o.. ..................................................... h .............. A.r..l.h...u...r.....&......B...c~....o...n...c!...i. ......................................................................... , do solemnly swear (or at~rm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and alle!Tiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. ,/1nd I do further swear (or aJfirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any party or organizatio~,, political or otherwise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Govern- ment of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or aJ~rmation) I have not been a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means except as follows: (If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions") and that during such time as I hold the ol~ce of ...................... .C....i..}.~....C....l...e...r_.k... ................................................................. (Name of Office) [ will not advocate nor become a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of Cali- fornia by force or violence or other unlawful means. .- //ff Subscribed and sworn to before me, this.....g~.s..A .......... day of ............... ..A.~Jg.~,.l~ ................. ,19....~.... ...... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE, .(1964) ( eri fi ale of {len ou a.h ( alh of Oilke STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of ............ S...~..n.....g~.~e...o.. .................................................... SS. I,. ............... Ar.~l~.ar.A~.,....tt~.4onil ...................................................................................... , .....C...i.}7......C.$.e....r_.k. ............ of the .................................... .c....x..~.....~...~......8...~...u...~.h~...~...a...n.....~?..a..n~..e...~..a...~...~... ................................................................. , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a .............. ..m...u...n..~..e..~.~....1... .............................................................................. election held in said ...................................... 9...1..~7. ................................. on the ......... .X..~.~.h.. ............... day of. ............ .6~..r..l...1.. .................................. 19.....~....., was elected to the office of ................. ..C..~.~7......~_..e...a...s...u..?...e..r. .................................................................................................................. as appears by the official returns of said election,. ................................................................................................................. and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN 14fITNESS VYHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ~ SS. County of ............ .8...a...n....g.a..$.e...9. ..................................................... ~ I,. ............. .~.o..l!rl...J..,...It.o. ll.a..~...r~z~.a. ......................................................................... , do solemnly swear (or affirm,) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do fz~rther swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Govern- ment of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) ! have not been a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means except as follows: (If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions") and that during such time as I hold the office of ...................... .C...~.~.~.....~....e....a..~..u..v...e..?... ...................................................... (Name of Office) I will not advocate nor become a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocates the overthrow of the Government o~ the United Sta~es.-~ r of the State of Cali- fornia by force or violence or other unlawful me~ns.:!~, ............................... Su, b,tcribed and sworn to,~before me, this.....?...1..~.}. .......... day of ............... gl~.v...$.l... ................. ,19.....~... ....... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE..(1964) PRINTED BY A. CARLISLE& CO., S.F. 46-0231 C ENt,~.al rECORDS fiLE NO: ...... ..~...~.....~.,.o~. ~ (gerl tka e of a il (Oath of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } SS. County of ............ $.~.r~..l~.~.e.o. ..................................................... ~ I,. ............. &r.t&ur...A,...Rorloml:l. ....................................................................................... , C...~.~.7.....q..1...?_k.. ............... of the ................................... ¢...~r.....~..f......8....~...~..~..h.....8...~..n....?...r~.n...e..~.~..q..~.. .................................................................. , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a ....................... .m...u...n..~.e..~.~.l... ..................................................................... election held in said ..................................... .e...}.~y.. ................................. on the ........... .1...k..3.h... ............ day of. ..................... ~2.?...1...1... ......................... 19 ....... ..~......, .................................................................................. P..r.~..n...k.....~..._B. e..r~.~.~ e...!..!.~. .................................................................................................... was elected to the office of. ................ .C.~.~7.....Cg...u..n...e..l.1..~..n. ................................................................................................................. as appears by the official returns of said election,. ................................................................................................................. and the statement of votes cast now on file in my ol~ce. IN 14ZlTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the ......... C.g.~7.....O.f.......B...o...u.. .t. h......B...a...n...F. .~.n....e...t:.~,~.o.. ............................................. this 21st da~ ~.-- April l0 611. ........................................................... .C..~7....¢..!..e.r..k.. .............................. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County of ............ .S.~.n. . ... g~ ~.e...o.. ..................................................... I,. ............. .F....~....n...k......~.........~....r.$.u...e...e...1...1...{ ................................................................... , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will sztpport and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or pnrpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Govern- ment of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) I have not been a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means except as follows: (If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions") and that during such time as I hold the ol~ce o City Councilman (Name of Office) I will not advocate nor become a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of Cali- fornia by force or violence or other unlawful means.~. - ,/~ /~ .... .......... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE, .(1964) PRINTED BY A. CARLISLE & CO., S* P. 46-0231 C,.-.N .... A~ [at~O~ .DS STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } County of ............ S..~n......M...a...t...e..O. ..................................................... I, Arthur A Rodondi ........................................ :. .............................................................................................................. , .....c...i...t.y.....C..1...e.r_k.. ........... of the ................................... .~...i...t.y.....o...f......S...o...u...t...h.....8...a...n......F.r..a..~..e..i...s...e...o.. ................................................................. , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a .............. ..m...u..~.i...e...i..~.....!. ............................................................................. election held in said ...................................... 9...l...t..Y. ................................ on the ......... .1..[.t...h.. ............... day of ............................ ..A.l~..r...t..l ................... 19.....~....., Emilio Cortesi ........................................................ was elected to the office of .................. Ci..t..y.....C.o...u..n..e..i..~..n. ................................................................................................................ as appears by the official returns of said election, ................................................................................................................ and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN I/VITNESS ~VHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the se a I o f t h e ......... .C...i...tT....o.f......S....O..a..t..h.....S~.n........Fr.a.. n.0..$~.~.o ............................................. this ........ .2..!.s...t... ......... day of .............................................. .A..P.~.i...1.. ................... 19.....~.~. . . ..... ............ _ C .i..t_y.. Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ~ ss. County of ............. 8....a...n....M....a...t...e...°. ..................................................... ~ 1,. .............. ~....i...1...i...o......C.o..r..t...e...s...i.. ................................................................................. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. And I do f~trther swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Govern- ment of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) [ have not been a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means except as follows: (If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions") and that during such time as I hold the ofce of ....................... ..C...i..t.Y....C....°...q..n-.C...i..~..n. ................................................... (Name of Office) I will not advocate nor become a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of Cali- fornia by force or violence or other unlawful means.~ ~ ~" ..~...~.~..~~...._. ~ ...................................... Ci.ty....Cl~r~ ................................................... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE..(1964) PRINTED BY A. CARLISLE& CO., S.F. 46-0231 C;:;'.'E: ~5'7¢i ?~L ..... ~-, .DS (gerl firale of lerl ott atti (Oalh of STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } ? SS. County of ............ .S..~.n.....g~.e...o.. ..................................................... } I,. ............. ...................................................................................... , ....c..~7....~.l...e..r_.k. ............ of the ................................... .~.~.~.~.....~...f......~...~...u..~.h......8..~.n.....~.r..~.n...e...x..~.e...~... .................................................................. , State of California, do hereby certify, that at a .............. ..=...u...n...X...e..~..~...1.. ............................................................................... election held in said ...................................... .C.1,~7. ................................. on the ............ 1,~..~1~ ............ day of ...................... ~l~J:.~,l. ......................... 19.......~........, ................................................................................... ..6...a...X.~.o.....4..,....~.0..z._~ ................................................................................................................... was elected to the office of ................. .C.t.~....C~aan,&lJ~n ............................................................................................................... as appears by the official returns of said election,. ................................................................................................................. and the statement of votes cast now on file in my office. IN 14ZlTNESS I47HEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my hand and the seal of the ......... ~ ~.~ 7.....o...f. ...8..o...u..$.h......S.~..n.....~n. .9..X..~..e...o.. ............................................. this ........ ~1_.~ .......... day of~ ............. ~Rr~..1.. ............................................. ¥.19....~.... ........ .......................... ............................................................... STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ~ SS. County of ............ .8.~...n.....~.~.%..o.o. ..................................................... I,. ............. ..6...u..~.d...o.....~.......g.o...z...z..~ ................................................................................. , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will s~tpport and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Califor- nia; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter. ~Ind I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Govern- ment of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) [ have not been a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the United States or of the State of California by force or violence or other unlawful means except as follows: (If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions") and that during such time as I hold the office of ........ .C...~37.....C...o...u...n...e...X..~.n.. .................................................................. (Name of Office) I will not advocate nor become a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise, that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the Uniteg,States or of the State of Cali- fornia by force or violence or other unlawful means. Sup,~ribed and s~n to before me, this......2...1...~.~ .......... day of ......... .~p.r~.l.. ....................... , lP...~.. ......... Form No. 314--CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION AND OATH OF OFFICE..(1964) PRINTED BY A. CARLISLE& CO., S.F. 46-0231 CITY OF ~ SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL EI~CTION ~ TUESDAY, APRIL 11~, 1961~ NO. Of Registered ¥oters ~o s~? ?oral Votes Cast 112 10'2 118 ?1 1.88 109 t88 Precinct A C D E F G I J K L M N 0 P Bertueelli Core, esi Rozzi Baba 85 75 8o 9~ 73 85 1~9 83 77 86 toh 86 to3 7~ 6o 6o 52 91 76 8O 6o 1~5 50 50 32 ~g~ ~39 ~o~ 75 lO6 97 9~ 5o 7o 88 7z z6 lo~ lo3 85 51, 131 169 1R1 63 t~3 t~o to8 59 t58 t5o t3m 75 tkm t38 t~9 ?o 86 6~ 81 53 9e 66 8e Rodondi 98 102 8~ 58 1.76 100 101 111 8~ tO5 58 ~6 tt9 lO1 t~8 9~ 97 CENTP,,AL I~ECORDS ~L~ ~o: 3~--, ~Z~ South San F~ancisco Municipal Election No. of Total Regiatered Votes Voters Cast Precinct ].9~ 52 s 396 13o v 3g~ ~3~ w 3~ x~ z 3~o 76 363 36x lo3 37o 391 lo~ 336 67 Bertucelli Cortesi 158 118 lo9 78 102 76 93 57 b9 98 7~ 95 1,6 lo6 59 75 b7 ~.8 ].06 98 Rozzi 112 107 ~3 ~3 Baba 18 72 77 65 61 58 b9 38 k3 b9 57 b3 15 k6 21 75 Rodondi 172 112 lo8 112 Bonalanza lOb 121 103 lO7 lO7 CENT,^I_ EECO~DE, CITY OF S0~TH SAN FRANCISCO ~NICIPAL ~.~TION HELD TUESDAY, APEIL 1%, 196~ Precinct B K K K R R X DD FF II JJ JJ City Council Murphy, Bob Fielder, George BarBour, Rev. No~n Floro, J~ L. Gr~tt, Paul Se~, ~ J. Micheli, ~ ~ld, Don Uinc~ione, R. De~it, G~n ~rson, ~d ~, No~n ~n~l, Nick Bortoli, To~e~, E~ine Votes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 B N II City Treasurer Pontiff, Lou Rocca, Andrew Thielsett, Bertran City Clerk ¥olonte, D · R. Everaon, Francia 1 1 1 1 1 Total CITY OF SO~TH SAN FRANCISCO ~FIC IPAL ELECTION HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 196~ ABS~ VOTES Bertucelli, Frank Cortesi, E~ilio ~zzi, Guido Baba, David Rodondi, Arthur Bonalanza, John 16 29 ApriX X~, 19~ - P~ ~ No. of Total Registered Votes Voters Cast Prec iact 370 72 O0 2~ 71 ~ 1~, 218 ~, ~8 SAMPLE BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1964 INSTRUCTIONS TO vOTER MARK BALLOT AND LEAVE ~ MARKS SHOWING (Your [~] marks, must be' showing for vote to registeP) THEN TURN RED VOTER'S SWITCH TO RECORD VOTE (Switch Is located at lower right) To vote for a person not on the ballot ""' ~'~ open the slot below numbered the same ~ ,,~' ..~....~...~ as the office number, and write in his . · name. f.~ ?~O: ......... 2'3'4 MEMBER OF CITY COUNCIL (VOTE FOR THREE) Frank J. Bertucelli 21 Incumbent r'~ o~. 31 I Emilio C0rtesi Incumbent r~l ~ 4 I- J Guido J. Rozzi Incumbent 71 David Baba Life Insurance Agent r--I o~_ 7 CITY CLERK (VOTE FOR ONE) Arthur A. Rodondi ,., Incumbent O ~ 9 CITY TREASURER (VOTE FOR ONE) John J. B0nalanza Ban ker-Assista nt Manacjer r"~. ~ S.AJVtPLE BALLOT GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1964 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER MARK BALLOT AND LEAVE ~ MARKS SHOWING (Your ~1 marks, must be' showing for vote to register ) THEN TURN RED VOTER'S SWITCH TO RECORD VOTE (Switch is located at lower right) To vote for a person not on the ballot open the slot below numbered the same as the office number, and write in his name. 21 I 3[ I 41 I 71 91 2-3.4 MEMBER OF CITY COUNCIL (VOTE FOR THREE) Frank J. Bertucelli Incumbent Emilio Cortesi Incumbent Incumbent Guido J. Rozzi David Baba Life Insurance Agent 7 CITY CLERK (VOTE FOR ONEJ Arthur A. Rodondi ~bent 9 CITY TREASURER (VOTE FOR ONE) John J. Bonalanza Banker-Assistant Manager · VOTER · TO COMPLETE VOTE PUSH HANDLE TO RIGHT ! CUSTODIAN OFFICER · LOCK LOCK · Precinct A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P R S T U V W X Y Z AA BB CC DD JJ KK LL NN 00 PP SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO E1 Camino High School Sunshine Gardens School Geske Garage Lee Garage Hillside School Copan Garage Lonati Garage Martin School Pariani Garage Alvey Garage City Hall Basement Dini Garage Spruce School Sciandri Garage Parkway School Vincenzini Garage Los Cerritos School MuenchGarage Fink Garage Murdock Garage Robinson Garage Lechleitner Garage Mallory Garage Avalon School Carlyle Garage Petroni Garage Royal Garage Gregory Garage Chamberlin Garage Makowski Garage Burl Burl School Nadler Garage E1 Rancho School Moore Garage Boblitt Garage Heise Garage Paulsen Garage Manley Garage Giorgi Basement Baldassiui Garage McCallum Garage Treasure Island Trailer Court PRECINCTS 1320 Mission Road 1200 Miller Avenue 1154 Crestwood Drive 221 Westview Drive 1400Hillside Blvd. 123 Claremont Avenue 254 Armour Avenue Maple & School Streets 617 Maple Avenue 229 Village Way 400 Grand Avenue 555 Baden Avenue 501 Spruce Avenue 735 Miller Avenue 825 Parkway 816 Grand Avenue 2lOW. Orange Avenue 540Mayfair Avenue 28 Sonora Avenue 174 Northwood Drive 201 Maywood Way 420 Wildwood Drive 455 Valencia Drive 375 Dorado Way 708 W. Orange Avenue 407 W. Orange Avenue 206 Camaritas Avenue 109 Indio Drive 136 Casey Drive 216 Lomitas Avenue 120 E1Campo Drive 725 Serra Drive 753 Del Monte Avenue 830 Kipling Avenue 126 Duval Drive 131 Buxton Avenue 249 Dundee Drive 837 Linden Avenue 615 Baden Avenue 215 Chestnut Avenue 323 Serra Drive 1700 E1 Camino Real ClTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date February 6, 1964 TO: SUBIECT: FROI~ C~ ty C]erk COPIES TO: R~le n~: Alcmhol~r Rmvmrng~.~ on F.l~rt~on Days City Attorney The Legislature in 1962 amended Section 25630 of the Business and Professions Code to read as follows: "Section 25630. SALES ON ELECTION DAYS FORBIDDEN. Every on- or off sale licensee who sells, gives away, or furnishes any alcoholic beverage in any election district or precinct in any county where a (1) statewide election is in progress, during the hours when by law the polls are re- quired to be kept open for voting, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (1) Deleted: City, County, State or National" The Legislature in making this amendment deleted City, County, State or National elections from the formal wording. It appears, therefore, that April 14th, 1964 being a local election, the sale of alcoholic beverages is not forbidden. JN: hs John Noonan City Attorney (This number ~ be torn off by lnspe .r ~tnd handed to the ¥oter) N.° 101 MARK C:ROS ,S (+) ON BALLOT ONLY WITH RUBBER STAMP; NEVER WITH PEN OR PENCIL (ABSENTEE BALLOTS MAY BE MARKED WITH PEN AND INK OR PENCIL.) (Fold ballot to this perforated line, leaving top margin exposed) MUNICIPAL BALLOT CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO County of San ~Mateo, State of California Tuesday, April 14, 1964 INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS To vote for a candidate of your selection, stamp a cross (+) in the voting square next to the right of the name of that candidate. Where two or more candidates for the same office are to be elected, stamp a cross (+) after the names of all the candidates for that office for whom you desire to vote, not to exceed, however, the number of candidates who are to be elected. To vote for a person not on the ballot, write his name under the title of the office in the blank space left for that purpose. All distinguishin9 marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it to the inspector of election and obtain another. On absent voter ballots mark a cross (+) with pen or pencil. MEMBER OF CITY COUNCIL (Vote for Three) FRANK J. BERTUCELLI Incumbent EMILIO CORTESI Incumbent GUIDO J. ROZZI Incumbent DAVID BABA Life Insurance Agent CITY CLERK (Vote for One) ARTHUR A. RODONDI Incumbent CITY TREASURER (Vote for One) JOHN J. BONALANZA Banker-Assistant Manager NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices hereinafter mentioned to be filled at the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of South San Francisco on Tuesday, ~the 14th day of April, 1964: For the office of Councilman: Frank J. Bertucelli Emilio Cortesi Guido J. Rozzi David Baba For the office of City Clerk: Arthur A. Rodondi For the office of City Treasurer: John J. Bonalanza Incumbent Incumbent Incumbent Life Insurance A~ent Incumbent Banker-Ass is tan t Manager Dated: March 2, 196a City Clerk NOTICE OF ELECTION and 8 o'clock p.m. Notice is hereby given that a general municipal election will be held in the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, on the 14th day of April, 1964, for the following offices: City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term City Councilman, City of South San Francisco - full term City Clerk, City of South San Francisco - full term City Treasurer, City of South San Francisco - full term The polls will be open between the hours of 7 o'clock a.m. City Clerk Dated: February 3, 1964