HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4924-1968RESOLUTION NO. 4924 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION APPROVING FANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHDRIZING THE WORK AND CALLING BIDS FOR Specifications for Dredg:~g Colma Creek and Tributaries - 1968 RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, California, that WHEREAS, plans and specifications providing for cer- tain improvement work have been submit'.ed, which plans and specifications are entitled: Specifications for Dredging Colma Creek and Tributaries - 1968 and, · WHE.R~.AS, the City Council desires to approve said plans and speczfications, authorize the work and call for sealed proposals; NOW, T}~REFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDEr{ED that: 1. The plans and specifications hereinbefore named and identified are hereby approved and the w~rk therein provided is hereby authorized, and said plans and specifications are referred to and by this reference made a part hereof the same as if recited herein verbatim° 2. The City Clerk of said City is hereby directed to publish by two (2) consecutive inserti~ns in the "Enter- prise-Journal," a newspaper published and circulated in said City, a notice inviting sealed proposals or bids for said work in accordance with the plans and specifications herein- before named and identified and on film in the Office of the City _Clerk, the first of which pub. lication shall be at least ten (10) days prior to the time fxxed for opening bids. A copy of said notice entitled "Notice t~ Bidders" is attached hereto and referred to and by t~is refarence made a part hereof as if set forth verbatim herein. Al.1 proposals or bids shall be ac:ompanied by a cashier's or certified check, payable to the ord~.r of the City of South San Francisco, in an amount equal to n~t less than ten per cent (107.) of the bid figure, or by a >ond in said amount . drawn in favor of said~ecuted by.a corporate sure:y. Said check sha'li' ba 'foTfeitec by bidder, or said bond shall become payable =o said City in case the low- est responsible bidder (or bidders) depositing the same does not, within the time set forth ir said plans and specifications, enter into a co:~tract with said City, ~=Ignzu~ performance of %.;h~.ch ~.~.hail be guaranteed by an unc~ ....... z,.g in the snot:hZ of onc hunt]red per cent (I007.) of ~1%c sum bid, said ~n'~,icrtalci~[j ]~cJ.n~ uhau of a corpor~te surety satis fac%ory ~,) said City Couuci!, and which con- urac~c shall be accompanied by a labor and ma'terials bond oz a corporate sure~y, also in a sum equ=i go one hundred par cenc [I007~) of aha amount of said bid, as required by 'one provisions of Title i, Division 5, Chapter 3, of the =ove~,..a~% Code o~ the Stage of California. In case of a forfeiture, as provided for in ~he preceding-sentence, defaulting bidder shall be liable ~o said City for any additlo~al e;[pease go %.;hich ig may reasonably be pu: in connection with ob:aining full and complete perfor~nce p~cu.a~ work of improvemen~ wi:h which ~his No~ice ~o ~idders is coacarned. 4. ozas .~ be received by the Ci:y of South San ~' ~' ~ne Office of ~he City Ymnager ?ranciscc~ ~£ifornia, ag" of said City, City I~11, Grand Avenue, Sou~h San Franois~o, Caiiforn< ~ an or before ~he hour of 2so0 p.m. cn Tuesday , ~he 24th day of September , 68. said r~ima moa being less than ten (I0) days from the firs: publication of notice, .aha bids will be publicly opened, exarainad a. na d~c==~ed a~ said time and place and award will theraafua: ba made by ~ha City Council of said City ~o ~he lowes~ rasponsib!e bidder or bidders, subject, however, ~o ~,..~ of sai~ City Council ~o reject any a~6 all bt~s, --o-~ is hereby rese~ed. i i-.araby cer:ify tha~ ~he foregoing .Resolu:ion was regularly in.roduced and sLopPed by ~he Cl~y ~ouncil of · '~he '~: ~ ~y of Sou~h San Francisco a~ a regular mee~in~ ha~d on ~he 3rd day of Sept~er by ~he ~= '' ' ~O~OW%~g vo~e; AYES, COL~NCIL,V~N Frank J. Bertucelli, Pa=rick E. Ahern, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca a ad Warren ~tetnkam~ NOES ) " None ATTEST: . ~ity · -'. NOT_TCE CALLING FOR BI '-~::i~WtAL OF - ORAGLi~m EQUIP~..h~T FOR' DREOGk~G SAh~ FROM COMfdk CP~EEK AND TRIBUTARIES - 196S, IN ~E CITY OF SOU~I SAN-FRANCISCO NOTICE _TS ~'r~',',?,~' n~.~-m~o.~ Gi~nEN that sealed bids for the rental c dragline equipment~ fully operated and maintained, ~or dredging. sand ~rom Colma Creek between 1,000 ~eet east o~ Orange Avenue and approx~ately 2,000 feet east off Airport Boulevard and ~rom v~ious tributary ditches in the City of Sou~k San Francisco~ ~1 :be received in 2he office of ihe Ciiy M,ma~er of ~ou~h Sa~ Francisco, Ciiy Ha!l, Grand Avenue and Maple Avenue~ Souih S~ Francisco, California, a% or before the hour of 2:00 p.m., ~n ~esday, Sepiembe~ 24, 1968, said time bering not less than ien (!0) days from the fix-si publication of zhis nolice. Ail bids will be publicly opened~ exmnined and declared at said and place. Award of contract will %herea~ter be made by Ciiy Council off said ciiy 2o the lowest responsible bidder or .biflders, subject~ however, 2o the right off said City Council 2o lre~.e'ot any and all bids, which right is hereby reserved. The. rental of dragline equipment hereinbefore referred to C.O~sis~s of one or more of the following dragline equipment, full.-.y.!~..~..: :,~~t;'e~ and maintained. . '.' "' Item i. Rental of 2-yard dragline, per hour .... Combined move-in and move-out charge for 2-yard dragline Item la. Rental of 3/4 yard mobile truck crane di~agline, per hour° Item 2. Bidder to bid on one or more of the above sizes of dragline equipment. Bidder to state name, age, capacity and model number of-equipment and specify length of boom and size of bucket.' It is estimated that there will be approximately twenty (20) days of work for each machine. The total amount of the bid and the amount' of performance bond required v:ill be estimated by multiplying the" hourly rental rate by 160 hours for each machine, plus the move~in and move-out charge, if applicable. . '" The City reserves the right to award the contract to the ':.-,?. bidder furnishing the best bid based on the type and size of:'.. , machine which will result in the lowest total cost to the City. Thel. City ms.y ~.wax'd separate contracts for Item 1 - la and for ""~' Item 2 based on the lowest bid received for each item. .' , All dredging operations are to be done under the supervision of the Director of Public ~tforks and at the locations and in the manne~- specified in the specifications entitled ,~Specificatiohs for~Dred~inE Colma Creek and Tributaries - 1G68". ~ference heweDy made t~ said specifications for furSh~r particul~s, copies of'-which may oe procured'.from the City C~e~kai:/U, pon the making of'"':~[.. a dePosit of Fi~ D0~S.'"~($'5.00) pe~ 'Se*~t"'Of"'-Wh'~mCh S~ FI~ .DO~~ . ($5.00) ~vill be refUnded UPOn" the return, of ~aid"specifications,in[ good condition within'SE~Y~O. (72) hOurs ~fter the bid'"'datej -. .' . . [:;.~:].?~',.':'~f~:';'proposa!s or bids. Sh~li be. acd~.~.;::nied b~..Z-'&ashier~!!~? ~][~:~~~.d check ~yable.. to"~h~, order. .~f ~ City. of south' San'.~'~ · ".2[[~..~~'~'~o, in an~¥~.~t equa!.:.to not'miens th~n ten Percent' ~eited by bidde~"br' ~id bond sh~li become ~ayable ~o s~id City in c~se the ~ -~ ~:aae~ (or bidders~' ~o~,.,e~t rezponzib!e '' .... ~ d.ei~ositin~ the s~e does not, ~.,~,.z~n the time set -iorth in s2, id speoi:'Lc~.tions, enter into a contract with said City, the ~aith:~l performance of which shall ~e ~ ...... ~d by ~n under~z~:.~n~ in -~:e ~mount o~ one hunted percent ~t~o~ o~ the sum bid, said underta~::ing being that of"~'~ - wnxch: ~contract ~~ satisfactory to said C='cy ..cunc~i, and ,' ' surety, ~.'also in, ~ su,~ equal to o~,e hundred oercent (100%) o~ .~e j~oun't ~f said oid, as required by the provisions of Title ~DiVision s~- Chapter 3, of the Government ~de of the State ~ti~ornia. ~ ' ~, case of a forfeature, as ~'ovided for in the pre. ced- ing-sentence, the defaulting bi-' ~ uc~r shall ~:'-~ liable to said City for any additional expense to which it may re _.onably be put in connection with obtaining full and complete pe_xormarme of 'the particular w~k ~,.xs Notice to Bidders is concerned. of ~uprovement with which ~-~ ' ~ . ... ,~~_TS ~-~z~o~ GI~I¢ that the City 3ouncil o~ said City has ~h~reto~ore established the prev~ - ~%ling wao~ scale ~or per diem rates to be paid to all craftsmen and labor, ers in connection with the work to be done pursuant to said specifications, which is as ~ollows: Wot. ker=-- Xo2 s~x months 2nd six months 3r~l six Bonths 4~h six months 5th. 81x months 6th six mou~hs mm#mmmm mm mmmmm m mmm · ?A: ............................................. ' . 'and Paperhangers ---~ ....... -- and Modellers-- ~odoarriers 8tea~fttters, ~elders, Cauke;'s, Pipe Fitters all d®scriptions .--- .... --- - Under 4 Yards (water - 4 Yard~ ~nd under 6 Yard~ (w~ter - 6 Y~ ~d ~der O Y~ Flat ~ck (~ ~e un~t)-~- .... - ..... ~vers - under ~,5~ ~ls~------- ....... - ~ve~s - 2,500 ~als ~d u~der 4,~0 ~tv~s - 4,000 ~ ~d ~er.-, , ~ ~-~ Orea~. ~ck ~iver or ~e~ - ---- T~cks or ~~, -- ...... --~ ......... ~~ ~d Road Oiler scales and classifications not listed above the prevail~ng Union ScaLe established for appl y. for legal holidays and' overt~ work~ and the vaoations~ pensions~ ~nd heakth and g.