HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1914-06-01 ,.~ ting of the ::)?ard ~fTr:lst,:es of th~ ~zty of
South Srn Francisco,h$1d i[onday Jun~,lst. 1914.
Thi~ n~tin? was call~5 to order at 8' 0 d!ock 2.!!. Ly
~ ~.?olston Pr~ai,t~ut of the Board".
p~, ~o'ts me~tinF w~re r~P~d a~td tl[:o~[ otio.n o~ 2
2rust,~ i Olltl:lill~hal aild rteul~rly carri~:-d v'zre a?provl, d a? read.
two po!~s on Ls en Lw~. th< roattcr v'~o r'~f~:r~'~0 to i;h~ JJtT7 EngiA~r.
A oomnu~ic~tlon w,~s received from the South :Jgm Prancisco ',~a0~- .... ~.pons~
a,~dr~s,~ed to them t:y thc Clerk in con~eetion with obtaining a b~tt~:r water
~o'??~rcial Rnd :..al!~oa~] ,IL t~ .... ~ .....
'" ~ r~r, orts o[ CA' ........ ,-
3lt'v Clerk sLov~d thc fo!lou-in~ bala;ic~a.'l~n~ral ?:md ;[~2,979.09, :;~w~r~tnd LLS,458.:'2
· .Aro .... 1 cli~ck~~ v'ith tL~.
ih~ r~ort of t},e 3i' 'l~c6rder shov,~;~ that t;,. 3uN of fw~n:;y (20) dolla}o had
thro:~.h his office during:, the on~;h o¢ lay ...fnr v.'h'**l,,n h~ enclosed cii~ck.
v'as ~'enelv,,:~ from,~''~'~i,~, "n~i-h ~-. ~o., ~ ~Sn~-ese ~,~..s~'~ accepted and placed on
:~:oo].ve,'i l<'.:' % ~ ..~:)~rC 0-~ 2i"':ls:..~.~: o~ 'h~
I:y j_o esta.t)ilsh~d as t}int c ~a. la ~ ~ ~: paral~il wit}u
aad at a (1i::::i ~qOe O~ tw~].V, f.,~t{~''
_~¢~ ) f~ ~t Z~,~. from,~hatv .......
and thc s~m~ [c h~r~by ~.st .... " .....
~;:l.Lsh~d as ~iz~t c~rtaia tine Earalel! to t:':~; sc%th Lo~L'ld~ry
line o~ said Avenu~ and at a distenc~ of '2welv~ (1~)~T~' ~t ~'~:,..~'r~from.
That th~ East curb !4n~ ...... of Linden Avenue in ~':,i~ ~it"~o-f '~,,~.~n ....... ~a:i ~,'-~,anoisco be,
and the same hereby is estar _lshed as .... :.o c~ lain lin~ ,,,a~.,~.~!l to ~r~e ~st i:o~z:idar;.; lin~
and at a dista'ncm of twelw~ ,¢~¢~,/ (ltl) f: et th' re-From,*"*~- ' - .....
. . -,~ ~,.o t~ ,z=nt curb _,_in~ of said
. ..~,,, e~ ...... ~_~sli~d ~:n !]Ptt o:.r~,' ' .LO.! to ~:~: w~., ,, bo~,.J~u.srSz lille
~q,':% all o¢~ioial el_erst/ohs or ~ ~{'as s~.~
h~reb.? det~.rm[n~d,:,~,:,,~,., ~o ~ and Cer;~'.~ iLed w~i-~ ~:"'~r~:'}c~ .... ,,.,'~ t.:- "~-.rc~, ~ov'.sr !.or: "-a-~,~..,
..~s ~scertaice~. ~. ~ ....... ~.~_.. S..:,~q~ ~.J~,~ ~d ¢~o.,~tic ::':rve%,at Port roin~,bu: ~an. isco
'~ali'Fornia , * ..... ' *~ .
~ az.o r~i~ina .... ~' CeJ,~z'il. ed ~s ti,-:~ ,Jify. 3ase,
That the official ~lew~tio::~ or grade:~ on said Av~nu~ ar; hez'~by (~tz"ti;t~d
~ ova,,,,.,id ~, Base and t,~a~ said officals el~vst~o:m or ~rad~ aP, d their
:~ev~: al oit:t,~ of loestion ~, al'id thc ~ame ~:~ ~Ly ar~'
.... . ..... int,;.rs~otiox of t:~; ::ox'th e:u-~ :in~ of 2ailroad
at ~p~iP.t ?orm~d b,~ ~-' k~tcrs~:,-t[ i'l o~ z
nortk curb line of Nallrca(,~ ~ ~ .~v~l'rl~ with th~
~ast line of Lin6~n .lv,~nue tv:~nty on~ and sixty ~icht (21.68) hundredths f ~t; at :,, point
formed by the int;rsection o== th~ w~,st curb ~in~', o'~ Linden :,~:lu~, with tl:~ north lia~ off
Railroad Av~nu~ ~w~:ltv, otl~ and s~v~nty trir~¢~ (21. ~c:),,, h.ular~dttis~ ~ feb:t,- at i:oint form,-,5 by
m · . ~ e~l ~ . ~ ~
th~ intersection of the ~ast curt line o¢' ~,¢..,:c: , lveri'a~¢ v?ith ,he north li~,e o_~ Railroad Awn:l
twenty one: and sixty eight {21.68) hundredths feet at a point formed by t~ ~ ~,_~ction of
+" ...... ltl' " ~ "~ ~ ...... :+~" '~ thc ,.
Avsnu~ and Commercial %Y~illl~ twenty,,,~x. and thirt-: '~ix (26 .~."~6) hundredths f,:et,' ~,~-
?orm:d bi7 ~- in~er~ec~ion of the v~st ~ ~ il
and ~ic qovern.
i:in~;.t,~s, o: ~,,~e r,r~ vio'~{~ meeting va~ re r.~ ~d arid u[.'o~ orion o ~ r~lo ~.~ ~ ,,-._ulace second{ ed by
Trust,~ Cun'~in~ham and r~ul~rly carri~d v:r~ a?prov~.d a? r~aad.
..... ~' ' ':'~ ~ ,:.~c~rz · ~o a? that
to ...... ~t two po!~s on
A ~ommu~ic~t[on w~s received from th~ South "r~n ?rancisco ~ a~~ ....
to on,~ a?dres,-ed to th~r~ by the Clerk in con-'getion with obtaining a b~tt~r water '.~,~i"~-
!;h,~ C'ty.
tlu,.~ :"~.:orts o~ Tr~a. sur=r and }iarshal ch~ck~~ v'ith thA~ O~ .Ac vl:.rl.k
2h~ r~e, orto-~ i;~,e 'i !scorder shova;5 that + - '- =
...... ,~t~) dollars had
thro:~.h his o'7fice dur~n? the onth o~ [ay for nh'~
~_,_~n h~ ,~'ac!c:,s~d ch=ck.
file ·
'n~,~. eh-! lowin~ r solut 1. o~i estc,~ l~shlnn~ gr~ d~ s wa.:~ i'~ I ~
':'q,"''r [SUt~~ 'L':':; LINES Ai[D 0~,~'?iCI,~L EI, EVATiON$ 0l! .... ,,,s 0: ~'~ :'~
curb lin, of said
and t~ ssP.]~ lc h,~r~by..=o~aul~shed as ~',~t c~z'ta~a l'ine faral~l! to ti':~ scuth -o,,'~ry~, .~_~,,
line of said Avenu~ and at a distance of 'Rw~lve (1£) P ~t ~h~.~rofrom.
That th.~ East curl) lin$ ....... o~ Linden Avenue in ,.:a;~ ~t- o'° '~.;.,,h ~.:, ~ .... 2rancisco
and th~ same h~reby is ~sta]'lished as that c~ rain lin~ ~ara!,~l to the E~st ioundary line
and at a ~s~anc~ of t~elv~ ~f$~$,~ [1~) f: et th,~re'From;t~at t~:~ v:~~ ~ ~"
...... ~ c~h ~ _,.L~ of said
ue aud th~ sa.m~ h: ~ ............ ish~d ~n ,.hat o.,:r ~,,~,in~ i:-:.~ par~,l_~'q_ to ',b: w~:t 1oo"..~:].,~rF line
Th: u ~1_~ o~ficS:l elevations or :~r .... on s~.~id Lv~n,].e be, and th~ ~am~ ar~
Cali'Forn~a ,.e.:.,~ ]'}~r~na 7 f~:~,'~riled as tL~ .]ity 3ase,
That ~
~:~ official ~l~vation~ or ~rad~r oll sa~d Av~nlt~ ar~ lift,by o~tr':i';~d
.~. ov~..~.~ ~tv Das~ and that said officals ~l~w~t~o~s or ~radcs. and their
S~: tionl,.,,'~ a , o~xt~_ 2orm~d i:7 ~"' -~: intcrs~otiox of t!.~ north c:.u-L 'Lill~' o4'" RailroaF ~-.'
' '"~- t ...... tv:o and ~:'o i}:t~ >:.s /)
north curb line of Railroad .,v~nue with th~
east line of Linden &v,~nue tv:~nty on, and sixty ~iftht (21.68) hundredths f ~,:t; r'~* : point
formed by the int~;rsection of th~ w~.st curb ]in~ o-f I, ind~n :,~nu~, v:ith t}:,~ north line of
Railroad Avenu,~ ~w~uty one and s~v~nty thr~e (21.75) hundredths ~ t; at i, oint fform,~5 by
th~: intersection of thc ~ast curb lin~ o? Li:n6en 2v~l'tt~ v:ith ~he north line of Railroad Awm~
.,~u (~]_.o[~) hundredths .... t,at a ~::oint for:ned by th.~ it:t~::'sect!oi~ of
~" ..... FI' ' ....
~::~ v'~st,.,,,.~ , line o l.i.n,~ o~ l, ind~it .%venu'e v,,~th t]'~. .... * .... ti: ,. ..
Av~nu~ and 3o',x)ercisl nieillle t'c~nt7 ?iX ~:ld thirty ~ix (26.Z, 6) hundredtLs f,;,et; xt a 'oint
Po?':~J b7 t e intorsectton of the ':.~st curb lin~;: off Lind~: ~',cr.u~ v'it~L '1}.~: north !in~ of tk~
:ll,y betx:cn N~,ilro~d .:~w~nu~ and C~",'~rcial Avenu,~ tv'~nty sov,~n and ~Court~n ixh~dr~dths
,o~':mercia! :~,venu,:' ta~rt , a~d ten h:i~o_redths ($! T0) f~ct,
~ ~ ._ ~:, a point =or~o .
Av~uue thirty, two (~2) ~e~. t; 3t ~,~ point _~nrm~d~ b}~. t.'~ ~t~rs~ctio:n o~.~ ti~ south c'trb
(31.I0) fe,~,t; st a "oint Corned by 'th,~ north cu. rb !in of Co'-~mcrcia! =v~nue with t]-N~ w~st
lin o7 linden '~' .... ' ~[' · ,
,~..~n t'hirtF on~ ~nd s~x~.~ two h:mdredtLs [Li. CL) f~t, at ~, ::~i
by .¢ ...... : ?:crt.". :~ ~ north curl, line of Jo,~:, reial ,~venue with th~ east ]_in~ of Lind~
Avant% ~:~r~~' one axd tw~nt7 five hlndr~dths(3!.,5) [~,ct, at aioin~ formed Ly ~'h-
.,~ _ ao~t line o CC m~rcial
thirty cue aha ~c,r~.,~ fiv~ h~tndr~dths(~l.45)"fe~t-: ab a,2oi~tt forr,~a ~7 t~ int-rs~ction of
t::~, ~ast cu~'~, lin~ of ~,~na~n Ave'%~e with t}:-? nort~. ~ ine of . ~', .... ,~1. ~v:nu,-
~,~ ,~,-.r~,, n~* ~ ..... ~re~sf?2.d~,
· '~c~'o~. ~,.. Ae ._.- ,-,~;. eorm~ ~-~ *~.~ iut,~ro-~f~on,~ ~, ~._ --~t. .. on~k.~ ]in~ or L~-n~ o~ rind~n
and1'hirty six h~dredths(29.36) feet;at a?oint Formed by th~ inte ~section of ezhe ~nst curb
lin~ of I, indin Avenue with the south line of th; a~ley %~tw~en .....
~ ~o ,%rcial and Baden
twenty ~[~ht andninty six hundredths ~896 feet; at a. ;~oint formed by th~ in(:.rers~ction of th
w~t curb ~_ine o ~.~ ...... ~,z~dm~ Avenue with the north ]in~ of t.a~ all~y betw~-~n Co nm~reial
and Baden ~,m~ twenty ~tight ~n~ al~y two hundridths (28 B2) f~t' at a ~oiut formed
by thi [nt~rs~ etlon of
. o~ ,~as~ curb line of Linden Av~nu~ with t~i~ north lline of th~
alley b~tw~n Co:~m~cia! ~ven~e and 3aden ivenu~ twenty .ig'ht and sixt~ five iRu~dr~dths
(28.65) f~t;
"o~ction' 4.At a !' iht formed by th, int,,rs~ction of th~ w~st curb 1[n~ off_ Linden
,, -'- ~' ~i-~-:~+~ nin~ h'~ndr~dths (26.99) f~ t
with the south li~e of Baden ~v~nue t: eno~ six and ..... ~
at a point formed by th~ intersection of the ~ast curb ]in~ of Linden av~nu~ w~th th~
south !in~ of Bade ~ Av~nu, tw. nty si~ and fifty s~ hundredths (%6.g6) f.~t;at a ~,oint form
b~ the intersection of th~ south c~b !in, of Baden Av~nu~ with th. w~st lin~ of Linden
Iv~nu~ twenty s~v~n and fourteen hundredths 27.14 f-~='t; ~t apoint formed by th~ int~rs~ctio
of th~ south curb lin~ of Baden Av.nu~ with th, ,ast in, of Linden Av~n~ u~ tw, nty six
and ~~ on~ hundr,dths (~6.31) f~et;at a point for~,~ by the intersection of the north
cur~ .u~n~ of Baden Av~nu~ ~ith the w~st ine of Linden Av~nu~ twenty six ond ninety ~ight
hundredths (R6.98) f~et; at a point forme~ Ly the inters~cton of th~ north curb lin~ of
~$~,n Av~nu~ with the ~ast !inr of Linden Avenue twenty six and thirty eiuht hundredths
(~6.Z8) f~"t; at a ~:,oint forme~ by th~ intersection of the r~st curb ~i ue of Linden Ave-
nue with th~ north line of Bad,n Lv~nu~ t:--enty six and nin,ty two hundredths f26.92)
f~t; at a point forn~ b~J the int~rsection of t'k~ ~ast curb lin~ of Linden Ay, ~u~ with th
north l'in~ of ~lad~n Av~nu~ twenty six and forty s~v~n hundredths (26.~?) f~t;
SECtionS.At a Foin!for~ed by t'~e intersection of +~:.~ north curb lin~ of Badln ~vmnu~ with th~ w~st
kine of CI~r~ss Avenue t~,~nty and ~$~y$~.hundr~dths (20.1~ f~et; at a ~olnt forme~ b
byth~ int.r~ction of th.~ sou%h curb lin~v~d,;n Av~nu~ with th~: w~st lin~ of Gypr~ss
&v~nu~ tw.nty - -~ ~ _
. ,,n~ twent~ five hundredths (~O.gg) feet; r~t a oint forx,~ed b~'~ t]~e west curb
- in~~ o-~ 3y re~s Avenue ~ith the north lin~ of q~,den ........ Avenue twmnty aha fivm km':dr~dths
(~0.05) f~t;at a point formtd by th~w~a~tline of CF~'~r~ss ,Lvenu~ with th~ south lin~ of
~n-:. --,~"-~,.,.. tv'~nty, and thirt~~. four h'undredth~ (~0.34) re't; at ~, poi:at form~,d by the
ea~r~Zne..o~ C~r~ss Avenue ,,zo_~ t north ].in~' o-' t'~- . , ,
nu~ %;.th the north !;::¢' 0¢ 3adon :lve:~u.? tv.,,tnty and tv:~:'tt;J-::~ix izTuuercdths (20.26) f~t;
' in~,u~ ..... ~y~' ' r~ss .Lv nu~ '-~v.e~.,' ~',, .......... ~,d re; .... ~x' i~ ndredths (,:d. 04) f~t;at u }::oint: for.n~d LC, t}:.:, in-
'', rsection oF th~~ .... ,.., ~' ~ '
~z~n~:.,-two hundr.:::f:ths (20.x,) ~:,~t; at ~:z ,:el:hr for%c by t:x,, 2.:':'~:-s:.7:otion of 'thc
,.~v- r~an~red~ns (17.85) ?¢,2t, at ;-: :::oint 7. r%-,'.,c. ,:,-7 t'r,¢', iht r~t~r~c~to:; oF ~u...: ::..,, ~_...a c ....
~ 'gr~n 2~ventl,~. v/it,~ ~.;.: I :;: ~.. i'll u.. , : ::' o Road ~i?hteeun al'id fifty ii'uicredttis (i5.50)
t~rial used for paving
'fin LonFitm0ln~l s!of~ or ~'ade of ach of t]_~ Av~-ums h=r~inb~fore named shall
on straight lin~ s co.:-m~ctin? ~-'~ ' '~ ~? -~ '-'d ~:~ ....... s -~ ....
are 'lx~d a~ h~re~u"~:~7~ ~ro-'.,
cisco this 1st ds7 o~ ,Rm. 1PlA,by th~ follow ing vote:
Ayes .Tru~t~s ?.A. Cunningham CEO. Wallac~ and 'G.W. Holston.
No~s Trust~s
A%s~nt T.ust~s K~ll~y ~d ~'c ~
Wi]!iam J. S~ith City Cl~rk
Th~ followin~ r~solution was tk~n introdu_c~m by Trusv~. Wallac..
Resolution AdoptinF Plans and Spe,'~-:~tions. czz~c.
of S~n Uruno [icad -afl t~.~ ,-~t-rl?.r ]ina -'" 2~.~'z"BW~.~.'.-RO~i LinCen "~ .... ,- and
~.. ilrond Av,p.l,,¢ ,as
~repared, !,y "~'- Ci''' -'" ou~,n~
~, En¢'lneer o!' s,:Ta ~I~'-~,_. o~ 2curl Za7 Prancisao,and "'?)~ '''-d this 1st.
day o~ J~ne,lgl4,b~ ~,~'~ t~ .... zam*~ r'_e7''~'' :,p~c~fications
~.,,,,~.~ a~ a-,d for t~ ........ ~
for ding said work.
T ~,~ere~,~- Ceftin..., that the fore~oln? .... reoolu~ion was r~: ~,:: ~.
o~+~~ ....>,y +>,- Re,rd a~ Tr,mte~- o~, ~.h~ City of '~nuo,t''.~,..:" ' ','r,.neisoo,this l"t ,'rq,, c"' Jon~.1914
~ t~,* fo? ~wing vo*~e
andthirty si~ hundredths(29.Z6) feet;at apoint :Formed by th* inte ?section' of the east curb
lin~ of Linden Avenu~ with the ~outh lin~ of th~ a~ley b~tw~en ~omm~rcial and Baden Aw~enue
twenty ~i~ht andninty six hundredths ~89~ fe~t; at a point formed by t~ iny~rs~ction of th
w~t curb !in~ of ~,~d~n Av~nu~ with tn~ north ]in~ of-tb~ all~y ~'.~tw~n Co m ~reial
and Badmn Av~nu~ twenty dight m~ misty two hundredths (~8.8~) f~t; at a ~oint formed
o~ int~rs~ ction of th~ eas~ curb line of Linden Av~nu~ with o~ north ] in~ of th~
all~y b~tw~n Conm~cia! ~v~n~e and 3admn iv~nu~ tv~nty ~ight and s~og fiv~ lRu~dr~dths
(g8.6~) f~t;
o~ction 4.~o a ~ iht ~ ~ ~ ~ int-rs~ction of tk~~ w~st curb l[n~ o~ Lindmn
with t~_~ south line of Baden ~v~nuc t:-'~nty si% and ~n~+~ ~,~ nin~ h'indr~dths (~6.~9) f~ t
at a ?oint formed by th~ i~t~rs~ction of tk~ ~ast curb ]in~ of Linden avmm~ w~th th~
south !~n~ of Bade~ Avmnu~ twenty si~ and fifty s~ h~ndr~dths (~6.g6) f~t;at a ~'~oint form
b~ the intersection of th~ south e~b !in~ of Baden Ax~nu~ with th~ w~st lin~ of Linden
Av~nu~ twenty s~v~n and fourteen h~u'~dr~dths Z?.14 f~=~; ~t apoint formed by th~ int~rs~ctio
of th~ south ~urb lin~ of Baden Av~nu~ with th~ ~ast in~ of Linden Av~n~ u~ twenty six
and ~~ on~ hundr,dths (a6.S1) f~t~at a point formed by the intersection of th~ north
curs ~t~n~ of ~ad~n Av~nu~ with th~ w~ot mn~ of .... nd~n Av~nu~ twenty six snd ninety ~ight
hundr~tks (26.9~) f~t; ~t a Foint formed by th~ int~rs~cton of th~ north ,-urb lin~ of
~s~n Av~nu~ with th~ ~ast !in~ of Linden Av~n'~e twenty six and thirty eight hundredths
(~6,Z8) f~-t; gt a ~/.oint forme~ by th~ intersection of the w~st curb ~i u~ of Linden Avm-
nu~ with th~ north line of Badmn Av~nu~ t:'enty six and ninety two hundredths fZ6.9Z)
fm~t; at a point ~orm~ by th~ int~rsectlon of t~ ~ast curb lin~ of Llndmn Arm ~.u~ with
north line of Baden Av~nu~ twenty six and ~orty s~v~n hundredths (Z6.&7) f~t;
$ECtion6.At a Foin~ for~d by the int~re~.ction of ~k~ north curb lin~~ of Baden ~vmnu~ with th~
lin~ of CyprmssL . Av~nu~.~ tv~ntvo ~ and ~F~y~nhundr~dths~ .~ m ~! ~ (ZO.l~ f~et', at a ~oolnt forme~ b
byth~ int~ro~ct~on of tn.~ oo~t~ curb l~n~ ~v~d.~n ~v~nu~ with th~ v:~st lin~ of Cypress
Av~nu~ twmnty and tw~nt~ fiv~ hundredths (~0.g,5) f~t; ~.t a o[nt for~e8 b~ t~e w~st curb
lin~ ~ Cy r~s Avenue ~ith the north lin~ of 3aden Avenue +o¥~,~o~ and fiv~ ~ . hm:dr~dths
(~0 05) f~t;at ~ point :~or,~ ~ L~ th~w~a~tlin~ of CyLr~s ,iv~nu~ ~:ith th~ ~ou~n lin~
~- ~'n..~ ..... ;'~.. tw~utl and thirt?, four ~.. '~' .... d~.th~~ {~O,S4)' fe~t; at ~, ~oint. form~.~ by the
ea~r~me.m~ C>q~r~ss Avfnu~ ;,itk th,- north l~n~: o. ao~n ,vc. nu~ twe~ty .... s~ven hundredth
~ ~ ' -~' ~oint -~r~af b7 ~'~ iut, ..... ~ ~'~L ....s Ave
[~0.0 ) :ffe,~, at a ::, ...... ~ ,r cuLon of 'tke last c'~rl. !iu,~ of .... -
nu~ ~;tk ~" t~ ...... ~..~,::.nt,, and tv'~nt~,-six ]xhufr,:dths (20.26) f~t,
~ , o,l,,,. ~ v~Jt' tN cast 1i21~' 0 .... ~.v; rca:'
fe et'
The shap~ of t]~ crosa-n~tion~ o f ~;ac]~ o2 said Av~nu~ s anC t~,e e.levatioas tk~r~of
tfrial used for
~ Lon~it~Sl,n:! o~ooe or ~,'adc .of ach of tl_~ ,Iv~:~u~s hcr~Jnb~for~ nam,~d shall b~
on straight line S eo::-:,n~oti:ls {:n~ o5 .... nn .~r-'ch Of ~ .... ~
' ~er~,--/.. ~erti"- t~'~*~,.~-. .... ¢~;:~¢~g f~re~nin~. ~:. . res~,tian.~_ ,.,a-.
casco this 1st day o~ :7tulm 1914,by the follow lng vote:
Ayres .Trustees ?.A. dunninnham CEO. Wallace and 'G.W. Holston.
Xo~s Trust~s
Absent T~ustees K~llmy ~d !lc Govern.
T/i]!i~m J. Smith City Clerk
The followin~ r~solution was then introdnc~a by Tr:zss~,
Rasol~ttion kdoptin? .i?lans and Specifications
R~solx~¢d b~,, t~a .... lo,rd ~ Tr~l~tees ~th~ Sit--.,, o¢, ~m~th, ~ ~;-n ar~ncisoo that l;~,- pl~'as and
&T~nu, ~nd t:;,a S,)u: h:zlv ].in[. n F ,,rm::tr Avenue ,:.~,d '~fien !v~n~l.- bet~e-n th, westerly line
h_-tw~en t;:~ ~ortharly ~in~ o"~ ~'aCen A,,ou-~ -~r, ,t~- norih~rly 'line o+' ~l.o~:.d iv- .... ¢ as
Francisco,and suLmztt~c this 1st.
day o" J,tne,1914,b~-~--' _" ~ -', c: t~ ........ .... car~*' ~"~ ..... ' .... az .... ~oi;ted as a,:,d for t~..' ;.l;ns'~ and apecific~tions
for ding said work.
~' hez'~%/ o~rtifF that tk~ ~ore~oin? resol'ttion v.'a~ r~?~?.ar!y ~'~u~
oFt~~ >,y th- no~rd ~* Trustee~ o" ~,h~ City of Cnuth S:.~ %'r,meisoo,this t-'t "~ay o~' Jon~,lgl~_
~- t~'~ fo' l"~ing vote
. . ..... ..~ , -_o. h .... llacc .... d ,=.,,. Uolston.
Uilli~m J. Smith 'Ji~:y Clerk.
Th-~ follow~nf- resol:,tioa w~o ~ben introd:~o~~ ~'- i~r'ast-: ?/a!!?~
A Me'solution o~ the ?oar5 oe T.'~Ist;~s o7 th~ C!ty on So!I~H ~.n ;,'rrnei~eo
to ~it:
it~ oF 2o,~th S~a ~?aneisco to ord?r v,h~ follo?:ia,~ wor,r to be don, on ~ifl City
'i!ka.t ta,,t nortt_on of ~-~n ~rua~ Road ;,.etw~en the northerly line of CranX
~qa tbs- ~m~-ther!y !in~ n~. Armo,~ A"~" .... ~ in~!udi~'l=~_ all ~tr,et inter~ctions ,~, improvmd
~y~ ~raaia,-, ~ ~ro~. , ~.:,- -e-+-~]v.~. ~ .~ ~,ouqaary lin~ to ,_,*. ~.in~ ~are~al~ _ therto ,.'~:fi ~;t ;, di,~tanee nf
!;~?ntv thru- (;:3) e-.et e~s~;~r!v th,~r:-from ;~1.~o bM ,~rading ~etv, e,n eh- ~-~t,'-r!v curb line
and a linc paral~ll to said ~aster!- curb lln~ and at '~ dlstanc,~ of ~]_~v~n (ll) f:et ,.,,-st~r]v
therefrom;a~o Ly oout~,tructi~:T ooner~.t.~ ~ld~waqas
· 'nd concrete curbs on thc .w~st:rly ~id~
........... ~ ..... r,- and
~~ ...................
.-l~ven (l. 1) fa~t v. est~r].v t,:,,:.rerrom;
. ~.. I] n- o ..... ~ru,~o end ttt-~
iTL =tre~t in~rs~¢~ions,h~ improved
a ?in~ i~ara!!~l to thc
~as~r?'- cttr!: P ~ne o~ :'Infl,n .1~n'l~- a,~d at a ,"~i~tanc-' o-_~ ~ight [8) feet ,-est~rty from said
s outh,~ r!y
our?' !in~ of'~en A~,-n,t~ -'-'. .?'~i~ 7-?.~%1el t~:~-r?to a<,'~ at - ~,~t-nee o~ eight (~'3) fe.t
~ ort ?: ~ rly
~h~i; l:i:u'len Av-n'~t~ ~ im.-'rovef ;'et,.,_,: ?n ~';,, n,,r,:h~r].y lin- o'f l~-itroad X,.~ntt~ r_nd
all ifl~:~. .... ~ctlon~ ~ gtre~+~ and alleys ,~'-~ con-
(9] f, et nor~,i~l .... :.r.'*rom, :,..._, ......... , ..... = ..... .,
lng in ~h';~ Torti~n o~ l. iaden Avenue in~u~ ~.etr'e~n 't~:~ ~ast~rl-:: cur~ linc of Linden
~,,~' " ..~reto a,".~ at ~i~%anc~ o~ ~J '"~
Avenue and a
' fry o~ ~outh ~n ~?ancisco to order ;h~ follow~n~ wor~ to be done
on ~id Oity
That that nortion ot' .~ ~ru~~ Road.. between the northerly line of Oranr~ Ave,]ue
a~d ~b~ ~o-therty lin~ o~ Aruou~ A~'~u~ ,ln~ludi~.~g all ~tr~t inter~ections ,b~ improved
by ~ra~i.ng ~ro~ +u~ =e~t.r~y boundary lin~ to ~ !in~ parel~l therto ~n8 ,~t ~: diet.nee
t~-entw thre. (~3) ~eet e~i:~rlv th-r~fro~ ;~l~o by grading b~tw~.n th~ ~t~'~r!v murl~ tin~
and a ~iu: paralell to said easterly curb line and at "~ distance of e!:ven [!l) f~et ,~-s~rtv
therefrom,a~o' b~., cen~tructi~ eoner~t~ sidewalks -~d_ ~oncrate curbs on ~..~ u'~st~rly ~id~
~ ................. sa~ ~ru'~o ~oad,~xc~pt ~ ........ ~ s,~-a~.~-s~- and cur%~ hay: alr':ady b~ n con~tz~ct~d,and
(5) inahes ~n thta:~ne~s ~.'~ tn.t ;:o.~ on a~: ~ 21. u:~n ~o,d Lereinhefor. d~seribed ~:~d ine!~ded
,, ' .... '-~ ~ha~ ~ortion o' 2~n Br,!no Road h~r~in ~ffore ~escribed end
eleven (11) "'- ·
~a~t v;esterlv i;~,re~rom,
~'1.' constr~ctin~ th~rei~ .n a~u)ha!*lc ~o~c:.-'~t- 7avem~nt ,~n thc ,.a-:new h~reinbe~cr~ fescribed
para21el t~l~reto au" at a dls+ano~ o~ ez~. (o) f~ o~l ~:zr~.,: +~'
At,mu. ~ ~mprov~d betv'e~n the -~st-rlv ]~n~ o'~ Cz~ ...... v:o Scad amd a line parallel to th~
~ast,~'~'~ cur% ]~ne o'~ riurl.'n Avenu= and at a ,~istanc- off eight [8) feet reot-~l~ from sai~
curb linc o~en d~.nu~ .,~,~ ~'~in~.. 7~r~lel thereto an~ at ~ di?t-ne~ o~ sight
~ortherly ~'~ r. fro~ ~n ~sl~ha!ti'e con~te .-~av~-~t,in th~ ~ ....... ~ b~r~inbefore desori)~d;
?h~t Linden dv.nu~ b~
-'nd ~ !.ine ?ar~l.! to th- ~o,.tberly our!', line or '~den Iv-nu~ .nd ~t - di~:t.nc~ of
Avenue and a line ~r-lle! th?rotc ,n~ ~t - d~stanc~ ,',~ e~ght (~) f=et =~.~ ..~ ~_ r-from ~,-~ ~n~-' Uric. concr~ta ~,.v~,~nt, in thc:manner h.relnb~for~ described ;~!~o ~h?t sh~t
~ortiou ~f 3inden iv.hue ~e improved bmt-?en th- nortberl.v u~n., of '~ilr~md Lvenue
~8) ~feet northerly ~ - , e ~ a!t In' -,~ti ~s o*
., ~ .... streets and alleys construct-
lng in ~h',~ portion o~ I.i~den Avenue i.]e~ue~ ~re~n tb~ ~ast~Tl'y curb line of Zinden
Avenue and a !iu~ para!!sl ~h,r~to auf at ~. diztanc~ of ~i~ht (~) f~etv'est~rly therefrom
~n +~,- manner !~r:inbefor~ described;
an asphaltic aoncret~ pav~m~: ,
All work herein provided ~or ~ha!l b. don~ to official grade an~in accordance
Tr~tee-~ for ~oing ~-id work and now o,; foti in the offic~ of the City Uler]~,to ~hich
is hereby made for 'rur~er de~criy~ion of ~ai~ ~ork.
'Phc n,~rd cf Trustees under t'h~ authority conferred u~,on it by ~ the provisions
o' that certain a~t o~ ~'~ Legisl~ture of the ~t~te of Californi~,~oDroved April,7,ZPII.
he ~?~ed to repre~+nt the o~t of ~aid ~roposed improv~ents;~ia bon~~ ~h~ be 'aerial
~vt~dinm over m Der~o~ o, four ~) years Tro~ +5~ .~cond d.v o~ Janusry next ~uceedin~
~m~ir ~te ,and shall be i~sue~ t~ represent a~aessment~ of twenty-five (2~) dollars or
~ore remaining unpaid for thirty ~Z0) day~ after the date of the warrant issued to the
contractor or five ~) dayc afta~ l~cision of said Board of Trustees on an appeal; an
even annuml proportion of the principal sum of each bond shall be pays%lc by coupon
ou t~e~ ~econd day of Janua'~'y o~ each year a2t~r it~ data and .... ....... ~il ~"~ whol~ ~s paid .and
intrest ~hail ~e~ -av~l~ s~'~i-a)~nually by coupon on the second ,~a.~ ~ ~-~ of January and July,
respectively o~ each year -* the rat~ o~ ~7) ~r cent p~r ann~&m on all $~s m~pnid until
the whole of ~(.id principal aq~! intreat i~ paid and sa~d bon~s shall b~ ~'~d
o~ Smith S~u': fr~noi.~o,i~ hereby d~sio, nai~d n~ t~.~ nev,'mp~per tn which this R,~olutio~
'~ltion or tnte~ti,~ ~o h~ 9ub]ia',hea t~y two in~rt!ons i:~ ~aid newsFap~r in t;'~: ma nn~r and
~on~ t~ ]in~ o f sa~d cont.mplat~ rar~ ~ud im~ro~nt an~~ in front o~ all pro~rty
All o .... ~ herein proposed work ~hall b' done in pursuance of an let of ~he
lifornia.de~ifnrtad am tls !m, ro~ant Act o~ 191]".a~proved
a?rll ?th. 191~.
I herby certi~_.~'~ th~,t th~ ~or~goin~- re~olution v'a~ r~gularly introduced and
.d~ted ~-. +~ °o-rd ~ Tru~-tsem of a~. City o~ ~outh S-n %-a. ei~co thi- let' day
June 1914,by the following vote A
Ayes Trust~m T.A. qun~ingham C~0 H wa!RaSe ~nd 9.W. Holston.
}~oes Trustees ~one
Absent Tru~tee~ J.W.~elley a~d J.C. },'~e qovern
The follein,~ re-olution w~s then introduced by ;~rust~e C~?uui
....... .~o~e~s o._ the ~mty of South E~,.n
~he public in~r~s2 and c~nvsulenc~ require that the fol!o~ng work be done i~ aaid City
to wit;: Th,t ~ drai~ far '~torm w?,ter be eon~t~ete for storm ~ster be ,'on, truer, d of
s, lt glazed,vitriTie~ -ev':r pipe ~s ffollows:
Peginni=g at ~oint on ~e so,~th~rly li~e of Chlifforuia A~enue [~0.62) ffee~
east of the eas~ li=~ o, Divisio~ ~treet ~d rum~ing thence. ~orth twenty ,~i~a [f~) degre
ecs west 13.~,% ffee~ with a diameter off theory-flour Inoh~s ;thence westerly a~d paralell
to the ~outherly line o',. ,]aliforui~.~ Avenue,with a ~e~er of +---"-'~,.,.,~,-four iuch, s to the
~outhre-t ocher of S-.n ~r~mo ~o~d aud Califor;~ia Avenue ;coutinuei~ ~h~nce ,with a diam-
,ter *'¢ eighte.n 1~ imc~es,parallel to the southerly llne of C~ll~ornla Avenue
~.helr Jate ,and shall be i~sue~ t~ represent ~hlessmenta of twenty-five ~25) dollara or
more remaining unpaid for thirty (Z0) days after th~ date of the warrant issued to the
contractor or five (5) days afta~ l~9~d~cision of said Board of Trustees on an appeal; an
even annual proportion of the principal sum of each bond shall be pa~aole by coupon
ou the ~econd day of Janua-:'y off each year aft,r its dat~ and ...... .~.~ th~ whol, is paid.and
intrest rhall ~ raya~l~ s~-~i-a~nually by coupon on the s~cond ~ ~-~
~a~ o~ January and July,
respectively o~ each year -* the rat~ o~ ~7) ,~r ce~t p,r aum~m on all s~s ~u~pnid until
the whole of ~?id principal a~~ intreat ~ paid aud sa~d boa~s shall be
with the provisions o~ sai~ "w~"~o~" o~ "
o* Smith Sa:': ?ranni~o,i~ her~!-,~z d~mi~'nHi~ r.~ ~ _~ newspaper in which this k, solwtion
"-~,~ion ch~].l ~,~.~ :~b]i~hed,,ad t~e C~:v 3]..~ i= h*~-~= directed ~,,~ oa~se this re~o-
l~.tlon o~ tata~ti,~ ~o h~ ~b]i~:hed ~y t~,o in~rtion~ in ~ai5 n~rsEap~r ~n th~ ma nner anR
T~- Superintendent o "+r-~ts ~ha]l im~d~a!:~~, to b-
.... ~, C g"!~ CO::I~
~on~ t:'~ ].in~ o f ~a~d cont~mFYate~ ~nr~: and impro~nt a:i~' in front o~ all property
lia~l~ to ,~ as~.~?,notices ~ ~'-~ >as::~',a~~e o~ Thi~ P:so!ution of Int~ntlon in thc man-
-~' .~ said "!'~pro-m~ut ict o~ 1911~
ncr a.~ form r~q~ir, d
All o~ th~ her~iu propos,d fork shall b~ done in pursuance
%egi~latur~ of t~e ~tate of C~]_ifornia.de,i~n,ted as th~ "lm,~ro~ent Act o~ 191]",auprov~d
rl% 7th. 191~.
I h~rby certi~-- *~'.+ t~- ffcr~gci~'- r~olution was ?gularly
~n ~ro~uced and
,d~tef ~y +~= °o-rd ~ Tru'~t~s o~ ab, C~.ty o" ~outh S,n ~b-a=ei~co thi, l~t~ day
Jun~ 1914,by th~ following vote A
Ayes '~'wu~t~ ~.A. m~n~in~am ~-
.... ..... ~ ......... 0 H wa]~aSe and q..,.'" Holston.
Ib~ent Tru~tee~ J.M.Mel!ey m~d J.C. Ho ~overn
.... . C i t y
The foll¢ing re-olution w-s then introduced by ;~rustee C~nni ncha~.
· P~SUL'TTION o~o~v~,~ ,~0~,- TO ~ ~itv EiTCINE~
Thereat,iff ~h~ o::iuion o'" ~"~ =card o~ '~- o'~ +he of ~'
~ ~ ....... ~..~s .~, City South ..,~n ?rancisco
'the public intr~ct and c'~nv~ulenc~ r, quire tha~ the following ~ork be do~e i~ ~id City
to wit;: Th-t ..~ drain for '~torn w~er be eon~t~ote for ~torm rzter be .~o .... ruer- d o~
~1~ glazed,vitrified -ev':r pipe as ~ollors:
Pegiuni~g st apo!hr on ~he so~therly lime of C~lifornia ivenue ~0.6E) feet
east of the east li~ o~ Divimio~ ~treet ~d rumming thence. ~orth t~venty ,~i~e ~fg) degre
ees west 1J.~S feet ~ith a di~ueSer of t~e~ty-four Inches~ ;thence westerly a~d paralell
to the ~ou~herly line of ~aliforula Avenue,with a ~eter o* trenty-~our iuch, s to the
mouthre-t oo~er of S-~u ~runo Xo~d aud Ca~i*or~ia Lvenue ;coutinuei~g ~h~noe ,with a diam-
,ter ~f eighte~ 1~ i~cHes,parallel to t~e ~out~erly flu, of C~!i~ornla Avenue ~ "~ ~
southwest cor~er of Czliforni~ and C~press Avemua ;begiu~ing ~lso nt t:,~ northwest curb
corner of O-u Br~o Moad ~nd S.~!iforni~ Ave~e~ ~8 ~nnimg thence ,rith ~ diameter of
of t~'elve i~ches to t~ mol~ZhvJe~t c'.~rb cor~r of Clifor~i.. ~.venlle ~d Sa~ Bruao
oo~luuei~ ~b~uoe. ,,,fth. ~ diameter o~ ~!~t~en~_. ........ i'uch~$, par~!l~l to ~h~ v'~st~r~?
~hence.v~i~h a dizmo~er o~ ,fgh~, kches.~o the sou~hwes2 curb cornier of Snn Br'mno Ro~d
and L~ Avenue; becinning also a~ ~he nor~hwes~ curt, corner o. San Bruno 2cud
rnd r'~nning ~hence ,vJi2h a diameter of ei~h~een{lS~ inche~.p~r~llol 2o ~he uor2h ~ine
Lux Avenue 2o 2he nor2hwest curb corner of C~ress Avenue and Lu~ Avenue ;thence .with
diameter off 2v:elve (12) inches,2o the sou2hwest curb corner off Cyprems Avenue ~-nd L~
Av · nuq;
Tha~ a oa2ch basin .be constructed a~ each cnrb corner hereinbeffore men2ioned and
connected wi~h s~id drain;
Th~2 ,~ manhole b, oo:~mtructed a~ the poi~ off beginni~'~g ffirst ne:~eiubeffore mentionsd
i~before describe4;
Th~.t proceedings for s~id work and improvn,nt be conducted i~ accordance with the
terms of ~m Act of the Legislature of the Stat: of d~liforni~ known ~,s the L~cal Ii.~}rovment
Act of 1~%~ ~ow, therefore,be it
Memo]veal,that s~_id proposed work is herby referred to the engineer of the City of Sot.th
San Prancisco who ~s hereby imstruct~ to hake to ~aid Board of Trustees a re'~ort on writ--
ing containinc his r,comendations as to the best nethod of doing said workand making ~aid
i~pro~ent,to which report h~ is instructedto attcch th~ follov:ing · xhibits:
1. A description of the wor~ to be dou~ ;
2.A description of the exterior boundmrie~ of th~:~ ~%Ptrict which will be benefitted by
O~ ~0 m~eh.i~~ ~;, off ,~d l:.~,.ro~$ ........... .~ .~ ......
'LToc th~ str~e%s ~ff~et~d;
5. .l mat sho-i'~ th~ district at, or: ref-~rr-,~ to,cud al~o t~-~ "uh. dividlvisions off the proEe:~ty
~thiu said district ~:s a~c-~.rtz.iued by said ']n~inecr,~ach o'whi~ s~hdivisions
~iv~n u~ou =~;~ .... ~rat~ ~ ~'l r in r~d ink,
6. A ]i~t referring to
~ sa~id subdivisions upon said map ~y thc '-~iz~ctive red ink mmb~rs
th~reo~ ~a ,hov'ing t~ mrme~ o~ th, or'nuts, if any, oth~rwlse designattug th~n as ~novm
mud the valuaticn~ o' ~aidresp~ctive subdivisions a-h+e ~ame appear upon the last assess-
ment roll o, -m.~d ~funicipality,im ~'hey ~o aEpe~u,otherri~e ~ -~timated ~.y ~=~
7.~..~'~ -,,'~-~. ~ .~,, ~ ,'1]. lne!a~n~at ~-~p,~n~es ]i~o]~.~,, +e~ ~-~ i~,,rred.,. ..... ~u ao~oti,~ wi,~b.
I hereby certify that the eore~oiug resolution wa~ re~larly i~troduce~ ~d ~d-
e~t~¢~ ~v tb~ no,rd ',e ~ru~te:- o* t}~- City o~ ,~$uth o.a ""--n~i,o~,tR~s l~t day
t-~ k~-~ ~01 ] o"'i'~!~ VOt~;
,~v~-~ Tr-'~:e~~'. . ~.A. C~,,a~;~gh-~,~eo. II. ~'-]l~ee .... a,~d q... .~ol~to~.
~l]ved ~y Tru- t~ '~-]laee ~conded by T~stee Cunu~g ha'q th t th
connected with s~id drain;
Th_ ~ ,_ m~-nhole to, oo::,~truct~d ~t, t~e point of be~inni:~ first neyeiubefore
i~b~fore describe~; ....
Th~.t proceedings for s~id work a~d impro~nt be conducted i~ accordance with the
term~ of ~m Act of the Legislature of the Stat= of Californi~ k~own as the L~cal Ii2~rov~ent
Act of 1~ mow, therefore,be it
Resolved,that said Froposed work is herby referred to the engineer of the City of South
San 2ranci~co who is hereby imstruct~ to make to ~aid Board of Trustees a re~ort on writ--
ing containing his r,comendations as to the best method of doing s~id work,nd making said
impro~ent,to which report he is instruotedto attcch th~ following e xhibits:
1. I description of the wor~ to be dou~ ;
2.A description of the exterior boundmries o'~ ~h~ d~trict which will be benefitted by
the proposediimpre~em$ -nd ~ho~!d b~ ~reci~!!y ~s~ed to ~v th:.~ co~t thereof;
3 f!a~ ¥,rof[le~ cro~-~ectiou~ -n~; -necif[e,.Uian~ o" t:.. ~ 'rk re~uired ;n order to mc'om
Fli~h ,~.id i mro~ent.
4. ~ e~tlmate o~~ t2~ ~ of ~aia i .pro~ents,deduetiuff therafrom ~he e~ti,~t:f co~t
'~"o'~ t~ streets ~ff~cte~'
5. A ~aF sho-i'~:~ th~ district ahoy: ref~rr-,~ to,smd ~2-o th-, -ubdividivisions of the ?roTes-fy
-~hin~ ~ ,sa~d~ district ?s ~c~ri~:ined by said "]n~ine~r,~ach o'wh~h subdivisions
. . ...... ~ .... :~r in r~d ink;
6. A ~in~ referring ~o Th~ sa~d subdivisions upon said map ~' ~hc '-*~ic~o~i~za red in~ m~bers
thereo~ .,~q~ ~oT-ing ~h~ ~e~ ~ ~h~ or'n~r~, if any, o~h~rwime d.sicna~ing ~h~n
mud ~he valuaTic, n~ o~ .~aidr. sp=c~iv. ~ubdivisionm a-h+e ~am. a~p.ar upon ~h~ !~
~en~ roll of -~.~d Municipali~y.i~m ?h~y mo appeg~,o~herv~i~e ~ ~i~atad ~,y ~=~
-nd hi, e~t~ o~ ~b~ b~n~fi~s which ~h.~ r~p~o~ive
~uch ~- cl~rie~l, ....... ,
I hereby certify that the eore~oiug re~oluttou wa~ re~larly i~troduce~ ~d ~d-
~',~ ~-',,~ ~o! ~ o~,i'a~ vote;
i!,~nt Tr~?t~ lT~ql~v .-~d !~, ~v"rn.
Ti!ti-~ J. ?~ith Ci~-v C]-r~