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RESOLUTION NO. 1538. 'said board '0~ supervisors, a~nd' the
A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT~ polling place fox, sldd Voti~ Pre.
COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH cinet D stmtl be in l~cher's Garage,
SAN FRANCISCO CALLING ,A SPE- at 205 Pine'Avenue, in the Cit~ of
CIAL ELECTION TO SUBMIT ~0 'Soutl/Salt Francisco.
~ qUALIFIED ELECTORS OF Voting Precinct E shah include
SAID ~ A PROPOSITION TO RE- all the territOry in South ~ Fran~
DUCE THE WORKING HOURS OF cisco Precinct No. 8, South Sari
RESOLVED by City Council of the
City of South San Francisco that
said City Council hereby calls a spe-
cial election to be held in and
through said City of South San
Francisco on the 15th day. of June,
1950, for the purpose of submitting
to th~ qualified electors of said city
the proposition hereinafter stated.
Said city Council does hereby sub-
mit to the qualified electors of the
City of South San Francisco at said
special election the following propo-
sition or question.
Shall the working hours of fire-
men be reduced from seventy-two
(72) hours per week to sixty (60)
hours per week, with no reduc-
tion of compensation, and the
working hours of policemen be
reduced from forty-eight (48)
hours per week to forty (40)
hours per week, with no reduc-
tion of compensation, and the
working hours of park, street and
miscellaneous emp]o,yees be re-
duced from forty-four (44) hours
per week, to forty (40) hours per
week, with no reduction of com-
pensation ?
Said' election shall be held and
conducted, and the votes thereof
canvassed and the returns thereof
made, and the result thereof as-
certained and determined as herein
provided; and, in all particulars not
herein recited, said election shall be
held as provided by law for holding
general elections in the County of
San Mateo.
No notice of said election other
than by publication o,f this resolu-
tioh need be given.
All persons qualified to vote at
municipal elections in said City of
Sottth San Francisco upon the date
of the election herein provided for
shall be qualified to vote upon the
measures submitted at said election.
The polls-at the polling places
hereinafter designated shall be op-
ened at 7 o'clock a. m. of said day
of election and shall be kept open
continuously thereafter until 7 o'-
clock p. m. of said day of election,
when the polls shall be clo~ed (ex-
cept as provided in Section 5634 of
the Elections Code), and the elec-
tion officers shall thereupon proceed
· to canvass the ballots cast thereat.
For the conduct of said election,
the City of South San Francisco is
hereby divi.ded into eleven (11) con-
solidated election precincts, and the
general state and county election
precincts, into which said city is
divided for general state and coun-
ty election purposes, are hereby
consolidated as hereinafter provided.
The territOry embraced within
Francisco Precinct No. 10, South
San Francisco Precinct No. 16 and
South San Francisco Precinct No.
28, as established by said resolution
of said board of supervisors, and the
polling place for said Voting Pre-
cinct E shall be in the City Hall
Basement. at Grand Avenue, in the
City of South San Francisco.
Voting Precinct F shall include all
the territory in South San Fran-
cisco Precinct No. 12, South San
Francisco Precinct No. 15, South
San Francisco Precinct No. 27, South
San Francisco Precinct No. 38, South
San Francisco Precinct No. 39 and
South San Francisco Precinct No.
40. as established by said resolution
of said board of supervisors~ and the
polling place for said Voting Pre-
cinct F shall be in the Hillside Rec-
reation Building, at Hillside Boule-
yard. in the City of South San Fran-
Voting Precinct G shall include all
the territory in South San Francisco
Precinct No. 18. South San Francisco
Precinct No. 19, South San Fran-
cisco Precinct No. 20, South San
Francisco Precinct No,. 22 and South
San Francisco Precinct No. 30, as
established by said resolution of said
board of supervisors, and the polling
place for said Voting Precinct G
shall be in the Los Cerritos School,
at West Orange Avenue and "C"
street, in the City of S~uth San
Voting Precinct H shall include
all the territory in South San Fran-
cisco Precinct No. 21, as established
l by said resolution of said board of
tsupervisors, and the polling place for
said Voting Precinct H shall be in
the Community Hall at 200 Victory
Avenue, in the City of South San
Voting Precinct I shall include all
the territory in South San Fran-
cisco Precinct No. 24, South San
Francisco Precinct No. 25, South
San Francisco Precinct No. 26, South
San Francisco, Precinct No. 36 and
South San Francisco Precinct No.
37, as established by said resolution
of said board of supervisors, and the
polling place for said Voting Pre-
cinct I shall be in Teleguin's Garage,
at 238 Hazelwood Drive, in the City
of South San Francisco.
V(~ting Precinct- J shall include all
the territory in South San Francisco
Precinct ~qo. 31, Sou~h San Fran~'
cisco Precinct No. 32, South San
Francisco~ Precinct No. 33 and South
San Francisco Precinct No. 34, as
established by said resolution of
said board of supervisors, and the
polling place for said Voting Pre-
cinct J shall be in Torson's Garage,
at 19 Del Paso Drive, in the City
of South San Francisco.
hei'ehy appein .t~d as members of the
elt~ctioh board.. 'f~r Voting Precinct
Inspector: Blanche JohnSOm -
~Clerk: Irene- ~ignarowi~
Clerk: Elsie M. Dotson ',
The fo]lowing named persons ar~
hereby appointed as.members of the
· election board for Voting Precinct B:
Inspector: M. C. Ferron
Clerk: Rena Ringue'
Clerk: Emma G. Maderas
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct C:
Inspector: Josephine Rossetti
Clerk: Harriet H. Blank
Clerk: Helen Aresta
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct D:
Inspector: Louise Bertoldi
Clerk: Marie Ginier
Clerk: Mary Lonati
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct E:
Inspector: Dorothy Gebhardt
Clerk: Frances Rostoni
Clerk: Beatrice Rasmussen
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct F:
Inspector: Antoinette Kozlowski
Clerk: Anna H. Sendner
Clerk: Hugh F. McNellis
The following named persons are
hereby appointe.d as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct G:
Inspector: Ethel Hernan
Clerk: Levi. a Mangini
Clerk: Fayetta A. Nordstrom
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct H:
Inspector: Irene C. Petroff
Clerk: Maude Parker
Clerk: Flo, M. Cale
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct I:
Inspeetor: Ruth C. Robinson
Clerk: Alyce W. Burke
Clerk: Elsa M. Riccomi
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct J:
Inspector: Stanley A. Jackson
Clerk: Sylvia M. Sadler
Clerk: Patricia Royal
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as' members of the
election board for Voting Precinct K:
Inspector: Mabel M. Hults
Clerk: Marjorie Rauch
Clerk: Eleanor Mullin
The clerk of the City of South San
Francisco is hereby directed to pre,
pare, and cause to be printed a Suf-
ficient h~mber, of ballots for: said
precincts. Said ballots sh[~ll, be 'furn-
ished aha provided for the use of
the voters at said special election.,
The city clerk is hereby directed to
procure the necessary voting booths
and see that they are properly
erected and to procure all necessary
election materials and supplies re-
quired by law.
each of said precincts, 'the polling
Places therein, and the election of-
ricers appointed to conduct said elec-
tion thereat are as follows, to-wit:
Voting Precinct A shall include all
the territOry in South San Francisco
Precinct No. 1, South. San Francisco
Precinct No. 2, South San Francisco
PreCinct No. 23 and South San
Francisco Precinct No. 29, as estab-
lished by t,hat certain Resolution No.
· 4586 entitle, d_. "RE,qOLII~IFINI ANT).
Voting Precinct K shall include all Said city clerk is hereby directed
the territory in South San Francisco to publish this resolution for two
Precinct No. 35, as establishe~ by (2) weeks in the Souih San Fran-
said resolution o,f said board of sup-. cisco EnterPrise-Jour~a.ll a news-
ervisors, and the polling place for paper of general circula%,ion, pub-
said Voting Precinct K shall be in lished and circulated in said~.
Stuller's Residence at 154 Francisco The ballots to be used at
cial municipal election shall bo sub-
Francisco.Drive' in the City of South San stantially in the~ following form, to
The following named persons are wit:
(This number is to be MARK CROSSES (X) ON BAL-
Thursday, June 15, 1950
INSTRuCTIoNs TO VOTERS: To vote on any proposition,
staml~ a cross (X) in the voting
square after the word "YES"
:7: ~I tl~_e wSr~in~ hbur~ bf fire.
men be reduced from seventy-two
(72) hours per week to sixty (60)
hours per week, with no reduc-
tion of compensation, and the
working hours o,f policemen be
reduced from forty-eight (48)
hours per week to forty (40)
~OUtli ~an l~'ran(~'l$CO l~reclllc~ A~O, '~ .........
40, as established by said resolution The following named persons are
of said board of supervisors, and the hereby appointed as members of the
polling place for said Voting Pre- election board for Voting Precinct E:
cinct F shall be in the Hillside Rec- Inspector: Dorothy Gebhardt
reation Building, at Hillside Boule- Clerk: Frances Roste.ni
yard, in the City of South San Fran- Clerk: Beatrice Rasmussen
cisco. The following named persons are
hours per week, with no reduc- Voting Precinct G shall include all
tion of compensation, and the the territory in South San Francisco
working hours of park, street and Precinct No. 18, South San Francisco
miscellaneous employees be re- Precinct No. 19, South San Fran-
duced from forty-four (44) hours cisco Precinct No. 20, South San
per week, to forty (40) hours per Francisco Precinct No.. 22 and South
week, with no reduction of com- San Francisco Precinct No. 30, as
pensation ? established by said resolution of said
Said election shall be held and board of supervisors, and the polling
conducted, and the votes thereof place for said Voting Precinct G
canvassed and the returns thereof shall be in the Los Cerritos School,
made, and. the result thereof as- at West Orange Avenue and "C"
certained and determined as herein street, in the City of So,uth San
proi~ided; and, in all particulars not Francisco.
herein recited, said election shall be Voting Precinct H shall include
held as provided by law for holding all the territory in South San Fran-
of cisco Precinct No. 21, established
general elections in the County l'bY said resolution of as
San Mateo. said board of
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct F:
Inspector: Antoinette Kozlowski
Clerk: Anna H. Sendner
Clerk: Hugh F. McNellis
The following named persons are
hereby appointe,d as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct G:
Inspector: Ethel Hernan
Clerk: Levi. a Mangini ~
Clerk: Fayetta A. Nordstrom
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct H:
Inspector: Irene C. Petroff
Clerk: Maude Parker
Clerk: Flo, M. Cale
The following named persons are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct I:
Inspector: Ruth C. Robinson
Clerk: Alyce W. Burke
Clerk: Elsa M. Riccomi
The following named persO,ns are
hereby appointed as members of the
election board for Voting Precinct J:
Inspector: Stanley A. Jackson
Clerk: Sylvia M. Sadler
Clerk: Patricia Royal
_~,:.~ ~ ~ :n ~,:^_ ^,~.^. I supervisors, and the polling place for
t~n by nuhlication ~f th: ..... ~' sa~a voting rrec~nct ri snan ee ~n
tioh need ' ' [the Commumty Hall at 200 Vcte y
All rs~sg~v~t~iified to vote atI Avenue, in the City of South San
municipal elections in said City of Francisco.
South San Francisco upon the date Voting Precinct I shall 'include all
of the election herein provided for the territory in South San Fran-
shall be qualified to vote upon the cisco Precinct No. 24, South San
measures submitted a~ said election. Francisco Precinct No. 25, South
The polls-at the polling places San Francisco Precinct No. 26, South
San Francisco, Precinct No. 36 and
hereinafter designated shall be op-
South San Francisco Precinct No. The following named persons are
ened at 7 o'clock a. m. of said day
of election and shall be kept open 37, as established by said resolution hereby appointed .ag members of the
continuously thereafter until 7 o'- of said board of supervisors, and the election board for Voting Precinct K:
clock p. m. of said day of election, pOlling place for said Voting Pre- Inspector: Mabel M. Hults
when the Polls shall be clo~ed (ex- cinct I shall be in Teleguin's Garage, Clerk: Marjorie Rauch
cept as provided in Section 5634 of at 238 Hazelwood Drive, in the City Clerk: Eleanor Mullin
the Elections Code), and the elec- of South San Francisco. The clerk of the City of South San
Voting Precinct. J shall include all Francisco is hereby directed to pre,
tien officers shall thereupon proceed the territory in South San Francisco pare, and Cause to be printed, a suf-
~to canvass the ballots cast thereat. Precinct No. 31, Sough San Fran,' fic~ent h~i*nber,: of ballots f0r: said
For the conduct of said election,
the City of South San Francisco is cisco Precinct No. 32, South San precincts, Said ballots sh~ll be 'furn-
Francisco Precinct No. 33 and South ished and provided for the. use of
hereby divided into eleven (11) con-
solidated e{ection precincts, and the San Francisco Precinct No. 34, as the voters at said special election.
general state and county election established by said resolution of The city clerk is hereby directed to
precincts, into which said city is said board el supervisors, and the procure the necessary voting booths
divided for general state and coun- polling place for said Voting Pre- and see that they are properly
ty election purposes, are hereby cinct J shall be in Torson's Garage, erected and to procure all necessary
consolidated as hereinafter provided, at 19'Del Paso Drive, in the City election materials and supplies re-
The territory embraced within of South San Francisco. quired by law.
each of said precincts, 'the polling Voting Precinct K shall include all Said city clerk is hereby directed
places therein, and the election of- the territory in South San Fra~isco to publish this resolution for two
ricers appointed to conduct said elec- Precinct No. 35, as established by (2) weeks in the South San Fran-
tion thereat are as follows, to-wit: said resolution of said board of sup-. cisco Enterprise-Jour~a!~ a news-
VOting Precinct A shall include all ervisors, and the polling place for paper o.f general circul~i~ion pub-
the territory in South San Francisco said Voting Precinct K shall be in lished and circulated in said ~.'.~v,&
Precinct No. 1, South San Francisco Stuller's Residence at 154 Francisco The ballots to be used at said Jpo,
cial municipal election shall be sub-
p~ecinct No. 2, South San FranciscoFrancisco.Drive' in the City of South San stantially in the~ following form, to
Precinct No. 23 and SOuth San The following named persons are wit:
Francisco Precinct No. 29, as estab- ~
lished by that certain Resolution No. (This number is to be MARK CROSSES (X) ON BAL-
4586 entitled: "RESOLUTION AND torn off by Inspector) LOT ONLY WITH RUBBER
THEREOF," passed and adopted by OR PENCIL.
the Board of Supervisors of the
County of San Mateo, California, (Fold ballot to this perforated
February 7, 1950, and the polling ' line, leaving top margin ex-
place for said Voting Precinct A .............. pos_e.d.;). ........................
shall be in Vincenzini's Garage, at
Ho. 816 Grand Avenue, in the City]
of South San Francisco.
Voting Precinct B shall include all
the territory in South San Francisco
Precinct No. 3, South San Francisco
Precinct No. 4 and South San Fran-
cisco Precinct No. 17, as established
by said resolution of said board of
supervisors, and the polling place
for said Voting Precinct B shall be
in the Grand Avenue School, at
Grand and Magnolia Avenues, in the
City of South San Francisco.
Voting Precinct C shall include all
the territory in SoUth San Francisco
Precinct No. 5, South San Francisco
PreCinct No. 6 and South San Fran-
cisco Precinct No. 13, as established
by said resolution of said board of
supervisors, and the polling place for
said Voting Precinct C shall be in
Armanino's Garage, at 436 Baden
'Avenue, in the City of South San
Voting Precinct D shall include
all the territory in South San Fran-
cisco Precinct No. 7, South San
Francisco Precinct No. 9, South San
Francisco Precinct No. 11 and South
San Francisco Precinct No. 14, as
established by 'said resolution of
Thursday, June 15, 1950
INSTRuCTIoNs TO VOTERS: To vote on any proposition,
stamp a cross (X) in the voting
square after the word "YES"
or after the word "NO."
All marks, except the cross (X) are forbidden. All distin-
guishing marks or erasures are forbidden and make the ballot
void. If you wrongly stamp, tear or deface this ballot, return it
to the Inspector of Election and obtain another. On absent vet-
er's ballots mark a cross (.X) with pen or pencil.
PROPOSITION: Shall the working hours of fire-
mer~ be reduced from seventy-
two (72) hours per week to
sixty (60) hours per week, with YES
no reduction of compensation,
and the working hours of po-
licemen be reduced from forty-eight (48) hours
per week to forty (40) hours per week, with no
reduction of compensation, and the working
hours of park, street and miscellaneous em- NO
ployees be reduced from forty-four (44) hours
per week to forty (40) hours per week, with no
reduction of compensation ?
Each voter to vote for said propo- hour of eight (8) o'clock p. m., and
sition hereby submitted in said form declare the result of said election.
of ballot shall stamp a cross (X)in I hereby certify that the fore-
the blank space opposite the word going resolution was regularly in-
"YES" on the ballot to the right of troduced and adopted by the City
said proposition, and to vote against Council of the City of South San
said proposition shall stamp a cross Francisco, this 29th day of May,
(X) in the blank space opposite the 1950, by the following vote:
word "NO" on the ballot to the right Ayes, Councilmen Vicar ~Boido,
of said proposition. On absent vet- Chas. K. Elder, Adolph sanf;"JOseph
ers' ballots the cross (X) may be Bracco, Emilio Cortesi.
marked with pen or pencil.
The returns of said election shall
be made out and signed by the
election officers and shall be by'
them deposited with the ci-ty clerk,
together with the ballots cast at
said election; and this city council
shall meet at its usual meeting
Noes, Councilmen, None.
Absent, Councilmen, None.
City Clerk.
Published June 1 and 8, 1950.
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place and canvass said returns on open range land is organized into
the 22nd day of June, 1950, At the federal grazing districts.