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NO. 74
WHEREAS public interest and convenience .require that the work and improvement
hereinafter described should b~ done: and ~
W~PJ~AS, in the opinion of the City Council bf the City of South San Francisco,
said contemplated work and improvem~ent is, and is hereby declared to be of more than
local or ordinary public berefit;
NOW, THEREFORE, RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
that it is the intention of said City Council to order the following work and improvement
to Be done in said City', to-wit:
That the portion of Grand Avenue from the easterly line of Spruce Avenue to the
easterly line of Mission Road and the portion of ~ ~
.,~r]ce Avenue from the northerly line of
Grand Avenue to a line drawn parallel with the northerly line of Grand Avenue, at a dis-
tance of twenty-five (~5)~ feet at right antics northerly therefrom, and the portion of
0~k Avenue included between the southerly line of Grand ~venue and a line drawn at rip.mbt
anMles to the westerly side of Oak Ay'onus, at the northerly end of said westerly side of
Oak Avenue, and extendin~ to the easterly side of Oak Avenue, be imrroved as follows,
to -w it:
(a~ that an electric li~htin~ system con~.isting of fifty-three (5.~) duplex cast
iron elects, oilers known as Nes%in~vhouse Sy_eclal California Duplex electroliers, each
surmounted by two lightin~ units of Westir~ouse large Washington design, Style Z52567, to-
,ether ~ith lamps, transformers, conduit, cables, wires, potheads, pole riser, concrete
~oundat!ons, ~nd all necessa~'y .~.,~urtenanc~ ~.'~erelc, to th~ number and of the sizes ~nd
forms and in the ~rticular locations, as all are more fully shown on the plans and
specifications hereinafter referred to, be constructed on both sides of Grand Avenue,
and u-,3on said portion of Spruce Avenue bet~'een the limits above set forth.
(b) That the existing elec~rolters on Grand ~venue, betF~een the limits set forth,
be removed to the corporation yeard of the City of So~uth San ~rancisco at the fire house
~ r_~AC iSCO ~r
on the northerly side of Swift Avenue in said City of ~outh San~ :~ ~ , , all as ovided
for in the plan~' an6 s~ecifications hereinafter referred to.
All work herein provided for shall be done in accordance with the [Tectal plans,
profiles and specifications for s~id work, which [la~'.~:', y. rofiles and s?ecifications are
entitled "Plans, troll!es, detailed drawings and stecifications for the construction of
im.?rovement v:ork u?on Grand Avenue from the easterly line of Spruce Avenue to'the easterly
llne of ~ission Road and portions of Spruce Avenue and Oak [~venue, in the City of Couth
San Francisco, County of S'~n ~ateo, State of Ca].iforn!a," which plains, profiles, detailed
drawings and specifications were heretofore adopted by said City Council on the 10th day
of August, 19Z1, and are now o-n file in the office of the City Clerk.
Reference ~s hereby r:ade to said plans, profiles and specifications for a full
description of said work an5 for the locations and extent of the work to be done here-
under, and for a ~articular description of the bo,mndaries of the district herein mention-
And said City Cotmcil does hereby determine and declare that said proposed work
and improvement i~~ of more th.~n local or ordinary public benefit and will affect and
benefit the funds and distz~ict hereinafter described, which said district is hereby
declared to be the district benefitted by said work and improvement and that there-
fore the entire costs and expenses of said work and improvement shall be and are here-
by made c?~argeable hgainst and shall be assessed upon said lands and district, except
as hereir£fter e:?ressly $~rovided, which district is within said City of South ~an
Francisco, (~ounty ~f 'San ~ateo, Stste of California, and particularly described as
fol~ows, to-wit:
B~I..,i~Ii~i~ at a point where the northerly line of ~r~mu Avenue intersects the
easterly line of ~Iission Road as .~:hov:n on that certain map of the ~qegli Tract, South
Zan Francisco, California, recorded in Volume ll of ~ap,. at page 63, San l~ateo County
Records, and runninff thence North 44 degrees 20 minul~s West 80,94 feet to the most
westerly corner of Block I of said Re~li tract: thence North 40 degrees 14 minutes 34
seconds East 55~.11 feet to the most northerly corner of Block I of said. Regli ~+',~o.~,
't?~ence South 49 de,roes 45 minutes ~6 second East ~47.56 feet to the most e'asterly
corner of Block I of said Reglt Tract: thence South 41 degrees ~1 minutes 52 secouds
West 57.86 feet alon~ the easterly line of said Regli Tract to ~ point distant 150
feet at right angles, northerly from the~'northerly line of Grand Avenue: thence South
75 degrees 28 minutes East 467.78 feet to a point distant 1£0 feet westerly at right
· ~ ...... *~.. ~,~ ~ ~.~+.e,~, ~v~,~.~ thence South 16 de~rees 17 minutes
said contemplated work and improvement is, and is hereby declared to be of more than
local or ordinary public betsY%t;
~w~ov~,n~ RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
that it is the intention of said City Council to order the following work and improvement
to be done in said City', to-wit:
That the portion of Grand Avenue from the easterly line of Spruce Avenue to the
easterly line of ~iission Road and the portion of ~
~,~_~e Avenue from the northerly line of
Grand Avenue to a line drawn parallel with the northerly line of Grand Avenue, at a dis-
tance of twenty-five (25)' feet at right an~les northerly therefrom, and the portion of
0~k Avenue included between the southerly line of Grand avenue and. a line drawn at right
angles to the westerly side of Oak Av'enue, at the northerly end of said westerly side of
Oak Avenue, and extendin~ to the easterly side of Oak Avenue, be improved as follows,
to -w it:
(a) that an electric 1.i~htin_~ system consisting of fifty-three (53) duplex cast
iron electr, oliers known as Westin~house Special California Duplex electroliers, each
surmounted by two lighting units of Westir~ouse large Washington design, Style Z52567, to-
gether ~ith lanps, transformers, conduit, cables, wires, potheads, pole riser, concrete
foundations, and all necessar~f-,mpurtenanc~ ~,'~rei~, to ~h~ number and of the sizes ~nd
~,,~,, shown on the plans and
forms and in the ~rticular locations, as all are more ..... ~
specifications hereinafter referred to, be constructed on both sides of Grand Avenue,
and ul~on said portion of Spruce Avenue between the limits above set forth.
(b) That the existing elec~roliers on Grand Avenue, bet~een the limits set forth,
be removed to the corporation yeard of the City of So~uth San Francisco at the fire house
on the northerly side of Swift .... ' ~
Avenue zn s~=zd Czt.~ of ~outh San' Francisco, all as provided
for in the plan~' an6 s~ecifications hereinafter referred to.
All work herein provided for shall be done in accordance with the ~'~:ecial plans,
profiles and s]eciftcations for said work, which ~,lans, profiles and sy, ecifications are
entitled "Plans, profiles, detailed drawings and s~ecifications for the construction of
im?rovement v;ork a?on Grand Avenue from the easterly line of Spruce Avenue to'the easterly
line of ~ission Road and portions of Spruce Avenue and Oak Avenue, in the City of South
San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California," which plahas, profiles, detailed
drawings and specifications were heretofore adopted by said City Council on the 10th day
of August, 19Z1, and are now on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Reference is hereby made to said plans, profiles and s~ecifications for a full
description of said work and for the locations and extent of the work to be done here-
under, and for a particular description of the bomndaries of the district herein mention-
And said City Co~mcil does hereby determine and declare that said proposed work
and improvement is of more th,~n local or ordinary public benefit and will affect and
benefit the 1.~nds and al%st?itt hereinafter described, which said district is hereby
declared to be the district benefitted by said work and improvement and that there-
fore the entire costs and expenses of said work and improvement shall be and are here-
by made c?~argeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and district, except
as hereinafter e:?ressty t~rovided, which district is within said City of South San
Francisco, County ~f Uan ~ateo, State of California,, and particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
B~I~.~I~,,~ at a point where the northerly line of ~rand Avenue intersects the
easterly line of ~Iission Road as ~:hown on that certain map of the ?.egli Tract, South
2an Francisco, California, recorded in Volume 11 of N[aps at page 6~, San l~ateo County
Records, and runnin~ thence North 44 de~rees 20 minu~s West 80.94 feet to the most
westerly corner of Block 1 of said Re~lt tract: thence North 40 degrees 14 minutes ~4
seconds East 552.11 feet to the most northerly corner of Block ! of said Re~!i Tract:
t?ence South 49 de?roes 45 minutes ~6 second East 347.56 feet to the ~:oslt e'asterly
corner of Block 1 of said Regli Tract: thence South 41 degrees 51 minutes 52 seconds
West 57.86 feet a]on~ the easterly line of said Regli Tract to a point distant 150
feet at right angles, northerly from the~northerly line of Grand Avenue: thence South
75 degrees 28 minutes East 46?.?8 feet to a point distant 120 feet we.~,terly at right
an~les from the westerly line of Ashton ~venue: thence South 16 degrees 17 minutes
12 seconds West ~0.01 feet to a point distal, hr laO feet at right angles norhterly from
the northerly line of Grand Avenue: thence South 75 degrees ~8 minutes East 568 feet
more or less to the easterly line of the ~.24~ ~cre .~act now or formerly owned by
G. Uccc]Ii; thence North 16 degrees ~0 minutes 16 seconds East 19 feet more or less
along the easterly line of the said G. ~cce!li c.24-~ Acre .tact to a point North
16 degrees ZO minutes 16 seconds East ~27.09 feet from ~, grsnit monument marked L.-?
near the northerly line of Grand Avenue; thence North 70 degrees ZZ minutes East 167.22
feet: thence following a curve to the right of 28? feet radius, s distance of 175.~2
feet: thence South 74 degrees 27 minutes East 19.46 feet; thence North 15 degrees Z~
minutes East 81.~1 feet: thence South ~4 de~rees 27 minutes East 208.71 feet to the
westerly line of Chestnut Avenue; thence sou:therly along the last mentioned line
68.71 feet to the westerly production of the southerly line of Fourth Lane; thence
easterly along .the last mentioned production and the last mentioned line to the
easterly line of Spruce ;ivenue; tkence southerly along the last m'entioned llne to
the northerly line of Third Lane; thence westerly along the last mentioned line to 'the
westerly line of Chestnut Avenue: thence northerly along the last mentioned line 65 feet:
thence westerly at ri~ht_ an~,=_es 160 feet: thence southerly parallel to Chestnut Avenue
~15.11 feet: thence Eorth 74 degrees 27 minutes West ~65.6~ feet to the southeasterly
tine of Oak Avenue: thence South 5~ degrees 15 minutes ?/est alert5 the last mentioned
line 272.07 feet; thence North Z6 degrees 45 minutes West 205 feet to the north-
westerly corner of the 1.0 acre Tract now or fgrmerly owned by D. Uccelli at the
southwesterly corner of 0~.k and brand Avenues; thence lQorth 55 degrees 15
minutes East (~long the northwesterly line of said P. ~ccelli 1.O acre Tract to
a point distant 120 feet ~'outherly at right angles from the southerly line of
Grand Avenue; thence i~orth 75 degrees 28 minutes West 1000 feet r~ore or less
to a point on the easterly line of Block 2 of the above mentioned Re~lt Tract;
thence North l0 de,roes ~l minutes Z6 second~ East 47 feet more or less to the
northeasterly corner of Lot 8, Block 2 of said iie~li Tract, thence South ~Z
degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds West 194.49 feet alon? the northerly line of said
Lot 8, Block 2, to the easterly line of said ~ission i~oad~· thence norhtwesterly
alone the easterly line of said ~ission Road to the point of beginning.
Saving and excepting and excludin~ from said district all public
streets, avenues and alleys, !shes, courts and piaces included and cont~ined.
All lots or parc!es of land belonging_ to the County of S~:n ~ateo
of the South $~n Francisco School DiStrict o
~-~nc bein~ in use in the ?erfo
of any public f~ction, which ~ots or ~ar~s of l~nd are inc~ude~ in the d~dtr~ct
hereinbefore described, shall be~ omitted from any assessment hereafter to be
made to cover the costs and ~ ,, ~
exp~n~.e., of the work or imI.~rovement herein mrovided
for. ·
The work of constructing the electroliers herein provided for shall
be done in accordance with the terms and conditions set fort]k in that certa~in
patent licensee agreement, dated the 8th day of August, 19Z1, and now on file
in the office of the City Clerk of said Cit~ of South S[~n Francisco, ~j. 2. Letters
Patent for such electroliers being held or controlled by Westir~ghouse Electric
& Manufacturin? Co., and the contractor to whom said contract may be awarded, will
be required to ?fcc'ute such electroliers fror~ said Westinghouse Electric & ~isnu-
facturing Co., as provided in said patent licensee agreement.
Reference is ale hereby made to the ~'atent license~ ¢~gree~:~ent on .
rise with said City Clerk for the use of Kwick ~1o paint, as prescribed in said
specifica, tions.
t~otice is hereby given that serial bonds to relresent unl,aid assess-
ments and bear interest at the rate of ~'~even (7~ per cent per a~nUm will be is~ed
hereunder in the manner s!~ecified in the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915" and the
~amendments~ thereto, the last insta%lment of which bond~ shall mature nine (9)
years fz'om the Snd day of July, next succeeding ten (10) months from their date.
"The Enter?rise and The South S~:n Francisco Journal", a newspaper
of general circulation, printed and published i~ said City of ~outh S~,n Francisco,
is hereby designated as the newsps~,er in which this resolution of intention shall
be published, and the City Clerk i~ hereby directed to cause this res?lution
of intention to be published by tv.o (2) insertions in the manner and form required
by law.
¢ The Superintez~dent of 2treets shall cause to be conspicuously posted
along the line of s~.,id contemplated v.,ork or improvement, at not more than Three
Hundred (~00) feet in distance aiart, and along all the open streets within said
district and in front of ~11 the prot. erty liable to be assessed and not more than
three hundred (~00~ feet in. distance ~,.part, but not less than three (~) in all in
each street in said district, notices of the l',assa~e of this resolution of intent-
ion, in the manner and dorm required by the "Ir:provement Act of 1911", an8 the
amer. d.~ents thereto.
Notice is i~ereby ~?iven that on Tuesday, the 8th day of September, 19ZI,
at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m. in the Chamber of the City Council of the
City of South San Francisco, any and all p~rsons having any objections to the
proposed work and im?rovement may apieur before said City Council and show cause
why said proposed im~,rovdr:,ent shoul¢ not be carried out in accordance with this
res olution.
Except as hereinbefore provided, all of the herein proposed work
shall be done in .pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California,
designated as the "ImproveN~ent ~[ct of 1911'Y,, a?proved april 7, 1911, and the
a~endment s thereto.
- 0 - 0 - (.~ - 0 - ',7) - 0 - 0 - 0
i hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced
and adopted by the City Council of the ~ity of Uouth San Francisco, this 10th day
19SI "',- the followir~ vote:
of AufTust, , ,~, .
Ayesi Oo~cil~en V. Boido, M. iZinuooiani, R. Tibbetts, J~,s,'~ph P. Quin]an
~r~ Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen Reese ~oyd
D~niel McSweeney
City Gerk.