HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 1993-06-09Chairwoman Roberta Cerri Teglia M I N U T E S Boardmembers: Jack Drago Redevelopment Agency Joseph A. Fernekes ?--!.ohn R. Penna Municipal Services Building Robert Yee Community Room June 9, 1993 AGENDA AC.TION .TAKEN CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) 7:15 p.m. Chairwoman Teglia presiding. ROLL CALL: Boardmembers present: Drago, Fernekes, Penna, Yee, and Teglia. Boardmembers absent: None. AGENDA REVIEW AGENDA REVIEW Interim City Manager Martel stated there were no changes to the Agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to confirm expense claims of 6/9/93. Approved in the amount of $27,719.57. M/S Fernekes/Drago - To approve the Consent Calendar. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 2. Resolution approving the Fiscal Agreement with the Chairwoman Teglia stated that she would conduct S.S.F. Unified School District for the El Camino the meeting but she and Boardmember Penna would Corridor Redevelopment Plan - continued from the not participate or vote on the item due to a conflict 5/26/93 meeting. .~/q~ of interest. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF Interim Director of Economic & Community Devel- A FISCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH SAN opment Solomon stated that the document attempted FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT to answer questions regarding the cost to the School District that had been stipulated, as well as the City's response. He recommended the Agency approve the resolution. Vice Chairman Fernekes stated that he had concerns from the last meeting and wanted to see negotiations reopened with the District on the agreement. He stated the up-front money to go downward and identify alternative funding rather than redevelop- ment funding. 6/9/93 Page 1 I l~ AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR Resolution - Continued. Boardmember Drago stated that he had the same concerns with the agreement and the up-front mon- ies, and most of all was against removing the funds from the Downtown Central Redevelopment Plan. He stated that he wanted to see the agreement rene- gotiated with two members of the Council and two members of the School Board as a start, and was prepared to send it back to staff. Boardmember Yee asked what the time frame was for the agreement. City Manager Mattel stated they would like to see it approved as soon as possible with the adoption of the Plan - if that was not possible they could certify the EIR and the General Plan. She stated that if the City was not successful with reaching an agreement with the District they will have an option when you take action on 6/23/93 and a second reading on the ordinance on 7/14/93. She stated that at that point if the City has not reached an agreement, then the District can go forward with litigation. She stated that with this direction she would attempt with all haste to contact the District to reopen the negoti- ations. Boardmember Yee reminded the Agency that Boardmember Drago had suggested having two members of Council and the District sit in on the negotiations. Vice Chairman Fernekes stated that he was opposed to that. Boardmember Drago suggested also starting renego- tiations with the Community College District. M/S Yee/Drago - To reject the resolution. Carried by majority voice vote, Boardmember Penna and Chairwoman Teglia abstained. 3. Resolution approving first amendment to alleviate M/S Yee/Drago - To reject the resolution. burden of detriment from the S.S.F. Down- __ town/Central Redevelopment Project - continued from Carried by unanimous voice vote. the 5/26/93 meeting. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AMEND- MENT TO THE FISCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN 6/9/93 Page 2 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . 226 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Resolution - Cominued. THE AGENCY AND THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT GOOD AND WELFARE GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION 5. Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion of The Agency chose not to hold a Closed Session. personnel matters, labor relations, property negotia- tions and litigation. RECESS: Chairwoman Teglia recessed the meeting to the Joint Public Hearing at the Council meeting at 7:27 p.m. REDEVELOPMENT MEETING RECONVENED Mayor Teglia reconvened the Redevelopment Agen- cy meeting at 9:00 p.m. UBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS ,~. Joint Public Hearing - with City Council on the pro- posed El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan; the related General Plan Amendment; Public Hearing opened on 5/26/93 and continued. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7. Joint Public Hearing - with Redevelopment Agency Councilman Penna left the podium at 9:01 p.m. on the El Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan and General Plan Amendment, Final Environmental Im- Mayor Teglia stated that she would chair the con- pact Report and adopt Mitigation Monitoring Pro- tinued Public Hearing, however both she and Coun- gram, and resolution adopting General Plan cilman Penna had conflicts of interest and would not Amendment GP-93-47; Public Hearing opened on take part in the vote on this item. She stated that 5/26/93; close Public Hearing; adjourn Redevelop- both Bodies would consider testimony, however, no ment Agency meeting; and adopt resolutions 7a) and action would be taken on the Plan tonight, the Hear- 7b). lng would be closed and action would be taken on the two resolutions. a) Resolution certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the El Camino Corridor Project Director of Economic & Community Development and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program. Solomon explained the revision to the Plan in the ..... Council packet was an updated land use circulation A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING REVIEW AND map, however, this would not be acted upon to- CONSIDERATION OF THE ENVIRONMEN- night. TAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE EL CAMINO CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND He stated that the staff and Planning Commission 6/9/93 Page 3 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS Resolutions - Continued. recommended that Council adopt the resolution certifying the EIR, and adopt the resolution on THE AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF General Plan Amendment GP-93-47. He stated that SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL PLAN, MAKING FINDINGS REQUIRED BY THE Mr. Wetmore would gave a brief slide presentation CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY on kinds of development if BART went at grade. ACT, AND STATING OVERRIDING CONSID- ERATIONS IN THE APPROVAL AND ADOP- Mr. Bob Wetmore presented a slide presentation to TION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN illustrate graphically different housing types, and AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT how they are represented in different densities throughout the bay area related to BART. b) Resolution adopting General Plan Amendment GP-93-47. Ms. Darlene Leveroni, 331 Heather Way, asked that her letter dated 6/2/93 be made a part of the A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AMEND- public record which requests a parking provision be MENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN GP-93-47 in effect as an integral part of the Redevelopment Project due to the parking and traffic obstacles that Sunshine Gardens will be encountering with the origination of BART. She requested BART haVe in place a permit parking program at no or minimal charge to the residents in this area. Mayor Teglia stated that the letter would be incor- porated into the record. Mr. Lou Dell'Angela, 460 Gardenside Ave., stated that Mr. Wetmore did people a favor tonight in showing the slides of the massing of buildings at 33 units per acre in some cases - which is scary. He questioned if the Council was serious about having 50 units per acre in density because it would cause traffic problems that would far outweigh any benefits other than what you get out of a subway. He stated that staff had put together Attachment A after his questions, which he did not feel answered his questions. He related: Item 4 did not make any sense; Item 6 deals with the high density question he had posed. He questioned why there was to be high density along El Camino with BART and a subway - he felt it was a bad idea with BART - because a subway would not affect the residents. He spoke of the answers to questions he had posed: there were plans to make McLellan's property high density, yet there were slope problems on the land 6/9/93 Page 4 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN gP_8 PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS Resolutions - Continued. and it would have to be graded severely otherwise the people in Buri Buri would be affected; Item 18 - suppose the City did not raise the $23,000,000 to put in a subway for BART, what happens then; what were the obligations to high density; the EIR did not address traffic or pedestrian safety or the school issues, as well as, the parking in the existing neighborhood; BART was causing the problem and it was up to them to mitigate the environment they will cause. He asked the Council to reject density of 30 units to the acre, because to double the density was irre- sponsible. He stated that the Council had started the project under different assumptions and they should take a new approach. Mr. Gene Mullin, 229 Alta Loma Dr., stated that he was speaking for the Project even though earlier his concerns had dealt with the revenue issue. He asked on behalf of the Classroom Speakers Assoc. for Council to approve staff's decision by which there will be money for capital improvement costs as a result of the Plan for the School District. He stated that the Agency had rejected that item and he ap- proved. He stated that he strongly recommended, that on behalf of the teachers whose income falls below in terms of the housing for the redevelopment area, any plan put into effect will provide the schools the capital improvements for the additional number of students. He stated they were concerned that gen- eral fund revenues will have to be taken and will adversely impact and adversely affect the School District. He stated that he was speaking in favor to insure that the negotiations that are going to take place guarantee adequate funding so that our general fund is used for salaries and is not impacted to accom- modate additional students. He stated that he assumed there was going to be a buffer zone for any development that takes place on the McLellan property and the El Camino Corridor, and assumed there was no egress into the residential areas. 6/9/93 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS Resolutions - Continued. Mayor Teglia asked staff to respond to comments made. RECESS: The Council and Agency recessed the meeting at 9:50 p.m. to allow time for staff to be able to re- spond to comments. RECALL TO ORDER: Mayor Teglia recalled the meeting to order at 9:55 p.m., all Council were present. Discussion followed: staff agreed there could be impacts on surrounding areas and looked for BART to address those and the EIR on the alignment; they had addressed grading on the McLellan property, densities, a buffer zone, and access; planned to rely on the natural slope with 25 units per acre; there is a gradient of density moving away from the resi- dential areas; access will be limited solely to El Camino and not through the adjourning neighbor- hoods; EIR responds to traffic and pedestrian safety and the schools; the redevelopment area was de- signed to generate sufficient tax to make contribu- tions for the BART subway; payments that would be made to BART would be negotiated and would be based on the tax generated from the Project; terms of the agreement were yet to be negotiated with BART; it was understood that if the City is unable to reach an agreement they had the option to terminate the Plan and not go forward, etc. Mayor Teglia closed the Public Hearing. Discussion followed: the buffer zone, which had been an issue for the Committee; that the density be compatible with the neighborhood and the density would increase as the Project moves to El Camino with larger buildings; a surplus School District property that the City proposes to buy will be used as a parking buffer; whether the City could scale down the density and still make the fiscal obligations for the undergrounding of the station; without the number of units and density proposed overall there was no leeway to do all the items included in the BART project and Colma Creek improvements and have a $9,000,000 contingency; the density going from 20 to 50 units to the acre; 1,200 units were permitted under the current zoning for the build out; McLellan was currently zoned for 8 units to the acre and 25 were proposed on the 6/9/93 Page 6 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . 230 PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS Resolutions - Continued. southwestern site; if the McLellan property was annexed, regardless of the Redevelopment Plan, would staff maintain the 8 units per acre or look at increased density; that was a possibility, however, the General Plan says 8 units; proposed densities for the Corridor; number of students the redevelopment would produce; the overall number was 3,000 units or 2,000 units but because of the blighting factors it will not develop; the School District would receive the additional property tax, but the amount of State revenue would be removed; the additional property tax would be the offset; action had to be taken to certify the EIR and adopt the General Plan Amend- ment; Council would take action at the next meeting on adopting the Plan itself; these two items could be held over with action taken at the next meeting, and then introduce the ordinance, however, the Counsel preferred action be taken tonight; whether the Coun- cil had any standards to control the type of develop- ment; General Plan has a specific policy to adopt such guidelines, and staff felt there was sufficient __ time to develop the guidelines; that future Councils should be the ultimate decision makers on develop- ments; the Council could be the Body to approve any project and direct staff to amend the General Plan to that effect; Council had acted as the Plan- ning Commission for Shearwater; this was a rede- velopment district and projects are approved by the Redevelopment Agency; the EIR did include some guidelines, so there are parameters that conform to the concerns about high density housing; the existing zoning stays in place until there is an agreement with BART and there is a demonstration that they have the funds; Vice Mayor Fernekes supported BART being underground, as well as setting stan- dards as Councilman Yee suggested, etc. M/S Yee/Fernekes - To adopt the Resolution certify- ing the EIR. RESOLUTION NO. 65-93 Carried by majority roll call vote, Councilman Penna and Mayor Teglia abstained. M/S Fernekes/Yee - To adopt the resolution on General Plan Amendment GP-93-47. RESOLUTION NO. 66-93 6/9/93 Page 7 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . 2.31 _.EUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS Resolutions - Continued. Carried by majority roll call vote, Councilman Penna and Mayor Teglia abstained. M/S Drago/Fernekes - To adjourn the Redevelop- ment Agency Meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADJOURNMENT: Time of adjournment was 10:34 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED. oberta Cern Teglia, Cha'irwOhan Barbara A. Battaya, Clerk (,/ '"--'~.,~_ob. er r~nS),fnan Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agency City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco he entries of this Agency meeting show the action taken by the Redevelopment Agency to dispose of an item. Oral ~mmunications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on tile in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 6/9/93 Page 8