HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 5138-1969RESOLUTION NO. CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA -~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS .~ AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE WORK AND CALLING .BIDS FOR ' CALLAN PARK WEST. RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San' Francisco, California, ~hat · . ~q{EREAS, plans and specifications providing for cer- tain improvement work have been suSmitted, which plans are entitled "Callan Park West", and specifications entitled "Specifications Callan Park West Site Development and Landscaping", and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to approve said plans and specifications, authorize the work and call for sealed proposals; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS }:EREBY ORDERED that: 1. The plans and specifications hereinbefore named and identified .are hereby approved and the work therein provided is hereby authorized, and said plans and specifications are referred to and by this reference made a part hereof the same as if recited herein verbatim. 2. The City Clerk of said City is hereby directed to publish by two (2) consecutive insertions in the "Enter-- prise-Journal," a newspaper published and circulated in said City, a notice invitin~ sealed proposals or bids for said Work in accordance with the plans and specifications herein- before named and identified and on file in the office of the City Clerk, the first of which publications shall be at least ten (10) days prior to the ~ime fixed for opening bids. A copy of said notice entitled "Notice to Bidders" is attached hereto and referred to and by this reference made a part. hereof as if set"forth verbatim herein. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check, payable to the order of the City of South San F~ancisco, in an amount equal to not less than ten per cent (10%) of the bid figure, or by a bond in said amoun~ drawn in favor of said City and executed by a corporate surety. Said check shall be forfeited by bidder, or said bond shall become payable to said City in c~se the lowest responsible bidder (or bidderS) depositing ~he same does not, within the time set forth in said plans and specifica'aions, enter into a contract with said City, the faithful performance of which shall be guaranteed by an undertaking in the amount of one hundred per cent (100%) of the sum bid, said undertaking being that of a corporate surety satisfactory to said City Council, and which con- tract shall be accompanied by a labor and materials bond of a corporate surety, also in a sum equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the amount of said bid, as required by the provisions of Title I, Division 5, Chapter 3, of the Government Code of the State of California. In case of a forfeigure, as provided for in the preceding sentence, the defaulting bidder shall be liable To said City for any. additional expense to which it may reasonably be put mn connection with obtaining f~ll and complete performance of the particular work of improvemen~ with which this Notice to Bidders is concerned. 3. Bids will be received by the City of South San Francisco, California, ,at the Office of the City Manager of said City, City Hall, Grand Avenue, SouTh San Franci$¢o~ California, a: or before the hour of 2:00 o'clock p.m. on Friday , the 12th day of September 19 69 said time not being less than ten (10) days from the first publication of notice. The bids will be publicly opened, examined and declared at said Time and place and award will thereafter be made by the City Council of said City to the lowest respons%ble bidder or bidders, subject, however, ~o the right of said City Council to reject any and all bids, which right is hereby reserved. 4. Funds shall be encumbered'as se: forth On' Exhibit "A" attached hereto. AYES, COUNCILMEN NOES, I hereby certify than the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on ~he 18th day of August , 1969 , by the following vote: Frank J. Bertucelli, Patrick E. Ahem, F. Frank · Mammini, Andrew Rocca, and Warren Stelukamp. " None. ABSENT None · ATTEST: ~~ ~lerk~ ~ I ~ · EXHIBIT A ResolUt~°n No. 5138 Funds Encumber-ed ACCOUNT NUMBER TITLE Capital Improvement Bud~. et AMO'UNT Estimated Cost Plus fees and Inspection $42,500.00 $~f~O00.O0 Developers share 2,500.00 J. H. Snyder Co. 5,000.00 Capital Improvement Budget $42,500. O0 NOT~CE C~.LLING FOR BY~ FOR TI~ FURNISHING OF ~IATERLAL~ FOR~ ~D T~I ~I'2F~~E OF~ CERTAIN ~BLIC ~~ AI~D IM~R~~r IN ~ C I~Y ~ NOTIC~ IS I~BY G~EN +.h~'C sealed b~ds for the of materials for~ and ~e perfo~nce of~ the public ~k ~re~n- a~te~, de~cr~d w~l ~ ~'ec~ved by the C~ty o~ South San F~nc~sco~ Califo~a~ at the ~f~c~ of ~he C~ty A~anager o~ said c~y~ C~y ~al~ Grand Avenue~ South San Fr~nc~aco~ Cal~orn~a~ a~ er ~fore' the ho~ of 2~00 o* c~n,,~ ~. _' ~ ~~v the 2 ~ day of ~P~ ] ~69 ssSd not ~o~ th~ ~n (~0) ~F~ ~r~ the first pu~l~t~on o~ no~ce~ All b~ds ~ ~ pubZ$c~ o~nedt ex~ned and declared sa~d t.~e ~d p~e~ Award of c~nt~c2 w$ll ~h~reafter the Oit~ Counc$~ o~ s~$d ~y tc the lo. st re~pon~Lble bidde~ or bidders0 .ubject~ ho~ve~0 ~o t~ ~h~ of ~$d O$'~y OouncSZ to reject ~ ~nd al~ bSdst ~'h$ch rL~ht ~s hereby reserved. The work h~reXnt~ore referred to consis2, of the following: Furnish and 4nsta11 storm drains and catch basins, concrete walks, pads and stops, sprtnklor system, redwood headers; relocato 6 inch gato valvo; plant limo, troos, strubs and ground cover; provide a · 90 day matntonance (or under sod( ing alternate, a seven day maintenance). 5aid work shall tnel.'Ude th~ furnishing and supplying of n®oessary labor and materials. It ts requested that all btc~ be subettted on both a unit and group basis because said city r~serves the right to make award Of contract on either a unit or group basts~' All said work ts to be done at the .places and tn the particular looatlonsp and In accordance wltL the forms~ slzest d4menstons~ and materials and to the 11nos and g~ades~ and tn conformance to the profllesp detalled drawlngsp and specifications therefor whloh have heretofore been approved and adopted by said Clty Counoll and whtoh are pre~ntly on flle In the off,ce of the Clty CXerk of satd city, Reference ls hereby made to sald plans~ profiles, detalled drawings, · and specifications for further p~rtlcularst coples of whlch may be procuredT~rom sald Clty Clerk upon th~ maklng of a deposit of DOLLAP~ ($ lO.O( per set, of which sum FIVE DOLLARS ($ ?.ur. ) will be refunded upon the return of said plans and specl'ftcations in good condition wlthtn SEVEBTFY-TWO (72) HOURS after the bld date, All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a cashier ts or certified check payable to the o~der of the Ctty of South San Franctsco~ In an amount equal to not less than ten percent (10%) of the btd flgure~ or by a bond In gald amount drawn In favor of sald olty and executed by a corporate surety, Satd check shall be for- letted by bldder~ or sald bond sLall become payable to said Clty In case the lowest responsible bldder (or bidders) depositing the same does not~ wtthln the tlme set forth In sald plans and spectflcatlons~ enter 1nrc a contract wlth sald Ctty~ the falthful performance of whlch shall be guaranteed by an cndertaklng in the mnount of one hundred percent (100%) of the sum btd~ said undertaking belng that of a corporate surety satlsfacto_-y to sald Clty Counc11~ and whlch contract shall be accompanied by a labor and materials bond of a corporate surety, also tn a sum ~qual to one hundred percent (100~) of the amount of s.ald btd~ as reculred by the provisions of Title I~ Dlvtston 5~ Chapter 3~ of the Government Code of the State of California, In case of a forfel~ure~ as .provided for In the pre- oedlng sentencer the defaulting bldder shall be llable to sald Clty for any additional expense to wh-ch it may reasonably be put tn connection wlth obtaining full a~d complete performance of the particular work of Improvement w=th whlch this Notlce to Bidders ts concerned, NOTICE IS BEEEBY GIVEN that the Clty Council of sald Clty has heretofore established the preva'~11ng wage scale for per dlem rates to be pald to all craftmnen and Laborers tn connection wlth the work to be done pursuant to sald plans and speclficatlons~ whlch is as follows: [ indentursd Apprentices 1st six months ?0% of Group ?A wages 2nd six months 75% of Group ?A wages 3rd six months 80~ o~ classification to ~ich assigned ~th six months 85% o~ classification ~'~ to which assi~ed .,~ ~th six month~ 90~ of classification to which assigned 6th .six months 05~ of classification ::~:' :' ~ to which assigned ..:~ .................. . ." ~. ·. ~ ......................................... .~t ~'*ap. ~:~- ............................................. G~oUp 5= ............................................... .Orou 0: -----,--- ....................................... ~oup~, .~. 7: ....... - ......................................... ~A: 0: .......... ~ ~I i mmmmmm m mmmm m mmmmm mmmmm mm mmmm mm mmmmm m m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm · t~',.:;. -' .i) , Wood aud.~iro,~ ------ 'lng Steel Workers ........................... :al Iron WorP~rs ............ - . . · , · ~nters and Paperhangers ---4 ........... t&sterers and Modellers ........................ ~Ster Hodc~riers .... . '~' PI~=S, Ste~fitters, Welders, Caukers, Pipe Fitter~-[ o~ all descrip~i~s :~~~f~e~ . 4 Yards - 6 Y~d~ a~d u~de~ ~~ck~ and u ~de~ 8~~ Unit F~at Rack (3 , ~a~ ~uck ~vers - under ~ater ~uck Dr~ver~ - 2,500 gals and under 4~000 gals--~ ~ate~ Truck ~ve~s - ~000 gal~ ~d ove~ Te~ste~ O~ler ancot ~ad 0il ~cks or ~omau- . .......... ~b~nat~on ~o~ and Road Oiler-- - , For all wage scales and classi2ications not listed rectly shown~ the prevailing Union 8cale established .'County shall apply. ~: rates ~or legal ho~days ~d overt~e work~ and the ~es for vaca~ons~ penslons, and health and ,~. . ..