HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1914-03-02S.a' ?rancisco,hold ~!ondaj ],.~_rcl-,£, I9i ~.
Ibis meeting
n~ ~-...u~l f~v~'3 ~ ~ followinj ~rustees ~rese~it,to v.'~t;
~. C. ~lc ,3ov~n ~",~c~, .... ~ ~,fter roll-~ - ~
'~'h~ minutes of .... ~.~e .-~:'~vio'~z 'nesting v'crc read and u~ou. mot io:~ of Trustee
Kelley seconded by Trustee Holmton and re~larly carried were approved as read.
The reports .of City officers were then read .the report of the ~ity Clerk showed
a Bal. in the General fund o~ Mar. I, ISI4,of ~77I.S8.
THe re~oort oF the City recorder showed that the sum of
~,:30. had been cells cted
from fines through his office during the month of February ISI4,for whic.h amount he
moved by Trustee Kelley ~econded by Trustee IIickey that the reports of all City
Officers receiver, at this meeting ]:e accepted and filed. Carried
~ac. Cas &Elcctrie c~:.ir.~..7.' Le ~rante5 er :ic'.~io:u ~-' set 'polos in the lley betz~o~n
Juniper and armour .J, ven-~cc. Carried
~;o,~.,~ by Trustee ..,,"~ aovcrn. ~o~-~uded, by Trustee Z ickoy that
Cha~. Steur:uann of the Armou. r HOtel be ~ante~~ permission to m,a~c repair~ on his Hotel'
Build inc. Carrie d
A co~?tnieation ?~? receive8 from the western .Sand ~d rock ~o. wherein they
offered the City the sum of Tv~o H~dred [2005 DOLLARS for the ~rivelage of useing sand
.off Chestnut Avenue for one year from date of communication ,also Fromi~eing to sel]
~' , _, r sir use .... nd at the sum of t~"ont~ five ce~to per u?rd
to residents of the .~zty ~ th
"'ovo~ .... f~-us'"o~ !ii,~:~,'''-- c'~co-~--,d~., by Trustee ['c Sov~'rn that
.be ~"anted. ]arried
'~'he foll~in~ demah~§ against the C~t-' were yresented
-having been alsprove~ by tbs finance committee
H.W. Kn~ae fees as City ~arshal
So. City Printing Co. J~b Printing
J.A. Koarney labor on street
~.J. Hawes cl~!m of Frank ~onvery labor on street
EnterpPtse publishing ~muanv. ,,._ ,- advertisi~
San ~dateo County N. osqutto co=mittee
for paz~ent the same
i[oved by Trustee iliskey seconded by Trustee :':c Covcru that ,$Y9~ the
above demands be paid and ~arrants b~ dra',vn ~ ..... t~e various amo~mnts.
Moved by Trustee Kelley seconded by Tr~stee ~,i¢ Covern that t¥,c Toard adjourn ,m~til
Mazch I6,ISI4,to meet at ~310 Linden Avenue at 8' 0
Carried ,
Time of adjournment 9'20 P.i,i.
Kelley seconded by Trustee Hol~ton and re~larly carried were approved as read.
The reports of City officers were then read .the report of the City Clerk showed
a Bal. in the General fund o~ Mar. !, IgI4,of $77I.~8.
THe revert of the City recorder showed that the sum of ~30. had been cello cted
from fines through his office during the month of February I914,for which amount he enclosc
moved by Trustee Eelley ~econded by Trustee Hic~ey that the reports of all City
Officers receiveC at 'this meeting I:e accepted and filed. Carried
l:ovo:~ by T:-ustec Lickey soc~,~'? ,,
...... ..,:,r %:' ~ri:.stee Mc:Ic~' thai tlc
he ~r:int~ _ni'~in~io:': "' set moles in the lley between
?ac. Cas
Jumiper and armour Avon:neg. Carrie~
::ov~_ by Trustee :.to Oovern seconded by Trustee
Cha~. Steurmann of the Armour HOtel be ~.~rante~ ~er~is~on to make repairs
Building. Carried
l: ickey that
?u his Hotel.
A co~?mication wot- received from the V'estern Sand a~,d rook Co. wherein they
offered the City the sum of Two Hundred (2005 DOLLARS for the privelage of useing sand
off Chestnut Avenue for one year from date of communication ,also promlseing to se].]
to residents of the City f,'~r their use sand at the sum of tv'enty five cent~ per
:'eve5 ~--- f:-'iJ'"ee ::ich:e-- coco::d,~d by Trustee fmc '3ovarn that t!,e
be ~ ~anted. Carried
The foll~vin~ demah~ against the C~t-' were ~resented
having been approve~ by the fiua~aoe committee
H.W. Kn~sae fees as City ~{arshal
So. City Printing Co. Jnb Printing
J.A. Kearney labor on street
M.J. Hawes claim of Frank ~onvery labor on street
Enterprise publishing 'omp~ny advertisi~
San ~ateo County i:osquito committee
for pa~,~ent the same
::loved by Trustee 2iekey seconded by Trustee :':c Govern that ,$y~ t%e
above demands be paid and r:arrants }~ dra:-n ~- ..... ~:e various amo~mnts,
Moved by Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee ~/~:~ Covern that tV, c 2card adjourn ~3mtil
Mazch ~6,I914,to meet at ~310 Linden
Time of ad,~ournment 9'~0
Rosp~ct~¥ submitted
~,l~.~i,~. J. Smith~ity Clark
at 8' 0 ~Oloch ~ .....