HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 1997-06-25Chairman Joseph A. Fernekes M I N U T E S_
James L. Datzman Redevelopment Agency I '7 ~9
,__Eugene R. Mullin
~ohn R. Penna Municipal Services Building
Robert Yee
Community Room
June 25, 1997
CALL TO ORDER: (Cassette No. 1) 7:05 p.m. Chairman Fernekes presiding.
ROLL CALL: Boardmembers present: Datzman, Mullin, Penna,
Yee and Fernekes.
Boardmembers absent: None.
Executive Director Wilson Requested:
- Reverse order and hear Item 4 before 3 due to an
administrative mixup where it was legally noticed for
7:30 p.m., so it can be done before or after the Coun- Consensus - To hear it at the end of the Council
oil meeting, meeting.
· . Motion to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Approved.
6/11/97. ,~ ~,
2. Motion to confirm expense claims of 6/25/97. Approved in the amount of $35,619.99.
M/S Datzman/Mullin - To approve the Consent
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
4. Motion to approve plans and specifications and au- Director of Economic & Community Development
thorize advertisement for bids for the Airport Blvd. Van Duyn related: the Agency has a full set of
Improvement Project. O"'~t~.-,~ drawings recently completed; there was a Council
study session on this subject for corridor improve-
ments; on the medians of those properties along the
east and west side will be significantly landscaped
with large tree specimens and our Landscaper David
Nelson will give a brief overview to refresh
memories on the direction given at the study session;
Agency authorized staff to proceed with the first two
blocks; there are two options, one is to develop in
three separate phases and the other is to approve
construction in one phase; a) is to do the entire
Page 1
Motion - Continued. project, for it is staff's idea that the cost savings for
Option A is $115,000, for to do a single phase is
significant, as well as the Agency will recall, we
submitted a grant application to the State Transporta-
tion for $350,000 and we have secured $248,000 on
the basis of it being the entire development, and in
addition the grant funds need to be exercised; the
project must be completed within two years to sue-
cessfully serve the full grant amount so, the staff has
completed proposal options; total construction cost is
$1,357,400 for Option B and $1,241,850 for Option
A and staff is recommending approval of Option A.
Mr. David Nelson, MPA Assoc., related: this is a
big project for the City; there are several things to
be done - beautification, putting in large street trees
and he showed computer simulations; there was
concern about the wind and breakage of the trees;
the project places magnolia trees along the freeway
which are the type to screen the freeway; the trees
will be spaced for driveways which gives more
openness for the businesses; he proceeded to de-
scribe the types of trees to be used and a narrow
median on the north end; the west side from Grand
to Armor is parallel parking and Armor to Butler is
also parallel and the outer curve will stay as it is.
Discussion followed: what if later we discover we
need more parking; after study, it was determined
this was the maximum number of cars based on the
width of the road, and widening is not a consider-
ation; the medians are as narrow as they can be and
there is a left turn lane; Boardmember Yee's con-
cern is whether the police have accepted this design,
as well as the City Engineer; if they do that is fine,
but he needs assurance because we had diagonal
parking a number of years ago and changed it to
parallel; he does not want to make a commitment
now and change it later and wants to make sure the
professional staff agrees; Director of Public Works
Gibbs stated staff looked at the study and the main
concern was with the police in having sufficent
length to back out, rotate the car and drive out; staff
addressed that at the last meeting, immediately made
modifications and with engineering the overall effect
was with traffic; Boardmember Yee stated they are
talking about $1.2 million and that is a huge com-
mitment if there are no major change orders, but if
we do have a major problem then the question is
Page 2
Motion - Continued. where are we going to get the money to make it
happen; this is a whole bayshore highway and we
don't know what we will find when we dig it out;
the concrete slab has steel bars and he does not want
the contractor to go out and dig and find four inches
of concrete and there is a change order; do what you
need to do, but he warns staff if we do a change
order, it better not be a large one like the one in San
Carlos; now he knows whoever estimated did the
best they could, but being conservative, what is the
problem in doing it in phases; you can still award
the total contract, let them begin with Option B, but
you have an option for A or B; if B is lower, what
is the problem - why would you commit yourself to
a lump sum and not look at it, for it doesn't cost
more to do that, so Boardmember Yee believes, if
you do that it will satisfy your own curiosity and
keep your options open, because you are not com-
mitted and can have other contractors bid on it;
he would like to have all of it landscaped tomorrow,
but we still have to do it properly, keep the cost and
the risk down; you can award the total project, as
well as different phases; Option B, you have
$248,000 but one of the options is $130,000 and
why would you want to award $130,000; Executive
Director Wilson stated we start with Grand Avenue,
for at the last meeting we talked about a block or
two and that is why we had that broken out; there is
the standard 15% contingency; how much of that is
change orders that was not factored in; if you in-
clude the overhead then the total contract is more
than $179,000, so much can be used as a change
order; staff budgeted $1,500,000 for the total pro-
ject; Director of Public Works understands we have
to have a separate item for the contingency and what
he tried to do is itemize where the additional money
is and, if indeed it is redevelopment, it has to be
itemized separately; Boardmember Yee wants to do
that, because he gets nervous with a million dollar
project to recover; Boardmember Penna noticed
there is parking between Sister Cities Blvd. and
Butler Road and now that is eliminated; we will
have the same amount of parallel stalls that will
remain; why isn't there a phase that puts all the
trees along Bayshore to see how it looks, before we
put it in; Public Works Director Gibbs thought it
was divided from end to end because the irrigation
has to be trenched in the road bed, otherwise you
trench and come back and trench it again; right now
Page 3
Motion - Continued. you trench once on each side and put in the pipes;
there is an inflation factor added in and it takes three
years to build; there are additional costs for survey-
ing because the crews have to come out three times;
Boardmember Penna asked if we went out to bid and
did the entire bid one time, and were given a bid of
one million, would we have to stay with the bid if
they found more concrete and more drilling expense;
legally no, unless we have it spelled out clearly in
the plans; that is Mr. Yee's comment and it is well
founded, staff does its best, but we are not sure
what we are going to get; if the Director of Public
Works is hearing Mr. Yee correctly, one of the
approaches is to do it in phases and if staff
gets into difficulty we can do it in phases and not
have to run around looking for money as it would be
if we awarded the whole contract; when the consul-
tant got into the final set of drawings he got the
width of the original road bed and according to City
drawings there is 14" of concrete; Boardmember
Yee reiterated his conservatism and wanting to keep
control of the project costs; not that long ago Coun-
cil had a huge change order for Gull Road, because
staff didn't know there was garbage there and no
doubt if Council had asked if there was garbage
there we would have been told there is no garbage
there - which is the same thing here, and he did not
want to be lied to; as Vice Chairman Mullin under-
stands the conversation, the Agency is authorizing
staff to go to bid on Option B; Boardmember Yee
stated that spending $131,000 is not a viable project;
M/S Mullin/Penna - To approve plans and specifi-
cations and authorize advertisement for bids for
Airport Blvd. Improvement Project and adopt Op-
tion A and B.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
RECESS: Chairman Fernekes called a recess at 7:37 p.m., and
stated the Agency will be reconvened after the
Council meeting begins.
RECALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at
7:48 p.m., all Boardmembers were present.
Page 4
Public Hearing - Consideration of Precise Plan PP- Chairman Fernekes opened the Public Hearing.
97-043 and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. ND-
97-043 of a 100 unit Hotel Hampton Inn with parking Director of Economic & Community Development
at Gateway Blvd. and Corporate Drive situated in the Van Duyn related: this fronts on Corporate Drive
Gateway Specific Plan, Redevelopment Area in aeeor- and the elevation renderings are in the packet; this
dance with SSFMC Section 20.57; Conduct Public project replaces a small building on Corporate Drive
Hearing; Motion to approve Precise Plan PP-97-043 and Gateway that was a bank and is presently used
and Mitigated Declaration No. ND-97-043. ~t9 .~, as a small office for the biotec center; the applicant
wants to develop 100 units on the parcel; parking
has been provided as a minimum requirement for the
Agency is provided the option of approving a lesser
amount provided certain findings will be made; in
staff's opinion those findings can be made and that
is the recommendation; a site plan is included rela-
tive to the alignment of the driveway for the facility;
in the conditions, an alternative has been pro-
vided, an ingress for the motel at the upper point
with a one lane configuration and a widening of the
driveway located on the eastern part of the site; this
will allow two right lanes and one left; the applicant
has no disagreement with the conditions and are
accepting engineering's recommendations; we under-
stand there are other recommendations that engineer-
ing wants and there are other options with minor
modifications; Condition No. 3 basically calls for a
driveway alignment, and the City Engineer may
modify the site plan; he asked the Agency to certify
the Negative Declaration and approve the Precise
Mr. Lou Dell'Angela, Consultant, related: he is
representing Mr. Patel who will address the Agency
on the need to move forward, will answer questions
and then Curt Jensen, Architect, will address other
issues. They reviewed the staff report and are in
agreement with the conditions as modified.
Boardmember Yee stated he read Mr. Wilson's
traffic engineering report, but does not have the
picture of his recommendation as far as the drive-
way egress, was that in the report, for it is difficult
without a picture to look at for there must have been
an original one for the first driveway is 100' from
Gateway Blvd.
Director of Economic & Community Development
Van Duyn stated no, there is no exhibit showing it,
but it is specified if the condition is approved. If
you look at the current site plan the proposed rec-
Page 5
Public Hearing - Continued. ommendation by the consultant is to eliminate the
driveway access under the power lines, for that is
the first access into the project.
Mr. Dell'Angela stated initially, the proposal was
here at Gateway on this faint map and it was to have
40' - 50' as an entrance and an exit, and it was felt
it was too close to the intersection and it should only
be one-way in, and we moved the entrance and exit
out into this exit. Basically the concern was it
doesn't free flow into the building, there was a
suggestion that it is possible if the driveway is relo-
cated we can do it, but your documents don't show
it. The suggestion was for an additional lane down
here by the parking lot, there is one in and one out
and we need another for a right turn and we have
one in and two out. This presents some problems
for what we would like to do is not concentrate all
the traffic into this one point and we think we can
cut back this island and take the one-way out and
have a free flowing movement. The suggestion is to
make it only an entrance and concentrate the exit on
the easterly side. We want to close this off and are
working with staff on this other option, if we can't
convince staff, then we will comply with the condi-
Boardmember Yee agreed with staff that the two-
way driveway closest to Gateway is not good, but if
you have a driveway to come into the hotel and get
out the other driveway it would be a better circula-
tion, for the other way is more complicated.
Boardmember Datzman asked if Mr. Dell'Angela
was now saying that staff, the police and engineer-
ing are in agreement and that the applicant is agree-
Director of Economic & Community Development
Van Duyn related: there have been several alterna-
tives to deal with the circulation, that is why they
have been presented; we have no knowledge that the
applicant was accepting the engineering traffic re-
port, where the report was drafted based on the
latest recommendation for the specifics of the
egress, and that is why the condition is as detailed as
it is; since that time, as late as today, we saw anoth-
er alternative to deal with it, which is another option
and it looks to be an option that could be acceptable
Page 6
Public Hearing - Continued. and we suggest that we modify the condition possi-
bly changing this on egress to the site; he apologized
for the confusion, for these are acceptable to us and
the police.
Discussion followed: that the lack of parking would
be taken care of by mandatory shuttle service and
Park'N Fly is part of the commitment; if there are
violations in the future, staff can bring it back to the
Board to revoke their permit; the traffic survey vs.
the amount of parking spaces; parking spaces and
the spill over onto adjacent properties and the effort
to see if the parking was affiliated with the hotels;
there is parking on the easterly side for spill over
parking, as well as on Corporate Drive; Super 8
caters to construction workers that stay for long
periods of time, while this hotel caters to a different
clientele with shorter stays; there is reciprocal park-
ing amongst the hotels; staff surveyed Embassy
Suites parking several times, and found vacant spac-
es; there will be 24 hour shuttle service for those
without cars needing to go to the Airport;
Vice Chairman Mullin asked if there was a greater
parking impact when there were two in a room or
was that only a factor with Super 8's clientele; that
only affects Super 8 and is not a comparative situa-
tion with this hotel; Mr. Curt Jensen, Architect,
spoke of the Hampton Inn's prototype and stated this
building deviates from that quite a bit; he was hired
by Mr. Patel, not Hampton Inn; Boardmember Yee
wanted to restate the condition, such that they are
aware we are working on the shuttle service for the
whole area; Executive Director stated they were
looking at the feasibility of shuttle service for the
East of 101, have met with some of the operators
and many are supportive of a single shuttle service
for employees from rapid transit who work for the
hotels; the City is suggesting Mr. Patel have the
obligation to put in the shuttle until a regional sys-
tem is developed and Mr. Patel cooperates with that;
Mr. Dell'Angela thought the language was clear that
Mr. Patel shall provide a shuttle service; Executive
Director Wilson stated the sentence covering the
shuttle service can be expanded; Mr. Patel stated the
Embassy Suites has a bar and banquet facilities and
generates traffic, whereas those facilities will not be
at the Hampton Inn and he has to put in shuttle
service; he has a money back guarantee, if you can't
find a parking space then Mr. Patel pays for the
Page 7
Public Hearing - Continued. the room and there is a 95% occupancy rate in the
area; Boardmember Yee did not see a sidewalk on
one side of the hotel; City Engineer Wong has not
yet seen the plan, but when it comes forward he
wants to see a sidewalk; Corporate Drive is a pri-
vate drive.
Director of Economic & Community Development
Van Duyn offered the following language, "Condi-
tion 5 of the proposed conditions will be modified to
read 'the applicant shall provide guests with shuttle
service to and from SFIA until alternative shuttle
systems are provided. Such service shall be avail-
able 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The applicant
shall cooperate with the City in the development and
implementation of a regional shuttle service if such
is considered by the City. The Motion would also
include the amendment of the City Engineer's ability
to approve modified circulation plans."
Chairman Fernekes closed the Public Hearing.
M/S Datzman/Mullin - To approve Mitigated Nega-
tive Declaration No. ND-97-043 and approve
Precise Plan PP-97-043, and Condition 5 of the
proposed conditions will be modified to read, the
applicant shall provide guests with shuttle service to
and from SFIA until alternative shuttle systems are
provided. Such service shall be available 7 days a
week, 24 hours a day. The applicant shall cooperate
with the City in the development and implementation
of a regional shuttle service if such is considered by
the City. The Motion would also include the
amendment of the City Engineer's ability to approve
modified circulation plans.
Carried by unanimous voice vote.
RECESS: Chairman Fernekes recessed the Redevelopment
Agency meeting at 8:30 p.m.
RECALL TO ORDER Chairman Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at
12:37 p.m., all Boardmembers were present.
Closed Session, pursuant to GC 54956.9(c), initiation The Agency entered a Closed Session at 12:37 a.m.
of litigation - one case. fi-OeO ~ to discuss the item noticed.
Page 8
RECALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fernekes recalled the meeting to order at
12:52 p.m., all Boardmembers were present, no
action was taken and direction was given.
Barbara A. Battaya, Clerk ~ Jos~.~h A. ~ernekes, Chairman
Redevelopment Agency Re~velopment Agency
City of South San Francisco City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Agency meeting show the action taken by the Redevelopment Agency to dispose of an item. Oral
communications, arguments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape and documents related to the items are on
file in the Office of the City Clerk and are available for inspection, review and copying.
Page 9