RESOLVED by the city council of the City of South San Francisco that said
city purchase of Knox-Hale Machinery Co. one Austin-Western Patrol Sweeper, including
one extra gutter broom segment and one extra filled core, for the sum of Three Thousa
Nine Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($3,950.00), f. o. b. South San Francisco, California
The contract for the purchase of said sweeper shall provide that said city shall pay
said Knox-Hale Machinery Co. the sum of Five Hundred DollArs ($500.00) upon the deliv
of said sweeper to said city and that the balance of said purchase price, less a dis-
count of two (2) per cent upon such ~lance, shall be paid on or before the 30th day o
January, 1939.
The Mayor and the City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and direct
in the name of said city and under its seal, to execute an agreement with said Xnox-
Hale ~achinery Co., in accordance with the terms of this resolution, for the purchase
said sweeper.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced ar
adopted by the city council of the city of South San Francisco this 2nd day of Novemb
1938, by the following vote: ..
~yes, Councilmen
Noes, Councilmen
V. Boido, ~. J. Eschelbach D. W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts
Absent, Councilmen M. Minucciani
~. J. Eschelbach
~ayor City of South San Fran-
Daniel McSweeney
City Clerk