HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1913-08-04 Ti-:i:~ meo~n~ was e~nlea to erst: at ~'y'.,~,.~y ' ..... ~ - ~0~ Roll-call foTtnd tho foRlov:i, ng trustees preseTvt,to Absent,Trustee J.~.,"' ~.,.:' Severn. '.A. Cu~ni',,,,ghnm"'~:'osident of a,,ct upon motion of Trustee Holston seconded i,[inutez of 'tZe, Frevi:~'a_u_ ..... ~'"'--'='~ ~'~:a u, ere r~ad ~ras~o:s Kelley and re~.~lar!y c~rried was al)proved as road. Reports off City offflcers for the month of July were tLen ~a~ ...... the report o~ *~ .... ~ ¢~_ty Clerk showced a cask Balance off ~4565.96 on ]z and August Ist. IeI5. 'the report of the ~zty Recorder showed ~'~ the amount of -"4~ during the month o f July ';'as ',~90. for which ho enclosed check. Under heading off street work it was moved by Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee Kelley ~ha2 ~he bids for improvin6 Grand Avenme be opened. Carried It was fo'~d tha~ 7 bids had been received :-:hich were accordingly oppened. The first from the ~~~~ Company ,was as gradeing or preperation for sub grade one cent per square foot. Excavation for culverts Etc. at fifty cents ~er cubic yard. Concrete in base eight cents i:er square foot. C~ncrete for culverts and drains 'r~ · ~c. Zinc dollars per cubic yard Asphaltic macadam paving surface Nine cents per square foot. 2oncrete curbs forty cents per lineal foot. ~, ~ '' ./'. foot u,Lb reinforcement or guard seventeen co?tis `* 'onorete gutters si::teen cents per square foot concrete sidewglks fourteen cents per square foot. Cast iron catch basins ¢ive cents For Lb. , Corrugated irc] ~alverts One Collar and tu'enty uents ~er i' Corrugated iron oul~er~ One Collar and fortT cents per lineal Co~rmgated iren ca!vela'ts One ~ollar an~ seventy fi~e cents 9er lineal ~o~, ~ia of the ~a~ER~J 2AVII:C C ~,_ 27Y v, ras as folov:s,to wit REgrading Utc. one and cue half cents f~er square foot. Excavation Etc. fifty cents per cubic yard. COncrete in base =~=,~ and o~e, haly cents pe~. *ouare~..,, ~ot. Concrete for drains Etc. eigh~ dollars per cubic yard. Asphaltic paving surface seven cents --a-. sq~mre foot Concrete curbs thirty five cents per lineal foot. '~ ~,~ + gam-d forty cents per lineal foot C~rb rel,~or~,tun~ or . ~oncre~e g:t/ters forty hine ce:tis } er squar~ Concrete sidewalks fifteen ce::ts per square foot. Catch basins Etc. four cents ~er Lb. Corrugated iron culverts 7x24 one dollar and sixty five ~;er lineal foot. .'~ a,,u eighty cents per lineal foot ~,,orruga/ed iron culverts 8X30 in one dollar '~: · ~ ' '-~ foot Corrugated iron culverts 9xZ6 in Two dollars per ~ne~.~ · From Chas. J. Lindgren Regradeing two and one fourth eent:~ per square foot~ excavation for Trustee Kelley and reg~larly carried was approved as read. Reports of City officers for the month of July were t!~en r~ad the report of ~'~ ~ City Clerk showcad a cask ,Balance of ~565.96 on ]~ and f~ugust Ist. I9I~. ~ihe report ~f the City Recorder shorted +~ the amount o ~ ~ .... ~,,~ co~lectod ~nrough his office during the month o ~ July ~-as ',~>90. for which ho enclosed check. Under heading of street work it was moved by Trustee ~cmley seconded by Trustee Kelley that the bids for improving Grand Avenue be opened. Carried It was fo'~d that 7 bids had been received which were accordingly oppened. The first from the ~~~~ Company ,was as folloes. Gradeing or preperation for sub grade one cent per sq~are foot. Excavation for culverts Etc. at fifty cents Der cubic yard. Concrete in base eight ce~ts per square foot. C~ncrete for culverts and drains Etc. Nine dollars per cubic yard. Asphaltic macadam paving surface Nine cents i:er square foot. ]oncrete curbs forty cents per lineal foot. Curb reinforcement or guard seventeen ce~ts Der 21 . foot. 'oncrete gutters si::teen cents per square foot concrete sidewalks fourteen cents per square foot. Cast iro~ catch basins five cents t~er Lb. Cor~gated irc:, cciverts One dollar and twenty ~ents per lineal foot. Corrugated iron culverts One dollar and forty cents per lineal foot. Corrugated iron culve:~'ts One dollar and seventy five cents per lineal ~ot, Bid of the ~ozER~ ~AVINC C0]~ A. XY was as felonies,to wit. REgrading Utc. one and one half cents per square foot. Excavation Etc. fifty cents per cubic yard. ~0ncrete In base seven and one haly cents per square foot. Concrete- for drains Etc. eigh~ dollars per cubic yard. Asphaltic paving surface seven cents per square foot. ~oncre~ curbs thirty five cents per lineal foot. Cur~ reinforcment or &u~urd forty cents per linea~ foot. concrete g~tters forty hine ce~ts ]er square foot. ~onerete si dev:'alks ..... ~eol! cents per square foot. Catch basins Etc. four cents [~er Lb. Corrugated iron culverts 7x24 one dollar a::a s[zty five per lineal foot. Corrugated iron culverts 8X30 ~n .... ~ dollar ~ ~ ~ ..... a~,~, ~ ghty cents per lineal foot. Corrugated iron culverts 9xZ6 in Two dollars per lineal foot. ,,o,, Chas. j. Lindgrea ~ogradeing two and ~oo fourth cents pe~ square foot~ excavation for culverts Eta,, ~-~. ~ ~y ee~,~t~o ..... er e'abi~,~ 7ara.. c0~c': ~.~te !:c %aa~ ni:ae ..... a..~.o half cen~ ~er square , ,,.. ,~a'rc x,~: .... 'oncrete c'arb~ thirt:- e:vr ren~s Ter ~ ~:,:eq.i f~o~,c~rb rcinf:-rcement ~r ~aurdthlrty ~er lie~ foot. Concreto gutters fourteen con,i: i?er square fact,concrete s[de:':alhs tv:olvc cents catch basins ~hree cents per Lb.,.~orrugatediron culverts tz, o do!lar~ and e,~h~ nine cents per lineal foot culverts 8x30 In. three dollars and nine cents ~er lineal foot, culverts 9xg6 ir,three dollars an~ twenty ni:~e ce~s.~er ]ineaT_ -feet. ~ · ,~ ~,-~r Ecgradei~g Etc. three and one half ~ .... +~' :~alsc]i imp ~o .,~ ~ ..... o~. E~c avat ion ~' ' ~ ..... a~c o:~e dollar tier cuoic yard concrete i~ base ten cents z~~ s .... ~ ffoo~ concrete for drains Etc. twelve dollars per cubic yard. lsphaltic paving surface twelve and two fifths cents per ~d:zare foo~. concrete curbs fifty.cents per lineal feet. cart rein- forcement or guard '~ifty cents per lineal foot. concretc m~ttors tv:duty fire cea:ts per square foot. concrete sidewalks tv:c.::~:F centc .per s?'uaro foot. catch basins six ~ents per L~. corrugated iro~ .... ~ ..... o ,x~,~ In. ~nr:_o dollars per l~nea: foot. corrugate~ iron culverts 8w30 E-~ur dollars ~er lineal foot.2::~rru~atc:~ iron culverts 9x~6 I71. :rix dollars i~er lineal foot. ~id o~ A Teichert '~ seventy cent~, per eu?'~c yard. ?,egradeing Etc. t.:;o eeutc per square foot. ~x~avation~ '~ Etc. drains Etc. three cents per cubic yard · · ...... ~ ...... ~ foot. Concrete curbs forty ....... ~er I~:~-~ foot, curb ~,i::force~o_t,~ or ~,~=,~ ....... +,=~'~'~,,~.,, five cents ocr lineal foot :~ncrctc o~,~o ~eventoen c~nts ze~ .... .... ' .... q.~,a~ fooot. ~m:cre~e aide¥';alLs fi~ecn cents per square foot. Catch basins seven ~-~t~. ~ per LL. Corrugated iron 7x24~xn. one dollar and thirty'-' ~, c,~nts~ per '~l~,~a~ foot. Corrugated iro:i culverts 8xo,J~'-' ' ' . . ~o ~!ar~ ~"~ dollar an~ +~' +-~ per r:.~ :~o ~,x~oln ~,~zr~. cents :~ne foot rrugated iron culverts ~ ~' ~d .... ~ ~nea~ foot ~ fiffty c,'~+~ per ~' ~ . r~x~ avat ~'d ~:ro~= o. ,,eg~ ~d~n~ ]:tm. t,,-~ ,'~e~t,:~ ~,e~ sou% f~ot ~ ~ Et fifty cents ~erc~-~:~c yard. Concrete in. ~ase 1.:i~e cents Fe s~iuare foot. concrete in c,~.=~rt, Etc eight dollars per cubic yard . AsFha!tfe pav;~ :urface nine cents i:er sq~t~,~'e ct. oncrete curbs fifty cents rer lineal foot. : urb reinfforeement o~ gaurd si~een c cents per !inca]. foot. Concrete gutters eighteen cents per square foot. Concrete sidewalk:~ twelve cents per square foo~. Cas2 iron in catch basins five cents per Lb. Corrugated iron ~tters 7x24 In. fifty cents per lineal foot. C. or~mgated iron culverts 8x30 In. fi~y cents per lineal foot. Corru&ated iron culverts two ~ollars per lineal foot. Bid of the Federal Construction Company. Regradeing Etc. One and cae halff cents per square foot. Excavation Etc.Zi::ty cents per cubic yard . Concrete in Base nine cents per square fleet. Concrete for eulvert~ ,drains E~c. One cent per cu]:ic yarJ ~: ]~:~.~ic . ay ~a ~' :~e five a_ad tv:e~t[f ~::~ one h~mdrodths cents per square foot. Concrete curbs .... ~' · o.a~r~ two cents per lineal foot Curb reinforce- or gaurd Ten cents per linen~ foot :"~=+a ?utters fourteen cents ~-:~az senate foot ~auod ~c~si~s fOllr o ~ ,r Concrete sidewalks eleven cents per s.~ar, foot ~ ~ ents Oorr~ated iron culverts 7x24In On edoi!ar and [~ixty five cents per ].!heal foot. Corrugated iron culverts 8x50 I~ One dollar and eigkty four ce?.ts per !i~eal foot. Corruga~ea iron culverts 9x56 In Two dollars and four cents. The fol!wing ~esolu~ion o~ award ~as ~hen introduced 5y .r~ ~S Lelley V,~ereas ~he Board of Trustess of rye City of go~ San F~anoisoo., did, in open session, ob ~he fourth day of Au~us~, IgIS,pubticly open examine and declare all sealed proposals Raisch Imp ~,,oml a~y Rogradei~g Ets three mad o~ ~,~,,f ~ ~= ~e ........ ~w,~a~,at~on~,.~ . .~ Etc. c'~e,, d~,.~a~ i'er cuh.~c yard concrete i~ ~asc te~. cents i~=~__ s~ua~o, ,~ foot. concrete for drains "~ and ~c tvmlW~ dollars p~r ~-'~ ..... ~'~'~'~' ~ )lc yard .... ~.~.~ paving ~',~,~ twelve two fifths ~,~', ....... per gcuare foot. c~,~c~ ..... c~-~: curbs ~_~ft,, .... ,cents per llnoal' ~,~. curl sq.~,e foot. concrete sidewalks ~-~-'?~.~ ~,., ~:Its~,. ~er.,~, s?uaro f~ot. catch basins ~ix '~o~ts per .... ' ~ l~a.o per lineal foot. ~ ..... ~-~ Lt. oorrugato.~ iron culverts 7xr,~ in, thrc do ~ ~o or~u~;~ iron culvert ~z,~, pe~ ; ,ur dollars ?er lh,.u,..! '¢~ot" ...... ~'-~ irou ~-'~ ' ~ Uid of A. Teichert & COn ~,~-ovonty cents ......:,~. ,,~u]:~J~. yard. 2egradoi'*~ Ets t:.'o ~,:,*~',', -.er s~uare foot Excavation Ets ~,,..~rote ~,~,~ ~ase ~.,,~ ce,~.: per equate fnot~ · L:o;?-e+e~ ~. in drains Ets three cents per cubic ~ ' ' · cents cer !isoa]. foot. 'onarcto ~- ~ , oa,tez, s seventeen c~nts per square rocor. Concrete ~idev.'alks . ~a~h basins seven cents per LC. ~orrugated iroi~ ~'~ fi~ecn cents per square foot ~* ~" 7x24 in. one dollar and thirty cents per ll~ea, i foot. Corrugated iro:z culverts 8xZO .... do~_~r eno thirty cents ~,~-~ ~' ~ .... ~ ....... + . _~ , ~xno ..... uu~. ~,~..zca~od iron culverts .,xcel,,. ~.,,) ~o!!ars r,~a,, fifty cents per lines! foot. ~id. of ~!anchard ..... ~:rown o. Regr%doing_ .... lite. t,--m ce':t'.~ per sc':n ~' foot. r, xv~:,va~~ ~o ~'.on Et. fifty cents ~er cubic yard Concrete in. Case nine cents po square foot ......... ~e in Ers. ils culverts Ete.eigh~ dollars per cubic yarc . &spha!t~e pav;~..,~ surface nine cents per foo~. Concrete curbs fif~y cents ier lineal foot. : urb reinforcemen~ o~ gaurd sixteen c cents per lineal foo~. Concrete gutters eighteen cents per square foo~. Concrete sidewalk2 ~welve cents per square foo~. Cas2 iron in catch basins five cents per Lb. Corrugated iron ~tters 7x24 In. fifty cents per lineal foot. Cor~gated iron o~llverts 8xSO In. fi~y cents per lineal foot. Corrugated iro~: culverts two ~ollars per lineal foot. Bid of the Federal Constr'~ctlon uom. any. Regradeing Etc. One and one half cents per square foot. per cubic yard . Concrete in Base nine cents per square foot. ~,,"' . ~., .... ~c ,~., ~ .~-~.:'~:~e five a~.~d t~.e::tj four one hundredths Nrc. One cent p,~r ~.,zc y;~r.J .,a.' ~ ....... cents per squ~,,% foot Concrete curbs ~"' . r~ two cents per lineal foot Curl reinforce- . _o~r~,,~e:l oct'Its ¥~er souaro foot or ~aurd Ten co,:ts per line~, . foot ~,,"',"~+e ........ ,~" ~ -~ · Concrete s'zde-,valks' eleven cents per,~%ar.,~, ~ foot. ~ch"'~ h~si'ns four cents ~,,er Lb. Corrected iron culverts VxE~In On edozlar and ~:~ixty five c~,~to per ~ 7~,=al foot ~ ,, _~. ~e~,z foot. ~orrugated iron culverts 8x50 I~ One dollar and eighty four eec%ts per ~' Corrugated iron culverts 9xZ6 In Two dollars and four cents. The follwing ~esolutic;:'~ of award ~as then introduced by 'irustee =Celley. V~ereas the Board of Trustees of tye Oity of ~o~ San F~ancisGo, did, in open session, ob the fourth day of August, 19IS,pub!icly open examine and declare all sealed proposals or bids fo:~ doing the following work in s~;-~ ~i~y to,wz ; ~= gutters be constructed in that portion of Grand Avenue between the Thc t oonere~ East lir. e of Division "~rret .... and ~a~,~ East line of S~:ruce ,' '~e..],~,u., ~ on botk sir,~:.:, ~p'- t~?reof £xcavation Etc.Cixty cents Concrete for culvert~ ,drains also on tho~,~ ,~-,z:' ,::~ ~',~ and "~'- __ ~r~ss Avc£.ue ,hereiriafter mentioned on both sides thereof , that that i-ortioa of ~=rand Avenue between the East line o.2 Division ,~treet and ~he East line of Chestnut A~enue ,including all strrets and intersections ,but excepting such ~A~~~d ef streets and intersections of streets as a~e required by law to be kept in repair by any person or company having Railroad tracks thereon be regraded ~ paved for its ~'~,.~.~ width fro:n gutter t~ gutter betwee:': the East ~ine .... of D~ ~s~on' ~ an.~ the East line Spruce ~ve~ue~ · and from curb to curb between the East Ii::> of Spruce Avenue aud tn~' East line of Chestnut ~i.e~e w~tn an asphaltic concrete pavement co~sisting of an asphaltic surface two inches in thickness l~id on a concrete fomndaition five inches in thickness ,that that port, on o~ Linden Avenae between the North line cf .Baden and the So~th iino of d.r~,d Avenue and ~hat port,on of Linden Avsnue between the i;ortk line o' Cr~d a~d the South line of ~.~illc avenue ,and that portie.;~ of Zypress ,;venue betwee;~ thc i~orth line of Baden Avenao a.:~ the ~.~outh line of Sran~ Avenue and that i~ortion of Cypress ~venue between the North line Grand Avenue and the South line Miller Avenue ,including all intersections of streets a.~e,~.o be regraded and paved from ~tter to ~tter with a~ asphaltic conc~t~ pavement con~ ~ ~ ~ .~o .... ~ laid a~.concro¢ o foi~'~ sist!n~ of an asphalt_~ concrete sur~a~-, two inches in thi,~ss on dation five inch~s in +>~'~-'~-.~" " .... ~k~c~o t]~t oc~ugated iro~ calverts ,cast iro.~i and c~ncrete basins and inlets ~?~ co~orete Jaokets bases,sides he~dwa!is and wi~gwails for suchc- ,~w~r~ catch basins and znletu bo ..~;~,~-~.;~ d on :ach of .... .rd st ~ ~ ~ .... rse~s wherever sho:;a~ on ti:o i:lans and specifications heretofore ~doptod for ::alii workthat 3oncrete curls %.e constructed eu3~: of sa:id streets on both sides thereof e.~ceot where suck curbs have ~.~iT:ady %~en s~ruo~ed .z~a~ artificial sto:zc ~i~e ,:,al;cs bo csnstructed in oaoh o'S '.~a:d streets ,~: both sides thereof except wher ~ush side~,a~:.~ nave a~ru~u];.- 1::eon co,~structod all work provided for shall be dc~,:~ t~ ''~-~ * ~ .... ':~, _.~ ....o~ ~;zt~ s~. ~ - and st?3cifi.3atlons heretofore .do,.ted %;: °aid ....... .¢ '~-, ..... ' ~, file in the offic'~ o~.. ~.~ GirL: YL~ Loard of frastoes ~de the a:xthority conferred ut o:: it by t~ provisions of that certain act of t%e Legislature of the ~tato of Califorhia a~prove April 7,I9~, ~~;']' anted known as the imi~rovmo::t act ~ - uz 1911, ,~etc'i',.iino~ :~'::'~ dec~:'~res .......... , twenty ...... ,a:,~, shall I,' ~.¢ .... e. .~ ent ~eessments of five(25) dollars or more romaihins_ uni:aid f:-, ~::l. oy a*,~,-¢,., after +'~¢~..~ date o¢. t:-::~ warrant issued to the cent.ectoderm- five days after tko deci.~ion o¢. said Board o-¢. ~:'ustees ou princ ii?al appeal '~:~ even m~nua! ~:~eD~ion ~ the sum of each bond .,h,.~l t'.,~ ..... t,~ -' ~.,.'= ~ by on the ~ ~ond dav ~ ~.- -~'~- ~t~ a:':d until ~:~,~ whole ~ paid and aooorda, no6 '*~kth,~ pro zslo~ o'~ s~:~ "' + of .... i' -- ......... c 't l" ~' .,~ .......... ~reby rejects ~ ~ ui~ that ne'~rt herein ~ntioncd an~. hereby awa~.~.s t~'~ ~.,~ s '~ '~ "'~ a.:%~ ~ .......... + to ~'~ ~i~d,r, ':'it, ~= n~ .~o ..... truotion :upa.:~ ~i ~, ..... ~+ ~dor .... ~..,~ ...... ion at the p.~cs- named in its legradoing tn all ~ f -"- ~d ~ ~ '~ ~ Excavation for culverts structure"c E~'' °ixtv cotit~ fez' ~.ic yard 3oncrete in ~ ~ ' :~a~e nine [95 '~'~:~ ~';"' basins or any. other c~;:'i~r,~,.u ctruct'tires cont'~platc, d ~e~.=,, .... one iii ..... ~ per cubic ~. and that portion of Linden Avenue between the i~orth llne o" 3rmid aud tho South line of avenue ,ar.d that portio.~ of '~ o uypre~s ~venue betwee~ thc i~orth line of Baden Avenae an~ t~e ~outh line of 3ran~ Avenue a~d that portion of Cypress ~venue between the North line of ~ streets Grand Avenue and the South line Miller Avenue ,including all intersections ~ .... be regradcd and paved from ~tter to ~tter with m~ ~spha!tic concrete pavement sictin~ of sn asphaltic concrete s~rfa ..... t ~ 0 inche~ i~ +~,~o~o laid ~ a~concrotJ foux~ d~on~' five inch~s in t~-~'~~s~ that cc~-ugated zro~' calvcrts ,cast irc~ a:~d c~ncrot~ catch · ~ze~s ~ co~crete ~ckets bases,sides headw~lls and wi~gr~lls for such ~ catch basins ~nd inlet~ bo ~- ~ ' co~s~ructod on each of sa~d streets wherever shov~l on tho and specifications heretofore odo~.+-~ .... ~ -~ · ~ ~ for~ workthat concrete curh~ ~ conatr~cted e~h ~f ~aid streot~ on both sides thereof exceot where sucL curbs have already ~Ten ~tructed tL~t artificial ston~ ~ide w,~lks to constructed in each of ~ald streets 3~ both sido~ thereof except whet~.~. ~ia=w~o~.~_o k~vc a~r~dy boon~, co~struc~od ~il work hcrcir~ provided for ~k~ll bc d~.~ t~ official grade and ~n acc~rdancc ~t~ocifieatlons heretofore~.~'-.~ by ~'aid .... ~ .... ~ ~ ._ . ~ue~ for doin~ ~.~.~a ~'ork ~ nu~ on fo file ~" the office eT the Oit~-~ The Board of ~rastces ~de the a~thority coaferrcd uto~ by t~ provisions of that certain act of t%e Legislature of the ~tate of Califorhia ~prove ~~ an~:d known as the improwaent act of IgiI, April 7, I9~, ' TM "~;~ that serial bonds shall be issued e~ ....... ~ * *~' ~h~dp bonf~' ~'~'~' be '~crial cxtoudi~,-over a l:eriod o~ nine(i) ye?rs ~n.-~ · ~ ...... ~ ~ ..., .... sec-."t! day~,~."~ january next sucee~i~ ..... their dat~ ....... _ .... ,a:~.~ shall l:o io,,ue~: t~ reore~ent aheessments of twenty five(25) dollars o~ more remaihing unpaid .... +~' ~ ., ..,~ ~zrty ays after the date o~ zr::'~ warrant issued to the coutracto~or five days after the decision of said Board of Trustees ou princ ipal appeal ;an even m~nua! ~we~ion of the sum of each bond sh~,~ be ....... ~,~,/,~,.. ~ e by on the ~ ~ond da2 ~e ~ ' +~-.,' whole z,.: paid and .~e~ ~.,_ _nmtn.~'-" ~-l. .,,,...~:" Vo~.:' after_ ',t: date and '~nt:'~.~ ~ ~. · ~ ~,~ u~-~u e ..... -annually ~,.~. e,.eu~ on on +he. ~econd d~-o~ ~. of~,,:~.a~ ~ ....... y .ouq, ~1~ ~espcctive~y n~ c~ich year et +'~.- ~,--~-~ ~ oe"e--~ (7j pei .... ~+ :~er ~.~,.. ,~.~ I n~nu ,.~ the vm,~,le ............. ~ sai_~, ~l"~¥~ipa.~ and int~est i~ l,~icl ~.~,.~,~ said ~.~nd~ ~i.~,.:~. ...... %~ issued ....... ,,,o 'isioM o~ said "lmf. rovmert Act o~ ~n .... -- s .... ~' roJects ci_i o" t!:.e sa!! !icsoivod that sa~d 2omcd o~ Trustec~ ~.~_,.~,~, . exc~p~ the~ next herein mentioned ~8 h~ ~ ~ a~ .... r awa~~ ~ ~ ..... ~ the contract for do~u~ sa~~ wor~ mf..~me.~ to the ~owest responsible bidder,~-' ~deral ~o+~-~tion ........ ~ ,~o ....~-~+~ the ie . ............. . ~o.,pa,. i,' ......on at pr cs' named in 'its Re,rads)inS ;n all classes of ..... '- ~d ~ ~ all "~'~ .... e of ~,,.~,~,[, any trimmii:K shapi-~ railing .r i-~eoerat~oii of sul-' .-rride eric and cna ~':~ ...... ~- ~ Excavation for culverts ~rllotilrej. ~tC ~i-~+~' tout:: re .~u~;lc Concrete in Base nine[9$ .,~,-~o ..-, ....... , .~ . ..... i,~o PiN b..o~i~ ""~+ .... ' ' nead~,~].l~; winG walls !'~?<:s ~'~" for for ~.~t1,~,,~, etd drains o~tch basins or an7 other c~:,~r,::,.~ structures contmp!ated herein one [i) oent; per o~bic Asphnltic pavinf surface ,without any concrete ease hut including tide asphaltic com~se ,tho surface finish thereon c.:~i thc paiiit coat 7'%ich is to ho p~.~.o.] o?: t,:U~ i~:f the concrete, five and twenty four one humdredths~'$ ~$0 t cents per square foot ; Concrete curbs -'~,'~ ' ~ , ~,ulud~no any prep .... *ion of the sub grade the nec~oo~.~ cement surfa cing expansion Joints beveliug Ere.thirty two (SS) cents per lineal foot Curb reinforcement o"r guard Ten (i0) cents per lineal foot; ' ' ' ~ o~ the sub grade e~'.0ansion Joints cem~'~t ~urfacei~ Concrete ~tters ~nc~.~ng any pre, eration ~.~ ~ ~ ...... and the nec~:-~ary roughening or ~owe~in~ to '~it ~he gutters ~nto any adjacent curbs curbs are already ~n place fou-rteea (I~) ~ent~-~;er .... ~e foot- So~crete s~o~alks incXudin~.r ~uy necessary pr ~ ~; ~. . e e ...... on o_... sub grade,cement surfacoing an~ e~pansion feints eleven (II)cents per o~'~q~are foot; Cast iron in catch basins,inlets, Etc. Your (4) cents per Lb. Corrugated iron culverts :part circle seven inches by twenty four inches One dollar sixty five (I65) cents per line~;.~ foot Corrugated iron culverts part circle eight(8) inches b~ thi ~ ~ r~y inches0ne ~ollar eighty fir0 ~IS~)cents . Corrugated iron.~ulve~ts nine inches by thirty six iuche~ two dollars an8 four cents per ~inea! foot. The City Clrk is herebv directed to post notice of this award conspicously five ~)Says on or ne r the co~cil chamber door of thi~ Board,and also to publish said notico by one insertion in "The Enterprise" ,a weekly newspaper yr~n~e~ published and circuI~ted in sa~d City and hereby designated gert~at pur~ose by said Board of Trustee~. I hereby certI~,~ that the foreg~[~g reso~ution~ ?~as ~a .... ~_~-~ introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City cf ~outh San Francisco this ~th. day of August IgIZ, by the ~ ~ ~o~low~ng vote; A ~ ~ Holston,T.L. Hickey, J.H. Kelley, and ~.~. ~mm~ngham yes Trustees ~.,. ~ ~- ~ Noes, Trustees None Absent Trustee J.C. ~c Govern ~i!!iam J.Sm~th City Cl~rk. An affidavit relating to the postiug of notices of ~treet work on Baden Avenue was received by the Clerk and filed. ?he fo!]_u'iug ~omanes against the City beea al:proved by thc ~i'aance ~o...~,x~ ..... John (,iuim sprinklo~u~ streetS 3500 W P. Acheson fees 250 J.g. Ikerenkottcr i0 Osborne ~ X~dd ~~in~ CooksZO H.W, KNEEtE FEES ~:0 JULY i615 Patrick' Hughes Labor I250 0 Rianchinni labor 7~0 Enterprise Pub Co. I9~.60 So City printing ~]o. 4.~0 were pre:~ente,~ for pa~,~u..ent thc,, same havin.,~ ZO3.75 · r,~o Hic~ey ..... the above demands be paid ~[oved by Trustee Holston seconded by ~ "~te: aud u'srrants drav,~n ?or the varioua Carried .,o~d by Trusteo ~e~ley seconded by Trustee Holsto~ that tha Board adjourn until August ii, IgiZ,to meet at ~Zi0 Linden Avenue at Carried Time of adjournment 9'd0 Cast 'iron in catch basins,inlets, Etc. 2our (4) cents £or Lb. Corrugated iron culverts :part ciro!e ~oven inches by t,~Jenty four inches One dollar sixty ~I6~) cents per lineal foot. Corrugated iron culverts part circle eight~8) inches by thi ~- r~ inches0ne ~'~o!lar eighty fiv0 ~ IS~)cents · Corrugated iron ~u~ve~~ s nine inches by thirty six inche~ two dollars an8 four cents per !inca! foot. 9he City Clrk is hereby directed to post notice of this award conspicously five (5)~ays on or ne r the council chamber door o~ thi~ Board,and also to ~_~-~sh .~.id notic by one insertion in "The Enterprise",a ~eekly newspaper l'r~n~oo l:ublished and circul-t~d in said City and hereby, desiz~ated~ gerthh~t ~u~U~.~.~ by said Board of Trustee~. _~ hereby oerti~'~.~ t]~st.~ ~e~,. foregoi:~g resolution ,.vas regul~r!y introduced and adopted by the Board of ~.~, .... es the City c* :;;curb San Francisco this 4th. day of Au~s~ ..ollowing vote; IgIZ, by the Ayes Tr~stees G.,,. '~ Holston,T.L. Hiekey, J....w Kelley. and ~. ....~ C~]ningham Noes, Trustees None Absent Trustee C.C. '*c Govern ~-i!liam~'..~:,~°~+~ City Clerk. An affidavit relating to the posting of notices of Street work on Baden Avenue was received by the Clerk and filed. :..e follu'inC ~oman~. a~ainst~ the ~ ~ ~t'ere ~re~.~entc~. for~,~;,,,,..~..~ the same ha~.~ beea a!provc~, b~ the ~inance ~ ~"~se. John C'iuinn sprinkle~u~ streetS W P. Acheson fees C.C. Ikerenkottcr Osborne ~ ~ K dd 5500 250 iO E--~ err ing DooksZ0 H.W, ,-,~w,~ FEES .... ~ JULY 1615 Patrick Hughes Labor 0 Bianchinni labor 750 Enterprise Pub Co. I~5.60 So City printing ~o. ZO3.75 ~oved by Trustee Holston seconded by Truste,:~[ickey that the above demands be paid and warrants drawn for the varioua ...... Carried ~oved by Trustee ~e!ley seconded by Trustee .,~.~l~ton that thc. Board adjourn until Linden Avenue at August ii, igiz,to ;neet at ~Zi0 ~r~ le~ Time of ad ,:'~ ourn~ne nt ~ ' 40 Respectfully sutmitted William J.Zmi+h .... '~z~' *' Clerk