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Minutes 1914-09-14
Regular Adjourned Ne~ting of the Board of TrLstees of the City of .~v~.~°~ S~.n Francisco,held ~donday September ~, 1914. ThidS meeting was calle~ to order at 8' 0 Clock P.ll.,by Trustee C.~V. Holston "Pre~ident of the Boar8 o ~ Trustees". Roll-call Roll-call found the folio, wing Trustees present,to v.~it; J.H. Kelley,J.G. l{c Govern Geo. H. Wallace and ~., .... . Holston. Absent Trustee P.E. Cunningham. The minutes of ~' ~e previous meeting were read and upon motion of Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee ~n Govern and re~ularlj carried were approved as read. ~r~ t~e Pac. Gas & Electric Company for permit to Application was received ~ ~ ~ set poles on Butler Avenue ,Hission Road Commercial Aven~ and San Br~o Road. It was moved by Trustee Kelley seconded ~y L~c Govern that the permission be granted for ~{ission Road and Commercial Avenue as per the blue print on file with the City Clerk. Trustee Trustee ~doved by }~c Govern sexonded by ~allace that the blue print for San Bruno Road be re- turned to the Pac. Cas ~ Electric Company i~forming t~e Company that the Board woulg like to look up the places designated on said blue print before granting the pe~i~'si,~n asked for . Carried AS Butler Avenue had been declared m$osed up the Board decided it had no power to grant permission to set ~oles on said Avenue it having reverted back to the Pecks lots Co ~d the Clerk was ordered to return the blue print with that info~ation to Llr Florence . The following resolution N$~ accepting the sewer system in part was introduced by by Trustee ~ic Govern. Resolved by the Board of Trustee of the City of South San Francisco that these portions of the sewe system constructed by Chas. J. L~ndgren under his contract with the City of South San Trancisco therefore said portions being indicated upon estimat~ ~l~ of Havi!and '~ ~ ~,o~er & Tibbetts~ivil Engineers dated Sept. 14,1914, be and the same hereby ar ~~ll~y the following vote. Ayes Trustees Kelley,~c Govern ~Vallace and Holston. Noes,Noble osen~ ~ruo ~e ~unnlngnam. ' , It was moved by Trustee Wallace seconded by Trustee ~ ~c Govern that the work of Chas. J. Lindgren on Division St. be accepted by the Superintendent of Streets. Jarried. The Superintendent of Streets was instructed to make a partial ~cceptanc ef the work of Bates, Borland ~ Ayerson l,'~iller and BAden Avenues. ~ August was then read the report showed ~e report of the City Recorder for t~e month of that the su~n of One Hundred and twenty five dollars had been collected through his office during ~ ~ month o f 2ugust. The report u~as accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the C~+~.~ Engineer.~ for the impro~ent of Rail~ road ~lvenue from Li~uden Ave. to magnolia ~%ve.,u'as then read said report showed the following estimated quantities o f work. 4,540 Cu. Yards of .Oradeing, 15,4~1 Sq, feet of Cement Sidewalk,2,688 lineal feet of curb- ing and 5,~82 sq. feet of co~crete gutters Est. cost~8,000 dollars The report ~as accepted and filed. The following resolution v~as then introduced by Trustee Kelley. A RESOI~UTI0~ 0~~ T-? B~AR~ ~ ~E~ ~ ~H~ CIT~ 07 SOUTH S~ FP~NCiSC0 ING C~B LINES A~ 0F2ICIAL ELXVA 910]~S 0R G~ ~E~ 0~ Ti[AT f0RTION 0F Z~tLR0~ AVENUE oETL~ ~EEN~ .... ~ ~ST LINE 0F L!~EN A~NUE ~ THE EAs~ LI~E~ 0F ~oLIa~ ~ ~ AV~. Resolved by the Board of Yrustee s of the City of South San Francisco,that the north curb ~ ' ~T line of Railroad Avenue in said ~ of 8uth San P~ancisco be,~nd th~ same hereby tablished as that c~rtain line parallel w~th the north boundary line of saLd Avenue and at .C The re, in,Ares of the previous meeting were read and upon motion of Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee }lc Govern and reFu!arly carried were approved as read. Application was received ~r<~n.~ ~ the Pac. Gas ?~ Electric Company for permit to set poles on Butler Avenue ,Hission Road Commercial Avenue and San Brm~o Road. It was moved by Trustee Kelley seconded ~y Hc Govern that the permission be granted for ~ission Road and Commercial Avenue as per the blue print on file with the City Clerk. Trustee Trustee Ifoved by ~'.'c Govern sexonded by Uallace that the blue print for San Bru~uo Road be re- turned to the Pac Cas L ~lectric Company informing tLe Company that the Board wou!~ like to look up the places designated on said blue print before granting the permi,'sion asked for . Carried AS Butler Avenue had been declared ~$osed up the Board decided it had no power to grant permission to set oles on said Avenue it having reverted back to the Pecks lots Co and the Clerk was ordered to return the blue print with that information to Lit Florence · The following resolution N$~ accepting the sewer system in part was introduced by by Trustee .",~c Govern. Resolved by the Board of Trustee of the City of South San Francisco that these portions of the sewe - system constructed by Chas. J. Lindgren under his contr~ with the City of South San ?rancisco therefore said portions being indicated upon estimat=. ~12 of Havi!and Dozier & Tibbetts Civil Engineers dated Sept. 14,1914, be and the same hereb2 ~~~_t~ , Kelley,~,,~c Govern, Wallace and Holston. Noes,l~ llo~ t e f 1 wing vote' Ayes Trustees sent ~rUo~e ~%u~A~n~am.' It was moved by Trustee Wallace seconded by Trustee }lc Govern ~hat the work of Chas. J. Lindgren on Division St. be accepted by the Superintendent of Streets. garried. The Superintendent of Streets was instructed to make a partial ~cceptanc ef the work of Bates, Borland ~ Ayerson !Hller and BAden Avenues. ~he report of the City Recorder for the month o~ August was then read the report showed that the sum of One Hundred and twenty five dollars had been collected through his office during ,~e month o ? ,iugust. The report was accepted and ordered placed on file. The report of the C~+~., Engineer_ for the impro~ent of Rail road Avenue from Linden Ave. to magnolia Ave.,ras then read said report showed the following estimated quantities of work. ~u. s .... *',688 lineal ~eet oF curb 4,540 ~ Yard of .Oradeing, 15,451 Sq feet ~ Cement Sidewalk,~ - ing and 5,582 sq. feet of co_~crete gutters Est. cost~8,000 dollars The report ~as accepted and filed. The following r esolution was then introduced by Trustee Kelley. A RESOLUTI0~ 0V U~.F B0~ 0~ ~EE~ 0~ ~H~ CITY 07 SOUTH S~ FP~NCISC0 ING C~B LINES Ai~ OPPICIAL .... ~ TIONS ~ 02 TiiAT 20RTION 0P R:.ILR0~ ~VEI~TJE BETWEEN TIE ~ST ~r~'*~'~ 0F 7~Ii~EN A~NUE ~M~ ~HE EAs~ rifle 0F ~.~iG,~OLI~ AVEN~ Resolved by tlc. Board ~ Lrustee s o ~ the Cit~,~' of ~°outh San Francisco,that the north curb line of Railroad Avenue in said City of 5uth San ?'ancisco be,and tho same hereby is es- tablishes as that certain lin~. parallel u~lth the aorth iounf~arTz line of said Avenue and at a di~nce mf twelve feet therefrom; . ~, ~ . ~.~:_... ,~, 294 ~etermined, estab!isheS. ~'ad described with reference to the ~,~ean Lower Low Uater, as ascertained by the Vnited States Coast and Geodetic survey at Fort P~int,f~an Francisco ~a]~,.ornia, and herein after described as the City Base ; Tht the official elevations or grades on said avenue are hereby determined and de- clared to be above said City base and that said official elevations or Frades and their se~ several points of location be,an~ the same heeeb~ are ?.stablished as follows. Section 1. The elevation of a point formed by the intersection of the west line of Linden Avenue and the North curb line of Railroad Avenue is twenty two and two hundredths (££.0~) feet; ~ elevation of a point formed by the intersection of the west line of Linden ~'~v AvenueF~$~ t _e South curb line of Railroad Avenu~ is twenty one and two hundredths ~21.0£) feet; the elevation of a point on t~e north curb line of Railroad Avenue two hundred and say seventy two ~272) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty three and seventeen hundredths ~4Z.17) feet;the elevation of a point on the South curb line of Rail_--cad Avenu~ two hundred and seventy two (272) fe~t west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty two and seventeen hundredths ~4~.17) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb lin. of Railroad Avenue two hundred and ninety seven (~97) feet west of the west line of Linden Aven,m is forty.four and ninety h,mndredths ~44.90) feet;the elevation of a point on the South curb line of Uailroad Avenue two hundred ninety seven ~297) feet ~;'est of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty three and ninety hundredths (4Z.9DSfeet; the elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Aveneu three h:n~dred an d twenty ~ two IZt?) feet west of the west ~ine of Linden Avenue is forty six and twenty two hundredths ~46.~2) feet; the elevation of a point on the South curb line of Railroad Avenue three hun- dred and twenty t:~,o (Z2f) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty five and twenty two h~ndredths ~45.~£) feet;the elevati, on of ~ point on the north curb line of Rail- road Avenue three hundred forty seven fZ4?) feet west of the West line of Linden Avenue is forty seven and thirteen hundredths [47.lZ) feet; the elevation of a point on the ~mt_~ curb line of Railroad Avenue theee hundred forty seven ~Z47) feet west of the wes~k~/ine of Linden Avenue is forty six and thirteen hundredths (46.!Z) feet; the elevation of a point ~n the north curb line of Railroad Avenue three hundred seventy two (Z?~) feet west of the :~'est line of Linden Aven~e is forty seven and sixty hundredths (47.60) feet; the elevation of a point on the south c'~rb line of Railroad Avenue three hundred seventy two (Z?E) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty six and sixty hundredths (46.60) feet; ~he elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Avenue three h,~ndred ninety seven (Z97) feet west of the west line of L~nden Avenme is forty seven and sixty three hun- dredths ~47.6Z) feet: the elevation of a pint on the So:th curb line o~ Railroad Avenue three hundred ninety seven ¢Z97) feet west of the west line of LinSen Avenue is forty six and sixty three hundredths (46.6Z) feet;the elevation of a point on the north curb line cf Railroad Avenue four hundred twenty two i4£E) feet west of the west line of Linden Ave- nue is forty seven and twenty-five hundredths ~47.£$) feet; the elevation of a point on the south curb line o:? Railroad Avenue four hundred twenty tu'o (4?2) feat west of the west line of Linden Aven~ is forty seven and tv..~enty five hundredths (47.£5) feet; the elev tion of a point on the south curb line of ~-ailroad Avenue four hundred twenty two (4££) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty six and twer~ty five hundredths (46.25) feet; Section 2. The elevation of a point at the intersectSon at the East linr of i~aple Avenue w~t with the north curb line of Railroad Avenue is forty two ¢42) feet;the elevation of a ooint at the intersection of the east lihe of l~laple Avenue with the so~ith curb li ~e of elavation Railroad Avenue is forty one (41)feet; the ~i~$$~$~$n of a point at the intersecton of feet; elevation of a point formed by the intersection of the west line of Linden J~v :~venue~$~ t _e South curb line of ~Rilroad Avenu- is t~venty one and two hundredths (£1.0£1 feet; the e~evation of a point on t~'~e north curb line of R~ilroad Avenue two hundred and seventy two (£7~) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty three and seventeen hundredths ~4Z.17) feet;the elevation of a point on the South curb line of Rail~-oad two hundred and seventy two (£7£) fe~t west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty two and seventeen hundredths (4~.17) feet; the elevation of a point on t?~e north curb lin of Railroad Avenue two hundred and ninety seven (~97) _~eet west of the west line of Linden Aven~ is forty.four and ninety htundredths (44.9©) feet;the elevation of a point on the ~outh curb line of ~-ailroad Avenue t~-.?o hundred ninety seven (297) feet :"'est of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty three and ninety hundredths [4Z.gDSfeet; the elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Aveneu three h:n~dred an d ~ .... ~,e~ ~ two (Z£~) feet w~est of the west ~ine of Linden Avenaa is forty six and twenty two hundr'dths (4G.~.£) feet; the elevation of a point, on the South curb line of Railroad ~'~venue three hun- dred and twenty t:¥o ~Z£E) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty five and twenty two h'~ndredths ~46.~£) feet;the e!evati, on of ~ point on the north curb line of Rail~ road Avent~ three hundred forty seven ~Z47) feet west of the West line of Linden Avenue is forty seven and thirteen hundredths ~47.1Z) feet; the elevation of a point on the ~mt~ ~urb ].ine of Railroad Avenue three hundred forty seven ~Z47) feet west of the wes~ine of Linden Avenue is forty six and thirteen hundredths (46.1Z) feet; the elevation of a point ~n the north curb line of Railroad Avenue three hundred seventy two (Z?~) feet west of the ;'~'est line of Linden Avenue is forty seven and sixty hundredths (47.60) feet; the elevation of a point ou the south c'~rb line of Railroad Avenue three hundred eeventy two 13?E) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty six and sixty hundra~dths (46.60) feet; ~he elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad ~venue three hundred ninety seven (397) feet west of the west line of L~nden Avenue is forty seven and sixty three hun- dredths I47.6Z) feet: the elevation of a pint on the SoUth curb line o~ Eailroad Avenue three hundred ninety seven (Z97) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty six and sixty three hundredths (46.6~) feet;the elevation of a point on the north curb line cf Railroad Avenue four hundred twenty two I4££) feet west of the west line of Linden Ave- nue is forty seven and twenty-five hundredths ~47.£$) feet; the elevation of a point on the south curb line o~? Railroad Avenue four hundred twenty tu'o (4~£) fee. t west of the west line of I~inden Aven~e is forty seven and tv..'enty five hund~-edths (47.£6) feet; the elev tion of a point on the south curb line of ~-ailroad Avenue four hundred twenty two I4££) feet west of the west line of Linden Avenue is forty six and twenty Five hundredths (46.£6) feet; Section ~. The elevation of a point at the intersectSon at the East linr of J.Laple Avenue w~t with the north curb ~ine of Railroad Avenue is forty two (42) feet-the elevation of a voint at the intersection of the east lihe of l.laple Avenue v:ith the south curb li ~e of elavation Railroad Avenue is forty one ~41)feet; the ~~$~$$t~n of a point at the intersecton of uhe north line o ~ ~ailroad Avenue with thee~st curb line of '.'.aple Avenue is forty and sev- enty five hundredths ~47.76) feet; the ~leva~ion of a point at the intersection of the north line seventy five ~Iaple Avenue the elevation ~urb line of of Railroad Avenue with th~ we~t curblime of ~.~aple Avenue is f~rty one and ~41.75) feet; the elevation of a point at the intersection of the west line with the north curb line of Railroad Avenue is forty-one ~41) feet; of of a point at the intersection of the west line of I.laple Aven~e with the south Railroad Avenue is forty ~40) feet; the elevation of a,~oint o~the'~o~th.¢t~r~ ~- line of Railroad Avenue four hundred sixty two f462) feet west of the west line of L~aple Avenue is thirty four and twenty three h~Ludredths (Z4.£Z) fe et; the elevation of a point on th~ south curb line of Railroad Avenue four hundred ~ixty two (462) feet west of the west line of !~aple Aven~e is thirty three and twenty three (Z~.RZ) feet; the elevation of a point on thenorth curb line of Railroad four h~nudred eighty seven (487) feet west of the west line of I~aple Aven~ is thirty three and eighty one h ndredths (ZZ.S1) feet; the elevation of a point on the south curb line of Railroad Avenue four hundred and ~ighty seven (487) feet west of the west linre of IIaple Avenue ~s thirty two and eighty on~ hundredths (ZR.S1) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb !in e of Railroad Avenue Avenue five hundred twelve f512) feet west ~f t~e west line of L1aple Avenue is t~mty ~nree and ~.~y eight hundredths (5Z.28( feet; the elevation of a point on th,~~ south curb linc of Railroad Avenue five h~mdred twelve (512) feet west of the west line of l~aple Avenue is thirty two an~ twenty eight hundrc~dths (S~.28) feet; tho elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Avenm~ five hunSred thirty seven (5Z7) feet west of the west line of t~aple Avenue is thirtyt~o and sixty three hundredths (~.6Z) feet; the elevation of a y~oiat on south curb line of Railroad Avenue five hundred thirty seven (5Z?) feet west o~ the west line o~ ~%aple Avenue is on~ one ,and o_xtg~ three hundredths (Z1.6Z) feet. the elevation o= north curb line of Rgilroa8 Ave~m~ five hundred sixty two ~6g) feet west of the west line o~ ~~ Aven~ is thirty one and eighty Beven (~1.~7) feet; the elevation of a ~oint on the so~ corb line of Railroa~ Avenue fivo hundred si~ty two f~6~) feet west of the west line of one !lapte Avenue is thirty and eighty seven ~.87) feet; the eleevation of a point on the south curb line of Railroad Avenue five h~Sred sixty two ~6E) feet west of the west lin e of t~aple Aven~ is thirty and eighty seven (Z0.8~) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Avenue six hundred sixty two ~662) feet west of thewsest of tho west line of ~!aple ~ven~ is twenty eight and sixty tv.'o hundredths (28.6~) feet; the elevation of ~ point on the south c-~rb line of E ilro d Avenue six h~mdred ans sixty two ( "66~) feet rest of the west line of L'laple Avenue ie twenty seven and sixty two hundredths , 27.6~) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Aven~ six h~dred 'and eighty seven (687) feet west of the west line of I~aple Aven~ is twenty seven ~d eighzy ei eight h~mdredths(E~.88) feet; the elevation o~ a point on the youth cirb line of Railroad Avenu six hundred eighty seven {687) feet west of the west of the west line of Ha~le Avenue~ is twenty six and eighty eight ~dredths ~26.88) feet; the e~evation of a point on the north curb l~ne of Rail road Avenue seven hundred and twelve ~71~) feet west of the we t line of t~apl Avenue ts twenty seven and tu'enty three hundredths (27.2Z) feet; the e~evation of a ~:ointy on the south curb line of Railroad Avenue seven hundre~d twelve feet west of the west line of I~ia ~{aple Avenue is twenty six and twenty three hundredths (~6.2Z) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Aven~ seven h~drad thirty seven (7~7) feet west of the wes line o~ Maple Aven~ is twenty six and sixty eight(26.68) feet; the elew~tion of a po!nt ~n th southurb line of Railroad Avenue seven hundred thirty seven (7Z7) feet west of the west line of lIal ~,laple Avenue is t~,~enty five and sixty eight hundredths (25.68) feet; the elevation of a point cnthe north curb line of Railroad Avenue seven hundred sixty two (7&2) feet west of the west line of LIaple Avenue is twenty Rix and twenty five h~dredths ~26.25{ feet; the elevation o~ a on th~ south curb line of Railroad Avenue four hundred sixty two (46g) feet west of the west line of ?.!apln Avenue is thirty three and twenty three [ZZ.£Z) feet; the elevation of a point on thenorth curb line the west line of IIaple Aven~ the elevation of a point on the of Railroad four h~mdred eighty seven (487) feet west of is thirty three and eighty one h ndredths (ZZ.S1) feet; south curb line of Railroad ,kvenue four hundred and ~ighty seven [487) feet west of the west linre of I.laple Avenue as thirty two and eighty ons hundredths [Z2.S1) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb !in e of Railroad Aven~e Avenue five hundred twelve rS12) feet west ~f t~'ae west line of I,Iaple Avenue is t~mty three and %~-~;y eight hundredths ($$.~8[ feet; the elevation of a point on th'~ south curb lino of Railroad Avenue five h~uudred twelve ~512) feet west of the west line of il~aple Avenue is thirty two an~ twenty eight hundr¢.dths ~Z£.£8) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Avenuu five hundred thirty seven I5Z7) feet west of the west line of ,~aple Avenue is thirtytt~e and sixty three hu~dredths (Z2.6Z) feet; the elevation of a i..oiat south curb line of Railroad Avenue five hundr~.d thirty seven ~557) feet v~'est of the west line o: .~,~aple Avenue is thirty one ~and sixty three hundredths /Z1.63) feet; the elevation of a point north curb line of Railroad Avemm~ five hundred sixty two (56£], feet west of the west line of ~.~$ Avenue is thirty one and eighty seven ~31.~)7) feet; the elew~tJ~on of a point on the so~ corb line of Railroag Avenue five hundred sixty two f56£) feet west of the west line of one ~aple Avenue is thirty and eighty seven [~.87) feet; the eleevation of a point on the south curb line of Railroad ,ivenue five hundred sixty two ~562) feet west of the west lin e of ~,~aple Aven~ is thirty and eighty seven (~0.8~) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Avenue six hundred sixty two ~662) feet west of thewsest of the west line of ~laple Avenue is twenty eight and sixty tv,'o hundredths [£8.6£) feet; the elew~tion o? ~ point on the south c-~.rt, line of E ilro d :lvenue six h~uudred aris sixty t~,'~o 662) feet ~'est of tho west line of lis, plo Lvenue ie twenty seven ~nd sixty two hundredths £7.6£) feet; the elevation of a point on the north curb line of Railroad Avenue six hundred and eighty seven ~687) feet west of the west line of I,[aple Avenue is twenty seven and eighzy e~ eight h~mdredths(2~.88) feet; the elevation o~ a point on the ~outh eirb line of Railroad Aven~ six hundred eighty seven [687) feet west of the west of the west line of Hai~le Avenue. is twenty six and eighty eight ~undredths [26.88) feet; the e];evation of a point on the north curb lane of Rail road Avenue seven hundred and twelve [?12) feet west of the we t line of Avenue is twenty seven and tu'enty three hundredths (27.£Z) feet; the e%evation of a ~:ointy on the south curb line of Railroad Avenue seven hundre~d twelve feet west of the west line f, Iaple Avetnue ~.s twenty six and t,~enty three hundredths ¢~6.Z3) feet; the elevation of a pein1 on the north curb line of Railroad Aven~e seven hundred thirty seven ~737) feet west of the wes line of Maple Avenus is twenty six and sixty eight(£.6.68) feet; the elew, tion of a po:~_nt ~n t~ southurb line of Railroad Avenue seven hundred thirty seven (737) feet west of the west line of ~,laple Avenue is t~,~enty five and sixty eight hundredths (25.~68) feet; the elevation of a point onthe north curb line of Railroad ~kvenue seven hundred sixty two I762) feet west of the west lin~ of I¥Iaple Avenue is twenty aix and twenty five hundredths ~26.25~ feet; the elevation of a point on the south curb line of Railroad Avenue seven hundred sixty two ~762) feet west of the west line of ~Iaple Avenue is twenty five and t'~:'enty five hundredths (25.25) feet; 296 Section 5. The elevat'ion of a pont at the int~rsection of the east line of Spr~ce Avenu with the north curb line of !~.ailroad Aven~ is twenty two and seventy hundredths ~27.?0) feet; the elevation of a point at t.ae intersectio:~ of the east line of Spruce Xven~L with the south curb line of ~allroad Avenue is twenty t;-'o and seventy hundredths f22.70 I feet; the elevation of a point at tho intersection of tho north line of Railroad Avenue with the east curb line of spruce Avenue · is twenty three ~£5) feet; the elevation of a point at tho intersection of the north line of Railroad Avenu~ with the west c~n'b line of spruce Avenu is twenty two and sixty hundredths (££.60) feet; the elevation of a point at the intersection of the west l'ine of Spruce Avenue with the north curb line of Railroad Avenm is twehty two and thirty h~mdredths [f2.30 ) feet; the elevation of a point at the inter- section of the west line of spruce Avenue with the south curb line of Railroad Aven~s is twenty two and thirty hundredths (2~.Z0) feet; the elevation of apoint at the inter- section of the east line of Ha.gnolia Avenue with the north curb line of Railroad Avenue Is twenty0ne and ten hundredths (21.10) feet; the elevation of a point 'at the intersection of the east line of Magnolia Avenue with the south curb line of Railroad Avenue is twenty one and ten hundredths (21.10) feet; ~ Section 4. The shape of the cross section of said Avenue and the elevations thereof shall be fixed at the time said avenue is improved and shall depend upon the material used for p ave ing. Section 5. The longitudinal slope or grad~ of said avenue shall be on straighZ lines connecting the points on said avenue where the elevations are fixed ,as hereinbefore provided I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~as regm~larly introduced and adopted ~y the Board of TY. ustees of the City of 2curb San Francisco this 14th. day of .%eptember,lgl4. ~y the following vote: Ayes,Trustees f.~'.. -ie!ley,J.C. Y~c ~overn, Ceo. '7allace and G.W. !tolston. ~l~oes, L~one Absent Trustee ~.A. Cun~in~ham. :7illiam J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Wallace RES OLUTI 0[[ ADOPTIi,[G PLANS Ai[D Reso Ired by the ~~ Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco that the plans and specifications for the improvment of Railroad Avenue betw~en the west line of Linden ~venue and the east line of ::agnolia Avenue,as prepared by the City Engineer of said City of South San Francisco and submitted this 14th day of September,1914,be and the same hereby are adopted as and for the plans and specifications for duing said work. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly [ntroduce~ and adopted 0y the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco the !4th. day of September, 1914,'.y the following vote; Ayes Trustees J.H. !'[elley J.C. Hc govern ~.teo V:a!lace and C.~7. Holston. floes Trustees ~;one. Absent Trustees ~ ".lliam J. S:nith City Clerk The following resolution was then iutroduced by Trustee ilel!ey. A RESOLUTION 0P ~ v ~t~:.:~ _H~ CITY '",~ Resolve~ by the 3card of Trustees of the City of South San 2ranci~co,~hat public intrest and convenient require and it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of is twehty two and thirty hundredths (~2.ZO I feet; the elevation of a point at the inter- section of the west line of spruce Avenue with the south curb line of Railroad Aven~ is twenty two and thirty hundredths C fi~.Z0 ) feet; the elevation of apoint at the inter- section of the east line of Magnolia Avenue with the north curb line of Railroad Avenue is twenty0ne and ten hundredths (21.10) feet; the elevation of a point at the intersection of the east line of }~agnolia Avenue with the south curb line of Railroad Aven~ is twenty one and ten hundredths ~l.lO ) feet; ~ Section ~. The shape of the cross section of said Avenue and the elevations thereof shall be fixed at the time said avenue is i~proved and shall depend upon the material used for pavelng. Section 5. The longitudinal slope or grad~: of said avenue shall be on straigh~ lines connecting the points on said avenue where the elevations are fixed ,as hereinbefore provided I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~as reg~larly introduced and adopted Jy the Board of T~ustees of the City of Zouth San 2rancisco this l~th. day of 2eptember,191~. by the following vote: Ayes,?rustees J.?.. -:elley,J.C. ~c govern, Ceo. '.'allace and G.W. Holston, :~oes, None Absent Trustee 2.A. Cun~:in~ham. Willia~ J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Wallace RESOLUTIO~[ ADOPTIJG PLANS AND CPECIPi~ATIONS Resolved by the ~ Board of T~ustees of the C ~ of South San F~ancisco that the plans and specifications for the improvment of Railroad Avenue betw~en the west line of Linden ~venue and the east line of i~a~nolia_ Avenue,as prepared by the ~+~ Engineer. of sa~d City of South San Prancisco and submitted this 14th ~ay of September,1914,be and the same hereby are adopted as and for the plus and specifications for duing said work. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly Lntroduced and adopted 'Jy the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco the 1,1th. day of September, 1914,~y the follov~ing vote; Ayes Trustees J.H. Kelley J.g. Hc Govern :gee Wallace and C.W. Holston. Noes Trustees None. Absent Trustees ~ _ .~. C naingham "',lliam J. Smith City Clerk The following resolution was then introduced by Trustee Kelley. A RESOLUTION OF THE HO~ OF TRUSEEES OP 2H? CITY "? SO-TTI{ SAN PRA.TOISCO LECLARING ITS - - -~:,,, ,~V:~U~ A~,~D THE EAST LIUE 0~ ~h%C~IOLIA AVEN~ · Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the City of South San Fra~i~co,that public intrest and convenient require and it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the City of Sonth Sgn Francisco to order the following street work to be done in said dlty,to wit; That Railroad Avenue bet,,"een the west line of R~iRen Avenue and_the east line '-agno!ia Aven~ ,including ail street intersections ,Le improved by gradeing of said Avenue from the north bounSary line to the south curb line ;and by constructing concrete curbs on the north side of said aven~e ,except v:here such curbs have already been constructed an8 b~ constructing concrete Futters on the north side of said Avenue except where such ~utters have already been constructed;and by constructing concrete sidewalks on the mort side of said avenue having a width of five {5) feet eo~nnencing two feet from the boundary line of said Avem~ and extendin~ five /~) feet towaer~s the curb line ,except where such side sidewalks have already been construe, ted; and by filling i~n earth back of t~e curbs so as to bring the side~alk between the curbs and concrete sidewalks to official grade. All work herein provided for shall be done to official gr~:,.de and in acr~ordance with the special plans and specifications hereto fore ~ce o~ the s~id ~ork an~ ::or~ on fi~e in th~. made for further description of said work. adopted by said ~oard of Trustees for doing City Clerk,to which roferen-e is hereby The Board of Trustee? under the authorlty conferred upon it by the provisions of that certain a~t of theLe '~ "' , F~!~'~ture cT the ,~tate of California approved~r ~s the "~ ~ of ~mprovmen~ Act 1911",determines and declares t~t serial bonds shall be Essued to represent the cost of said proposed improvments ;said bSnds shall be serial,extending over a period of four years from the sec~ond day of ~anuary next suceeding their date,and shall ~:e issued tic r,~'present assessments of tu'enty-five dollars or more rem~-~ini:~g unpaid for thirty ~30) days after the date of the warran~ issued t~ the contractor or five days after ..h, ~ecision of said Board of Trustees on an appeal an even ann~al proportlon ~ ~ ~. ?~ond shall ~e payable by coupo-~, on the second d~- o~. January of the principal su:n o~ a ....... of each year after its date an~~ ~lntll the u'hole i:~ paid ,and intrest shall be payable semi-annually by coupon on the second days of January and July ,respectively of each year at thc rate of seven (7) per ce ~t per annum on all ~ums ~unpaid until the whole of said principal and in,rest is paid and said bonos shall be issued i.~ a~,c .-~ce ~'i~. the provisions of said "~ ~mprovmen~ Act of 1911". "The Enterprise ", aweek!y newspaper printed,published and circulated in the City of Sotu:~h San Francisco, is hereby 5esignated as the newsl~aper f~n v.'hich this Resolution of Intention of ~$~$$$~$ shall be pu~lished and the ~t~, Clerk is hereby directed to cause this ~~~F$~f~~,rby~o~p~$~~$~ "ilesolution of Inzention to be published by two[2) insertions in the manner and fo~ required by said "Impro~,ent Act ~ f 1911' · The Superintendent of Streets shall,i~ediatrly ,ca~se to be eonspicously posted along the line of said contemplated ~t, orh and improvment and in fron of all the property liable to be assessed,notices of the passage of this [::esolution of Intention,in the marn~er and fo~ required ~: ~ said "I~:~provment Act of 1911". All of the hereiu proposed v~ork shall be done in pursuance o.~ an Act of the Legislature of the State of California sesi~nate5 aa the , ...... _~ ~ ...... Act of 1911",approved April 7th,1911. I hereby certify that the forego Lng resolution was regularly introduced and adopted byt he Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco this 14th. day of Sepember,1914. '0y the following vote; Ayes Trustees J.H..[[elley, J.C 'lc ~ . , ~c Govern Geo. Wallace and G,VJ. Holston. Noes Trustees None Absent Trustee F.A. ~mningham. William J. Smith City Cl~rk The following demands against the C~y.,e~e presented for pasnnent the same having been approved by the finance committee Pac Tel. ~ Tel Co. Frank Conver~ labor on stneet H. ~o ~.~ahon ~,abor on street Tel, ephone service 4.50 £ .50 7.50 14.50 ~oved by Trustee Kelley seconded by Trustee ~Ja!lace that the alcove demands be paid and ;-'arrants drawn for the various a~.ounts Cagried ~!oved by Trus~e~' * ~ Kelley s..econaea~ ' by Trustee Ealiace that the ,.o~rd ad13o!Irn until ~&nday ::oI0 Linden Avenue at 8' 0 C~ock P '~ September ~1,1914,to meet at '~ Carried Time of Adjourn ment ~0 .~0 P.~,[. Respectfu2 !y sub'~'~irtted