RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that that
certain deed dated the 8th day of May, 1935, wherein South San Francisco Land
and Improvement Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of
Zhe State of California, conveys to said City of South San Francisco an easement
for a right of way for a drainage canal in ~he land hereinafter described be,
and the same hereb;¢~ is accepted.
The land hereinbefore referred to consists of all thosecertain ~rcela
or tracts of land situated in the City of South San Francisco, County of San
Mateo, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to-Wit:
A'strip of land 50 feet in width, ~5 feet on
each side of the following described center line:
BEGINNING at a point on the common boundary
line between the property of the California Water
Bervice Company and the Bouth Ban Francisco Land and
Improvement Company, said ~oint bearing North 74o 27'
West 4§0 feet and South l§~ ~' West 8~2.89 feet from
the ~outheasterly corner of Block ?9, as said Block is
shown on the map entitled "Bouth San Francisco, Ban
Marco County, California Plat No. l", recorded in Book
B of Maps at page 8, Official Records of Man Mateo
County, California; thence South ~9o ~9' ~?" East 24~.Z9
feet to a point on the common boundary line between the
lands of the Mouth Man Francisco Land and Improvement
Company and the City of Bouth Man Francisco;
Containing 0.2?9 acres.
A parcel of land situate in the City of South
San Francisco, described as follows:'
A strip of land l0 feet in width, being ~ feet
on each side of the following described cneter line:
BEGINNING at a point on the Southwesterly line
of Commercial Avenue where it is intersected by the center
line of Eucalyptus Avenue, said Avenues being as shown on
that certain map filed for record in Book "B" of Maps at
page 6, ~an Mateo County Records and entitled,"South ~an
~rancisco, San Mateo County, California Plat Nc.l" ;thence
South l~O ~, West along the Southwesterly production ~
said center line ~00 feet to a point on the Norhteaste~12
boundary line of the City of South San Francisco's Park.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM ~hat portion in the ~outhern
Pacific Company's Baden Branch right of way.
Containing .0.080 acres
A parcel of land situated in the City of Mouth
San Francisco, described as follows:
A strip of land ~0 feet in width, 2~ feet on
each side of the following described c~nter line:
BEGINNING at a point that bears South
West along the Westerly line of Linden Avenue, 870.~2
feet and North ?~ 27' West ~08.90 feet from the South-
easterly corner of Block 122 as said block is shown on
Plat No. ~ Subdivision of Blocks 98,99, ll9 and 12~,
South San Francisco, recorded in Book"D" of Maps at
page 6£, San Mateo County Records; thence from said
point of beginning North ?do 2?' West ?01.10 feet to
the Easterly end of a right of way conveyed to the City
of South San Francisco by Deed recorded in Book 6£0 of
Official Records of San Mateo County at page ~?~.
Containing 0.805 acres.
-0- 0-0--0-0-0-0-
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was re-
gularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South ~an
Francisco, this 10th day of February, 19B$, by the following vote:
Ayes, Councilmen
V. Boido, John F. Mager, M. Minucciani, R. Tibbetts, Reese
Noes, Councilmen None
Absent, Councilmen None
Daniel NcMweeney
City Council