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No, ?S
WHEREAS public interest and convenience require that the work and improvement
hereinafter described should be done: and
WHF~EEAS, tn the opinion of the City Council of the City of South San F~ancisco,
sa~d contemplated work and im?rovement is, and is hereby declared to be of more than
local or ordinary public benefit:
NOW, THE~FORE, RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South S~n Francisco
tha~ it is the inten,tion of said City Co%mci! ~o order the following work and improve-
ment to be done in said City, to-wit:
That Grand Avenue from thev~sterly line of Division Street ~othe westerly line
of Spruce Avenue, and Spruce Avenue from the northerly line of Grand Avenue to a line
parallel with 'the northerly line of Or~nd Avenue, ~t a distance of twenty-five
feet at right angles northerly from said northerly line of Grand Avenue, inc!udin~ all
intersections', terminations ~nd opposite terminatim~s, be improved as follows, - to-wit:
(a} That an electric lighting system consistin~ of forty-six (46~ duplex cast
iron electroliers, knovm as Westinghouse Syecial California Duplex Electroliers, each
surmounted by two lighting units of Westinghouse large Washington design, Style
together with lamps, tf~n~formers, conduits, cables, wires, 'potheads, pole riser,
concrete foundations, transforr~er valut, and ~-~ll necessary appurtenances thereto, to
the number and of the sizes ~nd ferns smd in the particular locations, as all are more
fully shown on thespians and specifications hereinafter referred to, be constructed on
both sides of Grand Avenue and upon said portions of Spruce Avenue between the limits
hereiuabove set forth.~
(b; That the existing electroliers on Grand Avenue, between the limits set forth,
be removed to the corporation yard of the City of South San Francisco st the fire house
on the northerly side of Swift Aven~ue in said City of South San Francisco, all as pro-
vided for in the plans and ~Tecifications herein~fter referred to.
All work herein provided for shall be done in accordance v~ith the special plans,
profiles and ~pecifications for said work, which plans, profiles and s!'ecifications are
entitled "Plans, profiles, detailed drawings and s~,ecifications for the construction of
improvement work upon Graud Avenue, between the westerly line of Division Street and
the westerly line pf Spruce Avenue, and on the portion of Spruce Avenue extending from
the northerly line of Grand Avenue to a line parallel thereto at a distance of twenty-
five (25) feet at right angles northerly therefrom, in the City of South San Francisco,
County of San M~teo, ~tate of California," which plans, profiles, detailed drawings
and specifications were heretofore adopted by said City Council on the 10th d~y of
August, 19Z1, and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Reference is hereby made to s~id pl~,.ns, profiles and specifications for a
full description of~ said work and for the locations and extent of the work to be done
hereunder, and for a particular description of the boundaries of the dislrict herein
nentt one d.
And said City Council does hereby determine and declare that said proposed
work and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will
affect and benefit the lands and district hereinafter described, which said district
~s hereby declared to be the district benefitted by said work and i~provement and
that therefore the entire costs and expenses of said work and improvement sh-~ll be
and are hereby made chargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and
district, except as hereinafter expressly provided, which district is within s~id' Cits-
of South San Francisco, County of San ~iateo, State of California, and particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
hereinafter described should be done; and
W~vD~'^~ in the opinion of the City Council of the City of South San P*raz~cisco,
said contemplated w'ork and improvement is, and is ~...ereby declared to be of more than
local .or ordinary public benefit;
NOW, TIiE.~FORE, I~ESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bouth S~]rn Francisco
that. it is the inten,tion of said City Council lo order the following work and improve-
ment to be done in said City, to-wit:
That Grand Avenue from the~sterly line of Division Street tothe westerly line
of Spruce Avenue, and Spruce Avenue from the northerly line of Grand Avenue to a line
parallel with 'the northerly line of Gr,.nd Avenue, at a distance of twenty-five (25)
feet at right angles northerly from said northerly line of Grand Avenue, inc~_udin, all
intersections~, terminations ~nd opposite terminatio~s, be improved as follows, - ~o-wit:
(a) That an electric lighting system consisting of forty-six (46) duplex cast
iron electrcliers, knov~n as Westinghouse Sl'ecial California Du~blex Electroliers, each
surmounted .by two lighting units of Westinghouse large Washington design, Style 35256?,
together with lamps, transformers, conduits, cables, wires, *potheads, pole riser,
concrete foundations, tr~nsformer v~lut, ~nd ~,ll necessary appurtenances thereto, to
the number and of the sizes and for~:s and in the particular locations, as all are more
· fully shown on the 'plans and specifications hereinafter referred to, be constructed on
both sides of Grand Avenue and upon said portions of Spruce Avenue between the limits
hereins~.bove set forth. ·
(b~ That the existing elecSroliers on Grand Avenue, between the limits set forth,
be removed to the corporation ys. rd of the City of South San Francisco at the fire house
on the northerly side of Swift Aven~ue in said City of South San Francisco, all as pro-
vided for in the plans and s'pe~ifications herein~fter referred to.
All work herein provided for shall be done in accordance with the special plans,
profiles and ~pecifications for said work, which plans, profiles and s~'ecifications are
entitled "Pla, ns, profiles, detailed drawings and s~'ecifications for the construction of
improvement work upon Grand Avenue, between the westerly line of Division Street and
the westerly tine pf Spruce Avenue, and on the portion of Spruce Avenue extending from
the northerly line of Grand Avenue to a line parallel thereto at a distance of twenty-
five 125~ feet at right anal. es northerly therefrom, in the City of South San Francisco,
County of ~an Mateo, Ztate of C~lifornia," which plans, prgfiles, detailed drawings
s~nd srecifications were heretofore adopted by ss. id City coUncil on the 10th day of
Au?nat, 19Z1, and are ncw on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Reference is hereby ms. de to ss. id plans, profiles and s~,ecifications for a
full description of- said wor~ and for the locations and extent of the work to be done
hereunder, and for ~ particular description of the boundaries of the district herein
And said City Council does hereby determine and declare that said proposed
~'~ork and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit and will
affect and benefit the l~.nds a. nd district hereinafter described, which, s~id district
is hereby declared to be the district benefitted by ~aid work ar.,d ir?rovement and
that therefore the entire costs and ex,erases of said ~','ork and improver.:ent shall be
and s, re hereby made char~eab]~, against a~d shall be assessed u?on s~id l~..nds and
district, except as hereinafter e~:pressly provided, '~;hich district is within said' Cit)-
of South San Francisco, County of £~n ~'lateo, State of Cs. lifornia, and particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
BEC, INI!ING at the point of intersection of the westerly line of S!:ruce Avenue
and the northerly line of Third Lane; thence northerly along the first mentioned line
to the southerly line of Fourth Lane' thence easterly along the last n~entioned line
and its easterly producatlon to the easterly line of W~;lnut avenue: thence southerly
alon~ the last mentioned line to the northerly line of Cra.nd Avenue; thence easterly
along the last ~entioned ]ine to .the westerly line of A~ple Avenue; thence northerly
along the last mentioned line to the westerly production of the southerly line of
Fourth' Lane; thence easterly along the last ~ntioned production and the last r:entioned
!the to the easterly line of Cypress Avenue: thence northerly ~lon~ the last me~]tioned
line to the line between lots 6 and 7 Block 148 South San Frs. ncisco Plat No. 1;
thence easterly along the last mentioned line to the westerly line of San Bruno Road;
thencZ easterly across San Bruno ~o~d lo the southwesterly corner of lot 7 Block 147
South San Francisco Plat 1~o. 1; thence easterly along the ~-o~therly line of said Lot
~ and its easterly production to the easterly line of Division Street; thence southerly
alon~ the last ~,entioned line and its southerly production to the easterly production
of the line between lots 20 ~nd 21 Block 146,. South San Francisco Plat No. l; thence
westerly along the last r, entioned production and along the last mentioned line to the
easter~.y liu~ ef S*~.n B?u;ac, ~o~d; thence westerly ~.cross S~n Bruno Road to the south-
east corner of Lot 19 Block~5 South San Francisco Plat No. l; thence westerly
the southerly line of said lot 19 to the easterly line of C~Tre~Avenue; thence north-
erly alon~ the last mentioned line to the easterly rroduction of the northerly line
of Third L~ne; thence westerly ~:lon~v the last ~entioned production and the last ~'~entior~-
ed line to the point of beg~_nning.
~aving and excepting and excluding from s~,.~d d~trict ~ll.y_ublic streets,
aven,~es and alleys, l~ne~, courts ~nd places included ~nd contained.
The wozk of constructing th~ electroliers herein provided for shall be done
in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in that certain Patent licensee
agreement, dated the 8th day of August, 19~1, and now on file in the office of the
City Clerk of said City of South San Francisco, U. S. Letters Patent for such
electroliers being held or controlled by Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.,
and the contractor to whom said contract may be awarded, will be required to pro-
cure such electroliers from s~id Westinghouse Electric & M~nuf~ct~rin~ Co., as provided
in s~id ?atent licensee a. greement.
Reference is elso hereby made to the patent licensee egreement on file with
said City Clerk for the use of Ewick Glo paint, as prescribed in said specifications.
Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments
and bear interest at the r~te of seven (?) ~rer cent per annum will be issued hereunder
in the m~nner specified in the "Improvement Bond Act o~ 1915" ~nd the mmondments there-
to, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine (9~ years from the 2nd day
of July, next succeeding ten (lO~ months from their date.
"The Enterprise ~nd The South San Francisco Journal", a newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published in said City of South S~n Francisco, is hereby
de~'i~nated ~s the newspaper in which this reolution of intention shall be published,
and the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this resolution of intention to be
published by two (2) insektions in the manner and form required by law.~
T~e Su~erintendent of Streets shall ~ause to be conspicuously posted
alon~ the line of said contemplated work or improvement, at not r~c, re th~n Three
Hundred (300) feet in distance aport, and along all the oyen streets within said
district and in front of all the pro?erty liable to be assess'ed ~3nd not more than
three hundred (Z00) fett.in distance ay, art, but not less thsn three (3) in all
in each street in said district, notices of the p~ssa~e of this resolution of
in!ention, in the manner ~nd form required by the "Im?rovement Act of 1911," and
the amendments thereto.
i'~otice is hereby givem that on Tuesday, the 8th day of September, 19~1.,
at the horn" of 7:ZO o'clock p. m. in the Chsmber of the City Council of the Cit~
of South San Francisco, any arid all persons having any objections to the pro-
posed work and improvement nay appear before said City Coumcil and show ca~se why
ss.~d proposed im?rovement should not be carried o~t in accordance with this
ExceFt st hereinbefore provided, all of the herein proposed work shall
be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the' State of California,
desi?nated as the "Improvement Act of 1911", approved A~ril ?, 1911, and the
amendments thereto'. '~
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced
and adopted by the City 0ouncil of the City of South San Francisco, this 10th
day of August, 19Z1, by the followin:~ vote:
Ayes, Councilmen 'V. Boido, ~d. ~Sinucciani, .R. Tibbetts, Joseph P. ~u~nian ~' ' '
Noes, Councilmen
Absent, Councilmen
R. Lloyd
Daniel ]~c Sweeney
City Clerk.