HomeMy WebLinkAboutSSF Genentech FSMEIR1 _2012-10-09 (2) CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENENTECH RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT EXPANSION AND MASTER PLAN UPDATE Final Supplemental Master Environmental Impact Report SCH No. 2005072165 Final SMEIR Prepared for City of South San Francisco 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, California 94080 Prepared by Atkins 475 Sansome Street, Suite 2000 San Francisco, California 94111 October 2012 IME Draft SMEIR CHAPTER 7 Introduction to the Final SMEIR...........................................................................7-1 7.1 CEQA Requirements......................................................................................................7-1 7.2 Public Review Process....................................................................................................7-1 7.3 Contents and Organization of the Final SMEIR........................................................7-2 7.4 Use of the Final SMEIR.................................................................................................7-2 CHAPTER8 Changes to the Draft SMEIR.................................................................................8-1 8.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................8-1 8.2 Text Changes....................................................................................................................8-1 CHAPTER 9 Responses to Comments........................................................................................9-1 9.1 Organization of the Responses to Comments............................................................9-1 9.2 Comments on the Draft SMEIR...................................................................................9-1 9.2.1 State Departments............................................................................................9-2 9.2.2 Regional Agencies ............................................................................................9-4 9.2.3 Individuals.........................................................................................................9-5 9.3 Responses to Comments on the DEIR........................................................................9-6 9.3.1 State Departments............................................................................................9-6 9.3.2 Regional Agencies ............................................................................................9-8 9.3.3 Individuals.........................................................................................................9-8 CHAPTER 10 Mitigation and Monitoring Reporting Plan......................................................... 10-1 10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 10-1 10.2 List of Mitigation Measures......................................................................................... 10-2 Tables Table 9-1 Comment Letters Received on the Draft SMEIR...............................................................................9-1 Table 10-1 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Matrix...................................................................10-3 City of South San Francisco iii Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR EnEiNEMMEEZEM This supplement to a master environmental impact report (SMEIR) addresses potential environmental impacts that could occur due to any substantial changes in the circumstances under which the project is being undertaken that have occurred, or due to new information that has arisen since certification of the Master Environmental Impact Report for the Genentech Corporate Facilities Research & Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update project (project) for the City of South San Francisco (the City) in 2007. The City is the lead agency for this project. The background for the project and the legal basis for preparing a SMEIR are described below. 7.1 CEQA REQUIREMENTS Before approving a project, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the Lead Agency to prepare and certify a Final Supplement to a Master Environmental Impact Report (Final SMEIR). The contents of a Final SMEIR are specified in CEQA Guidelines Section 15132,which states that: The Final EIR shall consist o£ (a) The Draft EIR or a revision of the Draft EIR. (b) Comments and recommendations received on the Draft EIR either verbatim or in summary. (c) A list of persons,organizations,and public agencies commenting on the Draft EIR. (d) The responses of the Lead Agency to significant environmental points raised in the review and consultation process. (e) Any other information added by the Lead Agency. The Lead Agency (City of South San Francisco) must also provide each public agency that commented on the Draft SMEIR (SMEIR) with a copy of the City's response to those comments at least ten days before certifying the Final SMEIR. In addition, the City may also provide an opportunity for members of the public to review the Final SMEIR prior to certification, though this is not a requirement of CEQA. 7.2 PUBLIC REVIEW PROCESS The Draft SMEIR for the Genentech Corporate Facilities Research & Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update project (project) was circulated for review and comment by the public, agencies, and organizations for a 45-day public review period that began on August 17, 2012, and concluded on October 1, 2012. Two written comment letters were received during the public review period, one from the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), a state agency, and one from the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG), a regional agency. No comment letters were received from private organizations or individuals during the public review period. City of South San Francisco 7-1 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR 7.3 CONTENTS AND ORGANIZATION OF THE FINAL SMEIR This Final SMEIR is composed of two volumes. They are as follows: Volume I Draft SMEIR—This volume describes the existing environmental conditions in the project area and in the vicinity of the project, and analyzes potential impacts on those conditions due to the proposed project; and identifies mitigation measures that could avoid or reduce the magnitude of significant impacts. The Draft SMEIR is incorporated by reference into the Final SMEIR. Volume II Final SMEIR—This volume contains an explanation of the format and content of the Draft SMEIR; a complete list of all persons, organizations, and public agencies that commented on the Draft SMEIR; a copy of the comment letters received by the City of South San Francisco (lead agency) on the proposed project; and the Lead Agency's responses to these comments. 7.4 USE OF THE FINAL SMEIR Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15088(a) and 15088(b), the lead agency must evaluate comments on environmental issues received from persons who reviewed the Draft SMEIR and must prepare written responses. The Final SMEIR allows the public and the City of South San Francisco an opportunity to review the response to comments, revisions to the Draft SMEIR, such as the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), prior to the City's decision on the project. The Final SMEIR serves as the environmental document to support approval of the proposed project, either in whole or in part. After completing the Final SMEIR, and before approving the project, the Lead Agency must make the following three certifications as required by CEQA Guidelines Section 15090: ■ That the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA ■ That the Final EIR was presented to the decision-making body of the Lead Agency, and that the decision-making body reviewed and considered the information in the Final EIR prior to approving the project ■ That the Final EIR reflects the Lead Agency's independent judgment and analysis Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15091(a), if an EIR that has been certified for a project identifies one or more significant environmental effects, the lead agency must adopt "Findings of Fact." For each significant impact, the lead agency must make one of the following findings: 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the EIR. 2. Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. 3. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR. 7-2 City of South San Francisco Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR Each finding must be accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for the finding. In addition, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15091(d), the agency must adopt, in conjunction with the findings, a program for reporting on or monitoring the changes that it has either required in the project or made a condition of approval to avoid or substantially lessen environmental effects. These measures must be fully enforceable through permit conditions, agreements, or other measures. This program is referred to as the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). Additionally, pursuant to Section 15093(b) of the CEQA Guidelines, when a Lead Agency approves a project that would result in significant unavoidable impacts that are disclosed in the Final SMEIR, the agency must state in writing its reasons for supporting the approved action. This Statement of Overriding Considerations shall be supported by substantial information in the record, which includes this Final SMEIR. Because the project would result in seven significant and unavoidable impacts to two environmental issue areas (four project-specific impacts and three cumulative impacts), the City of South San Francisco would be required to adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations if it approves the proposed project. This statement is not a substitute for the Findings of Fact described above. These certifications, the Findings of Fact and the Statement of Overriding Considerations, are included in a separate Findings document that accompanies the City's staff report. Both the Final SMEIR and the Findings are submitted to the City for consideration of the proposed project. City of South San Francisco 7-3 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR 0011MMMEMUZZ= 8.1 INTRODUCTION Text changes are intended to clarify or correct information in the Draft SMEIR in response to comments received on the document, or as initiated by Lead Agency staff. Revisions are shown in Section 8.1 (Text Changes) below as excerpts from the Draft EIR text, with a deleted text and a double underline beneath inserted text. In order to indicate the location in the Draft SMEIR where text has been changed, the reader is referred to the page number of the Draft SMEIR. 8.2 TEXT CHANGES This section includes revisions to text, by Draft SMEIR section, that were initiated either by Lead Agency staff or in response to public comments. All changes appear in order of their location in the Draft SMEIR. Page 2.2-5, Table 2-2, MM4.1-1(b) Table 2-2 Summary of Environmental Effects and Project Requirements/Mitigation Measures Level of Level of Significance Significance Impact(s) Prior to Mitigation Mitigation Measure(s)and/or Project Requirements After Mitigation AIR QUALITY Impact 4.1-2 Construction activities PS ... SU associated with full build-out of the MM4.1-1(b) Genentech d its no' 2007 Master Plan would include shall implement the appropriate BAAQMD Basic excavation, grading,and construction Construction Mitigation Measures. Genentech shall activities which could result in include in construction contracts the following emissions of criteria pollutants that requirements: exceed the established thresholds. This would be a temporary but ■ All exposed surfaces(e.g.,parking areas,staging potentially significant impact. areas,soil piles,graded areas,and unpaved access Implementation of mitigation measures roads)shall be watered two times per day. MM4.3-1(a)and MM4.3-1(b)as . identified in the 2007 MEIR,and mitigation measures MM4.1-1(a) through MM4.1-2 would reduce this impact,but not to less-than-significant levels.Therefore,this impact would be significant and unavoidable. City of South San Francisco 8-1 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR Page 4.1-18, mitigation measure MM4.1-1(b) MM4.1-1(b) Genentech zy.yd ty e":°hwbiiul, bult.b.° shall implement the appropriate BAA�MD Basic Construction Mitigation Measures. Genentech shall include in construction contracts the following requirements: ■ All exposed surfaces (eg.,parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day. Page 4.4-10, fifth paragraph The level of service (LOS) standards established for roads and intersections in the San Mateo County CMP street network vary based on geographic differences. For roadway segments and intersections near the county border, the LOS standard was set as LOSE, in order to be consistent with the recommendations in the neighboring counties. If the existing LOS in 1991 baseline was F, the standard was set to LOS F. If the existing or future LOS in the 1991 baseline was predicted to be E, the standard was set to E. For the remaining roadways and intersections, the standard was set to be one letter designation worse than the projected LOS in the year 2000. The CMP standard for the US 101 study segments in the MEIR Study Area is LOS€E (C/CAG 2011). The East of 101 Study utilized the CMP standards in its analysis of the US 101. Page 4.4-13, Table 4.4-5 Table Genentech - Land Use 2009(square feet)- Build-Out(square fee0b Net Change* Office 1,008,801 2,632,000 +1,623,199 L-abResearch &Development 1,012,674 2,000,000 +987,326 Manufacturing 1,482,213 1,046,000 -436,213 Amenities 69,500 322,000 +252,500 Total 3,573,188 6,000,000 +2,426,812 SOURCES: a. City of South San Francisco,East of 101 Study(October 21,2011),Table IX(Planned East of 101 Developments by 2035). b. 2007 Approved Capacity under Master Plan/Genentech Master Plan District. While the SMEIR uses a baseline of 2011,the East of 101 Study Existing Conditions Analysis relied on data collected in 2008 and 2009. Consistent with the East of 101 Study,2009 is used as the baseline for the impact analysis for the Existing Plus Project analysis and the remaining development capacity in the Genentech Master Plan District for this SMEIR. 8-2 City of South San Francisco Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR Page 4.4-14, Table 4.4-6 Table 4.4-6 Project Trip Generation (Net Increase in Vehicle Trips)—Genentech Master Plan District Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Growth 2009- Trip Trip Trip 2035 Rate Rate Percent- Rate Percent- (square TDM per per age per age Land Use feet) Reduction KSF KSF in,out In Out Total KSF in,out In Out Total Office 1,623,199 25% 4.94 0.77 87, 13 1,087 162 1,250 0.58 17,83 160 781 941 LablResearch & 987,326 25% 3.28 0.48 83, 17 393 81 474 0.37 16,84 58 307 365 Development Manufacturing -436,213 15% 3.25 0.62 78,22 -211 -59 -270 0.62 36,64 -97 -173 -270 Amenities 252,500 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 2,426,812 1,270 184 1,453 121 915 1,036 SOURCE: Atkins (2012). Page 4.4-31, first partial paragraph Study Fee Program, development projects within the East of 101 Area contribute a pro rata share based on factors such as square footage and the type of use proposed. ... This section describes the additional mitigation that would be required at these intersections in more detail. All the traffic mitigation measures will be incorporated into the East of 101 Program prior tore° - ' ~' cn r�TV the issuance of the first building permit for a development project under the 2007 Master Plan on or after Tune 30. 2013. Page 4.4-35, last paragraph Implementation of the 2007 MEIR mitigation measure MM4.74, and the additional mitigation measure would reduce the impact to a LOS C (32.7 seconds) in the AM peak hour, and LOS D (51.0 seconds of delay) in the PM peak hour. The improvements identified in this mitigation measure may be modified by City staff to accommodate bike lanes or address other issues as long as resulting LOS under modified improvements is LOS C in the AM peak hour and LOS D in the PM peak hour. As previously identified, all identified mitigation would be included in the East of 101 Study Fee Program, and Genentech would contribute its fair share to the East of 101 Traffic Impact Fee towards the implementation of mitigation measure MM4.4-7. Therefore, this impact would be considered less than significant. City of South San Francisco 8-3 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR MEMENNESSE 9.1 ORGANIZATION OF THE RESPONSES TO COMMENTS In total, two comment letters were received during the Draft SMEIR review period, one from a state department, and one from a regional agency. No comment letters were received from private organizations or individuals. Table 9-1 (Comment Letters Received on the Draft SMEIR) provides summarized information regarding the comment letters. Table 9-1 Comment Letters Received on the Draft SMEIR Page Where Page Where No. Commenter/Organizafion Abbreviation Comment Begins Response Begins STATE DEPARTMENTS 1 California Department of Transportation(dated October 1,2012) Caltrans 9-2 9-6 REGIONAL AGENCIES 2 City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (dated CCAG 9-4 9-8 October 1,2012) INDIVIDUALS None This chapter of the Final SMEIR contains the comment letters received on the Draft SMEIR during the public review period, as well as the Lead Agency's responses to these comments. Reasoned, factual responses have been provided to the comment letter received, with a particular emphasis on environmental issues. Detailed responses have been provided where a comment raises a specific issue; however, a general response has been provided where the comment is relatively general. Generally, the responses to comments provide explanation or expand on information contained in the Draft SMEIR. 9.2 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT SMEIR This section contains the original comment letters, which have been bracketed to isolate the individual comments, followed by a section with the responses to the comments within the letter. As noted above, and stated in CEQA Guidelines Sections 15088(a) and 15088(b), comments that raise environmental issues are provided with responses. Comments that are outside of the scope of CEQA review will be forwarded for consideration to the decision makers as part of the project approval process. City of South San Francisco 9-1 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR 9.2.1 State Departments IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), dated October 1, 2012 C ltrans Sent By:: G,AJTRANS t'H1'1W;'?P0fl`IIYA'rT.0 PVAINIV'a9'9F0,, 510 28,6 65EQQI M"A,,f 12 1207FM; Page 'IJ2 DI N b t"atraAND AVENV°; P,O BOX 2J660 PKU (510)2M.6051 xry iu a greq,N RA X (5,Rdm)28 -$55 rmwm r�aetm• rwu. a.ry 71 P t':;le:ramfmr 11,;2M ;dot'1 tl119 42 la S -101.2$24 City olr lstraatin MI F aanwbr-0 P&a!ouinm Division 1K), :araml Avenue, ' nwnflw UkAmawisvm, 'f ilk Mar Mr.uoqudlbl. Updalte to ttn :fly ter r1 o ttP t Report,r,-r the G n (ed*Research and evel a neut Overlay f tr p .loxp 'H;st c Ptan Updkte ftp erual Mattvr T hank'You rur cwvdnuing 6a hieludo the C aUf'f m, "an IMpurtmem of Tjunsp6rtatlem�'�rnlfa°awmm �-Cu,r,ifNnc onvrirun ni nnmal mvir+aw 1"Oem Wiwm'Me Abov I�,wrojec, Ilia faro�1�d'r'wm Nm eWs are bRO yak,th r Sqpptrmerkull,6titawaawr lwwwvirrAnmmr,cwat f Iqladt RgPlut ifparammsm �, a. In fra.4 u6 P''ro eci Dip Gene.Tafiaq,slam an roam, " tlamwmawl AM(TIM)ftip r tc I'm- tlflw Genner°ami'on 8,th Mho n,matmmms ANd(PM)till r jes of`d. .5,(J.49)bf Omen]Moo and 1.22(1 M)fur Rcacaich And Dervel pni avt( &D)land wwo. We mom .'8cm.wend the doc'mmnnent',apply dio AMI VM)trip raitas for(3junc'amal Offiax land nmsc!based upon tflt sTEP,A"o 6p,rreramtyim 81h dmaa"um mm. C:,aItrans-.m "I"ho,M, T'tr e�rerernon do eaf'tfaamnr does resat a'vu Laaboratoq land:usc;F��amdma^v�er, ITF i errae,'raatima rlm r u"awr't'namn r5mmaarnwates ft&D land a (FIND uip r-0--,q mss d Z f I,07),wftl h waamauM lie, more aavlia'aaalpta taN f.mmRvaarmwt, lmnrm8i ,� e aarrw aa' mangy tfic. rrport adopts slilgii5cmdy dmmn ' r AM(P'f )tralr raw;of l,,ANwmattmrr amm R A (Q-37), rMuCmted tea in Akini(2012).Plrrnamwc mafaafaawtalt May Laborntcrycfocs rwa-at b0 lla n tea aa,parl 2 Ovtwr aF"Jmagaat We befievs throe,X15%7lJM trip rridjucffjK.rnfmv Year?'0°ta is over-tw0wated..Vkusc;paw.widc feat lmatm tmt a:rmml tta t ft`tms e u r aw t'JrrojWw n,is nx=ssfanl a,nd,how this ow elutes d,u na smvessful Caltrans,-2 trmwrp rmaeam inm'2,p 35 t N horwisc,-wc m co=nainnd the use of upasonaMe trip redawams fwalmied<ml ffne,lunv 200 77"E Trip r,,'^,remv~r.'na+lew Raawwrlamnr,ok.. -Cw 4 v,xmm n«awPIO r-a�4*aNiuY w,W7 a,+Nrte�u�iaa 9-2 City of South San Francisco Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR ® s Sent y i CO,LTR�'i�A S k°���ANSq�I'pGryO�I'{�1.A T IO AA I1rynp y�.N MM1'flW'Mp '''"��N yIMIF mNAmN Polodd"in�d'� a M _ANN:N 510 2 0 5580; 12 i pa D 2 d2 S6iN Sam�M MV91�'i HtW�n99gWN? 13, 2 TN 4,O w',Fml ERIK ALM,ATC? NM210,,Bdatial Iruu d City of South San Francisco 9-3 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR 9.2.2 Regional Agencies IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (CCAG), dated October 1, 2012 OCAG CCAG, ASSOCRA I ION OV&kN',V1 ATF.1),COUNrY Mhvfim 0 H!Ow,',ove?-AwflnPumpr-C'ok,I-AA -6'ao 11 0 p dft,,�-1,6vey.f"61Y,-jfa�j�Vuw�1."I(V-Phihbwowgk F—h 't1W rb,w-hwP;)w-11w�roh R�J, vmki Caj,w&Nq ft"w"lo Sam �areaf Nin Ukh'61•'NAO 00f VV CJVM V 501001 Sepleni ber 29,20 Ir 2 Liwla Ajellt'l As )Qjaw Planner ("i,ty of S(,Wth' an Francisco 11,0, Box '711, Soull[i S,a,n 1`rancisco,,CA 94083 RE� : ("orurnewstoma l9rall 101(me,atox,,h Master Phirt Dear Ms.-Neflo ,llrllank you Fbr providing(71"'A6 [ho to ok'1n,'1nj0jV on the Drall Sup plet'ntalial Master F:nvironrnentul Inripact RelVirt( �ETR)(Npdaw For the(fenetilQdi Masavr 1:lan `e are prR,)"Jdin,g the J,,b1lowing c)inynonts firt ruspiunse q,kj,dw,signIfit!am ank]rIJIIHVO djblc impads on Lhe Congestion'Manageawnt.11rog network,firini,arily 1JS,101,idonlit"Ned�o;hn[iact 4.4- :rani 10 in r[w Drafl SNIFIR: -v��ce�(LO� -c-ginent As a c1larificafifin,(hQ CMP I'ovel of Se� S)Slarxhard for t1w IJS, I()I % nearlhe(level opme nl area,bctwcen 1-380,and the Sari Franeisco,(.ounly Lfiw,as LOS F;. CCA01-1 N41(mitoring 1awlbrmed hi 2W 11 rj-,,!;rdwd ha a I.()S 1`(a,601out exenlp0ons liar trips). In t V 2012,CK'A(I and dw San Nllawo Covjity Autliority wHI begin studying tho potezakll orau,%Riary larms (,-w tIS 101 betivo-en Oys tor Point Bhr l CCAG-2 Interchange and the San Francisco 0niimY 1,4w, 11aivide(,:4-"AG an antrual reP4.wt 16r Irangwirtation,domand in,a mqlement T1)M) u:k nienis,hi iplemen toL "Th i 1�oc.w] �i r w,I udect as pari n')f a't 11 i J ga t i m I I TaOil i tori I 1.),lan CCAG-3 implenmitcd by the Fl you hava any I)Iewie,ec,,�ntaelkphn Huang at jjit's or 650-363-4 sincQ•dy, lin Farctras 55(A"111.1"Y CUNC LR 5"'H cxxx,vrrl>,Xom; n v M„eM, 94061 11)f" 650.591).146.5 F,AX 05G 306,1 kll 9-4 City of South San Francisco Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR ® s 9.2.3 Individuals No comment letters on the Draft SMEIR were received from individuals. City of South San Francisco 9-5 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR 9.3 RESPONSES TO COMMENTS ON THE DEIR 9.3.1 State Departments IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), dated October 1, 2012 Caltrans-1 The comment states that the trip generation rates shown in Table 4.4-6 in the Draft SMEIR underestimate the number of trips that would be generated by build-out of the 2007 Master Plan and that trip generation rates provided in the ITE Trip Generation, 8" Edition should be utilized. The comment also states that the ITE Trip Generation does not cover laboratory land uses and that R&D land uses should be utilized in the SMEIR. The ITE Trip Generation rates are used to give average trip rates generated by specific land use types. These rates are generic and are generally modified to reflect the specific conditions of a particular city or project. The trip generation rates provided in both the Draft SMEIR and the Genentech MEIR Update Traffic Impact Analysis were derived from a study of specific traffic conditions in the East of 101 area of South San Francisco. These have been codified in a City-sponsored report entitled East of 909 Area: In the City of South San Francisco (2011 East of 101 Study), dated October 21, 2011. These trip generation rates were developed based on traffic counts taken in the years 2008 and 2009. Further, the trip distribution assumptions were made in consultation with City staff and are a refinement of the assumptions contained in the East of 101 Study. Project trips were distributed based on the same percentages used in the East of 101 Study. In addition, the trip generation rates include the City of South San Francisco Transportation Demand (TDM) mandated 25 percent reduction by 2035 for office and research and development land uses. For the purposes of the SMEIR, laboratory land uses were considered to be the same as R&D land uses; however for clarity the following text change has been made to Table 4.4-5 (Planned Growth in the Genentech Master Plan District) on page 4.4-13 and Table 4.4-6 (Project Trip Generation [Net Increase in Vehicle Trips] Genentech Master Plan District) on page 4.4-14 of the Draft SMEIR: 9-b City of South San Francisco Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR ® s Table 4.4-5 Genentech Growth in Master Plan District Land Use 2009(square feet), Build-Out(square feet)" Net Change* Office 1,008,801 2,632,000 +1,623,199 LablResearch &Development 1,012,674 2,000,000 +987,326 Manufacturing 1,482,213 1,046,000 -436,213 Amenities 69,500 322,000 +252,500 Total 3,573,188 6,000,000 +2,426,812 SOURCES: a. City of South San Francisco,East of 101 Study(October 21,2011),Table IX(Planned East of 101 Developments by 2035). b. 2007 Approved Capacity under Master Plan/Genentech Master Plan District. While the SMEIR uses a baseline of 2011,the East of 101 Study Existing Conditions Analysis relied on data collected in 2008 and 2009. Consistent with the East of 101 Study,2009 is used as the baseline for the impact analysis for the Existing Plus Project analysis and the remaining development capacity in the Genentech Master Plan District for this SMEIR. Table 4.4-6 Project Trip Generation (Net Increase in Vehicle Trips)—Genentech Master Plan District Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Growth 2009— Trip Trip Trip 2035 Rate Rate Percent- Rate Percent- (square TDM per per age per age Land Use feet) Reduction KSF KSF in,out In Out Total KSF in,out In Out Total Office 1,623,199 25% 4.94 0.77 87, 13 1,087 162 1,250 0.58 17,83 160 781 941 L-abResearch & 987,326 25% 3.28 0.48 83, 17 393 81 474 0.37 16,84 58 307 365 Development Manufacturing -436,213 15% 3.25 0.62 78,22 -211 -59 -270 0.62 36,64 -97 -173 -270 Amenities 252,500 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 2,426,812 1,270 184 1,453 121 915 1,036 SOURCE: Atkins (2012). Caltrans-2 The comment states that the 25 percent TDM trip reduction is likely overestimated. The SMEIR on page 4.4-12 states: Participation in alternate transit modes has increased over 25 percent since the program inception in 2006, and a survey completed in October 2010 indicates that Genentech has been able to maintain the 35 percent altemative mode use attained for 2009 (Genentech 2011). Genentech currently markets its TDM through promotional programs and a comprehensive transportation intranet site. As required by the Section 18.2 of the TDM Program,Appendix D of the 2007 Master Plan, a TDM Annual Summary Report, prepared by an independent consultant,is annually submitted to the City(Genentech 2011). Consequently, Genentech has been able to achieve a more than 25 percent TDM trip reduction since 2006, and in the neighborhood of 35 percent. The City requires that Office and R&D land uses achieve a 25 percent TDM reduction. Use of 25 percent TDM trip reduction is consistent with existing conditions and does not likely City of South San Francisco 9-7 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR overestimate the trip reductions that will be achieved in the future. As described in Response to Comment Caltrans-1, the SMEIR conservatively used this 25 percent TDM reduction for the traffic analysis. 9.3.2 Regional Agencies IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (CCAG), dated October 1, 2012 CCAG-1 The comment states that the CMP LOS standard for the US 101 segment between the I-380 and the San Francisco County Line is LOS E and that 2011 monitoring resulted in a LOS F. For clarification the following text on the last sentence to the fifth paragraph on page 4.4-10 has been changed in the SMEIR as follows: The level of service (LOS) standards established for roads and intersections in the San Mateo County CMP street network vary based on geographic differences. For roadway segments and intersections near the county border,the LOS standard was set as LOS E, in order to be consistent with the recommendations in the neighboring counties. If the existing LOS in 1991 baseline was F, the standard was set to LOS F. If the existing or future LOS in the 1991 baseline was predicted to be E, the standard was set to E. For the remaining roadways and intersections, the standard was set to be one letter designation worse than the projected LOS in the year 2000. The CMP standard for the US 101 study segments in the MEIR Study Area is LOS-FE (C/CAG 2011). The East of 101 Study utilized the CMP standards in its analysis of the US 101. CCAG-2 The comment states that in 2012, C/CAG and the San Mateo County Authority will begin studying implementation of auxiliary lanes on the US 101 in the project vicinity. This comment is noted, and no further response needs to be provided. CCAG-3 The comment requests that the City provide C/CAG an annual report for TDM elements implemented. As stated on page 4.4-12 of the SMEIR, Genentech must submit a TDM Annual Summary Report to the City. The contents of this report are included in the City's reporting and data sharing with C/CAG. 9.3.3 Individuals No comment letters on the DEIR were received from individuals. 9-8 City of South San Francisco Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR ® r r 10.1 INTRODUCTION The Final Supplement to a Master Environmental Impact Report (SMEIR) for Genentech Corporate Facilities Research & Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update project (project) identified mitigation measures to reduce the adverse effects of the project in the areas o£ air quality and transportation/traffic. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that agencies adopting environmental impact reports ascertain that feasible mitigation measures are implemented, subsequent to project approval. Specifically, the lead or responsible agency must adopt a reporting or monitoring program for mitigation measures incorporated into a project or imposed as conditions of approval. The program must be designed to ensure compliance during applicable project timing, e.g. design, construction, or operation (Public Resource Code Section 21081.6). The Mitigation Monitoring and Report Program (MMRP) shall be used by the City of South San Francisco staff responsible for ensuring compliance with mitigation measures associated with the proposed project. Monitoring shall consist of review of appropriate documentation, such as plans or reports prepared by the party responsible for implementation or by field observation of the mitigation measure during implementation. The following table identifies the mitigation measures by resource area. The table also provides the specific mitigation monitoring requirements, including implementation documentation, monitoring activity, timing and responsible monitoring party. Verification of compliance with each measure is to be indicated by signature of the mitigation monitor, together with date of verification. In general, monitoring will consist of demonstrating that mitigation measures were implemented, and that the responsible unit monitored the implementation of the measures. The responsible unit for determining compliance with all mitigation measures will be the City. Monitoring will consist of determining whether: • The specific issues identified in the mitigation measures were considered in the design development phase • Construction contracts included the provisions specified in the mitigation measures • The required actions specified in the mitigation measures occurred prior to or during construction • Ongoing administrative activities included the provisions identified in the mitigation measures Any concerns between monitors and construction personnel shall be addressed by the City of South San Francisco. The contractor shall prepare a construction schedule subject to review and approval by the City of South San Francisco Building Department. City of South San Francisco 10-1 Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR 10.2 LIST OF MITIGATION MEASURES All project-specific mitigation measures and project requirements included in the Final SMEIR for this proposed project would be monitored as described above. These measures are listed in Table 10-1. The mitigation monitoring matrix on the following pages is formatted to parallel the format of the Executive Summary table contained in the Final SMEIR. The matrix identifies the required mitigation measures, the time frame for monitoring, and the responsible monitoring agencies. All project-related mitigation measures previously analyzed in the 2007 MEIR and adopted by the City in its mitigation and monitoring plan are being carried forward and are listed in Appendix B (2007 MEIR Mitigation Measures) of this Final SMEIR for ease of reference. 10-2 City of South San Francisco Genentech Research and Development Overlay District Expansion and Master Plan Update SMEIR M O N O c 2 (6 C r G Q O O O ce O O U a� U U- is c � O e c E 0 o � 0 0) ® N N c C CU 0 ca U 0) v o 2 • M U LO 0 — O d Q • U c a) N -0 U o Y -O O1 • U) 0 -00 O (6 N cn E (UL6 (c6 a)cu cu _0 cu 0 c — 0 N C C N p. � O •• w O U U O E CU 7 (n m a) C G) c a) i —O c U cu _ �_ > 0 U O E OL p U to U p _ a) a) cn "-' O oe • N Q (6 D Yj ° U (6 c>6 'O O 0 O i U O > LLJ • 7 a) E U i 0 Q V) U 1 L -O E as � G) -° U) L U c Y '5° 0 c6 c6 c LO x 2' O O U c6 O O O L >+ 2� O 0 O c Q 0- U Y U c -O O • (6 O cn .0 T o E cu U p o ,0 U) c• 0 a) a) �_ is 0- aa) > L > E 0- Y �_ Q A Q EF Q a°)i o 2 ca ca ca Q v o o cu L �' a) a) c • `p J cis � `o 0) = m m .= t . > � u O cu cu • in -o `o ci O U c 0) a ca E a) o OF aci ° ° o US ca a) c >,o c ca �3 .c ca 0)6 ca _ -p ca > c N E cu a)• v Q D 0 0 0 �' -0 a) cca a) C, cca CU U) o °—�� a p E ° ° c > E v Q • -O :� -0 ca m E ca c - , ° ca s a) O L cu o o u c 0- a°S • p p cy O -, c c ° i c E ° > a o a) a) a) ° c ca -O a" > N 0 0- ) -0 ca a) 0) � c ca O ca O °cu p U �>— — a) ca ° a) � c ° > t cYi -c a) x x Q ul o , c a) ca ° N ca ca Q 0 U ca c L aci a) a) x ca Lu a) E 0- LD o 0 a) ° in m > � aa)) cu '> �n ° p o- E o L >, o aEi u) — a) 0- E m 0- aa)) u) in o U E ti o — in �a U � a) is d �a cn ca d 4- w a) o � o cn � � N 0 Z N U) O U N ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a) — a) N U U (U6 • � .� � L X. � 0 �.� O aS L O O j E Z- • -° Q u E O c06 T 0 a) •a) � �_ .� ° isM E o m E — p > .oca � o v c ca "c= —0c) — Q 0 � U -5 = o) ca -p a) cu p c 0 -a-0 a) U O E 0 a3 N o a) ca ca a) ° c� � a) -0 O O c a) U c U N C h o— U op O a) '- v v '.- c ac) L c cca o f 0� Cl) c � o � a c wo � .a) c N moo ~ o °N o aEZ- .0) � � o W N r LO (c6 C-4 0).c N >. a) U L U _0 v c Q ' 7 a ° N -c a Q cs, _� Q U a O . -0 a) co) Z -o E -o E UCH O oe U w Ln U CIO Q O O Q O w N O � 0 � o � v� O x • � w U U ° 'O .0 E — w m U U 'O o S O N N • a� o o ° ai ° t U L °) o a5 °� a) aci m 'n -a c � O N o U) Q o .° co Din vi m a� O- °' s v o � c > c E O ca > Q > O a� a� co N ° s O •• 00 `� °� is c O oN 00 0 o Q o0 p o m c �c0 ° °LD -a c Q o is CO Q . o -O O -0 U c mw aci o CL N Gl ai ca '> -0 c 0 m co a) co — ° E o ° ° 6 o -0 m ca c E O cn t 0- 0- c E v _ ° o > oa cn C� o ca ca o s o o ° O Q • a� c -° s o c a) = ¢ ca 2 ° � 0 O ch o Q a a� O a o a cu ° m o o o m ai aa) a� 03 N •� U cEa c .? c E ca Z- ca O ca t a� a°�i a� a� F O a) �' m a� N is c E c O c o -0 o is c o 8 cu E s a� O o — a) s a� ° a� c > O OE ° s o " a) m s a) cue - O cOa a� t U cu >,-E aa) U .o a) s c CL • . ._ v O C �R 0 a� c .� a o ° o a) s O O -0 o) E °- ca .'� c O O c°a Z, .- U . _o cu c ca aa) c ca O o a' -0 a� a� ' o ai E aa) c°-� o U O '� a3 0 0 ° c �� cca c Q� �' o :E u) o -5 cp °� E o L) O E r. v °? — O ca o o vi c -o -o O U O �a a) s .: L O ° U o E u 2 o U a� �'- a� c — s a3 T a) Q O O c13 'E- ° E ° O �a O O N O O 'O > U U 7 • O p ° O t .� t aa) .� > c°La vi ° 'c E o ai ° c U v o c O O o .� O O m 0) -- O O a) a)" E O 0 o . aci aci a' c �' E °- _� c°a ccLa °� o -0 ? a°)i �_ o a�i E " O N • - a`) ca L O- E o c ca � cis t ca .� o a) O O �a .c a� c c a> > p c M O 0- a) co .O a) a) _� O -0 0) 0 -0 O O s 0 ca U • 01 a) v .C m O . 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