HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 1952-1953RESOLUfIO~I NO. 1952 ~ESOLUUION OF T~iE CITY COUN6IL OF THE CiTY OF SOifi~t{ SAlt FRANCISCO AUTHORIZI~iG AN ~i~H~2~D- I',~,~T TO ~f~]'E COI'~TRACT PROVIDi~,~G FCR THE PARTiCIP,~TION OF TIiE CITY OF SOUTH S~;N ERi~N- CISCO I~ THE STATE Ei"[PLOYEES' RETI~¥.EI',iE~T SYSTEI'~, i'iAKING ITS EI.IPLOYEES I'~H~MBi~i~S OF SaID SYSTEid. tfHEREAS, the Bo~rd of ~'~ldminist~ation of t[~e State Employees' Retirement System and the City Council of the City of South San Francisco entered into a Contract effective on the 12th day of September, !9~5, providing for the participation of said City. of South San Fr~ncisco in the State Employees' Retire- ment System; and " ~'~'" ~k~ ad,rantage of~ certain bene- ',~HElzzi~o, it is now de~::irable to ~ e fits provided under sai~ Retirement System, and not included in said contract; NO'J, Tt{!Jt'~EFORE, i.~E IT ttESOLVED that said City Council of the City of So:~th San Francisco does hereby authorize an amendment to said Contract, a co~y of said ame~dment being attached hereto, Sarked "Exhibit A", and by such reference made a part hereof as thougl~ herein set out infull; and BE IT FU}~TliER t~tJSOLVED that t}~e ~t~yor of suid City of South San Francisco be, and he is }~ereby authorized, em~oowered and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said City of South S~n Fra~cisco, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to ~-~ffix t]~ereto t}'~e official seal of the city. I ~ereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly in- tro¢~uced and a~to~oted at an adjourned re%ul r meeting] of the City Council of the Cit.v of South San F?~mcisco held on the 30th day of November, 1953, by the follow- ing vote: Ayes, Councilmer~ John Noonan, Adolo~o Sani, Emilio Cortesi, Joseph Bracco, Telford Smith. Noes, Councilmen None. Absent, Councilmen None. Attest: Arthur A. Rodondi City Clerk 27 Af. NNDiiENT TO CONTRACT BETilEEN THE BO:~RD OF ADI'iINiSTibiTION STATE ENPLOYEES' RETIkEI,HiNT SYSTEId AND TIlE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO The Board of idni~intr~tion, State Employees' Retirement System, and the CITY COUNCIL OF TI!E Ci''~ ........ °~ hereinafter referred to ~_~ OF SOUTh SM~ ~,.d~CioCO, as Agency, h:ving o~t~r~,{l into a contr~'~ct under date of September 12, effective September 1, 1954, which m-ovides for the.particip~:~tion of said A~ency in said Retirement System, and said Contract baing based on the Re- tirement Law q~ t}at Law oxi:ted prior to amendments adopted in 1953, s~id Bo::~rd of r~dqinistration ar,~t s~_~id CITY GOUN6iL hereby agree as follows: 1. Paragraphs 6 :~nd S of s:id Contract shall be and are hereby stricken from said Contract. 2. The following o'~ragraphs shall be -~dded to said Contract: 6. Prior service benefits to mis~elluneous members employed by Public Agency, tl~:~t is, merabers other than Loc~l Firemen or Local Police- men, unon retiren~nt for se~'vice shall ~e ~!!o~ed only as a porcent- age sa!:~ry specified in Section 21255 of suid Retirement Law, for each yea~' of such service, ~nd said ~ercent~age s}:all be 100 percent of the percentage dotermined :ruder said Section for the asa of re- t ir anent. g. The provisions of Section 21367.51 of t:~e State E~ployees' Retire- meat Luw, providin: a ~2+00 de~ith ~oenefit after retirermnt St{ALL :PPLY to p:~rsons who :~re ~embers because of e~qploynent by Public 13.. ~e .... 5~ s}"~~-= be. ob~ nininm~ a.:~e for retire~n~P~t for service of ~ersons ~] . men,,ers beca~se of employment bv Pub!lc ~;~enc~ '~ Local Fire- nan oF Loc~i Pelicemen and the nrovisiens of Section 2!252.~ of the Law~ ~rhich previde that "fin:~l aortl~e~ts't'tion" sh.~li ne tn the highest three consecutive years {i~lrin~ }~is membership in the System, SHALL APPLY to employees of Public .%sency who become NaR}leNS Of said Retiremen~ System. lJ. The retirement allowances of persons who were NeMbers because of employ- ment by Public Agency and who were retired prior to the effective date of %his amendmem~ shall be recalcul~lted on ~he basis of this contract, but in no event' shall any allowance be decreased, and said allowances shall be p-~id for time be~linnin~ with the effective date of this amendament in ~ the recalculated imounts. Paragraph 8 of ~his contract shall apply ~o persons retired prior ~o the effective date of this amendment and whose death occ:~rs wi~ile receiving .t retirenent allowance based on tine aVter said effective d'~te beck,use of e~'~loyr':u~t by P:blic Agency. 3. Paragraph !1{~ of said Contract shall be :~m~nded to read: The sun of ~' 2~0.78 her ~nnum, or mo?e frequent in stu=mments as Board ell, shall reouire, fer t]~e ne~iod of yeurs stated in said Contract, less the time elapsed fron t},e d~te of p:~rticip:~tion to the effective date hereof. The percent st':ted in n~ra,~raph llb s}all be ,$~ended to re~d 5.593. This .u~e:dment sh~ll be ~lttached to s'~id Contract 't}~:[ sh.~l! be effective ~s of December 1, 1953. 'Jitness o~r h'm. ads t!lis da7 of , 19 · President . ~1~IO Cortesi -s- Attest": Attest: }ia. yor Executive Officer City Clerk