HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4853-1968 RESOLUTION NO. 4853
RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South
Francisco, California, chat
WHEREAS, plans and specifications providinS for cer-
tain improvement work have been submitted, which plans and
specifications are entitled:
W~{~S, the City Council desires to approve said plans
and specifxcations, authorize the work and call for sealed
~"~'°'~ IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that:
NOW, ~~u~,
i. Th~ ~_ans and specifications hereinbefore named and
iaentified art hereby approved and the work therein provided
hereby auChorized, and said plans and specifications are
r=ferrea to and by this reference made a part hereof the
same as if recited herein verbatim.
2.° The City Clerk of said City is hereOy directed to
pJblisn Dy two (2) consecutive insertions in the "Enter-
prise-$curnal," a newspaper published and circulated in said
C~y, a no~xce invitinE sealed proposals or bids for said
· ,ork ~ ~ccordance with the plans and specifications herein-
'-~fore ;~ and identified and on file in the Office of the
~y CLar.:<,. the first of which publication shall be at least
.~ (10) ~ays prior~ ~o the time fixed for openin§ bids. A
py c~ :..::.~c notice entitled "Notice to Bidders" is attached
~retc .- ~eferred to and by this reference made a part
:~ereox ~s if se~ forth verbatim herein.
Ail propoaaXs or bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's
or cer~if~ed~heck, payable ~o the order of the City of South
San Francisco, in an amount e~ual to not less than ten per
cent (10%) of the bid figure, or by a bond in said a~ouat
drawn in favor of said City and executed by a corporate
surety. Said check shall be forfeited by bidder, or said
bond shall become payable to said City in case the low-
est responsible bidder (or bidders) depositing the same
does not, within =he time set forth in said plans and
sleczzzcations, enter into a contract with said City,
faithful performance of which ohali be guaranteed by an
undertaxzng in the amoun~ of one ,-~u;w~red per cent (~0.
of ~hc sum bid, said un~ez~l¢.~,,o ~>c.,.~',~; aha~ of a corpor:~te
surety satisfactory to said City Council, and which cnn-
crate shall be accompanied by a Labor and materials bond
of a co~pora~e suregy, also in a sum equal to one hundred
per cen~ (100%) of ~he amount of said bid, as required by
=he provisioas of Title I, Division 5, Chapter 3, of the
Governmen~ Code of the State of California. In case of a
forfeiture, as provided for in the preceding sentence, ~he
defauLalng bidder shall be liable to said City for any
~z~.~± expense go which it may reasonably be pu= in
conneczion wiZh obgaining full and complete performance of
cbc parcicular work of improvemen~ with which this No,ice
~o Bidders is concerned.
o~ds will be received by =he City of South San
Francisco~ California, a~ ~ne Office of ~he City Ymnager
of said Ci=y, C~y Mall, Grand Avenue, Sou=h San Francisco,
Californ ia,
a~ o= before =he hour of 2,00 p.m.
on Monday
19 68
, the 17th day of
said time nou being less than ten (10) days from =he firs=
publicaulcn of notice, aha bids will be publicly opened,
examined and declared ag said Eime and place and award will
thereafuer be made by aha City Council of said City to ~he
lowes~ responsible bidder or bidders, subject, however, to
~he rigku of said City Council ~o rejec= any and all bids,
which r~gh~ is hereby reserved.
Z hereby certify that the foregoing Resolu=ion was
ragularzy in'croduced and adopged by ~he Cigy Council of
ute Ciuy of Sou~h San Francisco a= a regular
· '-.~,,,~e'-'"~,,o held on :he 3rd day of June , l~,
AYES, CO'~qCi~N Frank J. Bertueellt, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank
~int, ~dr~ Rocca and Warren Stetnka~
NOES, ",, .... ' None
ABSEN~ ~ " None
IS H~P~BY GIVEN that sealed bids for the
fort and the performance of, the public
w~ll ~ received by the ~2y of Sou~h
a~ ~he ~f~c~ of the C~t~ M~r of sa~d
Avenue~ South S~ ~c~s~o~ Cal~o~a~
of 2:00 o~clock p, m,v on Monday
l~th day of June 19
th~ ten (10) ~ys fr~ the f~rst
All bids w~ll be publicly ol~ned~ exsmined
place~ Award of contract will the
;il of sa~d city to the lowest
ct~ howevero ~o the right of said City
all bids~ which right is hereby
hereinb~fore refer?ed to consists of
· and paint as per special
,exterior of 8iebecker Recreation Center
Court and Hillside Recreation
Building on Hillside Boulevard
and to the lines and~rades~ and
detailed dravings~ and specifications
been approved and adopted by said City ¢ouno
on file in the office of the City Clerk ~
made to s~id plansl profilesv
for further, particularss copies of whi~
said City Clerk upon the.making of a deposit
DOLLA~ ($10.00 ) per set~ of which
O. UU ) will bo refundod upon the return
~ations in ~ood condition within
the bid date,
or bids shall be accompanied by a
payable to the order of the City of
an mnount equal to not less than ten
or by a bond in said amount drawn in
by a corporate surety, Said check
or said bond shall bocome payable
responsible bidder (or bidders) de
the t~me set forth in said plans and
a. contract with said Citys the faithful
bo guaranteed by an undertaking in the
(100%) of the sum bids said undortaking
surety satisfactory to said City Council
bo accompanied by a labor and materials
suretys also in a sum equal to one hundred
of said bids. as required by the
Chapter 3p of the Government Code of the
In'case of a forfeiture~ as provided for
, the defaul$ing bidder sha~l be liable
oxpense to which it may reasonably
Pain~erm and Paperhangers - '
For all wage scales and classifications not listed above or
correctly shews, the prevailing Union Scale established for
8anMateo County shall apply.
The raise for legal holidays and overtime work, and the allow-
a~oee for vacations~ pensions~ and health and welfare~ shall be
i~ accerdance vith the local trade agreements in effect at the
, t~e of bidding.
Dated this 29th day of May 1968.
City Clerk