HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 4982-1968RESOLUTION NO. 4982 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCIS.CO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RELETLSE OF PARCEL 5 FROM THE "SECURITY AGREEMENT". BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council. of the City of South San Francisco that the City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized to execute an agreement releasing Parcel 5 including SA, which is more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, from the agreement entitled "Agreement - Securing Performance of Agreement of October 24, 1963, Re: Park-Recreation, Fire Station and Public Library Sites in Westborough", entered into between Caesar Callan Homes, Inc., et al, and the City of South San Francisco on the 5th day of June, 1967 (recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Volume 5322, pages 132 through 200). I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a r~gnl~r meeting held on the 4th day of Nov~t~r , 19 68 , by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN Frank J. Bertucel%i, Patrick E. Ahern, F. Frank Mammini, Andrew Rocca, a~d Warren Steinkamp. N0 E S, " None. AB SENT, " None. ~.~. ATTEST: ! EXHIBIT DE£CRIPTION: That certain real property situate in the City. of South San Francisco, County of San ~k~teo~ ~%ate of California, de~cr~oe~ as follows: BEGiNNiNG ~t the centerline intersection of York Street and. Ca=~n ~oulev~rd~ ss s.~id Street and Bou~v= ~re shown'on that ~~_= CAL==,~=~_~:~ , which map was filed in the office of the ~=col'der of the County of San ~,.~=teo~ o~e ~ June i7~ 19A5 iD Book 62 of Maps at pages 29~ 30 and 31; thence from said point of oeg~,~ning Southerly along the==~.~==~-~_..,= of said Ca!'ian Boulevard South 2° 30" East 103~22 feet and. ~ ~=~"'"-u=~iy on the arc of. a curve to ~che left tangent to ~he preceding ccurse~ with a tad=us of 750 fe~t~ subtending z centr~i ang'~e ~ 2~ 52~ ~.., an ~' .....~ ~e centeriine ~ntersectzon of arc dis~a~=c= of 273.33 feet to ~-% ' ' ' Cailan ~oulevard with the cente=zine of XzngD.. ~=v=~. =- s $~id King Drive is shown on the aforesaid_ mao. of .......... ~=,~'o'-~ Uni= i{o . ~; thence =~sueriv along the centerlzne of sazc . =xz=.~ Drive on the arc of a cu~e to the right from ~ tangent besr~'.._n~ mu~_~.?- ..... '~ 70' 5m~ ~-~'~" Eas~ wltn' a radlu~ of 640~.=~ subtendin~j a central_ ang~z= of 21~ 25~ I0" an ~ .... diztance of 239~26 feet; thence leaving =~id centerline~of King =.=ye ~==.a=ly. South 2° !6' i4" ?~?est 4.0.00 feet uo ~ point ~-'= - ""' ~ ry line of a one {!) foot ~""~' ~ Souu,~er!y bounda .~.~m dedicaUed to .. the C_~v_ of Daiy Citv,. said Southerly mounaa~v_, line being also Sou:n~=y boundary line of said Serr~monte unit l~o. i aha U~:e true ' ' n~s scribed herein: thence zrom said ~oznz of beginning of the ia- ~ de '~ ........... ~c~ :, Easteri~ along ~dne aforeu~id Sou'aheriy ,~,..~,~_: Serramonte Unit No I on the arc of a curve to the r~gnt ~' ' South 4 ~ ~CO ffee~ sub'=ending a central ~ngie of I~° i4~ 02" an ~rc:' distance cf 190.95 feet to a point of reverse curvature aha ~s~rlv. on arc o= a curve to the left from a tancent bearing ~' ~ ~ast with a radius of !000 feet~ subtending s central a~ ~ ,,gte Of 15°. 36~ O~~ an arc distance of 272030 feet~ thence ie~ving ~f~res~id Southerly' ~' ,' ,~.~mm;~c~ Unz'c !~o~ ~"~'~ ~ :' , ti~.ence South 49° 49= 35:~. ~u~,~. 3 2~~ !3 WesU 354.69 feeu- . ?~e:~2 202 54 feet~ thence North 40° ~ 0: ~5" ~ ~ = . L,~st 52~o~00 feet; thence k$c~rth 49~ 49~ 35" East 79028 feet~ thence ~Jorun 2 16~ i4 Easu 127~45 feet to the true point of beginning. - 1 - (Exhibit "A") 142964 DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A'; .Ail that certain real property situate in the City of South' San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the. center~ine intersection of Y~_k, ~ Street and Cai!an Boulevard, ss s~,id Street and Boulevard are shown on that certain map entitled ~, ~..~.~.,v.~,~7~ . ,~n~.~u=,~ Ui':iT bio I DALY CITY S~2N P~TEO COUNTY, CALiFO~{IA':~ filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of San Mateo, State of Caiiforni- on June 17, !965 in Book 62 of Maps at pages 29, 30 and 31; thence Southerly along the centerline of said Cai!an Boulevard South 2° 30' East 103.22 feet; Southerly on ~' ~ ~C ~n= a of s curve to the le~ ' _ ~t tangent to the last ~ ....... ~u course with a radius of 750 feet, subt_~s~ng a centrsi angle of 20° 52' 5i~' =n arc distance of 27~ 33 fe~t ~.~ the center'in~ intersecUion ~ ~ W_~.. the cente~iine of Kzng Drive, as said of Cai!an Bou=evarc , ~ ~ ' K~ng Drive is shown on the aforesaid map of Serramonte Unit No. i; thence Easterly along the centerline of said King Drive on the arc of a curve to the right from a tangent bearing North 70° 51' 04~' '~- l'~ 64 ~ ~ ~ ~.ast w:~,~ a ra~ .... ~ of 0 feet, sub~e~n~ a ~en~ . ~a_~ angle of 21o 25~ I0'~, an arc distance of 239.26 feet~ thence leaving said center- line of King Drive radially South 2° 16' !4~' West 40.00 feet to point on' the Southerly boundary line of a one (i) foot strip dedicated to the City of Daiy City, said Southerly boundary line being also the Southerly boundary of said Serramonte Unit No. 1 and said point the =~ ~ ~ue point of 'beginning; thence from said true point of beginning leaving the. a~o_e~zd boundary of Serramonte ~_,nit %'~ z South 2° z6' W'e~:n 127.45 feet, South 49° 49' ~' . , zO° 25" West 32 00 feet Northerly '¢~:.sz i9 2S feet l~orth ~- i0' . , ~':~.: the arc of a carve to the right tangent to the ia sZ preceding course-with ~ radius of 708 feet, subtending a cen~ra! angle of :~ 5:.~ 0i , an arc e~=~nce of 12~ ~72 feet to a point of compound curvat,are; thence Northerly and Easterly on the arc of a curve to ...... e rig%~ from a tangenz bearing !x!orth 30° 19' 24'~ wiuh a radius ,-'~f ~0 feet, '~'~ ~'~ " ~ an arc c~:,,~ angle of 109° _ ~ s~.~encl~:g_. . a .:: .... ~ 31~ 40'~ .. ~ee~ to a point or ~o.,~oun~ curvature, s~id r~oint being also a point on the aforesaid Southerly boundary of · ~.ror~said Serramonte Unit No. I; thence Easter=y along said So~;~%herly',boundary of Serramonte Unit ~io. i on the arc of a curve - ' ~-~ .e in N'or-ah 7'9° ~ o ~he ric.~=,.~ from a t~.~g_n, bear g , ~2' i6 East, ~ r~%dius of 600 feet, subtending a central angle of 13° 03~. an arc distance of 136.83 feet to the true point of beginning. RE'CORD-~ - 2 - (Exhibit "A" )