HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 616-1937RESOLUTIOS ~ERING WORK AND CAL~IN~ 'F~H BI~, FOR STORM SEWERS 1~ GRAND AVEN~E AND LINE~N AVENUE. RESOLVED by ~ ~.ity council of the 0ity of South San F~anoisco that public om venience and interest require the foXlowing public improvement work to be done in said city, to-wit: the construction of a storm water sewer in Grand Avenue between Maple Ay nue and Linden Avenue an~ in Linden Avenue between G~a_~_d Avenue and a point eight bund: and three (80~) feet sou~h from Railroad Avenue, at the location shown upon the plans forming 'a part of the p.l~s and specifications hereSnafter mentionede Said city couno hereby adopts the plans and specifications for the cgnstruction of stor~ sewers in Gra Avenue and Linden Avenue in the City of South San Francisco, .Cali.fornia, heretofox~ sU mltted by the city engineer, . All of said work'sha~l be done to official gr~ade and s{rictly in accordance with said plans and speci, fications. Said city council hereby ascertains that the ~eneral p~.evail!ng rates of per diem wages and the gener'.al prevailing rate for lc. gal holiday and overtime work applics to the said work to be done are as follows: CLAS. SI FI CATI ON RATE PER HOUR Asphalt 'Plant Engineer Asphalt Rakers Asph_~_lt Ironers Timberman Bricklayers Bricklayers ' Hodcarriers Carpenters Cement I~Ini she rs Compressor Operators (under 100 cu, ft,) Compressor Operators (over lO0 cu, ft,) Concrete laborers Concrete Mixer Operators House Smiths Laborers Pipe Layers Pneumatic Tool Operators Roller Operator Tx, ack D~iVer (over 20,500 lb.s ca,tYing capactiy) Tx,Ack driver ( over l§,500'lbs, and less than 20,500 lbs. ca-ruing capacity) Truck ~ive~ (.ove~ ~,500 lbs. a~ less th~ 1~,500 lbS. ca,tying capacity) T~ck ~ive~ (ove~ 4,500 lbs. ~d less th~ . lbs. carting capacity) T~ ~ve~ (ove~ 2,500 lbs. ~d less t~ 4,500 lbs. carr~ capacity) 'T~ck ~iver (leSs t~ 2,500 lbs. capacity) Watc~em ~d Flsem $1.50 1.10 1.~ 1.10 1.10 1.125 1.125 1.00 .85 1o2~ 0 1,10 1.0~ 1.00 0.92 O.V9 The rate fo~ any employee not listed in the above schedule shall not be: less t~- $1.10 per hour for skilled labor, $0e85 for intermediate iabo~ and $0.V5 for un- skilled, Overtime work will be double the abo~rates. Sunday and Holidays (except w men and flagmen)'double the above rates, ! The following are to be ~n~ide~d holidays: Yew Yea~ s Day, Decoration Day, Indepen~ Day, Labor Day, Admission Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Saturdays and Sundays The city clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice inviting sealed pr~posal~ for doi~n~g)said work and the furnishing the materials necessary therefor to b · publisl by two insertions thereof, nOt less than five (5) days apart in The Enterprise The South Sam F~ancisco Journal", a newspaper of general circulation published and circulated in the City of South following form: All of said work'sha~l be done to official gr~ade and s~rictly in accordance with said plans and speci, fications. Said city council hereby ascertains that the ~eneral p~.evaiX~ng rates of po2 diem wages and the gener.~l prevailing rate for l~.gal holiday and overtime work appl~ to the said work to be done are as follows: CLASSIFICATION RATE PER HOUR Asphalt 'Plant Engineer Asp_bait Rakers Asphalt Ironers Timberman Bricklayers Bricklayers ' Hodcarriers Carpenters Cement Finishers Compressor Operators (under 100 cu. ft.) Compressor Operators (over 100 cu. ft.) Concrete laborers Concrete Mixer Operators House Smiths Laborers Pipe Layers P~eumatic Tool Operators ~ Roller Operator Truck D~iVer (over 20.500 lb.s ca~rying capactiy) Truck driver ( over l~,§00'lbs, andiless than 20,500 lbs. carrying capacity) Truck D~iver (.over 6,500 lbs. and less than 15,500 lbs. carx~ying eapacity) Truck D~iver (over 4,500 lbs. and less than 6,500 lbs. carrying capacity) Truck D~iver (over 2,500 lbs. and less tha~ 4,500 lbs. carrying capacity) 'Truck D~iver (less than 2,500 lbs. carrying capacity) Watclzne~ and Flagmem $1.50, 1.10 1.~ 1.10 1.50 1.10 1.125 1.125 1.00 1.25 1.25 0o.?~ leXg~ lel0 1.1~ 1.0~ 0 .g3 0.79 .55 The rate for any employee not listed in the above schedule shall not be.: less than $1.10 per hour for skilled labor, $0.8~ for intermediate iabo~ and $0.V5 for u~- skilled° Overtime work will be double the abo~rates. Sunday and Holidays (except w men and flagmen)'double the above rates. The following are to be e~neide~ed holidays= New Year's Day, Decoration Day, Independ DaY, Labor Day, Admission Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Saturdays and Sundays The city clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice inviting sealed proposals for doing said work and the furnishing the materials necessary therefor to b · publish. by two (2) insertions thereof, not less th_,~ five (5) days apart in #The Enterprise The South Sa~ F~ancisco Journal", a newspaper of general circulation published circulated in the City of South Sam F~ancisco, whieh notice shall be substantially in following form: NOTION INVITING SEALED PROPOSAL8 OR BID8 FOR THE OONSTRUOTION OF STORM WATER SEWERS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT sealed proposals or bids will be ~ecoived by the City Council of the city of South San Francisco on Tuesday, the ?th d~y of September, 1937, until t. he hour of 8.-00 o'clock p. m. for doing the following public work im sai~ city, ti-wit. The construction of a storm water sewer in Grand Avenue between Maple Avenue and Linden Avenue and in Linden Avenue between Gran~ Avenue a-d a point eight hudred and three (803~ feet south from Railx~ad Avenue, at the location show~ upon the plans forming a part of the plans anal =~p®oifications hereinafter mentioned. All saidwork shall De done ~ officialg~ade at the places sh~aupon the plans and specifications for said work adopted by the City CoUncil on the 1Vth day of August, 1537, and strictly in accordance with said plans and specifieations. Said City Council has ascertain that the general prevailing rates of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and over$ime work applicable to the work to be done, are as follows: CLASSIFICATIO~ RATE PER HOUR Asphalt Plant Engineer' Asphalt Rakers Asphalt Ironers Timbexmmn Bricklayers Briqklayers hodcarriers $1.50 1.10 1.10 1.10 1,50 1.10 CLASSIFICATION RATE PER HOUR Carpentexm Cement Finishers Compressor Operators (under 100 cu. ft) Cc~pressor Operators (over 100 cu. ft) Concrete laborers · 0oncrete Mixer Operators House S~it~' ' Laborers Pipe LaTers ~a~umatie Tool Operators Roller Operator Truck Dx~vera-(over 20,500 lbs. carrying capacity) T~ack d~iver (ever 15,500 lbs. and less than 20,500 lbs.-oam-ying capacity) 1.07 TFuck d~iver (over 6,500 lbso and less than 15,500 · lbs. carrying capacity) 1.00 Truck drive~: (over 4,500 lbs. and less tb~ 6,500 lbs. cax~jing capacity) ' 0.9~ T~ck driver (ever 2,500 lbs. and less than 4,500 lbs. carx-ying capacity) 0086 T~uck driver (less than 2,500 lbs. carrying capacity) Watc~nen and Flagmen °55 10125 10125 leO0 lo25 · ,1'125 .?5 lo10 1.15 The ~ate for any employee not iil~stod in the above than$1.10per hou~for skilled labor, $0.85 for intermediate skilled. schedule shall not be less labor&nd $0.V5 for un- 0vex~ime work will be double the above rates. watchmen and flagmen) double the above~rates. Sundays and Eolidays (except The following are to be considered holidays: dew Year's Day, Decoration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Admission Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christies Day, Saturdays and Sundays. It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and up~ any sub-contractor under him, to pa~ not less than the said specified rates to all laborers, workmen and mechanics empliyed by them in the execution of the contract. The contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the city of South San F~ancisco Ten Dollars $10.00 for each laborer, workman or mechanic employed, for each calendar day, or por- tion thereof, such laborer, wor~-- or mechanic is paid less than the said stipulated rates for any work done under said contract, by him, or by any sub-contractor under him. And such contract shall contain a stipulation te this effect, in accor~tance with the previsions of Chapter ~9V of the Statutes of California, 19~1. ~o bid will be accepted frem a contractor who has not been licensed *~cox~d- anco with the previsions of an act of tho Legislatu~e'of the State of California, en- titled:"An act providing for the ~egistratien of cent~actors,'and defining the ter~ con- tractor; providing tho-method of obtaining licenses to engage-in the business of con- tracting, and fixin~_~the fees for such licenses; providing the method of suspension and cancellation of such' licenses; and prescribing the punishment for v~lation of the pre- visions of this act." Chapter Vgl of Statutes and Amendments of 1929, as amended. NOTICE IS ~YRTHER HEREBY GIVE~ that no person, finn, partnership, association, or corporation, or agent thereof, doing any of the work herein provided for, as a con- tractor, or subcontractor, shall knowingly employ, or cause or allow to be employed there- on, any alien, except in cases of extraox~iinar7 emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property. The contractor, to whom a contract for ~aid work may_be aw~x~led,'shall forfeit . as a penalty te said City of South' San FTancis~ Ten Dollars ($10.00~ for each alien know- ingly employed in the execution of such contract by him, or by any sub-contx~ctor under him, for each calendar day, or portion thereof, ~uringvhiahsuch alien is permitted or required to labor in violation of an act of the ~egislature of the State of California, entitled:#An act toprohi~ the employment of aliens by contractors-and subcontractors on all public work, except in certain cases of extraordinary emergency, providing for the reporting of such oases of extraordinary emergency and the keeping of records of the citizenship of workers employed upon public Work and tho inspection of such records by the px~rper officials, providingfer a forfeitur~ for-each calendar day or per, ion thereof, any alien is knowingly permitted to work on public work and for a stipulation to this effect in the contract, and providing other penalties for violation of the provisions there- of,u approved May 25, 1931, Statutes of 1931, page 913, The contnnct must be entered into in compliance with and subject to the con- ditions ~mposed' by Section 6 5~c of the Penal Code of the State of California. Suhh con- t~aot sh~ll contain a stipulation which shall provide that the contractor to whom said · ont~act ia awarded shall forfeitas a penalty to said City of South S~ I~ancisco Ten 1Mml~s [~10.00) fo~ each ltbo~e~, wo~knum, or mechanic enmloved.in the execution of TzeAck driver (ever 2,500 lbs. and less than 4,500 lbs, carr,ying capacity) 0,86 T~uck driver (less than 2,500 lbs, carrying capacity) Watchmen and Flagmen The rate for any employee not ..:lXsted in the above schedule shall not be less than $1'10 per hou~ for skilled labor, $0.$6 for intermediate labor and $0.76 for un- skilled. Overtime work will be double the above rates. watchmen and flagmen) double the above .. .rates . Sundays and Holidays (except The following are to be considered holidays= -New Year's Day, 'Decoration Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Admission Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmes Day, Saturdays and Sundays. It shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded, and up_~ any sub-contractor under him, to pay not less than the said specified rates te all laborers, workmen and mechanics empliyed by the~ in the execution of the contracts The contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the city of South San l~ancisCo Ten Dollars $10e00 for each laborer, workman or mechanic employed, for each calendar day, or por- tion thereof, such laborer, workman or mechanic is paid less than the said stipulated rates for any work demo under said contract, by him, or by any sub-contractor under him. And such contract shell contain a stipulation to this effect, in accor~lance with the previsions of Chapter 39? of the Statutes of California, No bid will be accepted fr~n a contractor who has not been licensed i~-i~ccor~- ance with the previsions of an act of tho Legislature 'of the State of California, en- titled:WAn act providing for the ~egistration of contractors,-and defining the term con- tractor; providing the-method of obtaining licenses to engage-in the business of con- tracting, and fixir~, the fees.for such licenses; providing tho method of suspension and cancellation of such l~censes, and prescribing the punishment 'for v~lation of the pro- visions of this act." Chapter Vgl of Statutes and Amendments of 19~9, as amended. NOTICE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVEN that no person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation, or agent thereof, doing any of the work herein provided for, as a con- tractor, or subcontractor, shall knowingly employ, or cause or allow to be employed there- on, any alien, except in cases of extraor~linar7 emergency caused by fire, flood or danger to life or property. The contractor, to whom a contract for s_aid work may_be aw.arded, 'shall for£eit . as a penalty to said City of South' San ~cisce Ten Dollars (~10,00} for each alien know- ingly employed in the execution of such contrast by him, or by any sub-contx~ctor under B~m, for each calenda~ day, or portion thereof, d_uring which such alien is permitted or required to labor in violation of an act of the "egislature of the State of California~ entitled:UAn act to-prohi~ the employment of aliens by contractors .and subcontractors on all public work, except in certain cases of extraordinary emergency, providing for the reporting of such cases of extraordinar,y emergency and the keeping 'of records of the citizenship of workers employed upon public work and the inspection of such records by the proper officials, providing for a forfeiture for each calendar day or portion thereof, any alien is knowingly permitted to work on public work and for a stipulation to this effect in the contract, and providing other penalties for violation of the provisions there- of,u approved May 25, 1931, Statutes of 1931, page 913e The contract must be entered into in compliance with and subject to the con- ditions imposed by Section 653c of the Penal Code of the State of California. Su'eh con- tract shall contain a stipulation which shall provide that the contractor to whom said contract is awarded shall forfeit as a penalty to said City of South Sa~ I~ancisco Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each laborer, workman' or mechanic employed in the execution of said contract, by him, or by e~y sub-contractor under him, upon any of the work herein mentioned, for each calendar day during which such laborer, workman, or mechanic is required or permitted to labor more than eight (8))~ou~s in violation of the p~ovisions of Section 683c of the Penal Code of the State of Californiae The contract to be awarded shall contain a f'a~ther stipulation that the con- tractor, to whom such contrast may be ~warded, shall use or supply only such umaam~act- ured a~ticles, materials, and supplies as may have been mined or produced in the United States and only such manufactured articles, materials, and supplies as have been ~wufaetured in the United States, substantially from all articles, materials or supplies mined, produced, or so manufactured, as the case may be, in United States, excepting only where such articles, materials, or supplies of the class or kind to be used, or the a~ticles, materials or s~mpplies from which they are manufactured a~e not mined, produced r manufactured, as the case may be in United Stateu, as required by an act of the gislatu~e of the State of California entitled:eAn act to require the use of materials and supplies substantially produced in the United States, in Irublic works and for public purposes"; Chapter 226 of the Statutes of California, 1933e The successful-bidder shall, within ten (10) days, after tB~ award, enter into a contract with the City-of South San F~anciseo for the faithful performance of th~ work to be done under said award. Ail sealed proposals or bids shall be accompanied by a check payable to the City of South San Fran.cis.co, certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten (10J per cent of the aggregate of the)proposa~ or by a bond for the said amount and se payable, signed by the bidder and two (2 suretie who shall Justify before any officer comment to administer an oath in double said amount over and aboveall statutox-y exelp~as. If the proposal be accepted and the contract awarded and if the bidder shall fail and neglect to execute a contract and give~ the bonds required, the sum mentioned in said check, or the principal sum of said bond, as the case may be, shall be liquidated damages for such failure and neglect _~__~d shall be forfeited to and paid into the treasury of the City of South San F~ancisco. The bidder to whom the contract is awarded will be required to execute a bond for the faithful performance of his work in an amount equal to fifty (50) per cent of the amount of the undertaking with at least two (2) responsible sureties in the full amount of the bond each; and will also be required before entering upon the work to furnish a good and sufficient bond, as required bp an act of the Legislature of the State of California, approved May 10, 1919, entitled: "An act to secume the payment of the claims of persons employed by contractors upon public works and the claims of persons .who furnish m_~terials, supplies, te~ns, im- plements or machinery used or consumed by such contractor in the performance of such work and prescribing the duties of certain public officers with respect thereto", Chapter ~0~ of the Statutes of California, 1919. Plans, specifications and proposal sheets may be obtained at the office of George A. Kneese, City Engineer of said City of South San Francisco, at ~o. 2382 Broadwa7 Redwood City, Califormiae Sealed proposals or bids will be delivered to the City Clerk on or before $:00 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, the Vth day of September, Ail sealed proposals will be opened by said City'Council in public session on Tuesday, the Vth day of September, ~93V, at 8:00 o'clock p.:m' at the council chamber of said 0ity Council. Said City Council reserves the right to ~eJect any and all bidse By order of the City Council of the City ~f South San Franciscoe Dated August iV, 193V. Daniel McSweeney City Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing resoluti~nwas regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, this 1Vth day of August, 193V, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen A.J. Eschelbach, J. F. Mager, ~oes, Councilmen ~ Absent, Councilmen ~e'Minucciani, V. Boido Do ~. Ratto .Atte~t=' Daniel McSweeney, City Clerke (Seal)