HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1912-08-19 Regular Meeting of the ~oard of Trustees of the City of
South San Francisco,held,Monday, August, X~, !912~,this meeting was called to
order at 8'I0 0 Clock P.M.,Trustee F.A.Cunningham,President of the Boa~'d of Trustees.
Roll-call found the following T~stees present, t~ wit; G.W.Holston, T.L.Hickey, J.~lloy
and ~.A.Cunningham. Trustees Kelley and Mc. Govern, appeared after roll-call.
Minutes of ~e previous meeting were read and ~proved.
A communication was received from ~Irs Gertrude Carroll,in which she surrendered to the Board
the "Class A" L~quor License held by her at #2£0 Grand Avenue.
The communication was accepted and ordered ifiled
The following applications for class A Liquor permits were then read fromS. Gordier,
Chas. ~ENGER, and Chms. Steurman. Accompanaing e~h of said applications was a Bond in
favor of the City of South San Francisco for the sum of One Thous~nd(IO00) Dollars for the
faithful compliance with ordinance #4 of the City of South San Francisco, 1~ each of the sai
applicants, and each of the said applicants having complied in all respects with ordinance
.number 4 they were granted permits for class A liquor licens~ until December 3Ist. I912.,
by the unanimous vote of all Trustees present.
A communication was erceived from 1~ Fuller Manager San Mateo County Development associat
ion complaining that South San ~ranctsco was not being represented at the meetings of the
Moved by Trustee Hickey seconded by Trustee Mc Govern, that inasmuch as there
had been no active work done toward the Development of the County by the Association that
the Clerk be instructed to inform L.E.Fuller that unless some activity were soon shown the
Monthly donation of South San Fran~is~owould be withdrawn.
~N response to a request from the League of ~alifornia ~unicipalities aski~g that Health
Off~cers$~$~~~$~ attend convention at Berkley in September it was moved by Trustee
Mc Govern seconded by Trustee Hickey that W.PAcheson be allo~ed to attend at the expense
of the City. Carried
A REPOET w~er the month of Jul~ "was received from City Recorder Rehberg showing five
misdemeanor cases during July and enclosing check for fi~e dollars.
Moved by Trustee Mc Govern seconded by Trustee Kelley that the report be accepted and place
on file. Carried
Moved by Trustee Hickey seconded by Trustee Holston that the Board adjourn until
Wednesday September, 4th. IBI2,to meet at ~ZIO Linden Avenue at 8'0 Clock P.M.
Time of adjournment
Io'40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
William J.Smith
City Clerk