HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4772-1967RESOLUTION NO. 4779
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
South San Francisco that:
1. The City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized to accept
for the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation,
a Corporation Grant Deed, without warranty expressed or implied,
from Title Insurance and Trust Company, a California corporation,
to the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation,
conveying to said City the parcels more particularly hereinafter
described, subject to the recitals contained in the deeds from
Caesar Callan Homes, Inc., a corporation, successor by merger
to Callan Associates, a corporation, to Title Insurance and
Trust Company, a California corporation, recorded on November 28,
1967, in the office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo,
Recorder's Serial No. 169-AB and No. 172-AB:
Park Site
gE(iI:~XIMf; at tl:c intersection of the ccnterl~n_e al t~a~wa) ............................
Place 'with the .~ortherly boundary line el' 7'raft Y.o.
%/estborot:l~h Unit ::o. lB, as shown on that certain Tiap entitled :
"TRACT NO. 7,~8,. ~'t~s'rBoI~tlC~I~ LINIT Mo. . lB, SA~; ?~A'I'EO COIJN'[Y~
CAI. IFOI~NIA", which ?.taD was filed ~n the Office. of thc Recorder
of the Co,.mty or San ~lateo, State of Californi~ on Set, tent,er
1961 in Book 55 of ?[aps at Pa,.es 16 and 17; said Norther1)'
boundary ]ine being also the Southerly lti~ht of Way line of
90 O0 feet wide, as described in the Deed
Ifestboro,,~:l, Boulevard, .
filed,,in Book .I053 Official Record.~ of San ~lateo County,
Sla; thence along 'the rortheasterly r~rolon;:ation of the eenterline
of t.h~ aforesaid Galway Place, North 27' 10' East 90.00 feet to a
point in the Nortl,erl)' linc of said l'iestborouqh Boulevard; thence
along the Xortnerlv line eq said lffesthorouch Boulevard, .
the arc of a curre te tl~e left, from a tangent bearin~ 5~orth 62*
SO' l'2est, w~th a radius of ]0,IS.oO feet, subtendfnR a central angle
of 9' 21-' ar, arc distnnce oq 17n.5.l feet to the TRUE PO[WI' OF
BEC~INNING: ~hcnce. fron said ",'RITE n~IfT OF BI;C~¥':I>;(;.... , and con,impinge'
along the ?.;ortherly 1.ine of said-I';estl~orough Bot~levard, ~x'esterly, on
the arc of a c,~rve t~ the left, frota a tangent hearinr. Morth
~est, with a rndi~ts of lO,IS feet, subtending a central angle of
41' 50", an arc distance of 123.97 feet; on the arc of a curve ~o .the'
left, frm:~ a tangent bearing" . o , ,
.,orth '8 .,g 50" '.gest, with a radius
1100 f,et, subtending a central an:'le, or 8' t7' 10", an nrc distance
of lgS,Ol feet', thefiee leaving said l,'estborough Boulevard line, Yorth'
'9° ~0' 43" Igest 606.65 feet; 5:orth 5° 57' 'West 22.00 feet; North
' ; ,,.1. Oa East
~$~ fast 215.o0 feet; South 5' 5~' last 12.00 feet Xorth
80.00 feet; :':crtt: S* 57' I':est 12.00 feet; Xorth 84~.. 03' East 119.69
f~t; North ~ ~1' 50" Enst ,170.70 feet; So~th 18'. 50' t~est 3S0.36
feet; on thc.arc of a curre to the rifht; tan~ent to the last ~receding
e~rae, with'n radius of 11~.00 feet, subtendim: a central an~le of
8' ~0', an arc distance of 159.99 feet; South 27° 10' West, 95.11 feet;
No,th 62* S0' l~'est 1a5.350 feet; and South 17' ,19'.liest 280.50 feet
thl True Poi~t of ,eginnin=.
Fire Station-Library Site
BEGINNING for reference at the intersection of the centerline
of Galway Place with the northerly boundary linc of Tract No.798,
~'estborough Unit No. lB, as shown on that certain ;X~ap entitled
"Tract No. 798, %Vestborough Un].t No. lB, San :Xiatco County,
California" filed in the Office df the Recorder' of thc County 'of
San .Hateo, State of California on September 13,' 1961 in Book 55'
of Haps at pages 16 and 17; said northerly boundary line being also the
southerly Right of Way of %Vestborough Boulevard 90.00 feet wide
as described in Book 4033 of Official Records of the County of
San Hateo, at Page 514; thence along the northeasterly prolong'~tion
Of' the centerline of aforesaid Galway Place North 27~ 10' East
118.32 feet; leaving said line at a right angle North 62° 50'
%Vest"30:00 feet to the true point of beginning in the line parallel
with said northeasterly prolongation of the centerline of Galway
Place and at right angles distant 30.00 feet thereof; thence from
.... -~"said true point of beginning along said parallel line North 27~
10' East 254.5?. feet; leaving said line at a right angle North 62~
$0' ;Vest 185.'35 feet; South 17~ 49' i,/est 280.50 feet to a point
· in the northerly line of aforesaid Iiestborough Boulevard; thence
along last said line easterly from a tangent bearing South 72° 11'
East, on the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of I04S.00 feet,
subtending a central angle of 6~ 09' 02", an arc distance of 112.18
feet to a ~oint of reverse curvature; leaving said northerly line of
l~'estboroug~ Boulevard easterly, from a tangent bearing South 66~ 01'
58" East, on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 30.00
feet, subtending a central angle of 86° 48' 0Z", 'an arc distance
of 45.45 feet to the true point of beginning.
Portion of Galway Place-
BEGI,'qNING fo~ reference at the interseCtion ot the centerlin_e.
of Galway Place with the northerly boundary line of Tract No.798,
lVestborough Unit" .
,~o lB, as shown on that certain
"Tract No. 798, h'estborough Unit No. lB, San Matte County, California"
filed in the office of tile Recorder of tile County of San f, Iatco,
State of California on September 13, 1961 in Book 55 of Haps, at
pages 16 and 17; said northerly boundary linc being also tile
southerly Right-of-;ia¥ of ~Vestborough Boulevard 90.00 feet wide
as described in Volume4035 of Official Records of the County
of San Hateo, at page 514; thence along the northeasterly
prolongation of tile centerline of aforesaid Galway Place North
27~ 10' East 90.00 feet to the true point of beginning in the
northerly line of aforesaid IVestborough Boulevard; thence from said
true point of beginning along said northerly line of h'estborougl~
Boulevard westerly, from a tangent bearing North 62° $0' West, on
the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 1,045.00 fee:, subtendirgl
a central angle of 5°11' 58" .
, an arc distance of 58
of reverse curvature; leaving said northerly line of ;;'estborou~h
Boulevard easterly, front a tangent bearing South 66° 01' 58" East,
on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 30.00 feet,
subtending a central angle of 80° 48' 0TM
. , an arc distance of
45.45 feet 'to a point in the line parallel with the northeasterly
prolongation of the centcrline of aforesaid Galway Place and
at right angles distant northwesterly 30.00 feet'thereof; thence
along last said line North 27* 10' East 234.57 feet; leaving
said line South 62° 50' East 60.00 feet to a point in thc line
l~nrallel with the northeasterly prolongation of the centerlinc of
.2alway Place and at right angles distant southeasterly 30.00 feet
thereof; thence along last said line South 27° 10' h'est 254,54 feet;
leaving said line, tangent to the last said course, on the arc of
:, curve to the left'with a radius of 50.00 feet, "subtending a
central angle of 87* 14' 29", an arc distance of 45.68 feet to a
point in the northerly line of aforesaid i~'estborough Boulevard;
titence along last said line North 60° 04' 29" h'est 8.27 feet;'
tmmgent to the last said course,-on the arc of a curve to the left
with'a radius of 1,045.00 feet, subtending a central angle of
2o tiS, ~1'°, an arc distance of S0.31 feet to the true point of
2. The City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized t°
execute a Certificate of Acceptance as provided for in
27281 of the Government Code of the State of California
and to record said Corporation Grant Deed or cause same to
be recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of
San Mateo, State of California.
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was
regUlarly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the
City of South San Francisco at a regular
meeting held on the 4th day of December , 19 67 ,
by the following vote:
NoEs, ,,
Patrick 5. Ahem, Frank J. Bertucelli, Andrew Rocca~
and Guido J. Rozzi
None ,
Emiiio Cortesi