HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1914-03-30Special ~'Ieeting of the B~ard of Hrustees of the City
South San Francisco. held Llonday f,~arch ~, 1914.
Pursuant te the fellowing notice: Please take notice that there will be a s~'e
special meeting ef the Board of %rustees of the City ef S~uth San francisco in the Council
Chamber ,in said Board of 7ruste~s at ~SI0 Lindeh Avenue on klenday, ~=~arch,B$, I914~ at
8' 0 Clock P..q. Said meeting wll be held for the purpose e? passing a resolution te cor-
rect the minutes ,f the 26th day ef January,I9IA,with reference te the adoption ef the res-
elutien ad,ptin~ plans and si~ecifications for the imprev~,~t of that portion ef L4nden Ave-
nue between the north liue of ~,~iller Avenue and the SeuthLinre ef k~eur ~lvenue,a siecia; m,eting
was held ~,~tenday Xarch Z0. I914. This meeting was called te order at 8' 0 ClecE P.I~{.
Roll call
Roll ca~l feund the fellwing Trustees~present te wit;
G.W. Helsten,T.L. Hickey, and P.A. Cunningham.
Trustee J.C. L!c ~D6ve~n appeared after roll-call.
Absent T ust~e T.L. Hl~kcy.
The following resol-uti~n was introduced by ~stee ~olston
~hereas,th~, Beard~ ef T~ustees of the City ef Deuth San.Pbancisce
did entheZ6th day of January IgIA,adopt plans and specifications for the impro~ent ef thaYt
portion ef L4nden ~venue and the So'.~th line ef Armour f~venue by regradeing and p~veing and
the construction ef corrugated iron culverts and codcfete jacket~bases sides headwalls,
~nd approaches for such ~lvertsand,
Uherea~, thr~d~h ~nad~ertancsthere'wa~ omitted from said rsolutien
~s written any mention of the construction of corrugated iron culverts and concrete ~ackets
ba~m~ sides he~dwalls win~alls and ~preaches for such culv~ta,and,
~ereas,the plans and s?ecificat~_o~s adopted by said Board of Trustees
en said date f~r said imprudent actually provided for the constr~uctien $~ corrugated iron
culverts ,and concrete ,$ackets,bases,sides,headwalls,win~alls and approaches for such cul-
verts,in addition to said regrading ~ud p~ving;
~erefor reselve$by said Board ef ~ ustees that the City C, erk be,
and he hereby is ~hstructed to oerrec~ the minutes of the said Bo~rd of Trustees held on
the ~6th day 6f January ,I914, so that said resolution shall read as follo-'s to wit;
Resolved by the Beard of Trustees of the City or South San F~ancisce that
~he plans, and ~ecific~ti~ns for t ~e imprevment o-~ that ~orti~n of Linden ~':~venue between th~
]~orth line of k~lller Avenue and the South ]~ine of Armour ~venue ,by ~.~rading and paving
· nd by constructin~ therein corrugated iron culverts and concrete~,~mckets ,b~ses,sides,
he~dwalls,win~a]ls and approaches for ~uch culverts,as prepared by th~~ City ~nr~neer ef
s~id C t,, ~d submitted this 26th d~y of Januory IgI4,be and the sam · hereby are adopted
as and for the ~lan~ an~ ~ ~ecif]catiens for doing said work.
I h~reby certify that the fe~e~ing r, solutien was re~larly introduced
and adopted by the Board of T~ustees ~f the ~ity ef South S~ Franeisc~ this 29th.day ef
Hmrch, I914, by tye fol~wing vote;
Ayes, Trustees G.W. Holsten,T.L. ilickey, and P.A. Cunnin~Fham.
Noes Trustees I~ne.
Absent Trustees I~c Govern and Kelley.
William J. Smith Ct. ty Clerk
~eve~ by Trustee Hickey seconded by Trustee I~.fc Govern that th~ City CLerk be instructed
te notify all $.~F saloon k. epers not to sell ~r give to Richard J~nes sn~ intoxicating
was held ~,~lenday !':arch JO. I914. This meeting was called te erder at 8' 0 Clee~
Rell call
Rell c~]l feund ~he fellwin~ Trus~e,s~presen~ te
G.~. H~ls~en,T.L. Hickey, and P.A. Cunningh~.
Trustee J.C. ~c CSve~n appeared after roll-call.
Absent T~ustee ~.L. Hl~k~y.
~he following resol-uti~n w~s introduced by ~stee ~tolston
U~hereas,th~ Beard ef T~ustees of the City ef Deuth San
did enthe26th day of January IgI~,adopt plans and specifications for the impre~ent ef th~t
portion of L~nden Avenue ~nd the South line ef Ar~our Avenue by regradeing and paveing and
the con~t~ction ef corrugated iron culverts ~nd codc~ete Jacketsbases sides headw~lls,
~nd approaches for such ,~lvert~and,
U:here~, through ~nad~ertanCsthere~w~ o~itted fron said rsolutien
~s ~ritten any mention'of the construction ~f corrugmted ~ron culverts and co~crete jackets
baaa~ s~des he,dwells win~lls mhd ~preaches for such culv~ta,mnd,
~ere~s,the plans mhd ~?ecifications adopted by s~id Board of Trustees
en s~id date f.~r said impr,~ent actually provided for the constr:uctien $~ corrugated iron
culverts ,and concrete Jackets,bmses,sides,headwalls,win~alls and approaches For such cul-
verts,in addition to said re,fading ~ud p~ving;
Therefor reselveSby said Board ef T~stees that the City C~erk be,
~n~ he hereby is ~hstructed te oerreo~ the ~inutes of the said Board of Trustees held on
~he ~6th d~y 8f January ,IgI~, ~o that said resolution sh~ll read as follo~'s to wit;
Resolved by the Beard of Trustees of the City or South Bran 2~anci~ce that
~he plans and ~:ecific~ti~ns for t ~e imprevment of that ~orti~n of Linden ~'~venue between th~
North line of ~'~
~.~.~er Avenue and the ~outh line of Armour ~venue ,by z.~grading and paving
mhd by constructin~ therein corrugmted iron culverts and concrete Jackets ,b~ses,sides,
he~dwalls,wingwa]ls and approaches for such culverts,as fre~ar~d by th~~ City -~nr~n~er
s~id City ~d submitted this:26th d~y of January I9I~,be and the sam · hereby are adopted
ms and for the ~lana sn~ s ~ec~f]catiens for doin~ sa~d work.
I h~reby certify that the fe~e~ing resolution was re~larly introduced
and ad~pted by the Beard ef T~ustees ef the ~ity ef South Sah Francisc~ this 29th.day ef
H~rch, IgI~, by tye folewing vote;
Ayes, Trustees G.W. Helst~n,T.L. Hickey, and P.A. Cunnin. gham.
Noes Trustees None.
Absent Trustees LIc Govern and Kelley.
Willia~ J. Smith Cf. ty Clerk
~ove~ by Trustee Hickey seconded by Trustee L~c Govern that the City CLerk be instructed
te n~tify ~ll $~ saleen keepers not te sell er give to Richard Jones ~nd intoxicating
liquors under p enmity.
.... ~-=-5-~, l~'~vA~A-ca=~enS-1-e~' ~-e ~m~P~e~vme~,t of that pertien .f L~nden Ave-
between the nerth line ef ~,tiller Avenu. and the SsuthLinr. of Armeur Avenue,a siecia; m~eting
~leved by Trustee Hickey seconded by Trustee ~.~c Govern that he B~ard adjourn
until ~!~nday April, 4, I914,to meet at ~10 Li~de~ /~venue at 8' 0 Cleck .P.i~.
Time of adjournment 8'ZO P,~.
Hespectfully submit~'d
William J. Smith City Clerk