HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 1993-06-23 Chairwoman Roberta Cerri Teglia M I N U T E S Boardmembers: Jack Drago Redevelopment Agency Joseph A. Fernekes lohn R. Penna Municipal Services Building Robert Yee Community Room June 23, 1993 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) 7:09 p.m. Chairwoman Teglia presiding. ROLL CALL: Boardmembers present: Drago, Fernekes, Yee, and Teglia. Boardmembers absent: Penna. AGENDA REVIEW AGENDA REVIEW Interim Executive Director Martel stated there were no changes to the Agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Approved. ~ 5/26/93. _. Motion to confirm expense claims of 6/23/93. Approved in the amount of $27,111.90. ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS 3. Resolution to confirm the certification of the Final Interim Director of Economic & Community Devel- Environmental Impact Report, and make the CEQA opment Solomon stated that the EIR addressed all findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations the aspects of the Project including facilitating in the adoption of the El Camino Corridor Redevel- undergrounding of BART, covering portions of opment Plan. 5q0.3 Colma Creek, and elimination of blight. He recommended the Agency adopt the resolution A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- making the CEQA findings, and Statement of Over- CISCO AND THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO riding Considerations with the adoption of the El REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CERTIFYING RE- Camino Corridor Redevelopment Plan. VIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL EIR, MAKING FINDINGS REQUIRED BY THE M/S Fernekes/Yee - To adopt the resolution. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND STATING OVERRIDING CONSIDERATION RESOLUTION NO. 1.3-93 IN THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE EL CAMINO CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT Carried by majority voice vote, Boardmember PLAN Drago did not participate and was considered absent. Resolution authorizing preparation and presentation of Economic & Community Development Coordinator a fiscal agreement with South San Francisco Unified McCue stated that before the Council can take action School District for El Camino Corridor Redevelop- on the ordinance adopting the Redevelopment Plan 6/23/93 Page 1 AGENDA ACTION TAKEN 233 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS .' Resolution - Continued. the Agency must determine that this will not cause an unmitigated fiscal burden on any taxing ment Plan. agencies of which the School District is one. She stated that because the Agency has not yet reached A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AGENCY agreement with the School District the Agency is TO PREPARE, AND PRESENT A FISCAL making a unilateral agreement which the Agency AGREEMENT TO THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO believes does mitigate the School Districts impacts. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT WITH RESPECT She proceeded to describe the terms of the agree- TO THE ADOPTION OF THE EL CAMINO COR- ment. RIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Interim Executive Director Martel stated that nego- tiations had commenced again with the School Dis- trict and staff had provided a new proposal that encompasses the agreement before the Agency to- night with the terms included, and it provides for consideration of additional payments as previously discussed with the Agency. She stated that if agreement was reached before 7/14/93 staff would bring it to the Agency at that meeting with a new agreement before proceeding with the ordinance on the Redevelopment Plan. Boardmember Drago stated that members of the School District had refused to meet with the Council Subcommittee to work out the terms, so they were not part of the negotiations and would not be al- though he did not know the reasons why. Boardmember Penna Arrived: Boardmember Penna arrived at the meeting at 7:20 p.m., and did not participate in this item due to a conflict of interest. Interim Executive Director Martel stated the staff of the School District felt that initial discussions should be conducted by staff and when agreement was reach or not reached, then they would meet with representatives of the Council. Boardmember Yee asked if Boardmember Drago had attended the meeting anyway. Boardmember Drago stated the Subcommittee had only met with the Interim City Manager. Boardmember Yee felt that the Council should be a part of and follow the whole process of discussions and direction on this agreement for continuity. 6/23/93 Page 2 ' AGENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Resolution - Continued. Interim Executive Director Martel stated that she had met with the Subcommittee and reviewed the concerns raised prior to the final rejection of the prior agreement. Boardmember Drago asked for a consensus that the Subcommittee get involved in the negotiation sessions and follow-up. Chairwoman Teglia asked if it was important that the resolution to be adopted tonight. Executive Director Martel stated that this particular agreement needed to be acted upon before taking action on the ordinance to adopt the Redevelopment Plan. She stated that it offers a basis that we care - indicating that we are mitigating any impact on any of the taxing agencies. She stated that the City was unilaterally imposing this agreement and saying this is what we believe will mitigate the impacts that may result from the Development Plan, and yes it had to be done this evening. Councilman Yee asked if the 7/14/93 agreement would be an amendment to this agreement, and what would happen if they don't sign an agreement by 7/14/93. Interim Executive Director Martel replied no, it would be a new one to replace this agreement. Karen Tiedemann, Esq., stated that if the School District did not reach an agreement on 7/14/93 - after that date the taxing agency will have a period of time to file a lawsuit against the Agency chal- lenging the validity of the Redevelopment Plan. She continued, they have 30 days to file the lawsuit if they are going to challenge the environmental impact report prepared on the Plan, and 60 days to file a lawsuit if they are only going to challenge the Plan, but most likely it would be 30 days to challenge both documents. M/S Drago/Yee - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 14-93 Carried by majority roll call vote, Boardmember Penna and Chairwoman Teglia did not participate 6/23/93 Page 3 A~ENDA ACTION TAKEN ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Resolution - Continued. and were considered absent. 5. Resolution authorizing preparation and presentation of Economic & Community Development Coordinator a fiscal agreement with the San Mateo County Corn- McCue related that the San Mateo County Commu- munity College District for El Camino Corridor nity College District had rejected the agreement and Redevelopment Plan. the terms set forth in this unilateral agreement. She proceeded to reiterate her earlier comments on A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AGENCY mitigation measures for taxing agencies and the TO PREPARE, AND PRESENT A FISCAL terms of these agreements. AGREEMENT TO THE SAN MATEO COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT WITH RE- She stated that staff believes this mitigates the finan- SPECT TO THE ADOPTION OF THE EL cial burden on the College District while still giving CAMINO CORRIDOR REDEVELOPMENT PLAN the Agency the fiscal means to carry out the Plan's goal. M/S Fernekes/Drago - To adopt the Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 15-93 Carried by majority roll call vote, Boardmember Penna and Chairwoman Teglia did not participate and were considered absent. OOD AND WELFARE GOOD AND WELFARE No one chose to speak. CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION 6. Closed Session for the purpose of the discussion The Agency chose not to hold a Closed Session. of personnel matters, labor relations, property negotiations and litigation. M/S Drago/Fernekes - To adjourn the meeting. Carried by unanimous voice vote. ADJOURNMENT: Time of adjournment was 7:31 p.m. 6/23/93 Page 4 I 1] AGENDA ACTION TAKEN . 2.36 _.~ESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, APPROVED. Barbara A. Battaya, Cler -/ Roberta Cerri Teglia, tLZhai~man Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Agency City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco The entries of this Agency meeting show the action taken by the Redevelopment Agency to dispose of an item. Oral communications, arguments, and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying. 6/23/93 Page 5