HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso RDA 58-1984 RESOLUTION NO. 58 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPHENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF' SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CALLING FOR BIDS FOR NOTES; APPROVING OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE OF NOTES AND OFFZCIAL STATEMENT, AND RATIFYING, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN .... . .ACTIONS WITH RESPECT THERETO * , ..... ;. $7,000,000. O0 '-",' : :.. :": .'" ~':.i ~'*::'=:"- GATEHAY REDEVELOPHENT PRO,1ECT ..- -- · . :',-'"~,' L · .. '.: . .~- .::..--..: · ':. ;': ':" - :.'.: .1985 ,TAX ALLOCAT]:ON REFUNDING NOTES' .' . -. ' ..... .... . : '.,'?.;,.~..;,'.~.* · '.:'. :.. .' '....:: .'* . . -, ._ .::** - . o:o..o : : ... .-:~,.-..;- : :~:, ..:.~;~.':.:'.,~ '.. ~ ,... _. - .... RESOLVEO~'.by. the Redevelopment Agency of tho Clty of South San Franctsco, .C~11fo, nI a, 'that · '.':-:: - ".: ' ' ..* ..... * · . '. '. ~.: ._',,.,' -"', · ".:*"4-.-. ~-L:*: ..... : ~[:~,7... ' ,: .*'~:';* :.~.-.. . -. 14HEREAS, pursu~.nt to"Its ResolUtion No. :57 ' , adopted on Hay 8, 1985, 'this Agency proposes to Issue and sell its 1985 Tax Allocation Refunding Notes in the principal amount of $7,000,000; HHEREAS, the Agency's Bond Counsel and Financial Consultant have prepared and presented to this Agency an. Official Notice of Sale and Official Statement containing information material to the offering and sale of said notes; and WHEREAS, this Agency, with the aid of Its staff, has reviewed said Official Statement, and-has-made--sucl~-c-orrecti.ons-and additions as tt deems proper; NOR, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED as follows: 1. Said. Off$~ial Notice of Sale and Offlcial Statement are approved -"for distribution tn 'the offering and sale of said notes and any distribution heretofore made Is hereby ratified, approved and conflrmet~. 2. The Chairman *~s authorized and directed to execute the OffiCial Statement, to execute the Offtctal Notice of Sale on-behalf of the Agency and to call for bids for the sa16 of said notes, such bids to be received at the offices of Jones Hall HIll &Whtte, A Professional Law Corporation, Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 1950, San Fr&nclsco, California on or before 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday Hay 22, 1985 or such later-date as 15 provided In satd Offictal Nottce of Sale, at which time and place the btds wtll be publicly opened, examined and declared, and referred' to the Agency at its meeting on satd date. - 3. The Chairman is also authorized to approve further corrections in and additions to the Official Statement, by supplement thereto or amendment thereof, or otherwise as appropriate, provided that any such corrections or additions shall be necessary to cause the Information contained therein to conform with facts material to sald notes or to the proceedings of this Agency or that such corrections or additions are tn form rather than substance. 2 " 4. The Chairing,, is authorized and directe~ Ca) to cause a notice of Intention to sell the Bonds to be : ...... published once, at least fifteen days prior to the date for receipt of bond btds, tn The Bond Buyer, a financial publlc~tlon 'generally circulated throughout the State of California, and any such publication heretofore made ts hereby ratified, approved and conf~rmed, and ,. .(b).'~to gl~e vritten notice of the proposed sale, 'by m~il, postag~ prepaid,'* to'-the California Debt Advisory Commission no later .than .30 day~ :.... prtor to the.'sale~ such notice to,be given pursuant to Section 8855(g) of th~ ..'- Government Code and to contain the tnformaUon ~equlred by Section 8855(h), .. :':~c. .:., and any such', publication heretofore mad~ is hereby' ratified,., approved "' confirmed.. ~:~..!'" . . "' '"' ..... ' "' ': :- -' ..... '" ' " - ...- ";' ' '~' ' · ' · ~. ' ' ':"'"~""' ' - " ' .: ."4:.. i:' ~' ' ' ; :' -:'~~' · . . . :-'~..~-'--. . ....'"' .... ...".~....~,-~. :'.. .. .. '~''"' "S,'"Sald'Flnanctal ~onsultants~..on behalf "o~ 'tfi~!"'Agen~y''' and Chairman ara ~uthotized and directed to cause the O~ftctal Notice of Sale and Official Statement to be mailed at least'five days before the- ~foresald date for receipt of note bids, to such munlclp~1 bond broKer-dealers, to such banking tnstftutfons and to such other persons ~ may be interested tn purchasing the notes therein offered for sale, $. The Agency vi11 furnish the legal oplnlon o~ the la~ finaof ~ones Hall Hill & ~htte, A Professional Lay Corporation, San Francisco. Calffornla. unqualifiedly approving the legality of the proceedings and the issuance said notes. ' ! hereby cert,.y the foregoing to be a true ~upy Of' a resolution adopted by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of South San Francisco, Callrornla, at a regular meeting thereof duly held on the 8th day of Hay, 1984, by the following vote, to w~t: AYES: Chairman Richhard'A. Halley, ViCe'Chairperson Roberta Teglia, Member Mark Addieg.o, rl~mber Ema~uele Damonte, !1ember Gus Nicolopulos . NOES: NONE .'- ABSENT: NONE "' ~ ~'-' ' .'i.!:"?:: - -*. City of S~cth San FranCisco Approved: Rt~ch~rd A. Barley, cr~),paan LAW OFFICES Of P O. BOX BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 9401l TELE~:,~IONE (415) 348-5195 HERMAN H. FITZGERALD ^ P~.OFESSXONAL CORPO~.ATION February 27, 1985 STATEMENT FOR CHAIRMAN OF THE REDEVELO~NT AGENCY BEFORE CLOSED SESSION IS HELD The Redevelopment Agency will hold a closed session to give instructions to the Agency's attorney regarding the purchase of property located in the general area of East Grand Avenue, South Airport Boulevard and Mitchell for the Gateway Extension Project. The attorney may negotiate with the following parties, their attorneys or representatives, including any lessees, on the following properties: 1. Poletti Trust Assessor's Parcel No. 15-123-62 Northwest corner of Mitchell and West Harris 2. PG&E Mitchell Avenue at South Airport Blvd. 3. Clay Development Company Assessor's Parcel No. 15-121-01 7 South Airport Blvd. 4. Poletti Trust Assessor's Parcel No. 15-123-54 5. Southern Pacific Railroad Company A 1-197 acre parcel off E. Grand Avenue which is part of a larger Southern Pacific ownership 6. PG&E Property located directly on E. Grand Avenue near Highway 101 DATE OF CLOSED SESSION: February 27, 1985 / / / CHAI LOFMENT AG~:NCY