HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1913-03-05 Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of
Sou~,~h San Frahcisco,held Wedne/sday l~areh 5, Igiz.
This meeting was called to order at 9P TM by F.A. Cunningham "Prco~ of the
Boa~d". Roll-call fo~zd ~ following Trustees present to wit;
Absent, ~r~s~ee J,n. Kelley.
THe reading of the mlrmtes of the previous meeting was dispensed with.
the first business of the eveni~;g ~en up was the question of hiring consulting
Nngineers ~or the proposed new system of sewers~ regarding which the following resolutiom
was intr~ duced by Trustee G.W.Holston.
V~ereas the ,~t~ of South San Francisco has no adeeuate
system of sowers for th~ disposal of the sewage of said ~unicipality and the inhabitants
thereof, and
l;~ereas the ~o rd of Trustees df the City of South San FLrancisco is about tc
submit to the qualified electors th~ s~,~d ~' ~
.... ~t= the question of incurring a bonded indebti-
dness for the construction ~d co~letion of a ~Tmuicipal sewer system,and
V~ereas it is necessary to to appoint designing ~E.~r~ C~sulting and
supervisin~ engineers to work in conjunction with the City engineer of the City of South
San Francisco to ?roperly look after the desi~ of the proposed m~icipal sewer system
and in all law~l ways to protect and preserve the rights and intrests of sal~t
and to determine the proper estimate of the cost of said proposed municipal imprcvment,
and ?,~ereas the firm of Haviland, Dozier and Tibbetts civil and consulting engineere,
with main offices in the Alaska B z=ldin$ San Frmucisco California are capable,proper and
satisfactory sanitary engineers and are qualified to supervise the design and construction
of said proposea sewer system and to present and estimate of the cost thereof,fez the
F~ose of f'[xin~-and estimating the cost of the proposed m~blic sewer imorownents
said firm of c~il an~ co ~%flti~ engineers ,to wit ;~aviland, Dozier, and Tib~e~%s,
and tne~, are employee to p~eparo e~t[mates of cost,F!ans and specificatioas, a~d such
. oa~_~ Board of Trustees of ~ ~'
othe~leminary and necessa~ data in order that the ~'~"~] ~h~ City of
South San Fr~ciscomay dete~.ine and submit tc ~e election,ss provided by law, the propos
ition o.~ incurring indebtidness for the object or purposees hereinbefore set forth,and
Be it further resolved that fi~ o~. Haviiand ,Dozier, and Tibbetts be paid .flor such ser~
vices a compensation of thr~',e cents per !inea]~ foot for each Veer of sewer act.~a~l~
strueted ~,~+'~- with and in addition thereto a~ actual coat of field, work,office work
~d e~enses in the prosecution ~f the work; said actual cost of field work ,office work
and ex-~ to 5e paid monthlya:~d in aha mariner provided for ~f~ the pa~ent of rog.~
ular claims a~a~.ust the .,~n].e~alzty and that toe said o,~ three cents per lineal foot
~ tone,ruction work,at the time the
of sewer shall be paid during the pro?:ress of the
tractors claims are paid,and the mamaer herein provided,
i~rovided further,that should said bond issue fail to carry at the el.-
ection to be hereaft~r held, then, and in that event,said firm of Havi!and, ~' ~'
betts shall be paid the s~zm of one cent per lineal foot of the sewer proposed to b~:
~'~ cost o~ ~ ~e~d work,office work and nece~sary
tructed,and in addition thereto the ac~,.,~.~ , a~l ,.~
~enses thereto.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduc~ and adoltted
bythe Board of Trustees of the City of J South San Pranciscothis 5th day of L[arch 1913,by
the first business of the evening ~ken up was the question of hiring co~usult'ing
~ngineers for the proposed new system of sewersj regarding wq~ich the following resolutiom
was intr~ duced by Trustee G.W.Holston.
V~ereas the ~' - .
~t~ of South San Francisco has no ade&uate
system of sewers for the disposal of the sewage of said ~h~nicipality and the inhabitants
thereof, and
l~ereas the Board of Trustees ~f the City of South San FLrancisco is about tc
submit to the qualified electors th~ sa~d ~t~ the question of incurring a bonded indebti~
dness for the construction ~d co~letion of a I~uicipal sewer system,and
U~ereas it is necessary to to appoint designing ~E~~[~ C~usulting and
supervisinE engineers to work in conjunction with the City engineer of the C~t~ of 5outh
San Francisco to -?roperly look after the desi~ of the proposed m~icipal sewer system
and in all lawful ways to protect and preserve the rights and intrests of sa~
and to determine the proper estimate of the cost of said proposed municipal imprcvment,
and '~ereas the firm of Haviland, Dozier and Tibbetts civil and consulting engineers,
with main offices in the Alaska Building San Prancisco California,are capable,proper,and
satisfactory sanitary engineers and are qualified to supervise the design and construction
of said propose8 sewer system and to present and estimate of the cost thereof,for the
~u'r-~:ose of fixin~Tand estimating the cost of the proposed public sewer imprownents,
~.eso~ ~ .... ....... ~ of South San Francisco that the
said firm of c~mil and co mt~ti~ englns~,rs ,to w:[t ;Haviland, Dozier, and Tibbetts, be,
~ ~ of cost,plans and specifications and such
and they are employed to prepare e~t-,..~at~s ~. ,
~h~~ C~ty
othe~leminary and neees~ar~ data in order that the said Board of Trustees of ~ ~' ' ~,f
South San 2r~ciscomay dete~nine and submit to ~e election,as provided by law, the propos
ition o.f incurring iudebtidness for the object or purposees hereinbefore set forth,and
Be it further resolved that fi~ of Haviland ,Dozier, and Tibbetts be paid for such ser-~
vices a compensation of thr~e cent~ per ~i~ea! foot for each foot of aew~r actually
structed,together_ with and in addition theretc,a~=~ actual cost of field u~ork,office work
and e~enses in the prosecution ~f the work; said actual cost of field work ,office work
~, .... ~ ' ~'~a provided for ~-~ the pa~ent of reg,-
and expenses to be paid ..... nth!ya .... ~n ..... manner
ular claims against the m~nic~ality and that t:.e said sum of ~hree cents per ~ineal foot
of sewer shall be paid during the pro.tess of the construction work,at the time the con--
tractors claims are paid,and the ma~er herein prow~ded.
Provided further,that ~ ho~,.~d said bend issue fail to carry at the el
ection to be hereaft~:r held,then,and in that event,said firm of Hay[land, Dozier au~ Eib~
betts shall be paid the sum of one ce~t per lineal foot of the sewer proposed to b~:
~ a: ~'e' v?ork office work and
tructed,and ~n addition thereto tho ~'~'~ cost o~ ~ ~1 ~.~ .~d ,
xpenses thereto.
I hereby certify that tho foregcing resolution was regularly introduced and adoyted
~ ~ ~o,l~h San Franeiscothis 5th day of L[arch ~gI3,by
bythe Board o~ Trustees of the City o~' ~' '*
~,~ following vote.
Ayes, Trusteas C.W. w~+o,~, T L ~' ~-e~ J.C "%~ Govern, and ~ ~ '~-'
Absent, Trustee j.n".~eilcy.~'
William J Zmith ~t~ '~ '
}~oved by Trustee i.~o GoVern soconded by Trustoe H'~lstoa that t?~e Soard adJourr~ until
![onday ~.,iarch, iT, I9I~, to meet at ;~ZiO" Llnden Ave~ue at 8'0 ~._u~:~'~-~' P.I,~.
Tim~ of ad~ournm~,,~t IO SO P.~'~i,
2~cspe~t ~11.~ Submi ~ted