HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1950-1953RESOLUTION IlO. 1950 OF THE CiTY OF SOUTH SiN FR.iNCiSCO TO APPROVE 4IiENI)i~NT TO CONTRACT PI~OViD!NG FOfl PiIITIC!PA~ lO~, iN ATE EI,'IPLOYEES'P ...... · ...... '*, ',¢HERE/IS~ the St:tie ~:]np!oy es' Re{iP,)r;ent Lr:~w permits the participation of public agencies in the State Emoloyees~ Retirement System~ by the execution of a contract naking their employees members of said System~ ~;~nd sets forth ~he proce- dure by which said public agencies may elect to subject thenselves ;~nd their employees to amendments ~o said law~ providing for a guuranteed percentage of final compensation for each year of service as "}{e~ber"~ and providing for the portion of compensation to be included in conoutations ~znder said law; and ',¢HEREAS~ one 'step in said erocedure is the 'adoption by the legislative body of %he ~)ublic agenoy~ of a resolution ziving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to a contr;~ct between said governin,~ board and the Boa. rd of Administratio~ of said Retirenent Systen~ providing for sai':d particip:-~tion~ which said resolution shall contain n surgery of the major provisions of the pronosed Retirement System; and 'vJHERS]~S~ the following is ;lin sumnary of the najor provisions of the pro- nosed Retirement System: 1. System is administered by a board of eight members~ conposed of three numbers of tl~e Syste~ an official of a bank~ an official of a life insurance company~ the DireoLor of Finance~. a menher of t}:e State PersoNnel. Board~ and an official of the University of California. 2. Retirement for service is option~l upon att~tinment of age 55 by local firemen ~n local aoticemen, ~nd age 60 or age 55 at ~ t .e election of the Public ~gency, by other employees, ~md coupletion of tnenty ~ears of service for~the Public .,%gency, and is compulsory at a~e 65 for local fireplan ~nd local po!icenen'~nd at. age 70 for other enp!oyees. 3. The nonthly retirenent '~llowance payable upofi retirennnt for service is dependent u:~on such factors as a~e~ sex sa~.,, and **e'irs of' service For local firenen '~n..:! !oc.:tl policemen, ret!ri~S '~t n.{;e 55 in p.urlSN'zph 2~ or at a higher wi~h 20 ye ~rs of sorvice~ the nontl~ly allowance is :~pproxit.etely one-half the aver~Ee r;tontN!y salary during tl:o five yetrs int;edi{~tely nrecedinS retirement, unless the Pu lmc ~%zencv elects '-c provide nrior service benefits ~t less than the full ~tmount For other Agency enployees, the nontlzly ullowar:ce, T;on ret-lret:ent at %Se 65 if the Agency elects 60 a:.~ the lo,;esL ootion,'~l service re'tiFerae~?o 'a.{~e, is apnroxim.'ttely 1//i~Oth of t;he five ye.'trs iz:m~edi.:tely preceding retiret~e~t~ for e{ic}: *reCur of service after the effective d'~te of purticipation~ plus '~pnro:{in~ttely-1/7Oth"~ or les~.~ &~n may' be r';rovided i~ s.'tid contract by the Public ,%gency for its enployees~ of "final com- pc. ns'::tion" or of tl:e ave:':t~qe nonthly s:~l:try during tl~e three years ir::'~edi~ttely pre- ceding the effective d ~t.e of p:~rticip--~tion~ fez- each year o¢ service prior to that dat'e. U~)on ~et,~ · -~ · '~e 60, ] ....r em~,nt at ,~ ..... !;be ,~ ~ a?~ancy elects 55 as the lo,rest optional tLe fr':~ctio~,., is a~?~roxin'~tely 1/60th In :?.S ~::t~t' ~ ~ of 1/~Oth. service ret:l_rer'~ent uZe, 4 2 r~ini:~ur~ service retirement allowance of . ~0 l,er r~ontT~ is guaranteed .'~-~. .. .:~t .~,.~ ...... 70 ~,.~tP ~.~[~!; for service rendered prior to said effective date, if the Public Agency elects age 60 as the lo~.~est optiono~l service retirement age, or a minimura allowance of ~60 per month upon retirement at age 65 or ewer witt~ twenty years of service, or u'$on retirement at age 70 with credit for prior service, if t}e Public A~zencv elects a~e 55 , ~ . "'~ ac She lo~..~est oetionnl service retirement age. 5. Retirement ~or disability, except in the case of local firemen ~nd local nolicer~en disabled from injury arising out of nd in the course of emnloyement, is permitted only ~fter ten ye'~rs of service ~nd upon pro6f of incapacity for the perforr~ance of duty. 6. The ~aonthly retirement nllovrance ~ayable u~}on disability retirement, described in vrecedinZ item 5, is dependent uvon such factors as a,~e salary years of service, but q,ener:~l!y is equal to 90% of 1/7Otb, or 1/60th as the case ~u ave:~.:~e ~on~.lly sal~:try during the five years in~.:~ediately preceding . ~ '~th a ~,.,a~:an.,eet -'- * of 25~.~ of said salary, sub- retireraeut, for each year o~ se~'v~ce, . ject to cert':~in restrictions and ~o,~.dific:~tions. r.tm~ ~.n..nt local firemen and ]_oc~l l~olicemen, in the 7. Disability e '-~e-, - of event of dis~'~b~~, ~_ity arisinG~ 'out of_ {~nd in tie c,o~.~r,~e~ of e~:~p!ozr~'~ent, in nerN~itted re- ,-~r_]!ess ~"~.., ~ ~:',~ norttl~ly r cti_]~eztent .:~l~o.,,ance being one-~lf the nvqr:i:.:e r'iont~'!~- s~.]_:irF durin~ t,)ie five ve::irs immedi::~telv t:receding retirer;lent.. 8. T]~e benefit~P~t~n~ble. ct, ~]~a+'h h~?fnre ret, i~e['lent, except in the case o~ _zoc,.tl firellen .:~.t:('i loc:il boiicemen dying from injury arisiil~ out of ~r~d J.n the course of the member.plus ~.m~ z +~.:~ ....~..st, ,rtd plus _]/12th of tLe member's :innual s':~.l~:iry durin~ the re'ti~ ~1~.'~4~ .t~elv ':?et ~ ' death, ............... e4_,n,,: or each year, not exceeding six years, of service as a member of th~ Sy~tem. Upon death ,after retire:~ent,, '?'rd .~t the election oe the P~biic. A~ency, :.~ benef:;_n on ~300 is payable. 9. The non!,hly 'lio~,~ance ~':~y,~:~le to the wido~ .md children, at the death of local firer,'ten arid loc~l :~olicen~n :~rising out of and in the course of enplo!,,ment, is. one-half t,]~e ':tv~.ra.~{a rton'tl:i~ s~:~]_~u~'y ..-~ur~n,', ._ ,.: the. . five ~e'~rs imrqedit-ttely }Tec,~,:~in ~ leu ti-,.. 10 The ben . e.~ mt upon separation from service by other c.ttuse than de~th or retirer.aent, ...... ~': t]',e refund of the member's cont~r'i]:~t~.-s, ~ith interest. Memk~ , ~4v~n~ ,~cc,.~:aul~te~],. con~-~i:~utions of at least $500 u~on resignation or disci.arge, may elect irrevocably, within ninety days, to leave contrib~ttions in the Retir'ement Fund, ~nd then upon r'eacLin~] ui:e lo, rest optionni service retira~ent age or becominz disa'bled, to l~e = + ~.n~ibled t~o ~'eceive sucl~ retirement .~llowance as will be provided by their .:~nd ~'~:~. ~gency's contril~utions and t~i~ ..... c~et~"~-~'~a, service, ~--'e"~rdless.~, of ser- vice rendered. I1. Conn?zl~.~tmons ' -' ~ of !o ' ~ loca~l t~olicement, without raqu.tret~ c~l firemen credit for prior service, depend ut:on s.~:arF .,nd u'~:o:': age o~ entry into the Re0irement Svste~t.., t:;;e cont~il)utions ~er ~100 of salary v:~rv~n~.._ :~ fror:t ~'/.63 at entry ~.~e 21, to ~)~.35 '~t entry ade 35. Conv:~ibutions . o._ '~i]'erten :ind policerient h~ving credit for t)rior service depend on s'~lar]?, en~rz ,'q:~e, and ario-unt oJ' prior service, tire amount o~ cori~F~bu~ons i:er ~XO(O ,~()~n~ .~6,~ fo~ exarap~e~ a~ en~Fy age ~ ~$~h ]9 yea~s prior se]-'vioe. 12. For other 2gency employees, tl~e cor~,tributions depend upon salary, sex '~r:d age of entry into the Retirement ev ~' -' ~ 0 . ~. ~,t(.r.~, t}[e co~ttrJ, outlorts per ;~1 0 of salary w~r~in~ from :J4.62 at ':t'~e 20, to ~'.99 at 'age 65, for r. mn,and from $5.36 at age 20, to ~9.~5 at a.~e 6~, for women, all based on t}te Public i~gency's election of age 60 as the lowest optional service retirement a.~e. If the Public Agency elects age 55 as the lowest option, t! service retirenent-af~e, V!te contributions per ~100 of salary vary from ~.~7.36 at age 20, t;o ;i$!0.88 at a?~e 59, for tqen, and from '~t,~8.35 at age 20, to ~12.81 at age 59, for women. 1~. The Agency is required to contribute the balance of funds necessary to meet the cost of ~ffte benefits provided under the Retirement System for the .~gency employees. The Agency also is required to pay its proportionate share of the administrative costs of the System. 1~. Ability of the Retirer'~ent System to pay benefits is safeguarded by a provision authorizing the Board of Adr'~inistration to revise contributions of both employees and t~e Agency, in t):e light of experience under the System. ~ou~zl~ by the City Council of the City of NO',~, TIIEftEFORE, BE iT South San Fr:mcisco that snid city council give, and it hereby gives notice of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between said city council and the Board of ,~d.ninistration of t:r~e State Employees' Retirement System, providing for th:e oart- icipation of said City of South S:~n Fr~,ncisco in said Ret~re~.~ent System, ~ cooy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibi~ A?, arid by reference n.:~de a part her~ of. I hereby certify ,,L~.t the fore~oirg reso!'.ztion was regularly introduced and adooted ~'~;' the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at an adjourned regul~r· rteetin~I, this 5th d~v.,~ ofhovem' ~ her, 1953, b~,. the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen John Noonan, ndolnh Sani, Erailio Cortesi, Joseph Bracco, Telford Smith Noes, ~ouncilmen None. Absent, Councilmen None. Attest: ffrthur A. Rodondi City Clerk