HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso RDA 24-2000I I I
(As approved by the Redevelopment Agency on November 21, 2000)
A. Planning Division requirements shall be as follow:
1. The project shall be constructed substantially as indicated on the attached plans dated 8/4/00,
prepared by Korth Sunseri Hagey Architects, except as otherwise modified by the following
2. The applicant shall comply with all applicable mitigation measures identified in Bay West Cove
Final Supplemental EIR.
3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a phasing plan for review and
approval by the City. At a minimum, first phase improvements shall provide for installation and
maintenance of perimeter landscaping adjacent to Oyster Point and Veterans Boulevards.
4. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of compliance with FAA
requirements regarding construction within the FAR Part 77 conical zone.
5. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide appropriate evidence to ensure that
office and retail spaces are designed so that the calculated hourly average noise levels during the
daytime does not exceed and Leq of 45dBA, and instantaneous maximum noise levels do not exceed
60 dBA.
6. The applicant shall cooperate with the City in the development/implementation of a regional shuttle
service if such is considered by the City.
7. The applicant shall provide public art with a value of $200,000 minimum, together with an
implementation plan, for review and approval of the Economic and Community Development
8. The applicant shall implement the Transportation Systems Management Plan prepared by The Hoyt
Company, as outlined in the Bay West Cove SEIR.
a. Prior to occupancy of any structure the applicant shall implement the following: 1) Install striping and signage for preferential parking for car/van pools and flextime parking.
2) Install electric vehicle charging stations (minimum of two in parking structure)
3) Install on-site showers and clothing lockers.
4) Install Class I and II bicycle parking facilities and lockers.
5) Designate a project-wide transportation coordinator (TC).
6) Install an information kiosk containing transportation information including shuttles,
RIDES, SamTrans, Caltrain, BART Downtown Dasher, and bicycle routes.
b. In addition, at point of occupancy of each building, the applicant will implement the following: 1) Financial incentives for car/van pools.
2) Paid parking program no less than $20 per structured space per month.
3) Transit pass subsidy of $25 per month (to a maximum of 10% of employees) to be offered
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to tenant employees.
4) Shuttle service to circulate between the South San Francisco BART station and the project
at either 15 or 30 minute frequencies. The project will also operate 30-minute frequency
shuttle service between the South San Francisco Caltrain station and the project in the a.m.
and p.m. peak.
5) Participation in an on-call and midday Downtown Dasher (lunch-time) service.
6) Flextime program.
7) Telecommuting program.
8) Guaranteed ride home (GRH) program.
9) Personalized rideshare matching for bicyclist, car/van pools
10) New tenant employee information packets.
11) Provide exercise/par course facilities.
9. No signs are included in the project approval.
10. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted for staff review and approval prior to
submittal for a building permit.
11. The applicant shall comply with all Standard Conditions of Approval.
(Planning Division contact: Susy Kalkin (650) 877-8535)
B. Engineering Division requirements shall be as follow:
1. The developer shall comply with all applicable conditions of the Engineering Division's "Standard
Conditions for Commercial and Industrial Developments", as contained in our "Standard Conditions
for Subdivisions and Private Developments" booklet, dated January 1998. This booklet is available
from the Engineering Division at no charge to the applicant.
2. As required by City Ordinance and the "Standard Conditions", storm water pollution control devices
and filters (such as "Stormcepter" or CDS units, or approved equal) shall be installed within the site
drainage system to prevent pollutants deposited within the site from entering the San Francisco Bay.
Plans for these filters shall be submitted to the Engineering and Water Quality Control Divisions
for review and approval.
3. The applicant shall submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for this site, prior to
receiving a grading or building permit for the project.
4. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Bay West Cove Specific Plan, the property
D.C.C. & R's and any development and improvement agreements or arrangements, between the
City and the applicant, that may affect the development of the subject project. In particular, the
applicant shall pay the Oyster Point Overpass Fee for the developments constructed within this
parcel, less monies previously paid by AutoNation for Parcel 1 of the Bay West Cove site, prior to
receiving a building permit for each building. (Condition revised by Redevelopment Agency
November 21, 2000)
5. Prior to receiving a building permit for the first building within the development, the applicant shall
pay their fair share of all off-site mitigation measures adopted by the approved project EIR, including
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fair share payments toward up-grading Pump Station No. 4 on Harbor Way and reimbursing the City
for a portion of the Harbor Way trunk sewer replacement project. Also, as appropriate, mitigation
improvements within the site, such as the expansion and improvement of the existing Bay West
Cove sanitary sewer pump station, shall be designed by the applicant's consultants, shown on the
applicant's building permit plans and constructed by the applicant, at no cost to the City.
6. The applicant's plans show that the proposed new parking garage will be constructed on top of an
existing drainage easement and box culvert storm drain. At no cost to the City, the applicant shall
design and construct a new storm drain of sufficient capacity to accommodate the existing and future
storm water runoff within the drainage basin served by the culvert to be routed around the new
parking garage structure. The applicant shall dedicate to the City of South San Francisco a new 15'
wide storm drainage easement to accommodate this new storm drain. All plans and supporting
documents for the re-routing of the storm drain shall be prepared by the applicant's consultants,
submitted to the City Engineer for approval and constructed by the applicant in accordance with the
approved plans and specifications, at no cost to the City.
7. The applicant shall retain a traffic engineering consultant to review the existing design of Veterans
Boulevard and to prepare a report making recommendations regarding the adequacy of the street to
accommodate the proposed traffic into and out of the subject development. The report shall be
submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. If the road requires widening or re-
channelizing, the applicant shall provide the additional right-of-way (if necessary) to accommodate
the modifications and shall include any roadway improvement work in the scope of the project.
(Engineering Division contact: Richard Harmon (650) 829-6652)
C. Police Department requirements shall be as follow:
1. Municipal Code Compliance
The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 15.48 of the Municipal Code, "Minimum
Building Security Standards" Ordinance revised May 1995. The Police Department reserves the
right to make additional security and safety conditions, if necessary, upon receipt of detailed/revised
building plans.
2. Landscaping
Landscaping shall be of the type and situated in locations to maximize observation while providing
the desired degree of aesthetics. Security planting materials are encouraged along fence and
property lines and under vulnerable windows.
3. Building Security
a. Doors
1) The jamb on all aluminum frame swinging doors shall be so constructed or protected to
withstand 1600 lbs. of pressure in both a vertical distance of three (3) inches and a
horizontal distance of one (1) inch each side of the strike.
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2) Glass doors shall be secured with a deadbolt lockt with minimum throw of one (1) inch.
The outside ring should be free moving and case hardened.
3) Employee/pedestrian doors shall be of solid core wood or hollow sheet metal with a
minimum thickness of 1-3/4 inches and shall be secured by a deadbolt lock~ with minimum
throw of one (1) inch. Locking hardware shall be installed so that both deadbolt and
deadlocking latch can be retracted by a single action of the inside knob, handle, or
4) Overhead roll-up doors shall be so secured on the inside that the lock cannot be defeated
from the outside and shall also be secured with a cylinder lock or padlock from the inside.
5) Outside hinges on all exterior doors shall be provided with non-removable pins when pin-
type hinges are used or shall be provided with hinge studs, to prevent removal of the door.
6) Doors with glass panels and doors with glass panels adjacent to the doorframe shall be
secured with burglary-resistant glazing2 or the equivalent, if double-cylinder deadbolt locks
are not installed.
7) Doors with panic bars will have vertical rod panic hardware with top and bottom latch
bolts. No secondary locks should be installed on panic-equipped doors, and no exterior
surface-mounted hardware should be used. A 2" wide and 6" long steel astragal shall be
installed on the door exterior to protect the latch. No surface-mounted exterior hardware
need be used on panic-equipped doors.
8) All entrance and exit doors for individual tenant spaces shall have a deadbolt lock.
9) On pairs of doors, the active leaf shall be secured with the type of lock required for single
doors in this section. The inactive leaf shall be equipped with automatic flush extension
bolts protected by hardened material with a minimum throw of three-fourths inch at head
and foot and shall have no door knob or surface-mounted hardware. Multiple point locks,
cylinder activated from the active leaf and satisfying the requirements, may be used instead
of flush bolts.
10) Any single or pair of doors requiring locking at the bottom or top rail shall have locks with
a minimum of one throw bolt at both the top and bottom rails.
b. Windows
1 The locks shall be so constructed that both the deadbolt and deadlocking latch can be retracted by a single action of the inside
door knob/lever/turnpiece.
A double-cylinder deadbolt lock or a single-cylinder deadbolt lock without a tumpiece may be used in "Group B" occupancies
as detined by the Unitbrm Building Code. When used, there must be a readily visible durable sign on or adjacent to the door
stating "This door to remain unlocked during business hours", employing letters not less than one inch high on a contrasting
background. The locking device must be of type that will be readily distinguishable as locked, and its use may be revoked by the
Building' Official for due cause.
25/16" security laminate, 1/4" polycarbonate, or approved security film treatment, minimum.
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1) Louvered windows shall not be used as they pose a significant security problem.
2) Accessible rear and side windows not viewable from the street shall consist of rated
burglary resistant glazing or its equivalent. Such windows that are capable of being opened
shall be secured on the inside with a locking device capable of withstanding a force of two
hundred- (200) lbs. applied in any direction.
3) Secondary locking devices are recommended on all accessible windows that open.
c. Roof Openings
1) All glass skylights on the roof of any building shall be provided with:
a) Rated burglary-resistant glass or glass-like acrylic material,2
b) Iron bars of at least 1/2" round or one by one-fourth inch flat steel material spaced no
more than five inches apart under the skylight and securely fastened,
c) A steel grill of at least 1/8" material or two inch mesh under skylight and securely
2) All hatchway openings on the roof of any building shall be secured as follows:
a) If the hatchway is of wooden material, it shall be covered on the outside with at least
16 gauge sheet steel or its equivalent attached with screws.
b) The hatchway shall be secured from the inside with a slide bar or slide bolts. The use
of crossbar or padlock must be approved by the Fire Marshal.
c) Outside hinges on all hatchway openings shall be provided with non-removable pins
when using pin-type hinges.
3) All air duct or air vent openings exceeding 8" x 12" on the roof or exterior walls of any
building shall be secured by covering the same with either of the following:
a) Iron bars of at least 1/2" round or one by one-fourth inch flat steel material, spaced no
more than five inches apart and securely fastened.
b) A steel grill of at least 1/8" material or two inch mesh and securely fastened and
c) If the barrier is on the outside, it shall be secured with galvanized rounded head flush
bolts of at least 3/8" diameter on the outside.
d. Lighting
1) Parking lots, (including parking lots with carports) driveways, circulation areas, aisles,
passageways, recesses, and grounds contiguous to buildings shall be provided with high
intensity discharge lighting with sufficient wattage to provide adequate illumination to
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make clearly visible the presence of any person on or about the premises during the hours
of business darkness and provide a safe, secure environment for all persons, property, and
vehicles on site. Such lighting shall be equipped with vandal-resistant covers. A lighting
level of .50 to 1 foot-candles minimum, maintained at ground level is required.
2) All exterior doors shall be provided with their own light source and shall be adequately
illuminated at all hours to make clearly visible the presence of any person on or about the
premises and provide adequate illumination for persons exiting the building.
3) The premises, while closed for business after dark, must be sufficiently lighted by use of
interior night-lights.
4) Exterior door, perimeter, parking area, and canopy lights shall be controlled by photocell
and shall be left on during hours of darkness or diminished lighting.
5) Parking lot lights shall remain on anytime there are employees in the building.
6) The parking garages for both applicants shall have a lighting level of, 5 foot-candles for
parking areas. A level of 10 foot-candles for driveways and stairways is required in these
7) Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a lighting plan to be
reviewed and approved by the Police Department. Lighting plans shall include
photometric and distribution data attesting to the required illumination level.
e. Numbering of Buildings
1) The address number of every commercial building shall be illuminated during the hours of
darkness so that it shall be easily visible from the street. The numerals in these numbers
shall be no less than four to six inches in height and of a color contrasting with the
2) In addition, any business which affords vehicular access to the rear through any driveway,
alleyway, or parking lot shall also display the same numbers on the rear of the building.
3) Posted at the main entrance to the building/complex shall be a sign (directory) showing the
addresses and businesses within the complex. Said sign shall be illuminated during the
hours of darkness and shall be protected by use of vandal-resistant covers or materials.
4) Each different unit within the building shall have its particular address prominently
displayed on its front and rear doors. (Rear door numbers only need to be one inch in
f. Alarms
1) The business shall be equipped with at least a central station silent intrusion alarm system.
2) All individual businesses within the complex will be/may be required to have an alarm
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system before occupancy. The type of alarm is dependent upon the nature of the individual
business. Tenants should be advised to make contact with Crime Prevention Bureau well
in advance of requested business occupancy for further details.
NOTE: To avoid delays in occupancy, alarm installation steps should be taken well in
advance of the final inspection.
g. Traffic, Parking, and Site Plan
1) All entrances to the parking area shall be posted with appropriate signs per 22658(a) CVC,
to assist in removing vehicles at the property owner's/manager's request.
2) Handicapped parking spaces shall be clearly marked and properly sign posted.
3) The parking and circulation for these projects appears to be adequate.
NOTE: For additional details, contact the Traffic Bureau at 829-3934.
h. Misc. Security Measures
1) Commercial establishments having one hundred dollars or more in cash on the premises
after closing hours shall lock such money in an approved type money safe with a minimum
rating of TL-15. This condition applies to the proposed restaurant pad.
2) Multiple tenant office and commercial buildings shall have floor to floor demising walls or
security barriers separating individual tenant areas to prevent entry of adjacent spaces over
the top of the divider.
3) Business machines visible from the exterior of the building should be equipped with desk
pad type locking devices.
4) All highly portable, easily resaleable property should be inventoried and marked with a
distinctive identification number. A commercial I.D. number can be assigned by calling
the Crime Prevention Unit at 877-8926.
5) The perimeter of the site shall be fenced during construction, and security lighting and
patrols shall be employed as necessary.
6) The fence surrounding the storage yard should be topped with triple-strand barbed wire or
razor ribbon.
(Police Department contact person: Sgt. Mike Massoni, 877-8927)
D. Fire Prevention/Building Division requirements shall be as follow:
1. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with all applicable codes and
regulations in effect at the time of plan submittal and building permit issuance.
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2. A separate building permit application shall be submitted for each independent structure proposed on
-- the site. Applications shall be accompanied by five (5) complete sets of construction drawings to
a. Architectural plans
b. Structural plans
c. Electrical plans
d. Plumbing plans
e. Mechanical plans
f. Fire sprinkler plans
g. Landscape/irrigation plans
h. Site/civil plans
i. Structural Calculations
j. Truss Calculations
k. Soils reports
1. Title-24 energy documentation
3. The occupancy classification, construction type and square footage of each building shall be specified
on the plans in addition to justification calculations for the allowable area of each building.
4. A portion of the subject property appears to be located in an A1 flood zone which is identified as an
area of special flood hazard. South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 15.56.030 states:
"no new construction, or substantial improvements of a structure which would require a
building permit, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Uniform Building Code as adopted and
modified in Chapter 15.08 of this code, shall take place in an area of special flood hazard without
full compliance with the terms of this chapter and other applicable flood control requirements".
Prior to submittal of plans to the Building Division for plan review, the applicant shall determine
where the actual flood fringe boundary lines occur on the property. The lines shall be incorporated
onto a site/topographical plan which shall be included as part of the required plan information
noted above.
5. Building pads must be elevated to a point at least one foot above 100-year flood levels.
6. With regard to any grading or site remediation, soils export, import and placement; provide a detailed
soils report prepared by a qualified engineer to address these procedures. In particular the report
should address the import and placement and compaction of soils at future building pad locations and
should be based on an assumed foundation design. This information should be provided to Building
and Engineering Division for review and comments prior to any such activities taking place.
A grading permit may be required for the above mentioned work.
7. Prior to building permit issuance for the construction of each building, geotechnical and civil pad
' certifications are to be submitted.
8. Fire sprinklers will be required throughout all buildings. Separate application by a C-16 contractor is
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9. Dimensions are not provided for distance to property lines at Building 103 two sides of the building.
This distance may affect allowable square footage. Please verify that design meets minimum building
code requirements with respect to allowable area.
10. Water for landscape irrigation should be separately metered.
11. If fencing exceeds 6' in height, a building permit is required.
12. If applicable, wooden retaining walls are not approved for use in SSF. Retaining wall must be
concrete or masonry, crib wall, "Keystone", or an equivalent system.
13. All site signage as well as wall signs require a separate permit and application (excluding address
14. After approval of the PUD, and prior to application for building permits, applicant shall submit a
request for addressing along with 10 copies of the site plan to the Fire Prevention/Building Division.
Each building will then be assigned an individual address by the Fire Prevention/Building Division.
Subsequently, applicant, and other appropriate departments will receive copies of the addressing plan.
15. The tentative addresses for these buildings are as follows:
Building # 101: 125 Oyster Point Blvd..
Building # 102: 165 Oyster Point Blvd.
Building # 103: 175 Oyster Point Blvd.
Parking Structure: 105 Oyster Point Blvd.
16. Monument sign(s) located at the driveway entrance(s) shall have address numbers posted prominently
on the monument sign.
17. Each building shall have address numbers posted in a conspicuous place. Numbers should be
minimum 10" in height and either internally or externally illuminated.
18. Unless the design meets the criteria for an open parking garage, mechanical ventilation will be
required capable of exhausting a minimum of 1.5 cubic feet per minute per square foot of gross
floor area. Automatic carbon monoxide-sensing devices may be employed to modulate the
ventilation system. Connecting offices waiting rooms, restrooms, and retail areas shall be supplied
with conditioned air under positive pressure.
19. In the parking structure, in areas where motor vehicles are stored, floor surfaces shall be of
noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. Floors shall drain to an approved oil separator or trap
discharging to sewers in accordance with the Plumbing Code and South San Francisco Municipal
20. The site development of such items as common sidewalks, parking areas, stairs, ramps, common
facilities, etc. are subject to compliance with the accessibility standards contained in Title-24,
California Code of Regulations. The civil, grading and landscape plans shall address these.
requirements to the extent possible.
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21. The proposed facility shall be designed to provide access to the physically disabled in accordance
...... with the requirements of Title-24, California Code of Regulations; i.e., accessible parking stalls,
path of travel, primary entrance, interior travel path and restrooms.
a. Path of travel from public transportation point of arrival
b. Routes of travel between buildings
c. Accessible parking
d. Ramps
e. Primary entrances
f. Sanitary facilities (restrooms)
g. Drinking fountains & Public telephones (when provided)
h. Accessible features per specific occupancy requirements
i. Accessible special features, ie., ATM's point of sale machines, etc.
22. Pedestrian access provisions should provide a minimum 48" wide unobstructed paved surface to and
along all accessible routes. Items such as signs, meter pedestals, light standards, trash receptacles, etc.,
shall not encroach on this 4' minimum width. Also, note that sidewalk slopes and side slopes shall not
exceed published minimums per California Title 24, Part 2.
23. Minimum elevator car size (interior dimension) is 68" wide and 51" deep, with a clear door width of
36". Also, at least one elevator car per tower shall accommodate a stretcher, 80" wide and 54" deep
with a 42" wide door opening.
24. School fees will be required for the project. School fees for commercial projects are computed at
$0.33 per square foot of interior space. Residential construction is currently computed at $2.03 per
square foot of living area. Calculations are done by the SSFUSD and those fees are paid directly to
them prior to issuance of the building permit.
25. In the service areas, mechanical ventilation will be required capable of exhausting a minimum of 1.5
cubic feet per minute per square foot of gross floor area. Connecting offices, waiting rooms,
restrooms, and retail areas shall be supplied with conditioned air under positive pressure.
26. Maximum travel distance from any point within the office buildings to an exit shall be 250' unless
rated corridors are used. Maximum travel distance from any point within the Parking Structure to an
exit shall be 300' unless rated corridors are used.
27. Handicapped parking spaces must be provided according the following table and must be uniformly
distributed throughout the site.
Total Number of Parking Minimum Required Number of
Spaces H/C Spaces
1 to 25 1
26 to 50 2
51 to 75 3
76 to 100 4
101 to 150 5
151 to 200 6
201 to 300 7
301 to 400 8
401 to 500 9
501 to 1,000 Two percent of total
1,001 and over Twenty, plus one for each 100
or fraction thereof over 1,001
28. At least one handicap parking space must be van accessible; 9 feet wide parking space and 8 feet wide
off- load area. Additionally, one in every eight required handicap spaces must be van accessible.
29. Minimum shower size is either 60" wide by 30" deep or 42" wide by 48" deep.
30. This site may contain particularly caustic and/or corrosive soils. Mitigating design for any in-
ground piping systems or reinforcing elements which may be detrimentally affected will need to be
addressed during design.
31. On site fire hydrants will be required.
32. Fire lanes must be designated; painted and signed.
-- 33. Knox box keyed entry system is required at designated access doors.
(Contact: Thomas Ahrens, Assistant Building Official: (650) 829-6670)
E. Water Quality Control DePartment requirements shall be as follow:
1. In accordance with the Municipal Code and Federal law, new stormwater pollution control devices
stormceptor/CDS units are to be installed in any new drainage inlets and existing drainage inlets are
to be retrofitted with fossil filters within the subject parcel. In addition, the applicant is required to
submit a maintenance schedule for the fossil filters and/or stormceptor/CDS Units. Submit schedule
to the Environmental Coordinator.
2. The site is over 5 Acres and a Stormwater Management Plan is required. Plan shall be completed
and submitted before the Building Permit is issued.
3. The applicant shall pay a Sewer Connection Fee based on the type of tenant occupancy.
4. An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan is required for this site.
5. Additional comments will be provided when building plans are received.
(Contact Ray Honan, Environmental Coordinator: (650) 877-8634)
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